📄 emUSB-Host User Guide & Reference Manual
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📄 emUSB-Device User Guide & Reference Manual

User Guide & Reference Manual
Document: UM09001
Software Version: 3.64.0
Document revision: 0


This chapter will give a short introduction to emUSB-Device, including the supported USB classes and components. Host and target requirements are covered as well.


This guide describes how to install, configure and use emUSB-Device. It also explains the internal structure of emUSB-Device.

emUSB-Device has been designed to work on any embedded system with a USB client controller. It can be used with USB 1.1, USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 devices.

The highest possible transfer rate on USB 2.0 full-speed (12 Mbit/s) devices is approximately 1.2 MB/s. In USB 2.0 high-speed mode (480 MBit/s) transfer rates of approx. 42 MByte/s could be achieved. USB 3.0 SuperSpeed (5 Gbit/s) is also supported.

It depends on the capabilities of the USB controller hardware which USB version and actual speed can be used on an embedded system.

emUSB-Device features

Key features of emUSB-Device are:

emUSB-Device components

emUSB-Device consists of three layers: A driver for hardware access, the emUSB-Device core and at least a USB class driver or the bulk communication component.

The different available hardware drivers, the USB class drivers, and the bulk communication component are additional packages, which can be combined and ordered as they fit to the requirements of your project. Normally, emUSB-Device consists of a driver that fits to the used hardware, the emUSB-Device core and at least one of the USB class drivers.

Component Description
USB protocol layer
Bulk / Vendor emUSB-Device vendor component.
MSD emUSB-Device Mass Storage Device class component.
IP-over-USB emUSB-Device IP-over-USB component.
VirtualMSD emUSB-Device VirtualMSD Component
CDC-ACM emUSB-Device Communication Device Class component.
HID emUSB-Device Human Interface Device Class component.
MTP emUSB-Device Media Transfer Protocol component.
Printer emUSB-Device Printer Class component.
RNDIS emUSB-Device RNDIS component.
CDC-ECM emUSB-Device CDC Ethernet Control Model component.
CDC-NCM emUSB-Device CDC Network Control Model component.
UVC emUSB-Device USB video class.
Audio emUSB-Device USB audio class.
DFU emUSB-Device Device Firmware Upgrade class.
MIDI emUSB-Device Musical Instrument Digital Interface class.
CCID emUSB-Device Smart Card Interface Device class.
Core layer
emUSB-Device-Core The emUSB-Device core is the intrinsic USB stack.
Hardware layer
Driver USB controller driver.


emUSB-Device-Bulk allows you to quickly and smoothly develop software for an embedded device that communicates with a PC via USB. The communication is like a single, high-speed, reliable channel (very similar to a TCP connection). This bidirectional channel, with built-in flow control, allows the PC to send data to the embedded target, the embedded target to receive these bytes and reply with any number of bytes. The PC is the USB host, the target is the USB client.


Purpose of emUSB-Device-MSD

Access the target device like an ordinary disk drive

emUSB-Device-MSD enables the use of an embedded target device as a USB mass storage device. The target device can be simply plugged-in and used like an ordinary disk drive, without the need to develop a driver for the host operating system. This is possible because the mass storage class is one of the standard device classes, defined by the USB Implementers Forum (USB IF). Virtually every major operating system on the market supports these device classes out of the box.

No custom host drivers necessary

Every major OS already provides host drivers for USB mass storage devices, there is no need to implement your own. The target device will be recognized as a mass storage device and can be accessed directly.

Plug and Play

Assuming the target system is a digital camera using emUSB-Device-MSD, videos or photos taken by this camera can be conveniently accessed with the file system explorer of the used operating system when the camera is connected to the computer.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:

Any target with USB interface: easy access to configuration and data files

emUSB-Device-MSD features

Key features of emUSB-Device-MSD are:

How does it work?

Use file system support from host OS

A device which uses emUSB-Device-MSD will be recognized as a mass storage device and can be used like an ordinary disk drive. If the device is unformatted when plugged-in, the host operating system will ask you to format the device. Any file system provided by the host can be used. Typically FAT is used, but other file systems such as NTFS are possible, too. If one of those file systems is used, the host is able to read from and write to the device using the storage functions of the emUSB-Device MSD component, which define unstructured read and write operations. Thus, there is no need to develop extra file system code if the application only accesses data on the target from the host side. This is typically the case for simple storage applications, such as USB memory sticks or ATA to USB bridges.

Provide file system code on the target if necessary

There are basically two types of MSD devices, one is where the devices does not need to access the storage (e.g. USB stick, external HDD). The other type is where the device needs to write data onto the storage medium before it is accessed from a PC (e.g. data logger) or read data from it after it has been written onto the storage medium by a PC (e.g. a mp3 player or a device which reads configuration files from the storage). If you are using emUSB-Device-MSD you are most likely writing software for the former device type. emUSB-Device-MSD does not offer file-level access to the storage medium, you need a file system to access the storage. complex and time-consuming task and increases the time-to market. Thus we recommend the use of a commercial file system like emFile, SEGGER’s file system for embedded applications. emFile is a high performance library that is optimized for minimum memory consumption in RAM and ROM, high-speed and versatility. It is written in ANSI C and runs on any CPU and on any media. Refer to https://www.segger.com/emfile for more information about emFile.

emUSB-Device IP-over-USB

emUSB-Device IP-over-USB allows to run any IP-based protocol over USB. This component combines the advantages of RNDIS and CDC-ECM and allows plug-and-play on any major host operating system. Using the IP-over-USB technology in combination with a built in web server, the device can easily be accessed from any host (Windows, Linux, Mac) by simply typing the device name into the web browser.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:


The emUSB-Device-VirtualMSD component allows to easily stream files to and from USB devices. Once the USB device is connected to the host, files can be read or written to the application without the need for dedicated storage memory.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:


emUSB-Device-CDC converts the target device into a serial communication device. A target device running emUSB-Device-CDC is recognized by the host as a serial interface (USB2COM, virtual COM port), without the need to install a special host driver, because the communication device class is one of the standard device classes and every major operating system already provides host drivers for those device classes. All PC software using a COM port will work without modifications with this virtual COM port.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:


The Human Interface Device class (HID) is an abstract USB class protocol defined by the USB Implementers Forum. This protocol was defined for handling devices that humans use to control the operation of computer systems. An installation of a custom host USB driver is not necessary because the USB human interface device class is standardized and every major OS already provides host drivers for it.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:


The Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) is a USB class protocol which can be used to transfer files to and from storage devices. MTP is an alternative to MSD as it operates on a file level rather than on a storage sector level. The advantage of MTP is the ability to access the storage medium from the host PC and from the device at the same time. Because MTP works at the file level this also eliminates the risk of damaging the file system when the communication to the host has been canceled unexpectedly (e.g. the cable was removed). MTP is supported by most operating systems without the need to install third-party drivers.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:

Any target with USB interface: easy access to configuration and data files.


emUSB-Device-Printer converts the target device into a printing device. A target device running emUSB-Device-Printer is recognized by the host as a printer. Unless the device identifies itself as a printer already recognized by the host PC, you must install a driver to be able to communicate with the USB device.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:


emUSB-Device-RNDIS allows to create a virtual Ethernet adapter through which the host PC can communicate with the device using the Internet protocol suite (TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, Telnet). This allows the creation of USB based devices which can host a webserver or act as a telnet terminal or a FTP server. emUSB-Device-RNDIS offer a unique customer experience and allows to save development and hardware cost by e.g. using a website as a user interface instead of creating an application for every major OS and by eliminating the Ethernet hardware components from your device.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:


emUSB-Device-CDC-ECM allows to create a virtual Ethernet adapter through which the host PC can communicate with the device using the Internet protocol suite (TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, Telnet). This allows the creation of USB based devices which can host a webserver or act as a telnet terminal or a FTP server. emUSB-Device-CDC-ECM offer a unique customer experience and allows to save development and hardware cost by e.g. using a website as a user interface instead of creating an application for every major OS and by eliminating the Ethernet hardware components from your device.

Typical applications

Typical applications are:


Target system


The target system must have a USB controller. The memory requirements can be found in the chapter Performance & resource usage. In order to have the control when the device is enumerated by the host, a switchable attach is necessary. This is a switchable pull-up connected to the D+ Line of USB.


emUSB-Device is optimized to be used with embOS but works with any other supported RTOS or without an RTOS in a superloop. For information regarding the OS integration refer to the chapter Target OS Interface.

Development environment (compiler)

The CPU used is of no importance; only an ANSI-compliant C compiler complying with at least one of the following international standard is required:

A C++ compiler is not required, but can be used. The application program can therefore also be programmed in C++ if desired.

File structure

The following table shows the contents of the emUSB-Device root directory:

Directory Contents
Application Contains the application programs. Depending on which stack is used, several files are available for each stack. Detailed information can be found in the corresponding chapter.
BSP Contains example hardware-specific configurations for different eval boards.
Config Contains configuration files (USB_Conf.h, USB_ConfigIO.c).
Doc Contains the emUSB-Device documentation.
Inc Contains include files.
Sample Contains operating systems dependent files which allows to run emUSB-Device with different RTOS’s.
SEGGER Contains generic routines from SEGGER.
USB Contains the emUSB-Device source code.
Windows Contains host specific applications (for Windows, Linux, MacOS) which can be used in conjunction with the device application samples.


The emUSB target API is not generally thread safe. But it is allowed to handle different endpoints in different tasks in parallel. Examples are:

Background information

This is a short introduction to USB. The fundamentals of USB are explained and links to additional resources are given.

Information provided in this chapter is not required to use the software.


Short Overview

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a bus architecture for connecting multiple peripherals to a host computer. It is an industry standard — maintained by the USB Implementers Forum — and because of its many advantages it enjoys a huge industry-wide acceptance. Over the years, a number of USB-capable peripherals appeared on the market, for example printers, keyboards, mice, digital cameras etc. Among the top benefits of USB are:

These benefits did not only lead to broad market acceptance, but it also added several advantages, such as low costs of USB cables and connectors or a wide range of USB stack implementations. Last but not least, the major operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux provide excellent USB support.

Important USB Standard Versions

USB 1.1 (September 1998)

This standard version supports isochronous and asynchronous data transfers. It has dual speed data transfer of 1.5 Mbit/s for low-speed and 12 Mbit/s for full-speed devices. The maximum cable length between host and device is five meters. Up to 500 mA of electric current may be distributed to low power devices.

USB 2.0 (April 2000)

As all previous USB standards, USB 2.0 is fully forward and backward compatible. Existing cables and connectors may be reused. A new high-speed transfer speed of 480 Mbit/s (40 times faster than USB 1.1 at full-speed) was added.

USB 3.0 (November 2008)

As all previous USB standards, USB 3.0 is fully forward and backward compatible. Existing cables and connectors may be reused but the new speed can only be used with new USB 3.0 cables and devices. The new speed class is named USB Super-Speed, which offers a maximum rate of 5 Gbit/s.

USB 3.1 (July 2013)

As all previous USB standards, USB 3.1 is fully forward and backward compatible. The new specification replaces the 3.0 standard and introduces new transfer speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s.

USB System Architecture

A USB system is composed of three parts - a host side, a device side and a physical bus. The physical bus is represented by the USB cable and connects the host and the device. The USB system architecture is asymmetric. Every single host can be connected to multiple devices in a tree-like fashion using special hub devices. You can connect up to 127 devices to a single host, but the count must include the hub devices as well.

A USB host consists of a USB host controller hardware and a layered software stack. This host stack contains:

USB Host system

USB Device

Two types of devices exist: hubs and functions. Hubs provide for additional USB attachment points. Functions provide capabilities to the host and are able to transmit or receive data or control information over the USB bus. Every peripheral USB device represents at least one function but may implement more than one function. A USB printer for instance may provide file system like access in addition to printing.

In this guide we treat the term USB device as synonymous with functions and will not consider hubs.

Each USB device contains configuration information which describes its capabilities and resource requirements. A USB device must be configured by the host before its functions can be used. When a new device is connected for the first time, the host enumerates it, requests the configuration from the device, and performs the actual configuration. For example, if an embedded device uses emUSB-Device-MSD, the embedded device will appear as a USB mass storage device, and the host OS provides the driver out of the box. In general, there is no need to develop a custom driver to communicate with target devices that use one of the USB class protocols.


A device reports its attributes via descriptors. Descriptors are data structures with a standard defined format. A USB device has one device descriptor which contains information applicable to the device and all of its configurations. It also contains the number of configurations the device supports. For each configuration, a configuration descriptor contains configuration-specific information. The configuration descriptor also contains the number of interfaces provided by the configuration. An interface groups the endpoints into logical units. Each interface descriptor contains information about the number of endpoints. Each endpoint has its own endpoint descriptor which states the endpoint’s address, transfer types etc.

USB Descriptor order

As can be seen, the descriptors form a tree. The root is the device descriptor with n configuration descriptors as children, each of which has m interface descriptors which in turn have o endpoint descriptors each.

Transfer Types

The USB standard defines four transfer types: control, isochronous, interrupt, and bulk. Control transfers are used in the setup phase. The application can select one of the other three transfer types. For most embedded applications, bulk is the best choice because it allows the highest possible data rates.

Control transfers

Typically used for configuring a device when attached to the host. It may also be used for other device-specific purposes, including control of other pipes on the device.

Interrupt transfers

Typically used by devices that need guaranteed quick responses (fixed latency).

Bulk transfers

Typically used by devices that generate or consume data in relatively large and bursty quantities. Bulk transfer has wide dynamic latitude in transmission constraints. It can use all remaining available bandwidth, but with no guarantees on bandwidth or latency. Because the USB bus is normally not very busy, there is typically 90% or more of the bandwidth available for USB transfers.

Isochronous transfers

Typically used for applications which need guaranteed speed. Isochronous transfer offers a guaranteed bandwidth but with possible data loss. A typical use is for audio data which requires a constant data rate. Unlike bulk, control or interrupt transfers isochronous transfers do not receive an “ACK” from the other side, therefore the sender does not know whether the data was received by the other side correctly. For applications where constant data rate is more important than data integrity (audio, video) the potential data loss does not pose an issue.

Setup phase / Enumeration

The host first needs to get information from the target, before the target can start communicating with the host. This information is gathered in the initial setup phase. The information is contained in the descriptors, which are in the configurable section of the USB-MSD stack. The most important part of target device identification are the Product and Vendor IDs. During the setup phase, the host also assigns an address to the client. This part of the setup is called enumeration.

Product / Vendor IDs

The Product and Vendor IDs are necessary to identify the USB device. The Product ID describes a specific device type and does not need to be unique between different devices of the same type. USB host systems like Windows use the Product ID/Vendor ID combination to identify which drivers are needed.

For example: all our J-Link devices have the Vendor ID 0x1366 and Product ID 0x0105.

A Vendor and Product ID is necessary only when development of the product is finished; during the development phase, the supplied Vendor and Product IDs can be used as samples. Using the sample Vendor ID (0x8765) or the SEGGER Vendor ID in a finished product is not allowed.

Possible options to obtain a Vendor ID or Product ID are described in the chapter Vendor and Product ID.

Predefined device classes

The USB Implementers Forum has defined device classes for different purposes. In general, every device class defines a protocol for a particular type of application such as a mass storage device (MSD), human interface device (HID), etc. Device classes provide a standardized way of communication between host and device and typically work with a class driver which comes with the host operating system.

Using a predefined device class where applicable minimizes the amount of work to make a device usable on different host systems.

USB hardware analyzers

A variety of USB hardware analyzers are on the market with different capabilities. If you are developing an application using emUSB-Device it should not be necessary to have a USB analyzer, but we still recommend you do.


For additional information see the following documents:

Getting started

The first step in getting emUSB-Device up and running is typically to compile it for the target system and to run it in the target system. This chapter explains how to do this.

How to setup your target system

We assume that you are familiar with the tools you have selected for your project (compiler, project manager, linker, etc.). You should therefore be able to add files, add directories to the include search path, and so on. In this document the Embedded Studio IDE is used for all examples and screenshots, but every other ANSI C toolchain can also be used. It is also possible to use makefiles; in this case, when we say “add to the project”, this translates into “add to the makefile”.

Procedure to follow

Integration of emUSB-Device is a relatively simple process, which consists of the following steps:

Take a running project

The project to start with should include the setup for basic hardware (e.g. CPU, PLL, DDR SDRAM) and initialization of the RTOS. emUSB-Device is designed to be used with embOS, SEGGER’s real-time operating system. We recommend to start with an embOS sample project and include emUSB-Device into this project.

Add emUSB-Device files

Add all necessary source files from the USB folder to your project. You may simply add all files and let the linker drop everything not needed for your configuration. But there are some source files containing dependencies to emFile or emNet. If you don’t have these middleware components, remove the respective files from your project.

Add RTOS layer

Additionally add the RTOS interface layer to your project. Choose a file from the folder Sample/USB/OS that matches your RTOS. For embOS use USB_OS_embOSv5.c. There is also a file USB_OS_None.c containing a layer to be used for superloop applications without an RTOS.

Configuring the include path

The include path is the path in which the compiler looks for include files. In cases where the included files (typically header files, .h) do not reside in the same folder as the C file to compile, an include path needs to be set. In order to build the project with all added files, you will need to add the following directories to your include path:

Configuring debugging output

While developing and testing emUSB-Device, we recommend to use the DEBUG configuration of emUSB-Device. This is enabled by setting the preprocessor symbol DEBUG to 1 (or USB_DEBUG_LEVEL to 2). The DEBUG configuration contains many additional run-time checks and generate debug output messages which are very useful to identify problems that may occur during development. In case of a fatal problem (e.g. an invalid configuration) the program will end up in the function USB_OS_Panic() with a appropriate error message that describes the cause of the problem. Once the application is running correctly, DEBUG can be set to 0.

Add the file USB_ConfigIO.c found in the folder Config to your project and configure it to match the message output method used by your debugging tools. If possible use RTT.

To later compile a release configuration, which has a significantly smaller code footprint, simply set the preprocessor symbol DEBUG (or USB_DEBUG_LEVEL) to 0.

Add hardware dependent configuration

To perform target hardware dependent runtime configuration, the emUSB-Device stack calls a function named USBD_X_Config. Typical tasks that may be done inside this function are:

Details can be found in Target USB Driver.

Sample configurations for popular evaluation boards are supplied with the driver shipment. They can be found in files called USB_Config_<TargetName>.c in the folders BSP/<BoardName>/Setup.

Add the appropriate configuration file to your project. If there is no configuration file for your target hardware, take a file for a similar hardware and modify it if necessary.

If the file needs modifications, we recommend to copy it into the directory Config for easy updates to later versions of emUSB-Device.

Add BSP file

Some targets require CPU specific functions for initialization, mainly for installing an interrupt service routine. They are contained in the file BSP_USB.c. Sample BSP_USB.c files for popular evaluation boards are supplied with the driver shipment. They can be found in the folders BSP/<BoardName>/Setup.

Add the appropriate BSP_USB.c file to your project. If there is no BSP file for your target hardware, take a file for a similar hardware and modify it if necessary.

If the file needs modifications, we recommend to copy it into the directory Config for easy updates to later versions of emUSB-Device.

Note that a BSP_USB.c file is not always required, because for some target hardware all runtime configuration is done in USB_X_Config.

Prepare and run the application

Choose a sample application from the folder Application and add it to your project. For example, add USB_HID_Mouse.c as your application to your project. Compile and run the application on the target hardware. After connecting the USB cable to the target device, the mouse pointer should hop from left to right.


Updating emUSB-Device

If an existing project should be updated to a later emUSB-Device version, only files have to be replaced. You should have received the emUSB-Device update as a zip file. Unzip this file to the location of your choice and replace all emUSB-Device files in your project with the newer files from the emUSB-Device update shipment.

In general, all files from the following directories have to be updated:

Some files may contain modification required for project specific customization. These files should reside in the folder Config and must not be overwritten. This includes:

emUSB-Device Configuration

An application using emUSB-Device must contain a USB_DEVICE_INFO structure containing the device identification information.



Device information that must be provided by the application via the function USBD_SetDeviceInfo() before the USB stack is started using USBD_Start(). Is used during enumeration of the device by the host.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16          VendorId;
  U16          ProductId;
  const char * sVendorName;
  const char * sProductName;
  const char * sSerialNumber;

Structure members

Member Description
VendorId Vendor ID. Uniquely identifies the vendor on a USB device.
ProductId Product ID. Uniquely identifies all USB devices of a vendor.
sVendorName Vendor name. ASCII string of up to 126 characters.
sProductName Description of the USB device. ASCII string of up to 126 characters.
sSerialNumber Serial number of the USB device (ASCII string). May be NULL if no serial number should be provided.

Additional information

The Product ID in combination with the Vendor ID creates a worldwide unique identifier for the product model. The Vendor ID is assigned by the USB Implementers Forum (https://www.usb.org). For tests, the default number above (or pretty much any other number) can be used. However, you may not bring a product to market without having been assigned your own Vendor ID. For emUSB-Device-CDC: If you change this value, do not forget to make the same change to the .inf file as described in section The .inf file. Otherwise, the Windows host will be unable to locate the driver.

The manufacturer name, product name and serial number are used during the enumeration phase. They together should give a detailed information about which device is connected to the host.


The max string length cannot be more than 126 ANSI characters.

Note for MSD: In order to confirm to the USB bootability specification, the minimum string length of the serial number must be 12 characters where each character is a hexadecimal digit (’0’ though ’9’ or ’A’ through ’F’).


static const USB_DEVICE_INFO _DeviceInfo = {
  0x8765,         // VendorId
  0x1234,         // ProductId
  "Vendor",       // VendorName
  "Bulk device",  // ProductName
  "13245678"      // SerialNumber

This structure and functions are included in every example application and can be used without modifications in the development phase of your application, but you may not bring a product on the market without modifying the Vendor ID and Product ID.

Ids Description
Default Vendor ID for all applications
0x8765 Example Vendor ID for all examples. Do not use this in real products!
Used Product IDs
0x1240 Example Product ID for all bulk samples.
0x1234 Example Product ID for deprecated bulk samples (using SEGGER Windows driver)
0x1200 Example Product ID for the MSD CD-ROM sample.
0x1000 Example Product ID for all MSD samples.
0x1088 Example Product ID for all UVC samples.
0x1111 Example Product ID for all CDC samples.
0x1112 Example Product ID for HID mouse sample.
0x1114 Example Product ID for the vendor specific HID sample.
0x1115 Example Product ID for HID keyboard sample.
0x1310 Example Product ID for the Audio Speaker sample.
0x1311 Example Product ID for the Audio Microphone sample.
0x1312 Example Product ID for the Audio Headset sample.
0x1350 Example Product ID for the MIDI sample.
0x2114 Example Product ID for the Printer class sample.
0x3000 Example Product ID for RNDIS sample.
0x3003 Example Product ID for ECM sample.
0x3004 Example Product ID for IP-over-USB sample.
0x3005 Example Product ID for NCM sample.

Additional required configuration for emUSB-MSD

Refer to MSD Configuration for more information about the required additional configuration functions for emUSB-MSD.


All configuration descriptors are automatically generated by emUSB-Device and do not require configuration.

Some optional descriptors may be enabled by calling the following functions:

Compile-time configuration

emUSB-Device can be used without changing any of the compile-time switches. All compile-time configuration switches are preconfigured with valid values which match the requirements of most applications. An exception are the audio and video classes, which require change some of the options in order to work properly, see Configuration requirements.

All compile-time switches and their default values can be found in the file USB_ConfDefaults.h.

To change the default configuration of emUSB-Host compile-time switches can be added to USB_Conf.h. Don’t change the USB_ConfDefaults.h file for easy updates of emUSB-Device.

Compile-time switches for debugging



emUSB-Device can be configured to display debug messages and warnings to locate an error or potential problems. This can be useful for debugging. In a release (production) build of a target system, they are typically not required and should be switches off.

To output the messages, emUSB-Host uses the logging routines contained in USB_ConfigIO.c which can be customized.

USB_DEBUG_LEVEL can be set to the following values:


#define USB_DEBUG_LEVEL    0


Maximum size of a debug / warning message (in characters) that can be output. A buffer of this size is created on the stack when a message is output.


#define USB_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE    100

Use of standard C-library functions

emUSB-Device calls some functions from the standard C-library. If the standard C-library should not be used, the following macros can be changed to call user defined functions instead:

#define USBH_MEMCPY   memcpy
#define USBH_MEMSET   memset
#define USBH_MEMCMP   memcmp
#define USBH_MEMMOVE  memmove
#define USBH_STRLEN   strlen
#define USBH_STRCAT   strcat
#define USBH_STRRCHR  strrchr
#define USBH_STRNCPY  strncpy
#define USBH_STRCMP   strcmp

General USB configuration



Must be set to 1 if the USB stack shall support isochronous transfers (e.g. for audio and video applications). If set to 0, all code that handles isochronous transfers is disabled, which may significantly reduce the code size of the USB stack.




USB test mode enable. This can be set to 1 to enable support for USB high-speed test mode. It is disabled by default to reduce memory footprint of the USB stack.




Maximum number of endpoints that can be used in the main stack. A table is stored in static memory with USB_NUM_EPS entries, each allocates 56 bytes.


#define USB_NUM_EPS    8u


Maximum number of USB interfaces the device can support. Each USB class has one or more interfaces. For a USB composite device USB_MAX_NUM_IF must be ≥ the sum of the number of interfaces for all classes configured. Information about all interfaces are stored into a table, which allocates about USB_MAX_NUM_IF * 9 words in static memory (word = sizeof(void *)).


#define USB_MAX_NUM_IF    4u


Maximum number of USB alternate settings the device can support. Some USB interfaces may have alternate settings to select different operating modes / configurations. USB_MAX_NUM_ALT_IF must be ≥ the sum of the number of all alternate settings of all interfaces of all classes configured. Information about all alternates settings are stored into a table, which allocates about USB_MAX_NUM_ALT_IF * 10 words in static memory (word = sizeof(void *)).


#define USB_MAX_NUM_ALT_IF    2u

Number of interfaces / alternate settings for each USB class

USB class Number of interfacses Number of alternate settings
Bulk / Vendor 1 usually 0, but may be configured to 1
CCID 1 0
HID 1 0
Mass storage 1 0
MTP 1 0
Printer 1 0
DFU 0 1
MIDI 2 0
UVC 2 1
Audio 1 + Number of audio streams (IN/OUT) At least one per audio stream, see Design of audio interfaces


Maximum size of a USB configuration descriptor. The configuration descriptor consists of a header and the concatenation of configurations for all configured USB classes. The configuration descriptors are small for most classes, but for the audio or video class it may get large and require to increase the size of this buffer.


#define USB_DESC_BUFFER_SIZE    256


Enables USB API instrumentation for SystemView.




If set emUSB-Device will use the functions USBD_X_EnableInterrupt/USBD_X_DisableInterrupt instead of disabling/enabling the interrupts globally. Those functions only disable/enable the USB interrupt. The functions are MCU specific and must be defined in the corresponding USB_Config_*.c file.




Enable flag to indicate execution of USB interrupt. May be needed by some RTOS layer in combination with USBD_OS_USE_USBD_X_INTERRUPT=1 (experimental).


#define USBD_OS_USE_ISR_FLAG    0

Host OS specifics

Windows registry

The Windows registry is a database which stores settings for the operating system. The relevant aspect of the Windows registry in regard to USB development is the fact that Windows stores information about connected USB devices into the registry. Normally Windows stores the Vendor and Product ID pair together with the USB configuration of that particular device in the registry. During USB development this can have negative effects because, if you, the developer, change the USB configuration of a device Windows will still have the old USB configuration saved in the registry. While the USB device is functioning perfectly fine the old registry entry can result in the device not being properly recognized by Windows.

This issue is especially prevalent when developing a USB Audio device.

Cleaning the Windows registry

Easiest is to use a tool such as Uwe Sieber’s “Device Cleanup Tool”: https://www.uwe-sieber.de/misc_tools_e.html This tool allows any not connected devices to be removed from the registry.

Alternatively the registry can be cleaned by hand using the Windows registry editor.

USB Core

This chapter describes the basic functions of the USB Core.


This chapter describes the functions of the core layer of emUSB-Device. These functions are required for all USB class drivers and the unclassified bulk communication component.

General information

To communicate with the host, the example applications include a USB-specific header USB.h. This file contains API functions to communicate with the USB host through the USB Core driver.

Every application using USB Core must perform the following steps:

Example applications for every supported USB class and the unclassified bulk component are supplied. We recommend using one of these examples as a starting point for your own application. All examples are supplied in the \Application\ directory.

Target API

This section describes the functions that can be used by the target application.

Function Description
USB basic functions
USBD_Init() Initializes the USB device with its settings.
USBD_Start() Starts the emUSB-Device Core.
USBD_GetVersion() Returns the version of the stack.
USBD_GetState() Returns the state of the USB device.
USBD_IsConfigured() Checks if the USB device is initialized and ready.
USBD_GetSpeed() Returns the current connection speed.
USBD_GetDeviceState() Returns the state of the USB device, set by the host (except USB_DEVSTAT_SELF_POWERED, which is configured by the device, see USBD_SetMaxPower()).
USBD_Stop() Stops the USB communication.
USBD_DeInit() De-initialize the complete USB stack.
USB configuration functions
USBD_AddDriver() Adds a USB device driver to the USB stack.
USBD_SetISREnableFunc() Register function to enable USB interrupts.
USBD_SetAttachFunc() Sets a function to perform hardware-specific actions to attach USB.
USBD_AddEP() Returns an endpoint “handle” that can be used for the desired USB interface.
USBD_AddEPEx() Returns an endpoint “handle” that can be used for the desired USB interface.
USBD_SetDeviceInfo() Sets a all information used during device enumeration.
USBD_SetClassRequestHook() Sets a callback function that is called when a setup class request is sent from the host to the specified interface index.
USBD_SetVendorRequestHook() Sets a callback function that is called when a setup vendor request is sent from the host to the specified interface index.
USBD_SetIsSelfPowered() Sets whether the device is self-powered or not.
USBD_SetMaxPower() Sets the maximum power consumption reported to the host during enumeration.
USBD_SetOnEvent() Sets a callback function for an endpoint that will be called on every RX or TX event for that endpoint.
USBD_RemoveOnEvent() Removes a callback function which was added via USBD_SetOnEvent from the callback list.
USBD_SetOnRxEP0() Sets a callback when data are received in the data stage of the setup request.
USBD_SetOnRXHookEP() Sets a callback whenever data are received from a given endpoint handle.
USBD_SetOnSetup() Sets a callback function that is called when any setup request is sent from the host.
USBD_SetOnSetupHook() Obsolete, use USBD_SetOnSetup().
USBD_SetOnSOF() Installs a function that will be called, when a SOF was received from the host.
USBD_RemoveOnSOF() Removes a callback function which was added via USBD_SetOnSOF() from the callback list.
USBD_WriteEP0FromISR() Write data to EP0 (control endpoint).
USBD_EnableIAD() Enables combination of multi-interface device classes with single-interface classes or other multi-interface classes.
USBD_SetCacheConfig() Configures cache related functionality that might be required by the stack for cache handling in drivers.
USBD_RegisterSCHook() Sets a callback function that will be called on every state change of the USB device.
USBD_AssignMemory() Assigns an area of RAM to be used for the endpoint buffers and transfer descriptors by the USB driver.
USBD_UseV210() Enable use of USB V2.10 specification revision.
USBD_SetBESLValues() Set recommended BESL (Best Effort Service Latency) values to be used in the BOS descriptor when using LPM (Link Power Management).
USBD_SetOnLPMChange() Sets a call back to report LPM transition on the USB lines (L0 <-> L1).
USBD_SetLPMResponse() Defines the behavior of the device on LPM requests from the host.
USBD_EnableSuperSpeed() Enable SuperSpeed in the USB stack.
USBD_SetWebUSBInfo() For WebUSB capable USB devices this function may be called before USBD_Start() to enable WebUSB specific descriptors.
USBD_SetCheckAddress() Installs a function that checks if an address can be used for DMA transfers.
USBD_SetGetStringHook() Sets a call to determine the string of a specified string index.
USB I/O functions
USBD_Read() Reads data from the host.
USBD_ReadOverlapped() Reads data from the host asynchronously.
USBD_Receive() Reads data from host.
USBD_ReceivePoll() Reads data from host.
USBD_ReadAsync() Reads data from the host asynchronously.
USBD_Write() Writes data to the host.
USBD_WriteAsync() Sends data to the host asynchronously.
USBD_CancelIO() Cancel any read or write operation.
USBD_WaitForEndOfTransferEx() Wait until the current transfer on a particular EP has completed.
USBD_WaitForTXReady() Waits (blocking) until the TX queue can accept another data packet.
USBD_GetNumBytesInBuffer() Returns the number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer.
USBD_GetNumBytesRemToRead() This function is to be used in combination with USBD_ReadOverlapped().
USBD_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_Write().
USBD_StallEP() Stalls an endpoint.
USB RemoteWakeUp functions
USBD_SetAllowRemoteWakeUp() Allows the device to publish that remote wake is available.
USBD_DoRemoteWakeup() Performs a remote wakeup in order to wake up the host from the standby/suspend state.
Data structures
USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT Contains information for asynchronous transfers.
USB_SETUP_PACKET Structure containing a USB setup packet.
SEGGER_CACHE_CONFIG Used to pass cache configuration and callback function pointers to the stack.
USB_CHECK_ADDRESS_FUNC Checks if an address can be used for DMA transfers.
USB_WEBUSB_INFO Information that may be provided by the application for WebUSB capable USB devices.

USB basic functions



Returns the state of the USB device.


unsigned USBD_GetState(void);

Return value

A bitwise combination of the USB state flags:

USB_STAT_ATTACHED Device is attached. (Note 1)
USB_STAT_READY Device is ready. (Note 2)
USB_STAT_ADDRESSED Device is addressed. (Note 3)
USB_STAT_CONFIGURED Device is configured. (Note 4)
USB_STAT_SUSPENDED Device is suspended. (Note 5)

Additional information

A USB device has several possible states. Some of these states are visible to the USB and the host, while others are internal to the USB device. Refer to Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0, Chapter 9 for detailed information.


(1) Attached in a USB-specification sense of the word does not mean that the device is physically connected to the host via a USB cable, it only means that the pull-up resistor on the device side is connected. The status can be “attached” regardless of whether the device is connected to a host or not. This state can normally be ignored.

(2) Ready denotes the USB controller state, the controller is “ready” after a bus reset. This state can normally be ignored.

(3) A device is in an addressed state after it receives a valid (non-zero) USB address from the USB host. This state can normally be ignored.

(4) When a device is “configured” the enumeration of the device has been successfully completed and the host can communicate with the device.

(5) Suspend is set when the device is physically disconnected from the host or when the USB host suspends the connected device.

Mapping of the state value returned by USBD_GetState() to the USB states described in “Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0” chapter 9.1:

Return value of USBD_GetState() USB state
0x10 = 10000B Attached
0x11 = 10001B Powered + Suspended
0x18 = 11000B Default
0x19 = 11001B Default + Suspended
0x1C = 11100B Address
0x1D = 11101B Address + Suspended
0x1E = 11110B Configured
0x1F = 11111B Configured + Suspended
Other value should not occur


Returns the current connection speed.


int USBD_GetSpeed(void);

Return value

USB_SPEED_NONE Unknown speed.
USB_SPEED_FS Full-speed.
USB_SPEED_HS High-speed.
USB_SPEED_SS SuperSpeed.


Returns the state of the USB device, set by the host (except USB_DEVSTAT_SELF_POWERED, which is configured by the device, see USBD_SetMaxPower()).


unsigned USBD_GetDeviceState(void);

Return value

A bitwise combination of the USB device state flags:

USB_DEVSTAT_SELF_POWERED Device is self-powered.
USB_DEVSTAT_U1_ENABLE Link power state U1 is enabled (SuperSpeed only).
USB_DEVSTAT_U2_ENABLE Link power state U2 is enabled (SuperSpeed only).
USB_DEVSTAT_LPM_ENABLE Link power management is enabled (SuperSpeed only).


Initializes the USB device with its settings.


void USBD_Init(void);


Checks if the USB device is initialized and ready.


char USBD_IsConfigured(void);

Return value

0 USB device is not configured.
1 USB device is configured.


Starts the emUSB-Device Core.


void USBD_Start(void);

Additional information

This function should be called after configuring USB Core. It initiates a hardware attach and updates the endpoint configuration. When the USB cable is connected to the device, the host will start enumeration of the device.



Stops the USB communication. This also makes sure that the device is detached from the HOST.


void USBD_Stop(void);


De-initialize the complete USB stack.


void USBD_DeInit(void);

Additional information

This function also calls USBD_Stop() internally.



Returns the version of the stack.


U32 USBD_GetVersion(void);

Return value

Format: Mmmrr; e.g: 32401 is 3.24.1

USB configuration functions



Adds a USB device driver to the USB stack. This function should be called from within USBD_X_Config() which is implemented in USB_Config_*.c.


void USBD_AddDriver(const USB_HW_DRIVER * pDriver);


Parameter Description
pDriver Pointer to the driver API structure.

Additional information

To add the driver, use USBD_AddDriver() with the identifier of the compatible driver. Refer to the section “Available target USB drivers” in the USB.h header file for a list of supported devices and their valid identifiers.


*       USBD_X_Config
void USBD_X_Config(void) {
  USB_DRIVER_LPC17xx_ConfigAddr(0x2008C000);  // USB controller of LPC1788
                                              // is located @ 0x2008C000
  USBD_SetISREnableFunc(_EnableISR, NULL, NULL);


Register function to enable USB interrupts.


void USBD_SetISREnableFunc(USB_ENABLE_ISR_FUNC * pfEnableISR);


Parameter Description
pfEnableISR Pointer to the function to install the interrupt handler and enable the USB interrupt.

Additional information

This function must be called within USBD_X_Config() function. See Adding a driver to emUSB-Device. The functions pointer prototype is defined as follows:

typedef void  USB_ENABLE_ISR_FUNC (USB_ISR_HANDLER * pfISRHandler);


See USBD_AddDriver().



Sets a function to perform hardware-specific actions to attach USB.


void USBD_SetAttachFunc(USB_ATTACH_FUNC * pfAttach);


Parameter Description
pfAttach Pointer to the attach function.

Additional information

This function must be called within USBD_X_Config() function. See Adding a driver to emUSB-Device. The functions pointer prototypes are defined as follows:

typedef void  USB_ATTACH_FUNC (void);


See USBD_X_Config().



Returns an endpoint “handle” that can be used for the desired USB interface.


unsigned USBD_AddEP(U8         InDir,
                    U8         TransferType,
                    U16        Interval,
                    U8       * pBuffer,
                    unsigned   BufferSize);


Parameter Description
InDir Specifies the direction of the desired endpoint. USB_DIR_IN USB_DIR_OUT
TransferType Specifies the transfer type of the endpoint. The following values are allowed: USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INT ISO endpoints must be created using USBD_AddEPEx().
Interval Specifies the interval measured in units of 125us (micro frames). This value should be zero for a bulk endpoint.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer that is used for OUT-transactions. For IN-endpoints this parameter must be NULL.
BufferSize Size of the buffer (OUT endpoints only). Must be a multiple of the maximum packet size.

Return value

> 0 A valid endpoint handle is returned.
= 0 Error.

Additional information

The Interval parameter specifies the frequency in which the endpoint should be polled for information by the host. It must be specified in units of 125 us.

Depending on the actual speed of the device during enumeration, the USB stack converts the interval to the correct value required for the endpoint descriptor according to the USB specification (into milliseconds for low/full-speed, into 125 us for high-speed).

For endpoints of type USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK the value is ignored and should be set to 0.

This function must be called after USBD_Init() and before USBD_Start().



Returns an endpoint “handle” that can be used for the desired USB interface.


unsigned USBD_AddEPEx(const USB_ADD_EP_INFO * pInfo,
                            U8              * pBuffer,
                            unsigned          BufferSize);


Parameter Description
pInfo Pointer to a structure of type USB_ADD_EP_INFO.
pBuffer Pointer to an endpoint buffer that is used for OUT-transactions. For IN-endpoints or ISO endpoints this parameter should be NULL.
BufferSize Size of the endpoint buffer (OUT endpoints only). Must be ≥ the maximum packet size of the endpoint. For IN-endpoints or ISO endpoints this parameter should be 0.

Return value

> 0 A valid endpoint handle is returned.
= 0 Error.

Additional information

This function must be called after USBD_Init() and before USBD_Start().



Sets a all information used during device enumeration.


void USBD_SetDeviceInfo(const USB_DEVICE_INFO * pDeviceInfo);


Parameter Description
pDeviceInfo Pointer to a structure containing the device information. Must point to static data that is not changed while the stack is running.

Additional information

See USB_DEVICE_INFO for a description of the structure.





Sets a callback function that is called when a setup class request is sent from the host to the specified interface index.


void USBD_SetClassRequestHook(unsigned               InterfaceNum,
                              USB_ON_CLASS_REQUEST * pfOnClassRequest);


Parameter Description
InterfaceNum Interface index that for setting the class request callback.
pfOnClassRequest Pointer to the callback.

Additional information

Note that the callback will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. If it is necessary to send data from the callback function through endpoint 0, use the function USBD_WriteEP0FromISR().



Sets a callback function that is called when a setup vendor request is sent from the host to the specified interface index.


void USBD_SetVendorRequestHook(unsigned               InterfaceNum,
                               USB_ON_CLASS_REQUEST * pfOnVendorRequest);


Parameter Description
InterfaceNum Interface index that for setting the class request callback.
pfOnVendorRequest Pointer to the callback.

Additional information

Note that the callback will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. If it is necessary to send data from the callback function through endpoint 0, use the function USBD_WriteEP0FromISR().



Sets whether the device is self-powered or not. Obsolete function, please use USBD_SetMaxPower().


void USBD_SetIsSelfPowered(U8 IsSelfPowered);


Parameter Description
IsSelfPowered 0 - Device is not self-powered. 1 - Device is self-powered.

Additional information

This function has to be called before USBD_Start(), as it will specify if the device is self-powered or not. The default value is 0 (not self-powered).



Sets the maximum power consumption reported to the host during enumeration. This function also sets whether the device is self-powered (MaxPower = 0) or not.


void USBD_SetMaxPower(unsigned MaxPower);


Parameter Description
MaxPower Maximum power consumption of the device given in mA. MaxPower shall be in range between 0mA - 500mA, for SuperSpeed devices up to 900mA.

Additional information

This function shall be called before USBD_Start(), as it will specify how much power the device will consume from the host. If this function is not called, a default value of 100 mA will be used.



Sets a callback function for an endpoint that will be called on every RX or TX event for that endpoint.


void USBD_SetOnEvent(unsigned                  EPIndex,
                     USB_EVENT_CALLBACK      * pEventCb,
                     USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC * pfEventCb,
                     void                    * pContext);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Endpoint index returned by USBD_AddEP().
pEventCb Pointer to a USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure (will be initialized by this function).
pfEventCb Pointer to the callback routine that will be called on every event on the USB endpoint.
pContext A pointer which is used as parameter for the callback function.

Additional information

The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_SetOnEvent(). The USB stack keeps track of all event callback functions using a linked list. The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

The callback function is called only, if a read or write operation was started for the endpoint using one of the USBD_Read…() or USBD_Write…() functions.

Additional information

The callback function has the following prototype:

typedef void USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC(unsigned Events, void *pContext);
Parameter Description
Events A bit mask indicating which events occurred on the endpoint.
pContext The pointer which was provided to the USBD_SetOnEvent() function.

Note that the callback function will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. The first parameter to the callback function will contain a bit mask for all events that triggered the call:

Event Description
USB_EVENT_DATA_READ Some data was received from the host on the endpoint.
USB_EVENT_DATA_SEND Some data was sent to the host, so that (part of) the user write buffer may be reused by the application.
USB_EVENT_DATA_ACKED Some data was acknowledged by the host.
USB_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE The last read operation was completed.
USB_EVENT_READ_ABORT A read transfer was aborted.
USB_EVENT_WRITE_ABORT A write transfer was aborted.
USB_EVENT_WRITE_COMPLETE All write operations were completed.


// The callback function.
static void _OnEvent(unsigned Events, void *pContext) {
  if ((Events & USB_EVENT_DATA_SEND) != 0 &&
        // Check for last write transfer to be completed.
        USBD_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(EPIndex) == 0) {
            <.. prepare next data for writing..>
            // Send next packet of data.
            r = USBD_Write(EPIndex, &ac[0], 200, 0, -1);
            if (r < 0) {
              <.. error handling..>
// Main programm.
// Register callback function.
static USB_EVENT_CALLBACK _usb_callback;
USBD_SetOnEvent(EPIndex, &_usb_callback, _OnEvent, NULL);
// Send the first packet of data using an asynchronous write operation.
r = USBD_Write(EPIndex, &ac[0], 200, 0, -1);
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
<.. do anything else here while the whole data is send..>


Removes a callback function which was added via USBD_SetOnEvent from the callback list.


void USBD_RemoveOnEvent(      unsigned             EPIndex,
                        const USB_EVENT_CALLBACK * pEventCb);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Endpoint index returned by USBD_AddEP().
pEventCb Pointer to a USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure which was used with USBD_SetOnEvent.


Sets a callback when data are received in the data stage of the setup request.


void USBD_SetOnRxEP0(USB_ON_RX_FUNC * pfOnRx);


Parameter Description
pfOnRx Pointer to a function that should be called when receiving data other than setup packets on EP0.

Additional information

Please note that this function can be called multiple times from different classes in order to check the data.

Note that the callback will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. If it is necessary to send data from the callback function through endpoint 0, use the function USBD_WriteEP0FromISR().

USB_ON_RX_FUNC is defined as follows:

typedef void USB_ON_RX_FUNC(const U8 * pData, unsigned NumBytes);


Sets a callback whenever data are received from a given endpoint handle. The callback function is called within the interrupt context and must not block.


void USBD_SetOnRXHookEP(unsigned         EPIndex,
                        USB_ON_RX_FUNC * pfOnRx);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Any valid endpoint handle > 0.
pfOnRx Pointer to the callback.

USB_ON_RX_FUNC is defined as follows:

typedef void USB_ON_RX_FUNC(const U8 * pData, unsigned NumBytes);


Sets a callback function that is called when any setup request is sent from the host.


void USBD_SetOnSetup(USB_SETUP_HOOK * pHook,
                     USB_ON_SETUP   * pfOnSetup);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a USB_SETUP_HOOK structure (will be initialized by this function).
pfOnSetup Pointer to the callback function.

Additional information

The USB_SETUP_HOOK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_SetOnSetup(). The USB stack keeps track of all setup callback functions using a linked list. The USB_SETUP_HOOK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

Note that the callback will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. If it is necessary to send data from the callback function through endpoint 0, use the function USBD_WriteEP0FromISR().



Obsolete, use USBD_SetOnSetup(). Sets a callback function that is called when any setup request is sent from the host.


void USBD_SetOnSetupHook(unsigned       InterfaceNum,
                         USB_ON_SETUP * pfOnSetup);


Parameter Description
InterfaceNum Interface index that for setting the setup request callback.
pfOnSetup Pointer to the callback function.

Additional information

Note that the callback will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. If it is necessary to send data from the callback function through endpoint 0, use the function USBD_WriteEP0FromISR().



Installs a function that will be called, when a SOF was received from the host. The callback function is called within the interrupt context and must not block.


int USBD_SetOnSOF(void                    ( *pfSOFCallback)(void * pContext ),
                  U16                     Interval,
                  void                  * pContext,
                  USB_SOF_CALLBACK_HOOK * pHook);


Parameter Description
pfSOFCallback Pointer to the callback function.
Interval Function will be called every time a number of ’Interval’ SOFs were received.
pContext A pointer which is used as parameter for the callback function.
pHook Pointer to a USB_SOF_CALLBACK_HOOK structure (will be initialized by this function).

Return value

= 0 Callback function successfully installed.
≠ 0 SOF callback not supported by the driver.

Additional information

The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_SetOnEvent(). The USB stack keeps track of all event callback functions using a linked list. The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.



Removes a callback function which was added via USBD_SetOnSOF() from the callback list.


void USBD_RemoveOnSOF(const USB_SOF_CALLBACK_HOOK * pHook);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a USB_SOF_CALLBACK_HOOK structure which was was installed using USBD_SetOnSOF().


Write data to EP0 (control endpoint). This function may be called in an interrupt context.


void USBD_WriteEP0FromISR(const void     * pData,
                                unsigned   NumBytes,
                                char       Send0PacketIfRequired);


Parameter Description
pData Data that should be written.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write.
Send0PacketIfRequired Specifies that a zero-length packet should be sent when the last data packet to the host is a multiple of MaxPacketSize. Normally MaxPacketSize for control mode transfer is 64 byte.


Enables combination of multi-interface device classes with single-interface classes or other multi-interface classes.


void USBD_EnableIAD(void);

Additional information

Simple device classes such as HID and MSD or BULK use only one interface descriptor to describe the class. The interface descriptor also contains the device class code. Multi-interface device classes, such as CDC, Audio, MIDI use more than one interface descriptor to describe the class. The device class code will then be written into the device descriptor. It may be possible to add an interface which does not belong to a multi-interface class, but it may not be correctly recognized by the host, this is not standardized and depends on the host. In order to allow this, a new descriptor type was introduced:

IAD (Interface Association Descriptor), this descriptor will encapsulate the multi-interface class into this IA descriptor, so that it will be seen as one single interface and will then allow to add other device classes.

If you intend to use a multi-interface component with any other component, please call USBD_EnableIAD() before adding the multi-interface component through USBD_*_Add().



Configures cache related functionality that might be required by the stack for cache handling in drivers.


void USBD_SetCacheConfig(const SEGGER_CACHE_CONFIG * pConfig,
                               unsigned              ConfSize);


Parameter Description
pConfig Pointer to an element of SEGGER_CACHE_CONFIG .
ConfSize Size of the passed structure in case library and header size of the structure differs.

Additional information

This function has to called in USBD_X_Config(). This function replaces the legacy cache functions BSP_CACHE_CleanRange and BSP_CACHE_InvalidateRange. If you still want to use these routines please set USBD_USE_LEGACY_CACHE_ROUTINES to 1 in your USB_Conf.h file.



Sets a callback function that will be called on every state change of the USB device.


int USBD_RegisterSCHook(USB_HOOK                * pHook,
                        USB_STATE_CALLBACK_FUNC * pfStateCb,
                        void                    * pContext);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to a USB_HOOK structure (will be initialized by this function).
pfStateCb Pointer to the callback routine that will be called on every state change.
pContext A pointer which is used as parameter for the callback function.

Return value

0 OK.
1 Error, specified hook already exists.

Additional information

The USB_HOOK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_RegisterSCHook(). The USB stack keeps track of all state change callback functions using a linked list. The USB_HOOK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

Note that the callback function will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block.


// The callback function.
static void _OnStateChange(void *pContext, U8 NewState) {
    // Device is enumerated
    } else {
    // Device not enumerated
// Main programm.
static USB_HOOK Hook;

USBD_RegisterSCHook(&Hook, _OnStateChange, NULL);


Assigns an area of RAM to be used for the endpoint buffers and transfer descriptors by the USB driver. This function should be called from within the USBD_X_Config() function. Not all drivers support this function.

If the driver uses DMA, the USB controller must have DMA access to this area. For some drivers, the memory should be aligned to a given boundary. If not aligned, the driver will increase the start address and reduce the size of the area to achieve proper alignment. This results in wasting of RAM and may cause the driver to run out of memory.


void USBD_AssignMemory(void * pMem,
                       U32    MemSize);


Parameter Description
pMem Pointer to the start of the RAM area to be used by the driver.
MemSize Size of the RAM area in bytes.

Additional information

If the memory is not sufficient for the class and endpoint configuration, the USB driver will run into the USB_OS_Panic() function during initialization, if compiled for DEBUG mode (USB_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0). After successful initialization, the driver will usually issue a USB_LOG() message to report, how many bytes of the assigned memory are not used. The size of the memory area may then be adjusted.

Information how to calculate the size of the endpoint buffer memory and about any alignment requirements can be found in Device driver specifics.



Enable use of USB V2.10 specification revision. Must be called in USBD_X_Config(). It enables providing a BOS descriptor to the host and also enables link power management (LPM), if supported by the driver and the USB controller.


void USBD_UseV210(void);


Set recommended BESL (Best Effort Service Latency) values to be used in the BOS descriptor when using LPM (Link Power Management). See “Errata for USB 2.0 ECN: Link Power Management (LPM) - 7/2007” from usb.org for an explanation of these values. Calling this function has no effect, if LPM is not enabled (see USBD_UseV210()) or not supported by the driver or USB controller.


void USBD_SetBESLValues(int BaselineBESL,
                        int DeepBESL);


Parameter Description
BaselineBESL Recommended Baseline BESL value. Must be in range -1 to 15. A value of -1 means, no BESL value is stored in the BOS descriptor (the default). Values of 0,1,…,14,15 specify a BESL of 125us,150us,…,9000us,10000us respectively (see LPM document from usb.org).
DeepBESL Recommended Deep BESL value. Must be in range -1 to 15 (see above).


Sets a call back to report LPM transition on the USB lines (L0 <-> L1).


void USBD_SetOnLPMChange(USB_ON_LPM_CHANGE * pfOnLPMChange);


Parameter Description
pfOnLPMChange Pointer to callback.


Defines the behavior of the device on LPM requests from the host. Calling this function has no effect, if LPM is not enabled (see USBD_UseV210()) or not supported by the driver or USB controller.


void USBD_SetLPMResponse(U8 Response);


Parameter Description
Response 0 - LPM requests are rejected (NYET). 1 - LPM requests are acknowledged.


Enable SuperSpeed in the USB stack. Must be called in USBD_X_Config(). If the USB driver or USB controller does not support SuperSpeed, calling this function has no effect.


void USBD_EnableSuperSpeed(void);


For WebUSB capable USB devices this function may be called before USBD_Start() to enable WebUSB specific descriptors. This function can be used only, if the USB controller supports USB 2.1 compatibility, especially link power management (LPM).


void USBD_SetWebUSBInfo(const USB_WEBUSB_INFO * pWebUSBInfo);


Parameter Description
pWebUSBInfo Pointer to a structure containing the device information. Must point to static data that is not changed while the stack is running.


Installs a function that checks if an address can be used for DMA transfers. Installed function must return 0, if DMA access is allowed for the given address, any value ≠ 0 otherwise.


void USBD_SetCheckAddress(USB_CHECK_ADDRESS_FUNC * pfCheckValidDMAAddress);


Parameter Description
pfCheckValidDMAAddress Pointer to the function.

Additional information

If the function reports a memory region not valid for DMA, the driver uses a temporary transfer buffer to copy data to and from this area.



Sets a call to determine the string of a specified string index.


void USBD_SetGetStringHook(USB_GET_STRING_DESC_HOOK * pHook,
                           USB_GET_STRING_FUNC      * pfOnGetString);


Parameter Description
pHook Pointer to static USB_GET_STRING_DESC_HOOK structure.
pfOnGetString Pointer to GetString callback.

Additional information

The USB_GET_STRING_DESC_HOOK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_SetGetStringHook(). The USB stack keeps track of all ’GetString’ callback functions using a linked list. The USB_GET_STRING_DESC_HOOK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

USB I/O functions



Reads data from the host.


int USBD_Read(unsigned   EPOut,
              void     * pData,
              unsigned   NumBytesReq,
              unsigned   Timeout);


Parameter Description
EPOut Handle to an OUT endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytesReq Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout.

Return value

= NumBytes Requested data was successfully read within the given timeout.
≥ 0 && < NumBytes Timeout has occurred (Number of bytes read before timeout).
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

This function blocks the task until all data has been read or a timeout occurs. In case of a reset or a disconnect USB_STATUS_ERROR is returned.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via the USBD_AddEP() function. This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_Receive() or USBD_Read(). See also USBD_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).



Reads data from the host asynchronously.


int USBD_ReadOverlapped(unsigned   EPOut,
                        void     * pData,
                        unsigned   NumBytesReq);


Parameter Description
EPOut Handle to an OUT endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytesReq Number of bytes to read.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of bytes that have been read from the internal buffer (success).
= 0 No data was found in the internal buffer, read transfer started (success).
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

This function will not block the calling task. The read transfer will be initiated and the function returns immediately. In order to synchronize, USBD_WaitForEndOfTransfer() needs to be called.

Another synchronization method would be to periodically call USBD_GetNumBytesRemToRead() in order to see how many bytes still need to be received (this method is preferred when a non-blocking solution is necessary).

The read operation can be canceled using USBD_CancelIO().

The buffer pointed to by pData must be valid until the read operation is terminated.



Reads data from host. The function blocks until any data have been received. In contrast to USBD_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received or after the timeout occurs. In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).


int USBD_Receive(unsigned   EPOut,
                 void     * pData,
                 unsigned   NumBytesReq,
                 int        Timeout);


Parameter Description
EPOut Handle to an OUT endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytesReq Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout. If Timeout is -1, the function never blocks and only reads data from the internal endpoint buffer.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0), zero packet received (not every controller supports this!), no data in buffer (if Timeout < 0) or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_Receive() will return as much data as is currently available up to the size of the buffer specified within the specified timeout. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return the number of bytes read so far. If the target was disconnected before this function was called, it returns USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_Receive() / USBD_Read(). See also USBD_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

A call of USBD_Receive(EPOut, NULL, 0, -1) can be used to trigger an asynchronous read that stores the data into the internal buffer.



Reads data from host. The function blocks until any data have been received. In contrast to USBD_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received or after the timeout occurs. In contrast to USBD_Receive() this function will continue the read transfer asynchronously in case of a timeout.


int USBD_ReceivePoll(unsigned   EPOut,
                     void     * pData,
                     unsigned   NumBytesReq,
                     unsigned   Timeout);


Parameter Description
EPOut Handle to an OUT endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytesReq Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0) or a zero packet received (not every controller supports this!), or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_ReceivePoll() will return as much data as is currently available up to the size of the buffer specified within the specified timeout. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return the number of bytes read so far. If the target was disconnected before this function was called, it returns USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_Receive() / USBD_Read(). See also USBD_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

If a timeout occurs, the read transfer is not affected. Data send from the host after the timeout is stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint and can be read by later calls to USBD_ReceivePoll().

If Timeout = 0, the function behaves like USBD_Receive().



Reads data from the host asynchronously. The function does not wait for the data to be received. A callback function is called after the transfer has completed successfully, an error occurred or the transfer was canceled.


void USBD_ReadAsync(unsigned               EPIndex,
                    USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pContext,
                    int                    ShortRead);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to an OUT endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
pContext Pointer to an I/O context containing parameters and pointer to the callback function.
ShortRead 0: The transfer is completed successfully after all bytes have been read. 1: The transfer is completed successfully after one packet has been read.


Writes data to the host. Depending on the Timeout parameter, the function may block until NumBytes have been written or a timeout occurs.


int USBD_Write(      unsigned   EPIndex,
               const void     * pData,
                     unsigned   NumBytes,
                     char       Send0PacketIfRequired,
                     int        ms);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to an IN endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
pData Pointer to data that should be sent to the host.
NumBytes Number of bytes to be written.
Send0PacketIfRequired Specifies that a zero-length packet should be sent when the last data packet to the host is a multiple of MaxPacketSize.
ms Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function returns immediately and the transfer is processed asynchronously.

Return value

= 0 Successful started an asynchronous write transfer or a timeout has occurred and no data was written.
> 0 && < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written before a timeout occurred.
= NumBytes Write transfer successful completed.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

This function also returns when the target is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurred.

The USB stack is able to queue a small number of asynchronous write transfers (Timeout = -1). If a write transfer is still in progress when this function is called and the USB stack can not accept another write transfer request, the functions returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY. A synchronous write transfer (Timeout ≥ 0) will always block until the transfer (including all pending transfers) are finished.

In order to synchronize, USBD_WaitForEndOfTransfer() needs to be called. Another synchronization method would be to periodically call USBD_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() in order to see how many bytes still need to be written (this method is preferred when a non-blocking solution is necessary).

In case of a timeout, the write transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).

The write operation can be canceled using USBD_CancelIO().

If pData = NULL and NumBytes = 0, a zero-length packet is sent to the host.

The content of the buffer pointed to by pData must not be changed until the transfer has been completed.



Sends data to the host asynchronously. The function does not wait for the data to be sent. A callback function is called after the transfer has completed successfully, an error occurred or the transfer was canceled.


void USBD_WriteAsync(unsigned               EPIndex,
                     USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pContext,
                     char                   Send0PacketIfRequired);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to an IN endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
pContext Pointer to an I/O context containing parameters and pointer to the callback function.
Send0PacketIfRequired Specifies that a zero-length packet shall be sent when the last data packet is a multiple of MaxPacketSize.


Cancel any read or write operation.


void USBD_CancelIO(unsigned EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to an endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().


Wait until the current transfer on a particular EP has completed. This function must be called from a task.


int USBD_WaitForEndOfTransferEx(unsigned EPIndex,
                                unsigned Timeout,
                                int      AbortOnTimeout);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to the endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds, 0 means infinite wait.
AbortOnTimeout If a timeout occurs, then the current transfer is terminated if AbortOnTimeout ≠ 0. The current transfer is not affected in case of a timeout if AbortOnTimeout = 0. See also Timeout handling.

Return value

0 Transfer completed.
1 Timeout occurred.


Waits (blocking) until the TX queue can accept another data packet. This function is used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_Write(), it waits until a new asynchronous write data transfer will be accepted by the USB stack.


int USBD_WaitForTXReady(unsigned EPIndex,
                        int      Timeout);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to an IN endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is negative, the function will return immediately.

Return value

= 0 A new asynchronous write data transfer will be accepted.
= 1 The write queue is full, a call to USBD_Write() would return USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If Timeout is 0, the function never returns 1. If Timeout is -1, the function will not wait, but immediately return the current state.



Returns the number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer. This function does not start a read transfer.


unsigned USBD_GetNumBytesInBuffer(unsigned EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to an OUT endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().

Return value

Number of bytes which have been stored in the internal buffer.

Additional information

The number of bytes returned by this function can be read using USBD_Read() or USBD_Receive() without blocking.



This function is to be used in combination with USBD_ReadOverlapped(). It returns the number of bytes which still have to be read during the transaction.


unsigned USBD_GetNumBytesRemToRead(unsigned EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to an OUT endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().

Return value

Number of bytes which still have to be read.

Additional information

Note that this function does not return the number of bytes that have been read, but the number of bytes which still have to be read. This function does not block.



This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_Write(). It returns the number of bytes which still have to be written during the transaction.


unsigned USBD_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(unsigned EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to an IN endpoint returned by USBD_AddEP().

Return value

Number of bytes which still have to be written.

Additional information

Note that this function does not return the number of bytes that have been written, but the number of bytes which still have to be written. This function does not block.



Stalls an endpoint.


void USBD_StallEP(unsigned EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Handle to the endpoint handle returned by USBD_AddEP().

USB Remote wakeup functions

Remote wakeup is a feature that allows a device to wake a host system from a USB suspend state.

In order to do this a special resume signal is sent over the USB data lines.

Additionally the USB host controller and operating system has to be able to handle this signaling.

Windows OS

Currently Windows OS only supports the wakeup feature on devices based on HID mouse/keyboard, CDC Modem and RNDIS Ethernet class. Remote wakeup for MSD, generic bulk and CDC serial is not supported by Windows. So therefore a HID mouse class even as dummy interface within your USB configuration is currently mandatory.

Windows must also be told that the device shall wake the PC from the suspend state. This is done by setting the option “Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby”.



macOS supports remote wakeup for all device classes.



Allows the device to publish that remote wake is available.


void USBD_SetAllowRemoteWakeUp(U8 AllowRemoteWakeup);


Parameter Description
AllowRemoteWakeup 1 - Allows and publishes that remote wakeup is available. 0 - Publish that remote wakeup is not available.

Additional information

This function must be called before the function USBD_Start() is called. This ensures that the Host is informed that USB remote wake up is available.



Performs a remote wakeup in order to wake up the host from the standby/suspend state. This will only work, when the USB device driver supports this. The function must be called only, if either:

A) The USB device is in suspend state: (USBD_GetState() & USB_STAT_SUSPENDED) ≠ 0 and remote wakeup is allowed by the host: (USBD_GetDeviceState() & USB_DEVSTAT_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ALLOWED) ≠ 0.


B) The USB bus is in L1 state and remote wakeup is allowed by the host, see USBD_SetOnLPMChange().


void USBD_DoRemoteWakeup(void);

Additional information

This function cannot be called from an ISR context.

Data structures



Structure used by USBD_AddEPEx() when adding an endpoint.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  unsigned  MaxPacketSize;
  U16       Interval;
  U8        Flags;
  U8        InDir;
  U8        TransferType;
  U8        ISO_Type;

Structure members

Member Description
MaxPacketSize Maximum packet size for the endpoint.
Interval Specifies the interval measured in units of 125us (microframes). This value should be zero for a bulk endpoint.
Flags Specifies whether optional parameters are used. 0x00 - Ignore optional parameters. USB_ADD_EP_FLAG_USE_ISO_SYNC_TYPES - Use ISO_Type. If not set the endpoint will have the sync type USB_ISO_SYNC_TYPE_NONE.
InDir Specifies the direction of the desired endpoint. USB_DIR_IN USB_DIR_OUT
TransferType Specifies the transfer type of the endpoint. The following values are allowed: USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_ISO USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INT
ISO_Type Allows to set the synchronization type for isochronous endpoints. The following types are supported: USB_ISO_SYNC_TYPE_NONE (default) USB_ISO_SYNC_TYPE_ASYNCHRONOUS USB_ISO_SYNC_TYPE_ADAPTIVE USB_ISO_SYNC_TYPE_SYNCHRONOUS

Additional information

The Interval parameter specifies the frequency in which the endpoint should be polled for information by the host. It must be specified in units of 125 us. Depending on the actual speed of the device during enumeration, the USB stack converts the interval to the correct value required for the endpoint descriptor according to the USB specification (into milliseconds for low/full-speed, into 125 us for high-speed). For endpoints of type USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK the value is ignored and should be set to 0.

The actual maximum packet size for bulk endpoints may be smaller than given in the ’MaxPacketSize’ field to meet the requirements of the actual USB speed.

For SuperSpeed bulk endpoints, MaxPacketSize can be N * 1024, where N = 1…16. Values of N > 1 enables the usage of burst transfers.



Structure containing a USB setup packet received from the host.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  bmRequestType;
  U8  bRequest;
  U8  wValueLow;
  U8  wValueHigh;
  U8  wIndexLow;
  U8  wIndexHigh;
  U8  wLengthLow;
  U8  wLengthHigh;

Structure members

Member Description
bmRequestType Setup request type.
bRequest Setup request number.
wValueLow Low byte of the value field.
wValueHigh High byte of the value field.
wIndexLow Low byte of the index field.
wIndexHigh High byte of the index field.
wLengthLow Low byte of the length field.
wLengthHigh High byte of the length field.


Used to pass cache configuration and callback function pointers to the stack.


typedef struct {
  int  CacheLineSize;
  void (*pfDMB)       (void);
  void (*pfClean)     (void *p, unsigned long NumBytes);
  void (*pfInvalidate)(void *p, unsigned long NumBytes);
Member Description
CacheLineSize Cache line size of the CPU in bytes. Most Systems such as ARM9 use a 32 bytes cache line size.
pfDMB Unused.
pfClean Pointer to a callback function that executes a clean operation on cached memory. The parameter ’p’ is always cache aligned. ’NumBytes’ must be rounded up by the function to the next multiple of the cache line size, if necessary.
pfInvalidate Pointer to a callback function that executes an invalidate operation on cached memory. The parameter ’p’ is always cache aligned. ’NumBytes’ must be rounded up by the function to the next multiple of the cache line size, if necessary.

Additional information

For further information about how this structure is used please refer to USBD_SetCacheConfig.



Checks if an address can be used for DMA transfers. The function must return 0, if DMA access is allowed for the given address, 1 otherwise.

Type definition

typedef int USB_CHECK_ADDRESS_FUNC(const void * pMem);


Parameter Description
pMem Pointer to the memory.

Return value

= 0 Memory can be used for DMA access.
≠ 0 DMA access not allowed for the given address.


Contains information for asynchronous transfers.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  unsigned                  NumBytesToTransfer;
  void                    * pData;
  void                    * pContext;
  int                       Status;
  unsigned                  NumBytesTransferred;

Structure members

Member Description
NumBytesToTransfer Number of bytes to transfer. Must be set by the application.
pData Pointer to the buffer for read operations, pointer to the data for write operations. Must be set by the application.
pfOnComplete Pointer to the function called on completion of the transfer. Must be set by the application.
pContext Pointer to a user context. Can be arbitrarily used by the application.
Status Result status of the asynchronous transfer. Set by the USB stack before calling pfOnComplete.
NumBytesTransferred Number of bytes transferred. Set by the USB stack before calling pfOnComplete.


Information that may be provided by the application for WebUSB capable USB devices. Can be set via the function USBD_SetWebUSBInfo() before the USB stack is started using USBD_Start(). Is used during enumeration of the device by the host.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8           VendorCode;
  U8           DescIndex;
  U8           URLPrefix;
  const char * sURL;

Structure members

Member Description
VendorCode Vendor code used for the setup request.
DescIndex Descriptor index of the descriptor containing the URL of the landing page.
URLPrefix Prefix of the URL: 0 = “http://”, 1 = “https://”, 255 = none.
sURL URL of the landing page. UTF-8 string.

Function Types



Type of callback set in USBD_SetClassRequestHook() or USBD_SetVendorRequestHook(). This function is called when a setup class request is sent from the host to the specified interface index.

Type definition

typedef int USB_ON_CLASS_REQUEST(const USB_SETUP_PACKET * pSetupPacket);


Parameter Description
pSetupPacket Pointer to the setup packet received from the host.

Return value

If the function has processed the setup packet, it must acknowledge the packet by either sending a response packet using USBD_WriteEP0FromISR() or an empty packet with USBD_WriteEP0FromISR(NULL, 0, 0) and must return 0.

If the function can’t process the packet, it must return 1. In this case the USB stacks tries to process the packet and will send a STALL if that fails.



Type of callback set in USBD_SetOnSetup(). This function is called when a setup request was sent from the host.

Type definition

typedef int USB_ON_SETUP(const USB_SETUP_PACKET * pSetupPacket);


Parameter Description
pSetupPacket Pointer to the setup packet received from the host.

Return value

If the function has processed the setup packet, it must acknowledge the packet by either sending a response packet using USBD_WriteEP0FromISR() or an empty packet with USBD_WriteEP0FromISR(NULL, 0, 0) and must return 0.

If the function can’t process the packet, it must return 1. In this case the USB stacks tries to process the packet and will send a STALL if that fails.



Type of callback set in USBD_SetGetStringHook(). This function is called when a string descriptor is requested from the host.

Type definition

typedef const char * USB_GET_STRING_FUNC(int Index);


Parameter Description
Index Index of the requested string.

Return value

If the function is able to provide a string for the given index, it should return a pointer to an ASCII string. Otherwise it should return a NULL pointer.



Type of callback set in USBD_SetOnLPMChange(). This function is called when a LPM transition on the USB lines (L0 <-> L1) is detected.

Type definition

typedef void USB_ON_LPM_CHANGE(int      State,
                               unsigned BESL);


Parameter Description
State -1 - Transition to L0. 0 - Transition to L1. Remote wakeup not allowed. 1 - Transition to L1. Remote wakeup allowed.
BESL BESL value (Best Effort Service Latency) in range 0…15 reported by the host when requesting a transition to L1 state. Values of 0,1,…,14,15 specify a BESL of 125us,150us,…,9000us,10000us respectively, see “Errata for USB 2.0 ECN: Link Power Management (LPM) - 7/2007” from usb.org for an explanation of these values.

Timeout handling

Many API functions have a timeout parameter that causes the functions to return, if the desired transaction can not be finished within the given time. Hardware USB controllers usually do not have a mechanism for timeouts. Therefore the USB stack has to handle timeouts as follows:

Aborting a transaction is always a critical operation. The USB software is informed by the hardware only if a transaction has been completed. The software usually does not know, if a data transfer on the USB lines is still in progress. So if the USB stack decides to abort a transaction, this transaction may already be in progress at that time. In this case the abort of the transfer may cause the data currently transferred to be discarded without any notice to the software. Although the data packet was successfully transferred on the USB bus and acknowledged by the host, the data is lost from the target application’s viewpoint.

Because this is usually not the behavior intended by the application, timeouts should be used to handle fatal errors only. Timeouts should not be used to repeatedly poll for data.

Bad example


for (;;) {
  // Try to read some data with 5 ms timeout
  NumBytesRead = USBD_Receive(EP, Buffer, 100, 5);
  if (NumBytesRead < 0) {
    <handle error>
  if (NumBytesRead > 0) {
    <process the data>
  // NumBytesRead is 0 here, that means a timeout has occurred
  <execute other tasks>
  // Repeat the loop and retry to read data

In this example, data packets may be lost if they arrive exactly when the 5 ms timeout expires.

There are several options to avoid this problem:

The same applies when writing data to the host.

Low power mode

emUSB-Device does not directly support low power modes of the device running USB, because it is very specific to the actual hardware and requirements of the application and there may be several different low power states. Low power mode may include:

The device is usually put into low power state only, if there is no USB connection to the host. Since the host supplies the device via (5 Volt) VBUS, there is no need for power saving. Without a USB host connection, the device may run from a battery which requires low power consumption.

The application is responsible to determine when low power state should be entered or exited. In most cases it depends on VBUS: Enter low power mode while no VBUS is present. There is no general way to detect VBUS with the USB controller, especially if the USB controller is shut down. Therefore VBUS detection must be managed by the application.

To enter low power mode, the application should:

To leave low power mode, the application should:

Alternately the USB stack may be re-initialized completely.

To enter low power mode:

To leave low power mode:

The second approach is necessary for example, if the configuration which was done in the USBD_X_Config() function should be executed after resuming from low power mode, or if the memory used by the USB stack was shut down in low power mode and has lost its contents.

USB suspend

If the application wants to respond to a USB suspend from the host while the device stays connected to the host, it may simply monitor the status bit USB_STAT_SUSPENDED returned by the function USBD_GetState(). The USB stack must remain active to get correct states from USBD_GetState().

The USB controller is usually not able to distinguish between suspend state and USB disconnect. Therefore the VBUS state has to be considered: If the stack turns into suspend state while VBUS is still present, the host has issued a suspend and a later resume (or remote wake-up) may be possible. If the stack signals a suspend event and VBUS is off, then the host was disconnected and no resume (or remote wake-up) is possible.

The device may be put into low power mode during suspend. If the USB controller is affected by the low power mode (for example if the USB controller register settings are not retained), then the application has to save and restore the USB controllers state before entering / after leaving low power state.

To enable LPM, the application has to call USBD_UseV210() within the configuration function USBD_X_Config(). This sets the USB version of the device to 2.10. The host will then request the LPM capabilities from the device (contained in the BOS descriptor) during enumeration. The USB stack will offer LPM support only, if the driver and the USB controller supports it.

For SuperSpeed devices LPM is enabled by default.

Please notice that common USB hosts (Windows/Linux/MacOS) use LPM for full- and high-speed devices only in special situations. If the host contains a controller hardware other than a XHCI type controller, then LPM is not used. Also if the device is not directly connected to that USB controller, but instead via a hub, then LPM is not used.

See also:

Bulk communication

This chapter describes how to get emUSB-Device-Bulk up and running.

Generic bulk stack

The generic bulk stack is located in the directory USB. All C files in the directory should be included in the project (compiled and linked as part of your project). The files in this directory are maintained by SEGGER and should not require any modification. All files requiring modifications have been placed in other directories.

Requirements for the Host (PC)

In order to communicate with a target (client) running emUSB-Device, the operating system running on the host must recognize the device connected to it.


Microsoft’s Windows operating systems (Starting with XP Service Pack 2) contains a generic driver called WinUSB.sys that is used to handle all communication to a emUSB-Device running a BULK interface. If a emUSB bulk device is connected to a Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 PC for the first time, Windows will install the WinUSB driver automatically. For Windows versions less than Windows 8, Microsoft provides a driver for Windows Vista and Windows 7 but this needs to be installed manually. A driver installation tool including the mentioned driver is available in the Windows\USB\Bulk\WinUSBInstall. Windows XP user can use the driver package located under Windows\USB\Bulk\WinUSB_USBBulk_XP. In order to get emUSB BULK running with the WinUSB driver the following must be considered:


Linux can handle emUSB BULK devices out of the box.

By default a USB device can only be accessed by a process that is running with “root” rights. In order to use the USB bulk device from normal user programs an udev rule has to be configured for the device (refer to the linux udev documentation). The emUSB-Device release contains a sample configuration file 99-emUSBD.rules, which may be modified and copied to /etc/udev/rules.d on the host machine.


macOS can handle emUSB BULK devices out of the box.

Example application

Example applications for both the target (client) and the PC (host) are supplied. These can be used for testing the correct installation and proper function of the device running emUSB-Device.

The host sample applications can be used for Windows, Linux and MacOSX. Precompiled executables for Windows can be found in the subfolder Windows/USB/Bulk/SampleApplication/Exe.

The application USB_BULK_Test.c is a modified echo server; the application receives data, modifies the first byte and sends it back to the host. It also contains the functionality to measure USB transfer speed.

Bulk Application

To use this application, make sure to use the corresponding example files both on the host-side as on the target side. The example applications on the PC host are named in the same way, just without the prefix USB_BULK_.

The example applications for the target-side are supplied in source code in the Application directory.

For information how to compile the host examples (especially for Linux and MacOSX) refer to Compiling the PC example application.

The start application will of course later on be replaced by the real application program. For the purpose of getting emUSB-Device up and running as well as doing an initial test, the start application should not be modified.

Running the example applications

To test the emUSB-Device-Bulk component, build and download the application of choice for the target-side.

To run one of the example applications, simply start the executable, for example by double clicking it.

If a connection can be established, it exchanges data with the target, testing the USB connection.

Example output of Test.exe:

Bulk test

Compiling the PC example application


For compiling the example application you need Visual C++ 2010 (or later).

USB Bulk workspace

The source code of the sample application is located in the subfolder Windows/USB/BULK/SampleApplication/Src. Open the file USBBULK_Start.sln and compile the source.


The subfolder Windows/USB/Bulk/SampleApplication contains a Makefile for Linux. Change to this folder and execute “make”.


The subfolder Windows/USB/Bulk/SampleApplication contains a Makefile for macOS. Change to this folder and execute “make -f Makefile_MacOSX”.

Target API

This chapter describes the functions that can be used with the target system.

General information

To communicate with the host, the sample application project includes USB-specific header and source files (USB.h, USB_Main.c, USB_Setup.c, USB_Bulk.c, USB_Bulk.h). These files contain API functions to communicate with the USB host through the emUSB-Device driver.

Purpose of the USB Device API functions

To have an easy start up when writing an application on the device side, these API functions have a simple interface and handle all operations that need to be done to communicate with the hosts kernel.

Therefore, all operations that need to write to or read from the emUSB-Device are handled internally by the provided API functions.

Target interface function list

Routine Explanation
USB-Bulk functions
USBD_BULK_Add() Adds interface for USB-Bulk communication to emUSB-Device.
USBD_BULK_Add_Ex() Adds interface for USB-Bulk communication to emUSB-Device.
USBD_BULK_AddAlternateInterface() Adds an alternative interface for USB-Bulk interface.
USBD_BULK_SetMSDescInfo() Enables use of Microsoft OS Descriptors.
USBD_BULK_CancelRead() Cancels any non-blocking/blocking read operation that is pending.
USBD_BULK_CancelWrite() Cancels any non-blocking/blocking write operation that is pending.
USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesInBuffer() Returns the number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer.
USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToRead() Get the number of remaining bytes to read by an active read operation.
USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() After starting a non-blocking write operation this function can be used to periodically check how many bytes still have to be written.
USBD_BULK_Read() Reads data from the host with a given timeout.
USBD_BULK_ReadAsync() Reads data from the host asynchronously.
USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped() Reads data from the host asynchronously.
USBD_BULK_Receive() Reads data from the host.
USBD_BULK_ReceivePoll() Reads data from the host.
USBD_BULK_SetContinuousReadMode() Enables continuous read mode for the RX endpoint.
USBD_BULK_SetOnSetupRequest() Sets a callback function that is called when any setup request is sent from the host.
USBD_BULK_SetOnRXEvent() Sets a callback function for the OUT endpoint that will be called on every RX event for that endpoint.
USBD_BULK_SetOnTXEvent() Sets a callback function for the IN endpoint that will be called on every TX event for that endpoint.
USBD_BULK_TxIsPending() Checks whether the TX (IN endpoint) is currently pending.
USBD_BULK_WaitForRX() Waits (blocking) until the triggered USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped() has received the desired data.
USBD_BULK_PollForRX() Waits (blocking) until the triggered USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped() has received the desired data.
USBD_BULK_WaitForTX() Waits (blocking) until a pending asynchronous USBD_BULK_Write() (Timeout parameter = -1) has sent the desired data.
USBD_BULK_PollForTX() Waits (blocking) until a pending asynchronous USBD_BULK_Write() (Timeout parameter = -1) has sent the desired data.
USBD_BULK_WaitForTXReady() Waits (blocking) until the TX queue can accept another data packet.
USBD_BULK_Write() Sends data to the USB host.
USBD_BULK_WriteAsync() Sends data to the host asynchronously.
USBD_BULK_WriteEx() Send data to the USB host with NULL packet control.

USB-Bulk functions



Adds interface for USB-Bulk communication to emUSB-Device.




Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to USB_BULK_INIT_DATA structure.

Return value

Handle to a valid BULK instance. The handle of the first BULK instance is always 0.


Example excerpt from BULK_Echo1.c:

static void _AddBULK(void) {
  static U8 _abOutBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];


Adds interface for USB-Bulk communication to emUSB-Device.




Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to USB_BULK_INIT_DATA_EX structure.

Return value

Handle to a valid BULK instance. The handle of the first BULK instance is always 0.


static void _AddBULK(void) {
  static U8 _abOutBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
  Init.Flags = 0;
  Init.pInterfaceName = "BULK Interface";


Adds an alternative interface for USB-Bulk interface.


void USBD_BULK_AddAlternateInterface(      USB_BULK_HANDLE             hInst,
                                     const USB_BULK_INIT_DATA_EX     * pInitData,
                                           USB_ON_USER_SET_INTERFACE * pfOnUser);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pInitData Pointer to USB_BULK_INIT_DATA_EX structure.
pfOnUser Callback function that is called, when the host changes the interface.


Enables use of Microsoft OS Descriptors. A USB bulk device providing these descriptors is detected by Windows to be handled by the generic WinUSB driver. For such devices no other driver needs to be installed.




Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().

Additional information

This function must be called after the call to the function USBD_BULK_Add() and before USBD_Start().



Cancels any non-blocking/blocking read operation that is pending.


void USBD_BULK_CancelRead(USB_BULK_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().

Additional information

This function shall be called when a pending asynchronous read operation should be canceled. The function can be called from any task. In case of canceling a blocking operation, this function must be called from another task.



Cancels any non-blocking/blocking write operation that is pending.


void USBD_BULK_CancelWrite(USB_BULK_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().

Additional information

This function shall be called when a pending asynchronous write operation should be canceled. The function can be called from any task. In case of canceling a blocking operation, this function must be called from another task.



Returns the number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer. This function does not start a read transfer.


unsigned USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesInBuffer(USB_BULK_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().

Return value

Number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer.

Additional information

If the host is sending more data than your target application has requested, the remaining data will be stored in an internal buffer. This function shows how many bytes are available in this buffer.

The number of bytes returned by this function can be read using USBD_BULK_Read() without blocking.


Your host application sends 50 bytes. Your target application only requests to receive 1 byte. In this case the target application will get 1 byte and the remaining 49 bytes are stored in an internal buffer. When your target application now calls USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesInBuffer() it will return the number of bytes that are available in the internal buffer (49).



Get the number of remaining bytes to read by an active read operation. This function is to be used in combination with USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped(). After starting the read operation this function can be used to periodically check how many bytes still have to be read.


unsigned USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToRead(USB_BULK_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().

Return value

≥ 0 Number of bytes which have not yet been read.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

Alternatively the blocking function USBD_BULK_WaitForRX() can be used.


NumBytesReceived = USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped(hInst, &ac[0], 50);
if (NumBytesReceived < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
if (NumBytesReceived > 0) {
  // Already had some data in the internal buffer.
  // The first 'NumBytesReceived' bytes may be processed here.
} else {
  // Wait until we get all 50 bytes
  while (USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToRead(hInst) > 0) {


After starting a non-blocking write operation this function can be used to periodically check how many bytes still have to be written.


unsigned USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(USB_BULK_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().

Return value

Number of bytes which have not yet been written.

Additional information

Alternatively the blocking function USBD_BULK_WaitForTX() can be used.


r = USBD_BULK_Write(hInst, &ac[0], TRANSFER_SIZE, -1);
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// NumBytesToWrite shows how many bytes still have to be written.
while (USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(hInst) > 0) {


Reads data from the host with a given timeout.


                   void            * pData,
                   unsigned          NumBytes,
                   unsigned          Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds, 0 means infinite.

Return value

= NumBytes Requested data was successfully read within the given timeout.
≥ 0 && < NumBytes Timeout has occurred. Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function blocks a task until all data have been read or a timeout expires. This function also returns when the device is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurs.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_BULK_Receive() / USBD_BULK_Read(). See also USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).

If a read transfer was still pending while the function is called, it returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.



Reads data from the host asynchronously. The function does not wait for the data to be received. A callback function is called after the transfer has completed successfully, an error occurred or the transfer was canceled.


void USBD_BULK_ReadAsync(USB_BULK_HANDLE        hInst,
                         USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pContext,
                         int                    ShortRead);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pContext Pointer to a structure of type USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT containing parameters and a pointer to the callback function.
ShortRead 0: The transfer is completed successfully after all bytes have been read. 1: The transfer is completed successfully after one packet has been read.


static void _AsyncCb(USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pIOContext) {
  U8  *p;

  p = (U8 *)pIOContext->pContext;
  *p = 1;


U8                   AsyncComplete;

IOContext.NumBytesToTransfer = 5000;
IOContext.pData              = pBuff;
IOContext.pfOnComplete       = _AsyncCb;
IOContext.pContext           = (void *)&AsyncComplete;
AsyncComplete = 0;
USBD_BULK_ReadAsync(hInst, &IOContext, 0);
while (AsyncComplete == 0) {
  <.. Do other work. ..>
// Transaction is complete.
if (IOContext.Status < 0 || IOContext.NumBytesTransferred != 5000) {
  <.. error handling ..>
} else {
  <.. Process the data ..>


Reads data from the host asynchronously.


int USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped(USB_BULK_HANDLE   hInst,
                             void            * pData,
                             unsigned          NumBytes);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read from the internal buffer (success).
= 0 No data was found in the internal buffer, read transfer started (success).
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function will not block the calling task. The read transfer will be initiated and the function returns immediately. In order to synchronize, USBD_BULK_WaitForRX() needs to be called. Alternatively the function USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToRead() can be called periodically to check whether all bytes have been read or not. The read operation can be canceled using USBD_BULK_CancelRead(). The buffer pointed to by pData must be valid until the read operation is terminated.

If a read transfer was still pending while the function is called, it returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.


See USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToRead.



Reads data from the host. The function blocks until any data has been received or a timeout occurs (if Timeout ≥ 0). In contrast to USBD_BULK_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received. In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).


int USBD_BULK_Receive(USB_BULK_HANDLE   hInst,
                      void            * pData,
                      unsigned          NumBytes,
                      int               Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function never blocks and only reads data from the internal endpoint buffer.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0), zero packet received (not every controller supports this!), no data in buffer (if Timeout < 0) or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_BULK_Receive() will return as much data as is currently available -- up to the size of the buffer specified. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If a read transfer was pending while the function is called, it returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_BULK_Receive() / USBD_BULK_Read(). See also USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

A call of USBD_BULK_Receive(Inst, NULL, 0, -1) can be used to trigger an asynchronous read that stores the data into the internal buffer.



Reads data from the host. The function blocks until any data has been received or a timeout occurs (if Timeout ≥ 0). In contrast to USBD_BULK_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received. In contrast to USBD_BULK_Receive() this function will continue the read transfer asynchronously in case of a timeout.


int USBD_BULK_ReceivePoll(USB_BULK_HANDLE   hInst,
                          void            * pData,
                          unsigned          NumBytes,
                          unsigned          Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0), zero packet received (not every controller supports this!) or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_BULK_ReceivePoll() will return as much data as is currently available -- up to the size of the buffer specified. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If a read transfer was pending while the function is called, it returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_BULK_Receive() / USBD_BULK_Read(). See also USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

If a timeout occurs, the read transfer is not affected. Data send from the host after the timeout is stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint and can be read by later calls to USBD_BULK_ReceivePoll().

If Timeout = 0, the function behaves like USBD_BULK_Receive().



Enables continuous read mode for the RX endpoint. In this mode every finished read transfer will automatically trigger another read transfer, as long as there is enough space in the internal buffer to receive another packet.


void USBD_BULK_SetContinuousReadMode(USB_BULK_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().

Additional information

To check how many bytes have been read into the buffer, the function USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesInBuffer() may be called. In order to read the data the function USBD_BULK_Receive() needs to be called (non-blocking).

The USB stack will use the buffer that was provided by the application with USBD_AddEP(). The transfer speed may be improved, if this buffer has a size of at least 2 * MaxPacketSize. Normally MaxPacketSize for full-speed devices is 64 bytes and for high-speed devices 512 bytes.


for(;;) {
  // Fetch data that was already read (non-blocking).
  NumBytesReceived = USBD_BULK_Receive(hInst, &ac[0], sizeof(ac), -1);
  if (NumBytesReceived > 0) {
    // We got some data
    <.. Process data..>
  } else {
    <.. Nothing received yet, do application processing..>


Sets a callback function that is called when any setup request is sent from the host.


void USBD_BULK_SetOnSetupRequest(USB_BULK_HANDLE   hInst,
                                 USB_ON_SETUP    * pfOnSetupRequest);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pfOnSetupRequest Pointer to the callback function.


Sets a callback function for the OUT endpoint that will be called on every RX event for that endpoint.


void USBD_BULK_SetOnRXEvent(USB_BULK_HANDLE           hInst,
                            USB_EVENT_CALLBACK      * pEventCb,
                            USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC * pfEventCb,
                            void                    * pContext);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pEventCb Pointer to a USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure. The structure is initialized by this function.
pfEventCb Pointer to the callback routine that will be called on every event on the USB endpoint.
pContext A pointer which is used as parameter for the callback function.

Additional information

The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_BULK_SetOnRXEvent(). The USB stack keeps track of all event callback functions using a linked list. The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

The callback function is called only, if a read operation was started using one of the USBD_BULK_Read…() functions.

The callback function has the following prototype:

typedef void USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC(unsigned Events, void *pContext);
Parameter Description
Events A bit mask indicating which events occurred on the endpoint.
pContext The pointer which was provided to the USBD_SetOnEvent() function.

Note that the callback function will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. The first parameter to the callback function will contain a bit mask for all events that triggered the call:

Event Description
USB_EVENT_DATA_READ Some data was received from the host on the endpoint.
USB_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE The last read operation was completed.
USB_EVENT_READ_ABORT A read transfer was aborted.


// The callback function.
static void _OnEvent(unsigned Events, void *pContext) {
  unsigned NumBytes;

  if (Events & USB_EVENT_DATA_READ) {
    NumBytes = USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesInBuffer(hInst);
    if (NumBytes) {
      r = USBD_BULK_Receive(hInst, Buff, NumBytes, -1);
      if (r > 0) {
        <.. process data in Buff..>
// Main program.
// Register callback function.
static USB_EVENT_CALLBACK _usb_callback;
USBD_BULK_SetOnRXEvent(hInst, &_usb_callback, _OnEvent, NULL);
// Trigger first read
USBD_BULK_Receive(Inst, NULL, 0, -1);
<.. do anything else here while the data is processed in the callback ..>


Sets a callback function for the IN endpoint that will be called on every TX event for that endpoint.


void USBD_BULK_SetOnTXEvent(USB_BULK_HANDLE           hInst,
                            USB_EVENT_CALLBACK      * pEventCb,
                            USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC * pfEventCb,
                            void                    * pContext);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pEventCb Pointer to a USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure. The structure is initialized by this function.
pfEventCb Pointer to the callback routine that will be called on every event on the USB endpoint.
pContext A pointer which is used as parameter for the callback function.

Additional information

The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_BULK_SetOnTXEvent(). The USB stack keeps track of all event callback functions using a linked list. The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

The callback function is called only, if a write operation was started using one of the USBD_BULK_Write…() functions.

The callback function has the following prototype:

typedef void USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC(unsigned Events, void *pContext);
Parameter Description
Events A bit mask indicating which events occurred on the endpoint.
pContext The pointer which was provided to the USBD_SetOnEvent() function.

Note that the callback function will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. The first parameter to the callback function will contain a bit mask for all events that triggered the call:

Event Description
USB_EVENT_DATA_SEND Some data was sent to the host, so that (part of) the user write buffer may be reused by the application.
USB_EVENT_DATA_ACKED Some data was acknowledged by the host.
USB_EVENT_WRITE_ABORT A write transfer was aborted.
USB_EVENT_WRITE_COMPLETE All write operations were completed.


// The callback function.
static void _OnEvent(unsigned Events, void *pContext) {
  if ((Events & USB_EVENT_DATA_SEND) != 0 &&
        // Check for last write transfer to be completed.
        USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(_hInst) == 0) {
            <.. prepare next data for writing..>
            // Send next packet of data.
            r = USBD_BULK_Write(_hInst, &ac[0], 200, -1);
            if (r < 0) {
              <.. error handling..>
// Main program.
// Register callback function.
static USB_EVENT_CALLBACK _usb_callback;
USBD_BULK_SetOnTXEvent(hInst, &_usb_callback, _OnEvent, NULL);
// Send the first packet of data using an asynchronous write operation.
r = USBD_BULK_Write(_hInst, &ac[0], 200, -1);
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
<.. do anything else here while the whole data is send..>


Checks whether the TX (IN endpoint) is currently pending. Can be called in any context.




Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().

Return value

1 We have queued data to be sent.
0 Queue is empty.


Waits (blocking) until the triggered USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped() has received the desired data.


                        unsigned        Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

= 0 Transfer completed.
= 1 Timeout occurred.
< 0 An error occurred (e.g. target disconnected)

Additional information

In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).


if (USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped(hInst, &ac[0], 50) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped() will return immediately.
// Do something else while data may be transferred.
// Now wait until we get all 50 bytes.
// USBD_BULK_WaitForRX() will block, until total of
// 50 bytes are read or timeout occurs.
if (USBD_BULK_WaitForRX(hInst, timeout) != 0) {
  <.. timeout error handling..>
// Now we have 50 bytes of data.
// Process 50 bytes of data from ac[] here.


Waits (blocking) until the triggered USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped() has received the desired data.


                        unsigned        Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

= 0 Transfer completed.
= 1 Timeout occurred.
< 0 An error occurred (e.g. target disconnected)

Additional information

In case of a timeout, the current transfer is not affected. The function may be called repeatedly until it does not report a timeout any more.


if (USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped(hInst, &ac[0], 50) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_BULK_ReadOverlapped() will return immediately.
// While waiting for the data, we will blink a LED with 200 ms interval.
// USBD_BULK_PollForRX() will return, if all data were read or 100 ms expired.
while ((r = USBD_BULK_PollForRX(hInst, 100)) > 0) {
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// Now we have 50 bytes of data.
// Process 50 bytes of data from ac[] here.


Waits (blocking) until a pending asynchronous USBD_BULK_Write() (Timeout parameter = -1) has sent the desired data.


                        unsigned        Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

= 0 Transfer completed.
= 1 Timeout occurred.
< 0 An error occurred (e.g. target disconnected)

Additional information

In case of a timeout, the write transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).



Waits (blocking) until a pending asynchronous USBD_BULK_Write() (Timeout parameter = -1) has sent the desired data.


                        unsigned        Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

= 0 Transfer completed.
= 1 Timeout occurred.
< 0 An error occurred (e.g. target disconnected)

Additional information

In case of a timeout, the current transfer is not affected. The function may be called repeatedly until it does not report a timeout any more.


if (USBD_BULK_Write(hInst, &ac[0], 50, -1) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_BULK_Write() will return immediately.
// While waiting for the data to be transferred, we will blink a LED with 200 ms interval.
// USBD_BULK_PollForTX() will return, if all data were send or 100 ms expired.
while ((r = USBD_BULK_PollForTX(hInst, 100)) > 0) {
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// Now all data have been send.


Waits (blocking) until the TX queue can accept another data packet. This function is used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_BULK_Write() , it waits until a new asynchronous write data transfer will be accepted by the USB stack.


                             int             Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is negative, the function will return immediately.

Return value

= 0 A new asynchronous write data transfer will be accepted.
= 1 The write queue is full, a call to USBD_BULK_Write() would return USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If Timeout is 0, the function never returns 1.

If Timeout is -1, the function will not wait, but immediately return the current state.


// Always keep the write queue full for maximum send speed.
for (;;) {
  pData = GetNextData(&NumBytes);
  // Wait until stack can accept a new write.
  USBD_BULK_WaitForTxReady(hInst, 0);
  // Issue write transfer.
  if (USBD_BULK_Write(hInst, pData, NumBytes, -1) < 0) {
    <.. error handling..>


Sends data to the USB host. Depending on the Timeout parameter, the function blocks until NumBytes have been written or a timeout occurs.


int USBD_BULK_Write(      USB_BULK_HANDLE   hInst,
                    const void            * pData,
                          unsigned          NumBytes,
                          int               Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pData Data that should be written.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function returns immediately and the transfer is processed asynchronously.

Return value

= 0 Successful started an asynchronous write transfer or a timeout has occurred and no data was written.
> 0 && < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written before a timeout occurred.
= NumBytes Write transfer successful completed.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function also returns when the target is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurred.

The USB stack is able to queue a small number of asynchronous write transfers (when using Timeout = -1). If a write transfer is still in progress when this function is called and the USB stack can not accept another write transfer request, the functions returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY. A synchronous write transfer (Timeout ≥ 0) will always block until the transfer (including all pending transfers) are finished or a timeout occurs.

In case of a timeout, the write transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).

In order to synchronize, USBD_BULK_WaitForTX() needs to be called. Another synchronization method would be to periodically call USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() in order to see how many bytes still need to be written (this method is preferred when a non-blocking solution is necessary). The write operation can be canceled using USBD_BULK_CancelWrite().

If pData = NULL and NumBytes = 0, a zero-length packet is sent to the host.

The content of the buffer pointed to by pData must not be changed until the transfer has been completed.


NumBytesWritten = USBD_BULK_Write(hInst, &ac[0], DataSize, 500);
if (NumBytesWritten <= 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
if (NumBytesWritten < DataSize) {
  <.. timeout occurred, data partially written within 500ms ..>
} else {
  <.. write completed successfully..>

See also USBD_BULK_GetNumBytesRemToWrite.



Sends data to the host asynchronously. The function does not block. A callback function is called after the transfer has completed successfully, an error occurred or the transfer was canceled.


void USBD_BULK_WriteAsync(USB_BULK_HANDLE        hInst,
                          USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pContext,
                          char                   Send0PacketIfRequired);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pContext Pointer to a structure of type USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT containing parameters and a pointer to the callback function.
Send0PacketIfRequired Specifies that a zero-length packet shall be sent when the last data packet is a multiple of MaxPacketSize.


static void _AsyncCb(USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pIOContext) {
  U8  *p;

  p = (U8 *)pIOContext->pContext;
  *p = 1;


U8                   AsyncComplete;

IOContext.NumBytesToTransfer = 5000;
IOContext.pData              = pBuff;
IOContext.pfOnComplete       = _AsyncCb;
IOContext.pContext           = (void *)&AsyncComplete;
AsyncComplete = 0;
USBD_BULK_WriteAsync(hInst, &IOContext, 1);
while (AsyncComplete == 0) {
  <.. Do other work. ..>
// Transaction is complete.
if (IOContext.Status < 0 || IOContext.NumBytesTransferred != 5000) {
  <.. error handling ..>
} else {
  <.. data written successfully ..>


Send data to the USB host with NULL packet control. This function behaves exactly like USBD_BULK_Write(). Additionally sending of a zero length packet after sending the data can be suppressed by setting Send0PacketIfRequired = 0.


int USBD_BULK_WriteEx(      USB_BULK_HANDLE   hInst,
                      const void            * pData,
                            unsigned          NumBytes,
                            char              Send0PacketIfRequired,
                            int               Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid BULK instance, returned by USBD_BULK_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer that contains the written data.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write.
Send0PacketIfRequired Specifies that a zero-length packet shall be sent when the last data packet is a multiple of MaxPacketSize. Normally MaxPacketSize for full-speed devices is 64 bytes. For high-speed devices the normal packet size is between 64 and 512 bytes.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function returns immediately and the transfer is processed asynchronously.

Return value

= 0 Successful started an asynchronous write transfer or a timeout has occurred and no data was written.
> 0 && < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written before a timeout occurred.
= NumBytes Write transfer successful completed.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

Normally USBD_BULK_Write() is called to let the stack send the data to the host and send an optional zero-length packet to tell the host that this was the last packet. This is the case when the last packet sent is MaxPacketSize bytes in size. When using this function, the zero-length packet handling can be controlled. This means the function can be called when sending data in multiple steps.


// for high-speed devices
USBD_BULK_Write(hInst, _aBuffer1, 512, 0);
USBD_BULK_Write(hInst, _aBuffer2, 512, 0);
USBD_BULK_Write(hInst, _aBuffer3, 512, 0);
// this will send 6 packets to the host with sizes: 512, 0, 512, 0, 512, 0
USBD_BULK_WriteEx(hInst, _aBuffer1, 512, 0, 0);
USBD_BULK_WriteEx(hInst, _aBuffer2, 512, 0, 0);
USBD_BULK_WriteEx(hInst, _aBuffer3, 512, 1, 0);
// this will send 4 packets to the host with sizes: 512, 512, 512, 0

Data structures



Initialization structure that is needed when adding a BULK interface to emUSB-Device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  EPIn;
  U8  EPOut;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Endpoint for receiving data from the host.


Initialization structure that is needed when adding a BULK interface to emUSB-Device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16          Flags;
  U8           EPIn;
  U8           EPOut;
  const char * pInterfaceName;
  U8           InterfaceClass;
  U8           InterfaceSubClass;
  U8           InterfaceProtocol;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Various flags. Valid bits: USB_BULK_FLAG_USE_CUSTOM_CLASS_IDS - Allows to set custom values for the bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass and bInterfaceProtocol.
EPIn Endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Endpoint for receiving data from the host.
pInterfaceName Name of the interface.
InterfaceClass Only used when Flags has the USB_BULK_FLAG_USE_CUSTOM_CLASS_IDS bit set. Allows to set the USB Class ID to a different value (default is 0xFF).
InterfaceSubClass Only used when Flags has the USB_BULK_FLAG_USE_CUSTOM_CLASS_IDS bit set. Allows to set the USB SubClass ID to a different value (default is 0xFF).
InterfaceProtocol Only used when Flags has the USB_BULK_FLAG_USE_CUSTOM_CLASS_IDS bit set. Allows to set the USB Protocol ID to a different value (default is 0xFF).

C Host API

To communicate with the target USB-Bulk stack an API is provided that can be used on Windows, Linux and macOS systems. This chapter describes the functions of the C API can be used with the host system.


There is also a C++ API that can be used to communicate to a target running the BULK class, see C++ Host API

To have an easy start-up when writing an application on the host side, these API functions have a simple interface and handle all required operations to communicate with the target USB-Bulk stack.

To use the API in an application the header file USBBULK.h must be included. Depending on the host operating system used the following components must be added to the host application:

Bulk Host API list

The functions below are available on the host (PC) side.

Function Description
USB-Bulk Basic functions
USBBULK_Init() This function needs to be called first.
USBBULK_Exit() This is a cleanup function, it shall be called when exiting the application.
USBBULK_AddAllowedDeviceItem() Adds the Vendor and Product ID to the list of devices the USBBULK API should look for.
USBBULK_GetNumAvailableDevices() Returns the number of connected USB-Bulk devices.
USBBULK_Open() Opens an existing device.
USBBULK_Close() Closes an opened device.
USB-Bulk direct input/output functions
USBBULK_Read() Reads data from target device running emUSB-Device-Bulk.
USBBULK_ReadTimed() Reads data from target device running emUSB-Device-Bulk within a given timeout.
USBBULK_Write() Writes data to the device.
USBBULK_WriteTimed() Writes data to the device within a given timeout.
USBBULK_CancelRead() This cancels an initiated read.
USBBULK_FlushRx() Flush the any received data.
USB-Bulk Control functions
USBBULK_SetMode() Sets the read and write mode for a specified device running emUSB-Device-Bulk.
USBBULK_GetMode() Returns the current mode of the device.
USBBULK_SetReadTimeout() Sets the default read timeout for an opened device.
USBBULK_SetWriteTimeout() Sets a default write timeout for an opened device.
USBBULK_ResetINPipe() Resets the IN pipe that is opened to the device.
USBBULK_ResetOUTPipe() Resets the OUT pipe that is opened to the device.
USBBULK_ResetDevice() Resets the device via a USB reset.
USB-Bulk general GET functions
USBBULK_GetVersion() Returns the version number of the USBBULK API.
USBBULK_GetDevInfo() Retrieves information about an opened USBBULK device.
USBBULK_GetDevInfoByIdx() Retrieves information about a USB device.
USBBULK_GetUSBId() Returns the Product and Vendor ID of an opened device.
USBBULK_GetProductName() Retrieves the device/product name if available.
USBBULK_GetVendorName() Retrieves the vendor name of an opened USBBULK device.
USBBULK_GetSN() Retrieves the USB serial number as a string which was sent by the device during the enumeration.
USBBULK_GetConfigDescriptor() Gets the received target USB configuration descriptor of a specified device.
Data structures

USB-Bulk basic functions



This function needs to be called first. This makes sure to have all structures and thread have been initialized. It also sets a callback in order to be notified when a device is added or removed.


                  void                      * pContext);


Parameter Description
pfNotification Pointer to the user callback.
pContext Context data that shall be called with the callback function.


*       _OnDevNotify
*  Function description:
*    Is called when a new device is found or an existing device is removed.
*  Parameters:
*    pContext  - Pointer to a context given when USBBULK_Init is called
*    Index     - Device Index that has been added or removed.
*    Event     - Type of event, currently the following are available:
*                  USBBULK_DEVICE_EVENT_ADD
static void _OnDevNotify(void * pContext,
                         unsigned Index,
                         USBBULK_DEVICE_EVENT Event) {
  switch(Event) {
    printf("The following DevIndex has been added: %d", Index);
    NumDevices = USBBULK_GetNumAvailableDevices(&DeviceMask);
    printf("The following DevIndex has been removed: %d", Index);
    NumDevices = USBBULK_GetNumAvailableDevices(&DeviceMask);
void MainTask(void) {
  USBBULK_Init(_OnDevNotify, NULL);


This is a cleanup function, it shall be called when exiting the application.


void USBBULK_Exit(void);

Additional information

We recommend to call this function before exiting the application in order to remove all handles and resources that have been allocated.



Adds the Vendor and Product ID to the list of devices the USBBULK API should look for.


void USBBULK_AddAllowedDeviceItem(U16 VendorId,
                                  U16 ProductId);


Parameter Description
VendorId The desired Vendor ID mask that shall be used with the USBBULK API.
ProductId The desired Product ID mask that shall be used with the USBBULK API.

Additional information

It is necessary to call this function first before calling USBBULK_GetNumAvailableDevices() or opening any connection to a device.

The function can be called multiple times to handle more than one pair of Vendor and Product IDs with the API.



Returns the number of connected USB-Bulk devices.


unsigned USBBULK_GetNumAvailableDevices(U32 * pMask);


Parameter Description
pMask Pointer to a U32 variable to receive the connected device mask. This parameter can be NULL.

Return value

Number of available devices running emUSB-Device-Bulk.

Additional information

For each emUSB-Device device that is connected, a bit in pMask is set. For example if device 0 and device 2 are connected to the host, the value pMask points to will be 0x00000005.



Opens an existing device. The ID of the device can be retrieved by the function USBBULK_GetNumAvailableDevices() via the pDeviceMask parameter. Each bit set in the DeviceMask represents an available device. Currently 32 devices can be managed at once.




Parameter Description
Id Device ID to be opened (0..31).

Return value

≠ 0 Handle to the opened device.
= 0 Error occurred.


Closes an opened device.


void USBBULK_Close(USB_BULK_HANDLE hDevice);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the device that shall be closed.

USB-Bulk direct input/output functions



Reads data from target device running emUSB-Device-Bulk.


                 void            * pBuffer,
                 int               NumBytes);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer that shall receive the data.
NumBytes Number of bytes to be read.

Return value

= NumBytes All bytes have been successfully read.
> 0, < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been read. If short read transfers are not allowed (normal mode) this indicates a timeout.
= 0 A timeout occurred, no data was read.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If short read transfers are allowed (see USBBULK_SetMode()) the function returns as soon as data is available, even if just a single byte was read. Otherwise the function blocks until NumBytes were read. In both cases the function returns if a timeout occurs. The default timeout used can be set with USBBULK_SetReadTimeout().

If NumBytes exceeds the maximum read size the driver can handle (the default value is 64 Kbytes), USBBULK_Read() will read the desired NumBytes in chunks of the maximum read size.



Reads data from target device running emUSB-Device-Bulk within a given timeout.


int USBBULK_ReadTimed(USB_BULK_HANDLE   hDevice,
                      void            * pBuffer,
                      int               NumBytes,
                      unsigned          ms);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer that shall receive the data.
NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to be read.
ms Timeout in milliseconds.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read.
= 0 A timeout occurred during read.
< 0 Error, cannot read from the device.

Additional information

The function returns as soon as data is available, even if just a single byte was read. If no data is available, the functions return after the given timeout was expired.

If NumBytes exceeds the maximum read size the driver can handle (the default value is 64 Kbytes), USBBULK_ReadTimed() will read the desired NumBytes in chunks of the maximum read size.



Writes data to the device.


int USBBULK_Write(      USB_BULK_HANDLE   hDevice,
                  const void            * pBuffer,
                        int               NumBytes);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer that contains the data.
NumBytes Number of bytes to be written. If NumBytes = 0, a zero length packet is written to the device.

Return value

= NumBytes All bytes have been successfully written.
> 0, < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written.
= 0 A timeout occurred, no data was written.
< 0 Error, cannot write to the device.

Additional information

The function blocks until NumBytes were written or a timeout occurs. The default timeout used can be set with USBBULK_SetWriteTimeout().

If NumBytes exceeds the maximum write size the driver can handle (the default value is 64 Kbytes), USBBULK_Write() will write the desired NumBytes in chunks of the maximum write size.



Writes data to the device within a given timeout.


int USBBULK_WriteTimed(      USB_BULK_HANDLE   hDevice,
                       const void            * pBuffer,
                             int               NumBytes,
                             unsigned          ms);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer that contains the data.
NumBytes Number of bytes to be written. If NumBytes = 0, a zero length packet is written to the device.
ms Timeout in milliseconds.

Return value

= NumBytes All bytes have been successfully written.
> 0, < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written.
= 0 A timeout occurred, no data was written.
< 0 Error, cannot write to the device.

Additional information

The function blocks until NumBytes were written or a timeout occurs.

If NumBytes exceeds the maximum write size the driver can handle (the default value is 64 Kbytes), USBBULK_WriteTimed() will write the desired NumBytes in chunks of the maximum write size.



This cancels an initiated read.


void USBBULK_CancelRead(USB_BULK_HANDLE hDevice);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.

Additional information

Not supported on Linux and MacOSX.



Flush the any received data.




Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.

Return value

= 0 Error, bad handle.
≠ 0 Success, flushing the RX buffer was successful.

USB-Bulk control functions



Sets the read and write mode for a specified device running emUSB-Device-Bulk.


unsigned USBBULK_SetMode(USB_BULK_HANDLE hDevice,
                         unsigned        Mode);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
Mode Read and write mode for the USB-Bulk driver. This is a combination of the following flags, combined by binary or: USBBULK_MODE_BIT_ALLOW_SHORT_READ USBBULK_MODE_BIT_ALLOW_SHORT_WRITE

Return value

= 0 Operation failed (invalid handle).
≠ 0 The operation was successful.

Additional information

USBBULK_MODE_BIT_ALLOW_SHORT_READ allows short read transfers. Short transfers are transfers of less bytes than requested. If this bit is specified, the read function USBBULK_Read() returns as soon as data is available, even if it is just a single byte.

USBBULK_MODE_BIT_ALLOW_SHORT_WRITE allows short write transfers. USBBULK_Write() and USBBULK_WriteTimed() return after writing the minimal amount of data (either NumBytes or the maximal write transfer size).


static void _TestMode(USB_BULK_HANDLE hDevice) {
  unsigned  Mode;
  char    * pText;
  Mode = USBBULK_GetMode(hDevice);
    pText = "USE_SHORT_MODE";
  } else {
    pText = "USE_NORMAL_MODE";
  printf("USB-Bulk driver is in %s for device %d\n", pText, (int)hDevice);
  printf("Set mode to USBBULK_MODE_BIT_ALLOW_SHORT_READ\n");
  Mode = USBBULK_GetMode(hDevice);
    pText = "USE_SHORT_MODE";
  } else {
    pText = "USE_NORMAL_MODE";
  printf("USB-Bulk driver is now in %s for device %d\n", pText,(int)hDevice);


Returns the current mode of the device.


unsigned USBBULK_GetMode(USB_BULK_HANDLE hDevice);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.

Return value

A combination of the following flags, combined by binary or:



Sets the default read timeout for an opened device.


void USBBULK_SetReadTimeout(USB_BULK_HANDLE hDevice,
                            int             Timeout);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds.


Sets a default write timeout for an opened device.


void USBBULK_SetWriteTimeout(USB_BULK_HANDLE hDevice,
                             int             Timeout);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds.


Resets the IN pipe that is opened to the device. It also flushes any data the USB bulk driver would cache.




Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.

Return value

≠ 0 The operation was successful.
= 0 Operation failed. Either an invalid handle was used or the pipe cannot be flushed.


Resets the OUT pipe that is opened to the device.




Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.

Return value

≠ 0 The operation was successful.
= 0 Operation failed. Either an invalid handle was used or the pipe cannot be flushed.


Resets the device via a USB reset. This can be used when the device does not work properly and may be reactivated via USB reset. This will force a re-enumeration of the device.


int USBBULK_ResetDevice(USB_BULK_HANDLE hDevice);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.

Return value

≠ 0 The operation was successful.
= 0 Operation failed. Either an invalid handle was used or the device cannot be reset.

Additional information

After the device has been reset it is necessary to re-open the device as the current handle will become invalid.

USB-Bulk general GET functions



Returns the version number of the USBBULK API.


unsigned USBBULK_GetVersion(void);

Return value

Version number, format:

< Major Version><Minor Version><Subversion> (Mmmrr, decimal).

Example: 30203 is 3.02c



Retrieves information about an opened USBBULK device.


void USBBULK_GetDevInfo(USB_BULK_HANDLE    hDevice,
                        USBBULK_DEV_INFO * pDevInfo);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
pDevInfo Pointer to a device info structure of type USBBULK_DEV_INFO.


Retrieves information about a USB device.


int USBBULK_GetDevInfoByIdx(unsigned           Idx,
                            USBBULK_DEV_INFO * pDevInfo);


Parameter Description
Idx Index of the device.
pDevInfo Pointer to a device info structure of type USBBULK_DEV_INFO.

Return value

= 0; Error, bad device index.
≠ 0 Success


Returns the Product and Vendor ID of an opened device.


                      U16             * pVendorId,
                      U16             * pProductId);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
pVendorId Pointer to a variable that receives the Vendor ID.
pProductId Pointer to a variable that receives the Product ID.


Retrieves the device/product name if available.


int USBBULK_GetProductName(USB_BULK_HANDLE   hDevice,
                           char            * sProductName,
                           unsigned          BufferSize);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
sProductName Pointer to a buffer that should receive the string.
BufferSize Size of the buffer, given in bytes.

Return value

= 0 Error, product name not available or buffer to small.
≠ 0 Success, product name stored in buffer pointed by sProductName as 0-terminated string.


Retrieves the vendor name of an opened USBBULK device.


int USBBULK_GetVendorName(USB_BULK_HANDLE   hDevice,
                          char            * sVendorName,
                          unsigned          BufferSize);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
sVendorName Pointer to a buffer that should receive the string.
BufferSize Size of the buffer, given in bytes.

Return value

= 0 Error, bad handle.
≠ 0 Success, vendor name stored in buffer pointed by sVendorName as 0-terminated string.


Retrieves the USB serial number as a string which was sent by the device during the enumeration.


                  U8              * pBuffer,
                  unsigned          BuffSize);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer which shall receive the serial number of the device.
BuffSize Size of the buffer in bytes.

Return value

= 0 Operation failed. Either an invalid handle was used or the serial number is not available.
≠ 0 The operation was successful.

Additional information

If the function succeeds, the buffer pointed by pBuffer contains the serial number of the device as 0-terminated string. If BuffSize is too small, the serial number is truncated.



Gets the received target USB configuration descriptor of a specified device.


int USBBULK_GetConfigDescriptor(USB_BULK_HANDLE   hDevice,
                                void            * pBuffer,
                                int               Size);


Parameter Description
hDevice Handle to the opened device.
pBuffer Pointer to the buffer that shall store the descriptor.
Size Size of the buffer, given in bytes.

Return value

≠ 0 Size of the returned USB configuration descriptor (Success).
= 0 Operation failed. Either an invalid handle was used or the buffer that shall store the config descriptor is too small.

USB-Bulk data structures


Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16   VendorId;
  U16   ProductId;
  char  acSN[];
  char  acDevName[];
  U8    InterfaceNo;
  U8    Speed;

Structure members

Member Description
VendorId Vendor ID of the device.
ProductId Product ID of the device.
acSN 0-terminated string which holds the serial number of the device.
acDevName 0-terminated string which holds the device name.
InterfaceNo Interface number used by this device.

Vendor Specific Class (VSC)

This chapter describes how to get emUSB-Device-VSC up and running.

Vendor Specific Class

The Vendor Specific Class (VSC) is located in the directory USB. All C files in the directory should be included in the project (compiled and linked as part of your project). The files in this directory are maintained by SEGGER and should not require any modification. All files requiring modifications have been placed in other directories.

Requirements for the Host (PC)

In order to communicate with a target (client) running emUSB-Device, the operating system running on the host must recognize the device connected to it.


Microsoft’s Windows operating systems (Starting with XP Service Pack 2) contains a generic driver called WinUSB.sys that is used to handle all communication to a emUSB-Device running a VSC interface. If a emUSB device is connected to a Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 PC for the first time, Windows will install the WinUSB driver automatically. For Windows versions less than Windows 8, Microsoft provides a driver for Windows Vista and Windows 7 but this needs to be installed manually. A driver installation tool including the mentioned driver is available in the Windows\USB\VSC\WinUSBInstall. Windows XP user can use the driver package located under Windows\USB\VSC\WinUSB_USBVSC_XP. In order to get emUSB VSC running with the WinUSB driver the following must be considered:


Linux can handle emUSB VSC devices out of the box.

By default a USB device can only be accessed by a process that is running with “root” rights. In order to use the USB VSC device from normal user programs an udev rule has to be configured for the device (refer to the linux udev documentation). The emUSB-Device release contains a sample configuration file 99-emUSBD.rules, which may be modified and copied to /etc/udev/rules.d on the host machine.


macOS can handle emUSB VSC devices out of the box.

Example application

Example applications for both the target (client) and the PC (host) are supplied. These can be used for testing the correct installation and proper function of the device running emUSB-Device.

The host sample applications can be used for Windows, Linux and MacOSX. Precompiled executables for Windows can be found in the subfolder Windows/USB/Bulk/SampleApplication/Exe.

The application USB_VSC_Start.c is a modified echo server; the application receives data, modifies the first byte and sends it back to the host. It also contains the functionality to measure USB transfer speed.

Bulk Application

The example applications for the target-side are supplied in source code in the Application directory.

For information how to compile the host examples (especially for Linux and MacOSX) refer to Compiling the PC example application.

The start application will of course later on be replaced by the real application program. For the purpose of getting emUSB-Device up and running as well as doing an initial test, the start application should not be modified.

Running the example applications

To test the emUSB-Device-VSC component, build and download the USB_VSC_Start.c for the target-side.

To run one of the example applications, simply start the executable Test.exe, for example by double clicking it.

If a connection can be established, it exchanges data with the target, testing the USB connection.

Example output of Test.exe:

VSC test

Compiling the PC example application


For compiling the example application you need Visual C++ 2015 (or later).

The source code of the sample application is located in the subfolder Windows/USB/BULK/USBVAPI_SampleApplication/Src. Open the file USBVAPI_Samples.sln and compile the source.


The subfolder Windows/USB/Bulk/USBVAPI_SampleApplication contains a Makefile for Linux. Change to this folder and execute “make”.


The subfolder Windows/USB/Bulk/USBVAPI_SampleApplication contains a Makefile for macOS. Change to this folder and execute “make -f Makefile_MacOS”.

Target API

This chapter describes the functions that can be used with the target system.

General information

To communicate with the host, the sample application project includes USB-specific header and source files (USB.h, USB_Main.c, USB_Setup.c, USB_VSC.c, USB_VSC.h). These files contain API functions to communicate with the USB host through the emUSB-Device driver.

Purpose of the USB Device API functions

To have an easy start up when writing an application on the device side, these API functions have a simple interface and handle all operations that need to be done to communicate with the hosts kernel.

Therefore, all operations that need to write to or read from the emUSB-Device are handled internally by the provided API functions.

Target interface function list

Routine Explanation
USB VSC functions
USBD_VSC_Add() Adds a VSC interface to emUSB-Device.
USBD_VSC_AddAlternateInterface() Adds an alternative interface for USB-VSC interface.
USBD_VSC_CancelIO() Cancels any non-blocking/blocking data transfer operation that is pending.
USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesInBuffer() Returns the number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer.
USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToRead() Get the number of remaining bytes to read by an active read operation.
USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() After starting a non-blocking write operation this function can be used to periodically check how many bytes still have to be written.
USBD_VSC_Read() Reads data from the host with a given timeout.
USBD_VSC_ReadAsync() Reads data from the host asynchronously.
USBD_VSC_SetContinuousReadMode() Enables continuous read mode for the RX endpoint.
USBD_VSC_SetOnSetupRequest() Sets a callback function that is called when any setup request is sent from the host.
USBD_VSC_SetOnEPEvent() Sets a callback function for the IN endpoint that will be called on every TX event for that endpoint.
USBD_VSC_TxIsPending() Checks whether the TX (IN endpoint) is currently pending.
USBD_VSC_WaitEP() Waits (blocking) until the triggered USBD_VSC_ReadOverlapped() has received the desired data.
USBD_VSC_PollEP() Waits (blocking) until the triggered USBD_VSC_ReadOverlapped() has received the desired data.
USBD_VSC_StallEP() Stall an EP.
USBD_VSC_WaitForTXReady() Waits (blocking) until the TX queue can accept another data packet.
USBD_VSC_Write() Sends data to the USB host.
USBD_VSC_WriteAsync() Sends data to the host asynchronously.
USBD_VSC_SetOnVendorRequest() Sets a callback function that is called when a setup vendor request is sent from the host to the specified interface index.
USBD_VSC_SetOnSetupRequest() Sets a callback function that is called when any setup request is sent from the host.
USBD_VSC_SetOnClassRequest() Sets a callback function that is called when a setup class request is sent from the host to the specified interface index.
USBD_VSC_AddAlternateInterface() Adds an alternative interface for USB-VSC interface.
Data structures and callbacks
USB_VSC_INIT_DATA Initialization structure that is needed when adding a VSC interface to emUSB-Device.
USB_VSC_MSOSDESC_INFO MS OS descriptor structure that contains for MS related OSes information how to deal with device with out having a driver store.
USB_VSC_ON_ADD_FUNCTION_DESC Call back that is used to add an additional descriptor between the interface or one of its alternate setting descriptor and the endpoint descriptor(s).
USB_VSC_ON_SET_INTERFACE Global callback function that is called whenever an alternate setting is set for an interface that was added with USBD_VSC_Add().

USB-VSC functions



Adds a VSC interface to emUSB-Device.




Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to USB_VSC_INIT_DATA structure.

Return value

Handle to a valid VSC instance.


Example excerpt from USB_VSC_Echo1.c:


static void _AddVSC(void) {
  static U8 _abOutBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
  Init.Flags = 0;
  Init.pInterfaceName = "VSC Interface";


Adds an alternative interface for USB-VSC interface.


void USBD_VSC_AddAlternateInterface(      USB_VSC_HANDLE      hInst,
                                    const USB_VSC_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid VSC instance, returned by USBD_VSC_Add().
pInitData Pointer to USB_VSC_INIT_DATA structure.


Cancels any non-blocking/blocking data transfer operation that is pending.


void USBD_VSC_CancelIO(U8 EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().

Additional information

This function shall be called when a pending asynchronous transfer operation should be canceled. The function can be called from any task. In case of canceling a blocking operation, this function must be called from another task.



Returns the number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer. This function does not start a read transfer.


unsigned USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesInBuffer(U8 EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().

Return value

Number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer.

Additional information

If the host is sending more data than your target application has requested, the remaining data will be stored in an internal buffer. This function shows how many bytes are available in this buffer.

The number of bytes returned by this function can be read using USBD_VSC_Read() without blocking.


Your host application sends 50 bytes. Your target application only requests to receive 1 byte. In this case the target application will get 1 byte and the remaining 49 bytes are stored in an internal buffer. When your target application now calls USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesInBuffer() it will return the number of bytes that are available in the internal buffer (49).



Get the number of remaining bytes to read by an active read operation. This function is to be used in combination with USBD_VSC_Read() where Timeout=-1. After starting the read operation this function can be used to periodically check how many bytes still have to be read.


unsigned USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToRead(U8 EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().

Return value

≥ 0 Number of bytes which have not yet been read.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

Alternatively the blocking function USBD_VSC_WaitForRX() can be used.


NumBytesReceived = USBD_VSC_Read(hInst, &ac[0], 50, -1, 0);
if (NumBytesReceived < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
if (NumBytesReceived > 0) {
  // Already had some data in the internal buffer.
  // The first 'NumBytesReceived' bytes may be processed here.
} else {
  // Wait until we get all 50 bytes
  while (USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToRead(hInst) > 0) {


After starting a non-blocking write operation this function can be used to periodically check how many bytes still have to be written.


unsigned USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(U8 EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().

Return value

Number of bytes which have not yet been written.

Additional information

Alternatively the blocking function USBD_VSC_WaitForTX() can be used.


r = USBD_VSC_Write(hInst, &ac[0], TRANSFER_SIZE, -1);
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// NumBytesToWrite shows how many bytes still have to be written.
while (USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(hInst) > 0) {


Reads data from the host with a given timeout.


int USBD_VSC_Read(U8         EPIndex,
                  void     * pData,
                  unsigned   NumBytes,
                  int        Timeout,
                  unsigned   Flags);


Parameter Description
EPIndex One of the EPIndex was used in pInitData when calling USBD_VSC_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function returns immediately and the transfer is processed asynchronously.
Flags Various flags: USB_VSC_READ_FLAG_RECEIVE - This turns the read function in a the receive mode. USB_VSC_READ_FLAG_POLL - Can only be used with the USB_VSC_READ_FLAG_RECEIVE. This function will not abort the transfer in case of a timeout.

Return value

= NumBytes Requested data was successfully read within the given timeout.
≥ 0 && < NumBytes Timeout has occurred. Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function blocks a task until all data have been read or a timeout expires. This function also returns when the device is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurs.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_VSC_Read(). See also USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

When Timeout = -1 the read transfer will be initiated and the function returns immediately. In order to synchronize, USBD_VSC_WaitForRX() needs to be called. Alternatively the function USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToRead() can be called periodically to check whether all bytes have been read or not. The read operation can be canceled using USBD_VSC_Cancel(). The buffer pointed to by pData must be valid until the read operation is terminated.

In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).

If a read transfer was still pending while the function is called, it returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_VSC_Receive() will return as much data as is currently available -- up to the size of the buffer specified. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If a read transfer was pending while the function is called, it returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_VSC_Read(). See also USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

A call of USBD_VSC_Read(EPIndex, NULL, 0, -1, USB_VSC_) can be used to trigger an asynchronous read that stores the data into the internal buffer.

In contrast to receive mode this function will continue the read transfer asynchronously in case of a timeout.



Reads data from the host asynchronously. The function does not wait for the data to be received. A callback function is called after the transfer has completed successfully, an error occurred or the transfer was canceled.


void USBD_VSC_ReadAsync(U8                     EPIndex,
                        USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pContext,
                        int                    ShortRead);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid OUT EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().
pContext Pointer to a structure of type USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT containing parameters and a pointer to the callback function.
ShortRead 0: The transfer is completed successfully after all bytes have been read. 1: The transfer is completed successfully after one packet has been read.


static void _AsyncCb(USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pIOContext) {
  U8  *p;

  p = (U8 *)pIOContext->pContext;
  *p = 1;


U8                   AsyncComplete;

IOContext.NumBytesToTransfer = 5000;
IOContext.pData              = pBuff;
IOContext.pfOnComplete       = _AsyncCb;
IOContext.pContext           = (void *)&AsyncComplete;
AsyncComplete = 0;
USBD_VSC_ReadAsync(hInst, &IOContext, 0);
while (AsyncComplete == 0) {
  <.. Do other work. ..>
// Transaction is complete.
if (IOContext.Status < 0 || IOContext.NumBytesTransferred != 5000) {
  <.. error handling ..>
} else {
  <.. Process the data ..>


Enables continuous read mode for the RX endpoint. In this mode every finished read transfer will automatically trigger another read transfer, as long as there is enough space in the internal buffer to receive another packet.


void USBD_VSC_SetContinuousReadMode(U8 EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().

Additional information

To check how many bytes have been read into the buffer, the function USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesInBuffer() may be called. In order to read the data the function USBD_VSC_Receive() needs to be called (non-blocking).

The USB stack will use the buffer that was provided by the application with USBD_AddEP(). The transfer speed may be improved, if this buffer has a size of at least 2 * MaxPacketSize. Normally MaxPacketSize for full-speed devices is 64 bytes and for high-speed devices 512 bytes.


for(;;) {
  // Fetch data that was already read (non-blocking).
  NumBytesReceived = USBD_VSC_Read(hInst, &ac[0], sizeof(ac), -1, USB_VSC_READ_FLAG_POLL);
  if (NumBytesReceived > 0) {
    // We got some data
    <.. Process data..>
  } else {
    <.. Nothing received yet, do application processing..>


Sets a callback function that is called when any setup request is sent from the host.


void USBD_VSC_SetOnSetupRequest(USB_VSC_HANDLE   hInst,
                                USB_ON_SETUP   * pfOnSetupRequest);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid VSC instance, returned by USBD_VSC_Add().
pfOnSetupRequest Pointer to the callback function.


Sets a callback function for the IN endpoint that will be called on every TX event for that endpoint.


void USBD_VSC_SetOnEPEvent(U8                        EPIndex,
                           USB_EVENT_CALLBACK      * pEventCb,
                           USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC * pfEventCb,
                           void                    * pContext);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().
pEventCb Pointer to a USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure. The structure is initialized by this function.
pfEventCb Pointer to the callback routine that will be called on every event on the USB endpoint.
pContext A pointer which is used as parameter for the callback function.

Additional information

The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_VSC_SetOnEPEvent(). The USB stack keeps track of all event callback functions using a linked list. The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

The callback function is called only, if a transfer operation was started using either USBD_VSC_Read() or USBD_VSC_Write() functions.

The callback function has the following prototype:

typedef void USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC(unsigned Events, void *pContext);
Parameter Description
Events A bit mask indicating which events occurred on the endpoint.
pContext The pointer which was provided to the USBD_SetOnEvent() function.

Note that the callback function will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. The first parameter to the callback function will contain a bit mask for all events that triggered the call:

EP Direction Event Description
OUT USB_EVENT_DATA_READ Some data was received from the host on the endpoint.
OUT USB_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE The last read operation was completed.
OUT USB_EVENT_READ_ABORT A read transfer was aborted.
IN USB_EVENT_DATA_SEND Some data was sent to the host, so that (part of) the user write buffer may be reused by the application.
IN USB_EVENT_DATA_ACKED Some data was acknowledged by the host.
IN USB_EVENT_WRITE_ABORT A write transfer was aborted.
IN USB_EVENT_WRITE_COMPLETE All write operations were completed.

Example for an OUT EP

// The callback function.
static void _OnEvent(unsigned Events, void *pContext) {
  unsigned NumBytes;

  if (Events & USB_EVENT_DATA_READ) {
    NumBytes = USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesInBuffer(hInst);
    if (NumBytes) {
r = USBD_VSC_Receive(hInst, Buff, NumBytes, -1);
      if (r > 0) {
        <.. process data in Buff..>
// Main program.
// Register callback function.
static USB_EVENT_CALLBACK _usb_callback;
USBD_VSC_SetOnEPEvent(EPOut, &_usb_callback, _OnEvent, NULL);
// Trigger first read
<.. do anything else here while the data is processed in the callback ..>

Example for an IN EP

// The callback function.
static void _OnEvent(unsigned Events, void *pContext) {
  if ((Events & USB_EVENT_DATA_SEND) != 0 &&
        // Check for last write transfer to be completed.
USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(_hInst) == 0) {
            <.. prepare next data for writing..>
            // Send next packet of data.
            r = USBD_VSC_Write(_hInst, &ac[0], 200, -1);
            if (r < 0) {
              <.. error handling..>
// Main program.
// Register callback function.
static USB_EVENT_CALLBACK _usb_callback;
USBD_VSC_SetOnEPEvent(hInst, &_usb_callback, _OnEvent, NULL);
// Send the first packet of data using an asynchronous write operation.
r = USBD_VSC_Write(_hInst, &ac[0], 200, -1, 0);
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
<.. do anything else here while the whole data is send..>


Checks whether the TX (IN endpoint) is currently pending. Can be called in any context.


int USBD_VSC_TxIsPending(U8 EPIndex);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().

Return value

1 We have queued data to be sent.
0 Queue is empty.


Waits (blocking) until the triggered USBD_VSC_ReadOverlapped() has received the desired data.


int USBD_VSC_WaitEP(U8       EPIndex,
                    unsigned Timeout);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

= 0 Transfer completed.
= 1 Timeout occurred.
< 0 An error occurred (e.g. target disconnected)

Additional information

In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).


if (USBD_VSC_Read(hInst, &ac[0], 50, -1, 0) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_VSC_Read() with Timeout==-1 will return immediately.
// Do something else while data may be transferred.
// Now wait until we get all 50 bytes.
// USBD_VSC_WaitEP() will block, until total of
// 50 bytes are read or timeout occurs.
if (USBD_VSC_WaitEP(hInst, timeout) != 0) {
  <.. timeout error handling..>
// Now we have 50 bytes of data.
// Process 50 bytes of data from ac[] here.


Waits (blocking) until the triggered USBD_VSC_ReadOverlapped() has received the desired data.


int USBD_VSC_PollEP(U8       EPIndex,
                    unsigned Timeout);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

= 0 Transfer completed.
= 1 Timeout occurred.
< 0 An error occurred (e.g. target disconnected)

Additional information

In case of a timeout, the current transfer is not affected. The function may be called repeatedly until it does not report a timeout any more.

Example for an IN EP

if (USBD_VSC_Write(hInst, &ac[0], 50, -1, 0) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_VSC_Write() will return immediately.
// While waiting for the data to be transferred, we will blink a LED with 200 ms interval.
// USBD_VSC_PollForTX() will return, if all data were send or 100 ms expired.
while ((r = USBD_VSC_PollEP(hInst, 100)) > 0) {
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// Now all data have been send.

Example for an OUT EP

if (USBD_VSC_Read(hInst, &ac[0], 50, -1, 0) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_VSC_Read() with Timeout==-1 will return immediately.
// While waiting for the data, we will blink a LED with 200 ms interval.
// USBD_VSC_PollForRX() will return, if all data were read or 100 ms expired.
while ((r = USBD_VSC_PollEP(hInst, 100)) > 0) {
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// Now we have 50 bytes of data.
// Process 50 bytes of data from ac[] here.


Waits (blocking) until the TX queue can accept another data packet. This function is used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_VSC_Write() , it waits until a new asynchronous write data transfer will be accepted by the USB stack.


int USBD_VSC_WaitForTXReady(U8  EPIndex,
                            int Timeout);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is negative, the function will return immediately.

Return value

= 0 A new asynchronous write data transfer will be accepted.
= 1 The write queue is full, a call to USBD_VSC_Write() would return USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If Timeout is 0, the function never returns 1.

If Timeout is -1, the function will not wait, but immediately return the current state.


// Always keep the write queue full for maximum send speed.
for (;;) {
  pData = GetNextData(&NumBytes);
  // Wait until stack can accept a new write.
  USBD_VSC_WaitForTxReady(hInst, 0);
  // Issue write transfer.
  if (USBD_VSC_Write(hInst, pData, NumBytes, -1) < 0) {
    <.. error handling..>


Sends data to the USB host. Depending on the Timeout parameter, the function blocks until NumBytes have been written or a timeout occurs.


int USBD_VSC_Write(      U8         EPIndex,
                   const void     * pData,
                         unsigned   NumBytes,
                         int        Timeout,
                         unsigned   Flags);


Parameter Description
EPIndex One of the EPIndex was used in pInitData when calling USBD_VSC_Add().
pData Data that should be written.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function returns immediately and the transfer is processed asynchronously.
Flags Various flags: Current flags: USB_VSC_WRITE_FLAG_NO_NULL_PACKET - Specifies that a zero-length packet shall be sent when the last data packet is a multiple of MaxPacketSize. Normally MaxPacketSize for full-speed devices is 64 bytes. For high-speed devices the normal packet size is between 64 and 512 bytes.

Return value

= 0 Successful started an asynchronous write transfer or a timeout has occurred and no data was written.
> 0 && < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written before a timeout occurred.
= NumBytes Write transfer successful completed.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function also returns when the target is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurred.

The USB stack is able to queue a small number of asynchronous write transfers (when using Timeout = -1). If a write transfer is still in progress when this function is called and the USB stack can not accept another write transfer request, the functions returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY. A synchronous write transfer (Timeout ≥ 0) will always block until the transfer (including all pending transfers) are finished or a timeout occurs.

In case of a timeout, the write transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).

In order to synchronize, USBD_VSC_WaitForTX() needs to be called. Another synchronization method would be to periodically call USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() in order to see how many bytes still need to be written (this method is preferred when a non-blocking solution is necessary). The write operation can be canceled using USBD_VSC_CancelWrite().

If pData = NULL and NumBytes = 0, a zero-length packet is sent to the host.

The content of the buffer pointed to by pData must not be changed until the transfer has been completed.


NumBytesWritten = USBD_VSC_Write(hInst, &ac[0], DataSize, 500);
if (NumBytesWritten <= 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
if (NumBytesWritten < DataSize) {
  <.. timeout occurred, data partially written within 500ms ..>
} else {
  <.. write completed successfully..>

See also USBD_VSC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite.



Sends data to the host asynchronously. The function does not block. A callback function is called after the transfer has completed successfully, an error occurred or the transfer was canceled.


void USBD_VSC_WriteAsync(U8                     EPIndex,
                         USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pContext,
                         char                   Send0PacketIfRequired);


Parameter Description
EPIndex A valid EP Index that was also passed to USBD_VSC_Add().
pContext Pointer to a structure of type USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT containing parameters and a pointer to the callback function.
Send0PacketIfRequired Specifies that a zero-length packet shall be sent when the last data packet is a multiple of MaxPacketSize.


static void _AsyncCb(USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pIOContext) {
  U8  *p;

  p = (U8 *)pIOContext->pContext;
  *p = 1;


U8                   AsyncComplete;

IOContext.NumBytesToTransfer = 5000;
IOContext.pData              = pBuff;
IOContext.pfOnComplete       = _AsyncCb;
IOContext.pContext           = (void *)&AsyncComplete;
AsyncComplete = 0;
USBD_VSC_WriteAsync(hInst, &IOContext, 1);
while (AsyncComplete == 0) {
  <.. Do other work. ..>
// Transaction is complete.
if (IOContext.Status < 0 || IOContext.NumBytesTransferred != 5000) {
  <.. error handling ..>
} else {
  <.. data written successfully ..>

Data structures



Initialization structure that is needed when adding a VSC interface to emUSB-Device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16                           Flags;
  U8                            aEP[];
  U8                            NumEPs;
  const char                  * pInterfaceName;
  U8                            InterfaceClass;
  U8                            InterfaceSubClass;
  U8                            InterfaceProtocol;
  const USB_VSC_MSOSDESC_INFO * pMSDescInfo;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Various flags. Currently only one flag is available: - USB_VSC_USE_CUSTOM_MSOSDESC: Allows to use a cutom specified MS OS Descriptor. Otherwise this has to be be initialized to 0.
aEP Array of Endpoints Indices to be used. Each EPIndex needs to be allocated by USBD_AddEP
NumEPs Number of EPIndex in array.
pInterfaceName Name of the interface.
InterfaceClass Sets the USB Class ID .
InterfaceSubClass Sets the USB SubClass ID.
InterfaceProtocol Sets the USB Protocol ID.
pMSDescInfo [Optional] This pointer will only be used when the Flag USB_VSC_USE_CUSTOM_MSOSDESC is set.


MS OS descriptor structure that contains for MS related OSes information how to deal with device with out having a driver store.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char               * sCompatibleID;
  const char               * sSubCompatibleID;
  U32                        NumProperties;
  const USB_MS_OS_EXT_PROP * pProperties;

Structure members

Member Description
sCompatibleID Strings that gives MS OS a hint to the driver that shall be loaded
sSubCompatibleID [Optional] Gives a sub id string, in most cases this can be NULL.
NumProperties NumBer of properties that are stored in pProperties
pProperties Variable array of MS OS extended OS descriptors. Depending on the sCompatibleID, this can be some sub structure which will be stored in the Windows registry. Eg. with WinUSB this contains the GUID which is needed to identify your device among other WinUSB devices.


Call back that is used to add an additional descriptor between the interface or one of its alternate setting descriptor and the endpoint descriptor(s).

Type definition

typedef const U8 * (USB_VSC_ON_ADD_FUNCTION_DESC)
                                               (USB_VSC_HANDLE hInst,
                                                U8             IFAlternateSetting);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid VSC instance, returned by USBD_VSC_Add().
IFAlternateSetting Data that should be written.

Return value

= NULL No additional descriptor shall be added to this interface or its alternate setting..
NULL Pointer to a USB descriptor.

Additional information

USB Descriptor follow a specific format. The first byte is always the length. The second byte describes the descriptor type. Anything after these 2 bytes is descriptor dependent.



Global callback function that is called whenever an alternate setting is set for an interface that was added with USBD_VSC_Add().

Type definition

                                        U8             AlternateInterface);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid VSC instance, returned by USBD_VSC_Add().
AlternateInterface Alternate interface that was set by the host.

Additional information

Each interface has one alternate setting which is the default setting. This call back is called after the host has set the alternate setting. By default all data transfers of the previous interface/alternate setting are canceled.

C++ Host API

This chapter describes the functions that can be used with the host system.

To communicate with a target running the USB VSC or BULK class an API is provided that can be used on Windows, Linux and macOS systems.

To have an easy start-up when writing an application on the host side, these API functions have a simple interface and handle all required operations to communicate with the target VSC class.

To use the API in an application the header file USBVAPI.h must be included. Depending on the host operating system used one of the following libraries must be added to the host application:

The documentation for the host API is provided as HTML in the file USBVAPI_documentation_html.zip. To view the documentation unzip this file and open the index.html from the resulting (unzipped) directory in a web browser.

The following table shows where components of the C++ API can be found in the emUSB-Device shipping:

File / Directory Contents
Windows/USB/BULK/Inc/USBVAPI.h Header file for the API
Doc/USBVAPI_documentation_html.zip Manual of the API.
Windows/USB/BULK/USBVAPI Libraries for different host architectures
Windows/USB/BULK/USBVAPI_SampleApplication Sample applications to demonstrate the usage of the API.

Mass Storage Device Class (MSD)

This chapter gives a general overview of the MSD class and describes how to get the MSD component running on the target.


The Mass Storage Device (MSD) is a USB class protocol defined by the USB Implementers Forum. The class itself is used to access one or more storage devices such as flash drives or memory sticks.

As the USB mass storage device class is well standardized, every major operating system such as Microsoft Windows (after Windows 2000), Apple OS X, Linux and many more support it. So therefore an installation of a custom host USB driver is normally not necessary.

emUSB-Device-MSD comes as a whole packet and contains the following:

MSD Configuration

Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device-MSD up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as it is delivered should not be modified.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified, when emUSB-Device is deployed in your final product. Refer to emUSB-Device Configuration for detailed information about the generic information functions which must be adapted.

In order to comply with the Mass Storage Device Bootability specification, the serial number provided by the function USBD_SetDeviceInfo() must be a string with at least 12 characters, where each character is a hexadecimal digit (’0’ through ’9’ or ’A’ through ’F’).

MSD class specific configuration functions

Beside the generic emUSB-Device configuration functions (emUSB-Device Configuration), the following should be adapted before the emUSB-Device MSD component is used in a final product. Example implementations are supplied in the MSD example application USB_MSD_FS_Start.c, located in the Application directory of emUSB-Device.

Each logical unit (storage) which is added to the MSD component has it’s own set of name and id values which is supplied when the logical unit is first added through USBD_MSD_AddUnit()


static const USB_MSD_LUN_INFO _Lun0Info = {
  "Vendor",     // MSD VendorName
  "MSD Volume", // MSD ProductName
  "1.00",       // MSD ProductVer
  "134657890"   // MSD SerialNo
InstData.pLunInfo = &_Lun0Info;

Running the example application

The directory Application contains example applications that can be used with emUSB-Device and the MSD component. To test the emUSB-Device-MSD component, build and download the application of choice into the target. Remove the USB connection and reconnect the target to the host. The target will enumerate and can be accessed via a file browser.

MSD_Start_StorageRAM.c in detail

The main part of the example application USB_MSD_Start_StorageRAM.c is implemented in a single task called MainTask().

/* MainTask() - excerpt from USB_MSD_Start_StorageRAM.c */
void MainTask(void);
void MainTask(void) {
  while (1) {
            != USB_STAT_CONFIGURED) {

The first step is to initialize the USB core stack using USBD_Init(). The function _AddMSD() configures all required endpoints and assigns the used storage medium to the MSD component.

/* _AddMSD() - excerpt from MSD_Start_StorageRAM.c */
static void _AddMSD(void) {
  static U8 _abOutBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
  USB_MSD_INIT_DATA     InitData;
  USB_MSD_INST_DATA     InstData;
                              USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, NULL, 0);
                              _abOutBuffer, sizeof(_abOutBuffer));
  // Add logical unit 0: RAM drive
  memset(&InstData, 0,  sizeof(InstData));
  InstData.pAPI                    = &USB_MSD_StorageRAM;
  InstData.DriverData.pStart       = (void*)MSD_RAM_ADDR;
  InstData.DriverData.NumSectors   = MSD_RAM_NUM_SECTORS;
  InstData.DriverData.SectorSize   = MSD_RAM_SECTOR_SIZE;
  InstData.pLunInfo = &_Lun0Info;

The example application uses a RAM disk as storage medium.

The example RAM disk has a size of 23 kB (46 sectors with a sector size of 512 bytes). You can increase the size of the RAM disk by modifying the macros MSD_RAM_NUM_SECTORS and MSD_RAM_SECTOR_SIZE (in multiples of 512), but the size must be at least 23 kB otherwise a Windows host cannot format the disk.

/* AddMSD() - excerpt from MSD_Start_StorageRAM.c */
#define MSD_RAM_SECTOR_SIZE  512

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_MSD_Add() Adds an MSD-class interface to the USB stack.
USBD_MSD_AddUnit() Adds a mass storage device to emUSB-Device-MSD.
USBD_MSD_AddCDRom() Adds a CD-ROM device to emUSB-Device-MSD.
USBD_MSD_SetPreventAllowRemovalHook() Sets a callback function to prevent/allow removal of storage medium.
USBD_MSD_SetReadWriteHook() Sets a callback function which gives information about the read and write block-wise operations to the storage medium.
USBD_MSD_Task() Task that handles the MSD-specific protocol.
USBD_MSD_Poll() Function which handles MSD commands.
USBD_MSD_PollEx() Function which handles MSD commands.
USBD_MSD_SetStartStopUnitHook() Sets a callback function which is called when the command StartStopUnit is called.
Extended API functions
USBD_MSD_Connect() Connects the storage medium to the MSD component.
USBD_MSD_Disconnect() Disconnects the storage medium from the MSD.
USBD_MSD_RequestDisconnect() Sets the DisconnectRequest flag.
USBD_MSD_RequestRefresh() Performs a disconnect (optional), a detach and optionally a re-attach, to inform host that volume contents has changed.
USBD_MSD_UpdateWriteProtect() This function updates the write protect status of the storage medium.
USBD_MSD_WaitForDisconnection() Waits for disconnection while time out is not reached.
Data structures
USB_MSD_INIT_DATA emUSB-Device-MSD initialization structure that is required when adding an MSD interface.
USB_MSD_INFO emUSB-Device-MSD storage interface.
USB_MSD_INST_DATA USB-MSD initialization structure that is required when adding an MSD interface.
PREVENT_ALLOW_REMOVAL_HOOK Callback function to prevent/allow removal of storage medium.
READ_WRITE_HOOK Callback function which is called with every read/write access to the storage medium.
USB_MSD_INST_DATA_DRIVER USB-MSD initialization structure that is required when adding an MSD interface.
USB_MSD_STORAGE_API USB-MSD initialization structure that is required when adding an MSD interface.
START_STOP_UNIT_HOOK Callback function which is called when a START STOP UNIT SCSI command is received.

API functions



Adds an MSD-class interface to the USB stack.


void USBD_MSD_Add(const USB_MSD_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USB_MSD_INIT_DATA structure.

Additional information

After the initialization of general emUSB-Device, this is the first function that needs to be called when an MSD interface is used with emUSB-Device. The structure USB_MSD_INIT_DATA must be initialized before USBD_MSD_Add() is called.



Adds a mass storage device to emUSB-Device-MSD.


void USBD_MSD_AddUnit(const USB_MSD_INST_DATA * pInstData);


Parameter Description
pInstData Pointer to a USB_MSD_INST_DATA structure containing the information of the added storage device.

Additional information

It is necessary to call this function immediately after USBD_MSD_Add(). It will then add an R/W storage device to emUSB-Device-MSD. The structure USB_MSD_INST_DATA must be initialized before calling USBD_MSD_AddUnit().



Adds a CD-ROM device to emUSB-Device-MSD.


void USBD_MSD_AddCDRom(const USB_MSD_INST_DATA * pInstData);


Parameter Description
pInstData Pointer to a USB_MSD_INST_DATA structure containing the information of the added storage device.

Additional information

Similar to USBD_MSD_AddUnit(), this function should be called after USBD_MSD_Add(). The structure USB_MSD_INST_DATA must be initialized before USBD_MSD_AddCDRom() is called.



Sets a callback function to prevent/allow removal of storage medium.


void USBD_MSD_SetPreventAllowRemovalHook
                            (U8                           Lun,
                             PREVENT_ALLOW_REMOVAL_HOOK * pfOnPreventAllowRemoval);


Parameter Description
Lun Logical Unit Number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.
pfOnPreventAllowRemoval Pointer to the callback function that shall be called.

Additional information

The callback is called within the MSD task context. The callback must not block.



Sets a callback function which gives information about the read and write block-wise operations to the storage medium.


void USBD_MSD_SetReadWriteHook(U8                Lun,
                               READ_WRITE_HOOK * pfOnReadWrite);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.
pfOnReadWrite Pointer to the callback function that shall be called.


Task that handles the MSD-specific protocol.


void USBD_MSD_Task(void);

Additional information

After the USB device has been successfully enumerated and configured, the USBD_MSD_Task() should be called. This function blocks until the device is detached or is suspended. After a detach or suspend USBD_MSD_Task() will return.

Check USBD_MSD_Poll() if you need a non-blocking version.



Function which handles MSD commands. Using this function is only necessary if you want to avoid using the blocking USB_MSD_Task function. This can be necessary if you are not using an RTOS.


int USBD_MSD_Poll(void);

Return value

2 O.K. Command was processed, but a protocol error occurred.
1 O.K. Command was processed successfully.
0 O.K. Timeout occurred.
1 An error occurred. (e.g. no cable connected).

Additional information

This function must be called periodically, otherwise the host can time out the device since it does not process commands. It normally blocks for USB_MSD_POLL_TIMEOUT milliseconds while waiting for a command from the host. Should a command arrive during the timeout it will be processed, which could potentially increase the block duration. The duration could also decrease because the function returns as soon as a command is finished.

In case of return value 2 the calling task should still call this function again, if possible recovery will be initiated.



Function which handles MSD commands. Using this function is only necessary if you want to avoid using the blocking USB_MSD_Task function. This can be necessary if you are not using an RTOS.


int USBD_MSD_PollEx(unsigned Timeout);


Parameter Description
Timeout Function will block for ’Timeout’ ms, if no requests are received from the host. Timeout may be zero.

Return value

2 O.K. Command was processed, but a protocol error occurred.
1 O.K. Command was processed successfully.
0 O.K. Timeout occurred.
1 An error occurred. (e.g. no cable connected).

Additional information

This function must be called periodically, otherwise the host can time out the device since it does not process commands. It normally blocks for ’Timeout’ milliseconds while waiting for a command from the host. Should a command arrive during the timeout it will be processed, which could potentially increase the block duration. The duration could also decrease because the function returns as soon as a command is finished.

In case of return value 2 the calling task should still call this function again, if possible recovery will be initiated.



Sets a callback function which is called when the command StartStopUnit is called.


void USBD_MSD_SetStartStopUnitHook(U8                     Lun,
                                   START_STOP_UNIT_HOOK * pfOnStartStopUnit);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.
pfOnStartStopUnit Pointer to the callback function that shall be called. For detailed information about the function pointer, refer to START_STOP_UNIT_HOOK.

Extended API functions



Connects the storage medium to the MSD component.


void USBD_MSD_Connect(U8 Lun);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.

Additional information

The storage medium is initially always connected to the MSD component. This function is normally used after the storage medium was disconnected via USBD_MSD_Disconnect() to carry out file system operations on the device application side. Because the device can not actively perform a connect operation this function sets an internal flag and the next time when the host requests the status of the storage medium the storage medium is connected back to the MSD component.



Disconnects the storage medium from the MSD.


void USBD_MSD_Disconnect(U8 Lun);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.

Additional information

This function will force the storage medium to be disconnected. The host will be informed that the medium is not present. In order to reconnect the device to the host, the function USBD_MSD_Connect() shall be used. See USBD_MSD_RequestDisconnect() and USBD_MSD_WaitForDisconnection() for a graceful disconnection method.



Sets the DisconnectRequest flag.


void USBD_MSD_RequestDisconnect(U8 Lun);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.

Additional information

This function sets the disconnect flag for the storage medium. As soon as the next MSD command is sent to the device, the host will be informed that the device is currently not available. To reconnect the storage medium, USBD_MSD_Connect() shall be called.


If the host tries to access the storage medium while this flag is set to 1, the status of the storage medium changes to disconnected.



Performs a disconnect (optional), a detach and optionally a re-attach, to inform host that volume contents has changed.


void USBD_MSD_RequestRefresh(U8  Lun,
                             U32 Flags);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.
Flags Request flags, a bit-ored combination of the following flags: USB_MSD_TRY_DISCONNECT - Try a medium disconnect before doing a USB detach. USB_MSD_RE_ATTACH - Automatically re-attach after detach has been done.

Additional information

If the flag USB_MSD_TRY_DISCONNECT is given, the function sets the disconnect flag for the storage medium. As soon as the next MSD command is sent to the device, the host will be informed that the device is currently not available. If the host acknowledges the disconnect, the medium is reconnected and the function USBD_MSD_Task() will return.

If the flag USB_MSD_TRY_DISCONNECT is not set or the host ignores the disconnection of the medium, the USB device is detached from the host (using USBD_Stop()).

If the flag USB_MSD_RE_ATTACH is set, the device is re-attached after some delay using USBD_Start(). Then the function USBD_MSD_Task() will return. The function USBD_MSD_RequestRefresh() returns immediately while the procedure is executed in the USBD_MSD_Task().

Returning of the function USBD_MSD_Task() allows the application to reinitialize the volume (or calling USBD_Start(), if USB_MSD_RE_ATTACH was not set) before calling USBD_MSD_Task() again.

Detaching the USB device not only affects the specified volume (Lun) but all volumes of the device and any other USB class interfaces.



This function updates the write protect status of the storage medium.


void USBD_MSD_UpdateWriteProtect(U8 Lun,
                                 U8 IsWriteProtected);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.
IsWriteProtected Set the write protect flag: 1 - Medium is write-protected. 0 - Medium is NOT write-protected.

Additional information

Please make sure that this function is called when the LUN is disconnected from the host, otherwise the change in the WriteProtected flag is normally not recognized.



Waits for disconnection while time out is not reached.


int USBD_MSD_WaitForDisconnection(U8  Lun,
                                  U32 TimeOut);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one storage medium, this parameter is 0.
TimeOut Timeout give in ms. How long should this function wait, until it stops waiting.

Return value

0 Error - Time out reached. Device not disconnected.
1 Success - Device disconnected.

Additional information

After triggering the disconnection via USBD_MSD_RequestDisconnect() the stack disconnects the storage medium as soon as the host requests the status of the storage medium. Win2k does not periodically check the status of a USB MSD. Therefore, the timeout is required to leave the loop. The return value can be used to decide if the disconnection should be forced. In this case, USBD_MSD_Disconnect() shall be called.

Data structures



emUSB-Device-MSD initialization structure that is required when adding an MSD interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  EPIn;
  U8  EPOut;
  U8  InterfaceNum;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Bulk IN endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Bulk OUT endpoint for receiving data from the host.
InterfaceNum Interface number. This member is used internally, set to 0.

Additional information

This structure holds the endpoints that should be used with the MSD interface. Refer to USBD_AddEP() for more information about how to add an endpoint.



emUSB-Device-MSD storage interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U32  NumSectors;
  U16  SectorSize;

Structure members

Member Description
NumSectors Number of available sectors.
SectorSize Size of one sector in bytes.


USB-MSD initialization structure that is required when adding an MSD interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8                          DeviceType;
  U8                          IsPresent;
  USB_MSD_HANDLE_CMD        * pfHandleCmd;
  U8                          IsWriteProtected;
  const USB_MSD_LUN_INFO    * pLunInfo;

Structure members

Member Description
pAPI Pointer to a structure that holds the storage device driver API.
DriverData Driver data that are passed to the storage driver. Refer to USB_MSD_INST_DATA_DRIVER for detailed information about how to initialize this structure.
DeviceType Determines the type of the device: 0: Direct access block device 5: CD/DVD
IsPresent Determines if the medium is storage is present. For non-removable devices always 1.
pfHandleCmd Optional pointer to a callback function which handles SCSI commands.
IsWriteProtected Specifies whether the storage medium shall be write-protected.
pLunInfo Pointer to a USB_MSD_LUN_INFO structure. Filling this structure is mandatory for each LUN.

Additional information

All non-optional members of this structure need to be initialized correctly, except DeviceType and pfHandleCmd because it is done by the functions USBD_MSD_AddUnit() or USBD_MSD_AddCDROM().



Structure that is used when adding a logical volume to emUSB-Device-MSD.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char * pVendorName;
  const char * pProductName;
  const char * pProductVer;
  const char * pSerialNo;

Structure members

Member Description
pVendorName Vendor name of the mass storage device. The string should be no longer than 8 bytes.
pProductName Product name of the mass storage device. The product name string should be no longer than 16 bytes.
pProductVer Product version number of the mass storage device. The product version string should be no longer than 4 bytes.
pSerialNo Product serial number of the mass storage device. The serial number string must be exactly 12 bytes, in order to satisfy the USB bootability specification requirements.

Additional information

The setting of these values is mandatory, if these values remain NULL at initialisation emUSB-Device will report a panic error in debug builds (USB_PANIC).



Callback function to prevent/allow removal of storage medium. See USBD_MSD_SetPreventAllowRemovalHook().

Type definition

typedef void (PREVENT_ALLOW_REMOVAL_HOOK)(U8 PreventRemoval);


Parameter Description
PreventRemoval Show whether the device shall be locked or not. 0 - The device shall be removable. 1 - The device shall be locked.

Additional information

Most OSes call the prevent/allow removal before any write operation. This callback will be called for all LUNs that are available on the host.



Callback function which is called with every read/write access to the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef void (READ_WRITE_HOOK)(U8  Lun,
                               U8  IsRead,
                               U8  OnOff,
                               U32 StartLBA,
                               U32 NumBlocks);


Parameter Description
Lun Specifies the logical unit number which was accessed through read or write.
IsRead Specifies whether a read or a write access was used: 1 : read 0 : write
OnOff States whether the read or write request has been initialized (1) or whether it is complete (0).
StartLBA The first Logical Block Address accessed by the transfer.
NumBlocks The number of blocks accessed by the transfer, starting from the StartLBA.


USB-MSD initialization structure that is required when adding an MSD interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  void    * pStart;
  U32       StartSector;
  U32       NumSectors;
  U16       SectorSize;
  void    * pSectorBuffer;
  unsigned  NumBytes4Buffer;
  U8        NumBuffers;

Structure members

Member Description
pStart A pointer defining the start address
StartSector The start sector that is used for the driver.
NumSectors The available number of sectors available for the driver.
SectorSize The sector size that should be used by the driver.
pSectorBuffer Pointer to an application provided buffer to be used as temporary buffer for storing the sector data.
NumBytes4Buffer Size of the application provided buffer.
NumBuffers Number of buffer that are available. This is only used when using the MT storage layer.

Additional information

This structure is passed to the storage driver. Therefore, the member of this structure can depend on the driver that is used. For the storage driver that are shipped with this software the members of USB_MSD_INST_DATA_DRIVER have the following meaning:


Member Description
pStart A pointer defining the start address of the RAM disk.
StartSector This member is ignored.
NumSectors The available number of sectors available for the RAM disk.
SectorSize The sector size that should be used by the driver.


Member Description
pStart Pointer to a string holding the name of the volumes that shall be used, for example “nand:” “mmc:1:”
StartSector Specifies the start sector.
NumSectors Number of sector that shall be used.
SectorSize This member is ignored.
pSectorBuffer Pointer to an application provided buffer to be used as temporary buffer for storing the sector data
NumBytes4Buffer Size of the buffer provided by the application. Please make sure that the buffer can at least 3 sectors otherwise, pSectorBuffer and NumBytes4Buffer are ignored and an internal sector buffer is used. This sector-buffer is then allocated by using the FS-Storage-Layer functions.


USB-MSD initialization structure that is required when adding an MSD interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  USB_MSD_STORAGE_INIT            * pfInit;
  USB_MSD_STORAGE_GETINFO         * pfGetInfo;
  USB_MSD_STORAGE_READ            * pfRead;
  USB_MSD_STORAGE_WRITE           * pfWrite;
  USB_MSD_STORAGE_DEINIT          * pfDeInit;

Structure members

Member Description
pfInit Initializes the storage medium.
pfGetInfo Retrieves storage medium information such as sector size and number of sectors available.
pfGetReadBuffer Prepares read function and returns a pointer to a buffer that is used by the storage driver.
pfRead Reads one or multiple sectors from the storage medium.
pfGetWriteBuffer Prepares write function and returns a pointer to a buffer that is used by the storage driver.
pfWrite Writes one or more sectors to the storage medium.
pfMediumIsPresent Checks if medium is present.
pfDeInit De-initializes the storage medium.

Additional information

USB_MSD_STORAGE_API is used to retrieve information from the storage device driver or access data that needs to be read or written. Detailed information can be found in MSD Storage Driver.



Callback function which is called when a START STOP UNIT SCSI command is received.

Type definition

typedef void (START_STOP_UNIT_HOOK)(U8 Lun,
                                    U8 StartLoadEject);


Parameter Description
Lun Specifies the logical unit number.
StartLoadEject Specifies which operation is executed by the host: 0 : Stop disk 1 : Start disk and make ready for access 2 : Eject disk if permitted 3 : Load, start and make disk ready.

MSD Storage Driver

General information

The storage interface is handled through an API-table, which contains all relevant functions necessary for read/write operations and initialization. Its implementation handles the details of how data is actually read from or written to memory. Additionally, MSD knows two different media types:

Supported storage types

The supported storage types include:

Storage drivers supplied with this release

This release comes with the following drivers:


If you are not using emFile or the RAM driver you will have to provide your own sector write/read routines for your storage medium.

Interface function list

As described above, access to a storage medium is realized through an API-function table (USB_MSD_STORAGE_API). The storage functions are declared in USB_MSD.h.




Initializes the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_MSD_STORAGE_INIT)(      U8                         Lun,
                                    const USB_MSD_INST_DATA_DRIVER * pDriverData);


Parameter Description
Lun Logical unit number. Specifies for which drive the function is called.
pDriverData Pointer to a USB_MSD_INST_DATA_DRIVER structure that contains all information that is necessary for the driver initialization. Refer to USB_MSD_INST_DATA_DRIVER structure for detailed information.


Retrieves storage medium information such as sector size and number of sectors available.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_MSD_STORAGE_GETINFO)(U8             Lun,
                                       USB_MSD_INFO * pInfo);


Parameter Description
Lun Logical unit number. Specifies for which drive the function is called.
pInfo Pointer to a USB_MSD_INFO structure. For detailed information about the USB_MSD_INFO structure, refer to USB_MSD_INFO.


Prepares the read function and returns a pointer to a buffer that is used by the storage driver.

Type definition

                                            U32     SectorIndex,
                                            void ** ppData,
                                            U32     NumSectors);


Parameter Description
Lun Logical unit number. Specifies for which drive the function is called.
SectorIndex Specifies the start sector for the read operation.
ppData Pointer to a pointer to store the read buffer address of the driver.
NumSectors Number of sectors to read.

Return value

Maximum number of consecutive sectors that can be read at once by the driver.



Reads one or multiple consecutive sectors from the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef I8 (USB_MSD_STORAGE_READ)(U8     Lun,
                                  U32    SectorIndex,
                                  void * pData,
                                  U32    NumSectors);


Parameter Description
Lun Logical unit number. Specifies for which drive the function is called.
SectorIndex Specifies the start sector from where the read operation is started.
pData Pointer to buffer to store the read data.
NumSectors Number of sectors to read.

Return value

= 0 Success.
≠ 0 Failed.


Prepares the write function and returns a pointer to a buffer that is used by the storage driver.

Type definition

                                             U32     SectorIndex,
                                             void ** ppData,
                                             U32     NumSectors);


Parameter Description
Lun Logical unit number. Specifies for which drive the function is called.
SectorIndex Specifies the start sector for the write operation.
ppData Pointer to a pointer to store the write buffer address of the driver.
NumSectors Number of sectors to write.

Return value

Maximum number of consecutive sectors that can be written into the buffer.



Writes one or more consecutive sectors to the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef I8 (USB_MSD_STORAGE_WRITE)(      U8     Lun,
                                         U32    SectorIndex,
                                   const void * pData,
                                         U32    NumSectors);


Parameter Description
Lun Logical unit number. Specifies for which drive the function is called.
SectorIndex Specifies the start sector for the write operation.
pData Pointer to data to be written to the storage medium.
NumSectors Number of sectors to write.

Return value

= 0 Success.
≠ 0 Failed.


Checks if medium is present.

Type definition



Parameter Description
Lun Logical unit number. Specifies for which drive the function is called.

Return value

1 Medium is present.
0 Medium is not present.


De-initializes the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_MSD_STORAGE_DEINIT)(U8 Lun);


Parameter Description
Lun Logical unit number. Specifies for which drive the function is called.

Virtual Mass Storage Component (VirtualMSD)

This chapter gives a general overview of the VirtualMSD component and describes how to get the VirtualMSD running on the target.


The VirtualMSD component allows to easily stream files to and from USB devices. Once the USB device is connected to the host, files can be read or written to the application without the need for dedicated storage memory.

This makes the software very flexible: it can be used for various types of applications and purposes, with no additional software or drivers necessary on the host side.

The VirtualMSD software analyzes what operation is performed by the host and passes this to the application layer of the embedded target, which then performs the appropriate action. A simple drag and drop is all it takes to initialize this process, which is supported by a unique active file technology.

Virtual MSD can access all data which has been created prior to the device being attached to the host, live data cannot be provided.

VirtualMSD allows to use the storage device in a virtual manner, which means data does not need to be stored on a physical medium.

The storage device will be shown on the host as a FAT formated volume with a configurable size and a configurable file list.

With the help of that virtual function, the target device can be used for different applications by simply dragging and dropping files to and from the storage medium:

The component itself is based on MSD class and thus can be used on virtually any OS such as any Windows, macOS or any Linux distribution (including Android) which supports MSD, without installing any third party tools.


Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device-VirtualMSD up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as is delivered should not be modified.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified if emUSB-Device is deployed in your final product. Refer to emUSB-Device Configuration for detailed information about the generic information functions which must be adapted.

Class specific configuration functions

For basic configuration please refer to the MSD chapter MSD class specific configuration functions. In addition to the MSD configuration functions described there the following VirtualMSD functions are available.

Function Description
emUSB-Device-VirtualMSD configuration functions
USB_VMSD_X_Config() Configures the VirtualMSD component.


Main user configuration function of the VirtualMSD component. This function is provided by the user.


void USB_VMSD_X_Config(void);


void USB_VMSD_X_Config(void) {
  // String information used when inquiring the volume.
  static const USB_MSD_LUN_INFO _LunInfo = {
    "Vendor",     // MSD VendorName
    "MSD Volume", // MSD ProductName
    "1.00",       // MSD ProductVer
    "134657890"   // MSD SerialNo
  // Global configuration
  USBD_VMSD_AssignMemory(&_aMEMBuffer[0], sizeof(_aMEMBuffer));
  // Setup LUN0
  USBD_VMSD_SetNumSectors(0, 8000);
  USBD_VMSD_SetSectorsPerCluster(0, 32); // Anywhere from 1...128, needs to be 2^x
  USBD_VMSD_SetNumRootDirSectors(0, 2);
  USBD_VMSD_SetUserAPI(0, &_UserFuncAPI);
  USBD_VMSD_SetVolumeInfo(0, "Virt0.MSD", &_LunInfo);   // Add volume ID
  // Push const contents to the volume
  USBD_VMSD_AddConstFiles(0, &_aConstFiles[0], COUNTOF(_aConstFiles));

Additional information

During the call of USBD_VMSD_Add() this user function is called in order to configure the VirtualMSD module according to the user’s preferences. In order to allow the user to configure the volume it is necessary to provide either a memory block or memory allocation/free callbacks to VirtualMSD component.

Running the example application

The directory Application contains example applications that can be used with emUSB-Device and the VirtualMSD component. To test the VirtualMSD component, build and download the application of choice into the target. Remove the USB connection and reconnect the target to the host. The target will enumerate and can be accessed via a file browser.

Calculation of RAM memory usage for VirtualMSD

An application has to provide RAM memory in order to use VirtualMSD either via a call to the function USB_VirtualMSD_AssignMemory() or by setting callback functions for memory allocation. The amount of memory used can be calculated as follows:

For each volume:

Purpose Bytes used Minimum
Global volume information 128 128
Cluster info for predefined files added with USB_VirtualMSD_AddConstFiles() 2 (for each file) 0
I/O Buffer 512 512
Directory m * 512 512
FAT n * 512 512
Total - 1664

The number of files that can be stored on the volume depends on the size of the directory which is configured using USB_VirtualMSD_SetNumRootDirSectors():

Number of root directory sectors (m) Used memory for directory (bytes) max. number of files with short (8.3) file name
1 512 15
2 1024 31
3 1536 47
4 2048 63
5 2560 79
6 3072 95

Files with long file names may occupy multiple entries in the directory, depending on the actual length.

The number of FAT sectors (n) depends on the virtual size of the volume (configured using USB_VirtualMSD_SetNumSectors()) and the number of sectors per cluster:

Number of sectors Sectors per cluster Used memory for FAT (bytes) approx. virtual volume size (MB)
10880 32 512 5.4
21792 32 1024 10.8
32704 32 1536 16.3
43616 32 2048 21.7
54528 32 2560 27.2
65440 32 3072 32.7
76352 32 3584 38.1
87264 32 4096 43.6
98176 32 4608 49.0
109088 32 5120 54.5
120000 32 5632 59.9
130720 32 6144 65.3
43520 128 512 21.3
87168 128 1024 43.5
130816128 1536 65.3
174464128 2048 87.1
218112128 2560 108.9
261760128 3072 130.8
305408128 3584 152.6
349056128 4096 174.4
392704128 4608 196.2
436352128 5120 218.1
480000128 5632 239.9
522800128 6144 261.3

There is no disadvantage of using the maximum possible number of sectors per cluster (128).

In most cases the minimal configuration (FAT = 512 and directory = 512) should be sufficient. It supports a small number of files with a total size of all files up to 21 MB. If more files or bigger files are needed, the required parameters can be looked up in the tables above.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_VMSD_Add() Create VirtualMSD volumes and add MSD interface to the device.
User supplied functions
USB_VMSD_X_Config() User supplied function that configures all storages of the VMSD component.
Configuration functions
USBD_VMSD_AssignMemory() Assigns memory to the VirtualMSD module.
USBD_VMSD_SetUserAPI() Sets the default user callbacks for the VirtualMSD component.
USBD_VMSD_SetNumRootDirSectors() Sets the number of sectors which should be used for root directory entries.
USBD_VMSD_SetVolumeInfo() Sets the volume name for a specified LUN.
USBD_VMSD_AddConstFiles() Adds constant files to VirtualMSD.
USBD_VMSD_SetNumSectors() Sets the number of sectors available on the volume.
USBD_VMSD_SetSectorsPerCluster() Set number of sectors per cluster.
Data structures
USB_VMSD_CONST_FILE This structure contains information about a constant file which cannot be changed at run time and should be shown inside the VirtualMSD volume (e.g.
USB_VMSD_USER_FUNC_API This structure contains the function pointers for user provided functions.
USB_VMSD_FILE_INFO Structure used in the read and write callbacks.
USB_VMSD_DIR_ENTRY_SHORT Structure used to describe an entry with a short file name.
Function definitions
USB_VMSD_ON_READ_FUNC Callback function prototype that is used when calling the USBD_VMSD_SetUserAPI() function.
USB_VMSD_ON_WRITE_FUNC Callback function prototype that is used when calling the USBD_VMSD_SetUserAPI() function.
USB_VMSD_MEM_ALLOC Function prototype that is used when memory is being allocated by the VirtualMSD module.
USB_VMSD_MEM_FREE Function prototype that is used when memory is being freed by the VirtualMSD module.

API functions



Create VirtualMSD volumes and add MSD interface to the device.


void USBD_VMSD_Add(void);

Additional information

After the initialization of emUSB-Device, this is the first function that needs to be called when the VirtualMSD component is used with emUSB-Device. During the call of the said function the user function USB_VMSD_X_Config() is called in order to configure the storage itself.



User supplied function that configures all storages of the VMSD component.


void USB_VMSD_X_Config(void);

Additional information

This function is called automatically by USBD_VMSD_Add() in order to allow to configure the storage volumes that VirtualMSD should show after configuration.

Only the following functions must be called in this context:

Allowed functions with USB_X_VMSD_Config:


Assigns memory to the VirtualMSD module.


void USBD_VMSD_AssignMemory(U32 * p,
                            U32   NumBytes);


Parameter Description
p Pointer to the memory which should be dedicated to VirtualMSD.
NumBytes Size of the memory block in bytes.

Additional information

See Calculation of RAM memory usage for VirtualMSD.



Sets the default user callbacks for the VirtualMSD component.


void USBD_VMSD_SetUserAPI(const USB_VMSD_USER_FUNC_API * pUserFunc);


Parameter Description
pUserFunc Pointer to a USB_VMSD_USER_FUNC_API structure which holds the default function pointers for multiple functions.


(1) Must only be called from USB_VMSD_X_Config() during initialization phase



Sets the number of sectors which should be used for root directory entries.


void USBD_VMSD_SetNumRootDirSectors(unsigned Lun,
                                    unsigned NumRootDirSectors);


Parameter Description
Lun Specifies the logical unit number.
NumRootDirSectors Number of sectors to be reserved for the root directory entries.

Additional information

The number of sectors reserved through this function is subtracted from the number of sectors configured by USBD_VMSD_SetNumSectors(). These sectors hold the root directory entries for the specified LUN. A single sector contains 512 bytes, a short file name entry (also called 8.3 filenames) needs 32 bytes, therefore a single sector has enough space for 16 root directory entries. Please note that when using LFN (long file names) the number of entries required for a single file is dynamic (depending on the length of the file name).


(1) Must only be called from USB_VMSD_X_Config() during initialization phase



Sets the volume name for a specified LUN.


int USBD_VMSD_SetVolumeInfo(      unsigned           Lun,
                            const char             * sVolumeName,
                            const USB_MSD_LUN_INFO * pLunInfo);


Parameter Description
Lun Specifies the logical unit number.
sVolumeName Pointer to a string containing the name of the LUN.
pLunInfo Pointer to USB_MSD_LUN_INFO structure contain all relevant MSD strings.

Return value

≥ 0 O.K.
< 0 Error


(1) Must only be called from USB_VMSD_X_Config() during initialization phase



Adds constant files to VirtualMSD. Allows to add multiple files which should be shown on a VirtualMSD volume as soon as it is connected. A common example would be a “Readme.txt” or a link to the company website.


int USBD_VMSD_AddConstFiles(      unsigned              Lun,
                            const USB_VMSD_CONST_FILE * paConstFile,
                                  unsigned              NumFiles);


Parameter Description
Lun Specifies the logical unit number.
paConstFile Pointer to an array of USB_VMSD_CONST_FILE structures.
NumFiles The number of items in the paConstFile array.

Return value

≥ 0 O.K.
< 0 Error

Additional information

For additional information please see USB_VMSD_CONST_FILE.


(1) Must only be called from USB_VMSD_X_Config() during initialization phase


#define COUNTOF(a)          (sizeof((a))/sizeof((a)[0]))
static  const  U8  _abFile_SeggerHTML[]  =  {0x3C,  0x68,  0x74,  0x6D,  0x6C,  0x3E,  0x3C,
0x68, 0x65, 0x61, 0x64, 0x3E, 0x3C, 0x6D, 0x65, 0x74, 0x61, 0x20, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74,
0x70, 0x2D, 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x69, 0x76, 0x3D, 0x22, 0x72, 0x65, 0x66, 0x72, 0x65,
0x73, 0x68, 0x22, 0x20, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x74, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x74, 0x3D, 0x22, 0x30,
0x3B, 0x20, 0x75, 0x72, 0x6C, 0x3D, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x3A, 0x2F, 0x2F, 0x77,
0x77, 0x77, 0x2E, 0x73, 0x65, 0x67, 0x67, 0x65, 0x72, 0x2E, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x2F,
0x69, 0x6E, 0x64, 0x65, 0x78, 0x2E, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6D, 0x6C, 0x22, 0x2F, 0x3E, 0x3C,
0x74, 0x69, 0x74, 0x6C, 0x65, 0x3E, 0x53, 0x45, 0x47, 0x47, 0x45, 0x52, 0x20, 0x53,
0x68, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x74, 0x63, 0x75, 0x74, 0x3C, 0x2F, 0x74, 0x69, 0x74, 0x6C, 0x65,
0x3E, 0x3C, 0x2F, 0x68, 0x65, 0x61, 0x64, 0x3E, 0x3C, 0x62, 0x6F, 0x64, 0x79, 0x3E,
0x3C, 0x2F, 0x62, 0x6F, 0x64, 0x79, 0x3E, 0x3C, 0x2F, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6D, 0x6C, 0x3E};
static USB_VMSD_CONST_FILE _aConstFiles[] = {
// sName             pData                 FileSize                      Flags
  { "Segger.html",   _abFile_SeggerHTML,    sizeof(_abFile_SeggerHTML),    0, }
*       USB_VMSD_X_Config
*  Function description
*    This function is called by the USB MSD Module during USB_VMSD_Init() and
initializes the VirtualMSD volume.
void USB_VMSD_X_Config(void) {
  USBD_VMSD_AddConstFiles(1, &_aConstFiles[0], COUNTOF(_aConstFiles));


Sets the number of sectors available on the volume.


void USBD_VMSD_SetNumSectors(unsigned Lun,
                             unsigned NumSectors);


Parameter Description
Lun Specifies the logical unit number.
NumSectors Specifies the number of sectors for a LUN.


(1) Must only be called from USB_VMSD_X_Config() during initialization phase



Set number of sectors per cluster.


void USBD_VMSD_SetSectorsPerCluster(unsigned Lun,
                                    unsigned SectorsPerCluster);


Parameter Description
Lun Specifies the logical unit number.
SectorsPerCluster Number of sectors per cluster for the LUN.

Additional information

SectorsPerCluster can be anywhere between 1 and 128, but needs to be a power of 2. Larger clusters save memory because the management overhead is lower, but the maximum number of files is limited by the number of available clusters.


(1) Must only be called from USB_VMSD_X_Config() during initialization phase

Data structures



This structure contains information about a constant file which cannot be changed at run time and should be shown inside the VirtualMSD volume (e.g. Readme.txt). This structure is a parameter for the USBD_VMSD_AddConstFiles() function.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char * sName;
  const U8   * pData;
  unsigned     FileSize;
  U32          Flags;

Structure members

Member Description
sName Pointer to a zero-terminated string containing the filename.
pData Pointer to the file data. Can be NULL.
FileSize Size of the file. Normally the size of the data pointed to by pData.
Flags Can be one of the following items: USB_VMSD_FILE_WRITABLE: The file is writable USB_VMSD_FILE_AHEAD: File is located at the start of the volume. Normally constant files are allocated at the end of the volume.

Additional information

If a file does not occupy complete sectors the remaining bytes of the last sector are automatically filled with 0s on read. If pData is NULL the file is not displayed in the volume. This is useful when the application has certain files which should only be displayed after certain events (e.g. the application displays a Fail.txt when the device is reconnected after an unsuccessful firmware update).



This structure contains the function pointers for user provided functions. This structure is a parameter for the USBD_VMSD_SetUserAPI() function.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  USB_VMSD_ON_READ_FUNC  * pfOnReadSector;
  USB_VMSD_ON_WRITE_FUNC * pfOnWriteSector;
  USB_VMSD_MEM_ALLOC     * pfMemAlloc;
  USB_VMSD_MEM_FREE      * pfMemFree;

Structure members

Member Description
pfOnReadSector Pointer to a callback function of type USB_VMSD_ON_READ_FUNC which is called when a sector is read from the host. This function is mandatory and can not be NULL.
pfOnWriteSector Pointer to a callback function of type USB_VMSD_ON_WRITE_FUNC which is called when a sector is written from the host. This function is mandatory and can not be NULL.
pfMemAlloc Pointer to a user provided alloc function of type USB_VMSD_MEM_ALLOC. If this pointer is NULL the internal alloc function is called. If no memory block is assigned USB_PANIC() is called.
pfMemFree Pointer to a user provided free function of type USB_VMSD_MEM_FREE. If this pointer is NULL the internal free function is called.


Structure used in the read and write callbacks.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const USB_VMSD_DIR_ENTRY_SHORT * pDirEntry;

Structure members

Member Description
pDirEntry Pointer to a USB_VMSD_DIR_ENTRY_SHORT structure.

Additional information




Structure used to describe an entry with a short file name. This structure is a member of USB_VMSD_DIR_ENTRY.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8   acFilename[];
  U8   acExt[];
  U8   DirAttr;
  U8   NTRes;
  U8   CrtTimeTenth;
  U16  CrtTime;
  U16  CrtDate;
  U16  LstAccDate;
  U16  FstClusHI;
  U16  WrtTime;
  U16  WrtDate;
  U16  FstClusLO;
  U32  FileSize;

Structure members

Member Description
acFilename File name, limited to 8 characters (short file name), padded with spaces (0x20).
acExt File extension, limited to 3 characters (short file name), padded with spaces (0x20).
DirAttr File attributes. Available attributes are listed below.
NTRes Reserved for use by Windows NT.
CrtTimeTenth Millisecond stamp at file creation time. This field actually contains a count of tenths of a second.
CrtTime Creation time.
CrtDate Date file was created.
LstAccDate Last access date. Note that there is no last access time, only a date. This is the date of last read or write.
FstClusHI High word of this entry’s first cluster number.
WrtTime Time of last write.
WrtDate Date of last write.
FstClusLO Low word of this entry’s first cluster number.
FileSize File size in bytes.

Additional information

The following file attributes are available for short dir entries:

Attribute Explanation
USB_VMSD_ATTR_READ_ONLY The file is read-only.
USB_VMSD_ATTR_HIDDEN The file is hidden.
USB_VMSD_ATTR_SYSTEM The file is designated as a system file.
USB_VMSD_ATTR_VOLUME_ID This entry is the volume ID (volume name).
USB_VMSD_ATTR_DIRECTORY The file is a directory.
USB_VMSD_ATTR_ARCHIVE The file has the archive attribute.
USB_VMSD_ATTR_LONG_NAME The file has a long file name.

Function definitions



Callback function prototype that is used when calling the USBD_VMSD_SetUserAPI() function.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_VMSD_ON_READ_FUNC)(      unsigned             Lun,
                                          U8                 * pData,
                                          U32                  Off,
                                          U32                  NumBytes,
                                    const USB_VMSD_FILE_INFO * pFile);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one virtual volume, this parameter is 0.
pData Pointer to a buffer in which the data is stored.
Off Offset in the file which is read by the host.
NumBytes Amount of bytes requested by the host.
pFile Pointer to a USB_VMSD_FILE_INFO structure describing the file.

Return value

= 0 Success.
≠ 0 An error occurred.


Callback function prototype that is used when calling the USBD_VMSD_SetUserAPI() function.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_VMSD_ON_WRITE_FUNC)(      unsigned             Lun,
                                     const U8                 * pData,
                                           U32                  Off,
                                           U32                  NumBytes,
                                     const USB_VMSD_FILE_INFO * pFile);


Parameter Description
Lun Zero-based index for the unit number. Using only one virtual volume, this parameter is 0.
pData Pointer to the data to be written (received from the host). If pData = NULL, then there are no data written by the host, but instead a new or changed directory entry was written, which is provided via pFile.
Off Offset in the file which the host writes.
NumBytes Amount of bytes to write.
pFile Pointer to a USB_VMSD_FILE_INFO structure describing the file or NULL.

Return value

0 Success.
1 Enable continuous sector mode: From now on, only forward writes to continuous sectors to the user callback. Ignore writes to all other sectors.
-1 Disable continuous sector mode.
-2 Report write error to USB host.

Additional information

Depending on the behavior of the host operating system it is possible that pFile is NULL. In this case we recommend to perform data analysis to recognize the file.



Function prototype that is used when memory is being allocated by the VirtualMSD module.

Type definition

typedef void * (USB_VMSD_MEM_ALLOC)(U32 Size);


Parameter Description
Size Size of the required memory in bytes.

Return value

Pointer to the allocated memory or NULL.



Function prototype that is used when memory is being freed by the VirtualMSD module.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_VMSD_MEM_FREE)(void * p);


Parameter Description
p Pointer to a memory block which was previously allocated by USB_VMSD_MEM_ALLOC.

Media Transfer Protocol Class (MTP)

This chapter gives a general overview of the MTP class and describes how to get the MTP component running on the target.


The Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) is a USB class protocol which can be used to transfer files to and from storage devices. MTP is an official extension of the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) designed to allow digital cameras to exchange image files with a computer. MTP extends this by adding support for arbitrary data types.

MTP is an alternative to Mass Storage Device (MSD) and in contrast to MSD which reads and writes sector data, it operates at the file level. This type of operation gives MTP some advantages over MSD:

MTP is supported by most operating systems out of the box and the installation of additional drivers is not required.

emUSB-Device-MTP supports the following capabilities:

emUSB-Device-MTP comes as a complete package and contains the following:

Getting access to files

An MTP device will be displayed under the “Portable Devices” section in the “Computer” window when connected to a PC running the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system:


The file and directories stored on the device are accessed in the usual way using the Windows Explorer:


On the Ubuntu Linux operating system a connected MTP device is shown in the “Computer” window:


The files and directories present on the MTP device can be easily accessed via GUI:


On other operating systems the data stored on MTP devices can be accessed similarly.

macOS does not support MTP natively, therefore a third party tool is necessary. Please have a closer look on our wiki pages to this topic.

Additional information

For more technical details about MTP and PTP follow these links:

MTP specification

PTP specification


Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device-MTP up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered with the sample application should not be modified.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified when emUSB-Device is integrated in your final product. Refer to section emUSB-Device Configuration for detailed information about the generic information functions which have to be adapted.

emFile and MTP configuration for UTF8 characters

If you need to support non-ASCII characters you need to set the define MTP_SUPPORT_UTF8 to 1 in your USB_Conf.h file. Furthermore you need to set the defines FS_SUPPORT_FILE_NAME_ENCODING, FS_SUPPORT_EXT_ASCII and FS_SUPPORT_MBCS to 1 in your FS_Conf.h file. Additionally you must make sure that LFN is active (FS_FAT_SupportLFN()) and that the following functions have been called: FS_SetCharSetType(&FS_CHARSET_CP932), FS_FAT_SetLFNConverter(&FS_UNICODE_CONV_UTF8). See the emFile documentation for details.

If you are not using emFile you must make sure that your filesystem is using UTF8.

Class specific configuration

Beside the generic emUSB-Device configuration functions (emUSB-Device Configuration), the following should be adapted before the emUSB-Device MTP component is used in a final product. Example implementations are supplied in the MSD example application USB_MTP_Start.c, located in the Application directory of emUSB-Device.

An MTP device is required to present an additional information set to the host. These values are added during the initial call to USBD_MTP_Add().


static const USB_MTP_INFO _MTPInfo = {
  "Vendor",         // MTP Manufacturer
  "Storage device", // MTP Model
  "1.0",            // MTP DeviceVersion
  "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF" // MTP SerialNumber.
                                     // It must be exactly 32 characters long.
InitData.pMTPInfo = &_MTPInfo;

Compile time configuration

The following macros can be added to USB_Conf.h file in order to configure the behavior of the MTP component.

The following types of configuration macros exist:

Binary switches "B"

Switches can have a value of either 0 or 1, for deactivated and activated respectively. Actually, anything other than 0 works, but 1 makes it easier to read a configuration file. These switches can enable or disable a certain functionality or behavior. Switches are the simplest form of configuration macros.

Numerical values "N"

Numerical values are used somewhere in the code in place of a numerical constant.

Type Macro Default Description
N MTP_MAX_NUM_STORAGES 4 Maximum number of storage units the storage layer can handle. 4 additional bytes are allocated for each storage unit.
B MTP_SAVE_FILE_INFO 0 Specifies if the object properties (file size, write protection, creation date, modification date and file id) should be stored in RAM for quick access to them. This can have noticeable impact on displaying folders with large amount of objects in them. With this switch set to 0 objects require 12 bytes + the size of the file name inside the object list memory area. 33 additional bytes of RAM are required for each object when the switch is set to 1.
N MTP_MAX_FILE_PATH 256 Maximum number of characters in the path to a file or directory.
B MTP_SUPPORT_UTF8 1 Names of the files and directories which are exchanged between the MTP component and the file system are encoded in UTF-8 format.
B MTP_SUPPORT_EVENTS 1 Support Events such as object removed/added, new storage added/removed.
B USB_MTP_NAME_CASE_SENSITIVE 0 When checking file names and directory names the string compare will be case sensitive.
B USB_MTP_OLD_MOUNTING_BEHAVIOR 0 With version V3.54.0 and older the MTP Storage layer for emFile would automatically call FS_Mount. This is no longer the case. This define allows to restore this old behavior, when set to 1 the storage layer will call FS_Mount automatically.

Running the sample application

The directory Application contains a sample application USB_MTP_Start.c which can be used with emUSB-Device and the MTP component. To test the emUSB-Device-MTP component, the application should be built and then downloaded to target. Remove the USB connection and reconnect the target to the host. The target will enumerate and will be accessible via a file browser.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_MTP_Add() Adds an MTP interface to the USB stack.
USBD_MTP_AddStorage() Adds a storage device to emUSB-Device-MTP.
USBD_MTP_RemoveStorage() Removed a storage previously added via USBD_MTP_AddStorage().
USBD_MTP_Task() Main task function of MTP component which processes the commands from host.
USBD_MTP_Poll() Function which handles MTP commands.
USBD_MTP_SendEvent() Sends an event notification to the host.
USBD_MTP_SetObjectAllocFailCb() Allows to set a callback which is called when the object list is full and new objects can no longer be allocated.
USBD_MTP_SetOperationCb() Allows to set a callback which is called when operations are executed by the host operating system via MTP.
Data structures
USB_MTP_FILE_INFO Structure which stores information about a file or directory.
USB_MTP_INIT_DATA Structure which stores the parameters of the MTP interface.
USB_MTP_INFO Structure that is used when initialising the MTP module.
USB_MTP_INST_DATA Structure which stores the parameters of storage driver.
USB_MTP_INST_DATA_DRIVER Structure which stores the parameters passed to the storage driver.
USB_MTP_STORAGE_API Structure that contains callbacks to the storage driver.
USB_MTP_STORAGE_INFO Structure which stores information about a storage.
USB_MTP_OPERATION_INFO Structure which provides information about a new MTP operation.
USB_MTP_EVENT Enum containing the MTP event codes.
USB_MTP_OPERATION_CB_TYPE Enum containing the callback operation types.
USB_MTP_OBJECT_ALLOC_FAIL Callback which can be set via USBD_MTP_SetObjectAllocFailCb().
USB_MTP_OPERATION_CB Callback which can be set via USBD_MTP_SetOperationCb().

API functions



Adds an MTP interface to the USB stack.


int USBD_MTP_Add(const USB_MTP_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USB_MTP_INIT_DATA structure.

Return value

0 - Successfully added.

Additional information

After the initialization of USB core, this is the first function that needs to be called when an MTP interface is used with emUSB-Device. The structure USB_MTP_INIT_DATA has to be initialized before USB_MTP_Add() is called. Refer to USB_MTP_INIT_DATA for more information.



Adds a storage device to emUSB-Device-MTP.




Parameter Description
pInstData Pointer to a USB_MTP_INST_DATA structure which contains the parameters of the added storage.

Return value

= 0 Invalid handle, storage could not be added
≠ 0 A valid storage handle, this handle can be used with the USBD_MTP_SendEvent to indicate an event to the host.

Additional information

It is necessary to call this function immediately after USBD_MTP_Add() and before USBD_MTP_Task()/USBD_MTP_Poll() is called. This function adds a storage device such as a hard drive, MMC/SD card or NAND flash etc., to emUSB-Device-MTP, which will be used as source/destination of data exchange with the host. The structure USB_MTP_INST_DATA must be initialized before USB_MTP_AddStorage() is called. Refer to USB_MTP_INST_DATA for more information.

If a storage was removed in the middle of operation via USBD_MTP_RemoveStorage() it can be added again by calling this function with the same parameters. Additionally the host must be informed of the change by calling USBD_MTP_SendEvent(Handle, USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREADDED, NULL)



Removed a storage previously added via USBD_MTP_AddStorage().


int USBD_MTP_RemoveStorage(USB_MTP_STORAGE_HANDLE hStorage);


Parameter Description
hStorage Valid storage handle.

Return value

= 0 Storage removed
≠ 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

It is necessary to notify the host about the storage removal through an MTP event prior to calling this function. The following call can be used: USBD_MTP_SendEvent(Handle, USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREREMOVED, NULL)



Main task function of MTP component which processes the commands from host.


void USBD_MTP_Task(void);

Additional information

The USBD_MTP_Task() should be called after the USB device has been successfully enumerated and configured. The function returns when the USB device is detached or suspended.

Check USBD_MTP_Poll() if you need a non-blocking version.



Function which handles MTP commands. Using this function is only necessary if you want to avoid using the blocking USB_MTP_Task function. This can be necessary if you are not using an RTOS.


int USBD_MTP_Poll(void);

Return value

2 O.K. Command was processed, but a protocol error occurred.
1 O.K. Command was processed successfully.
0 O.K. Timeout occurred.
1 An error occurred. (e.g. no cable connected).

Additional information

This function must be called periodically, otherwise the host can time out the device since it does not process commands. It normally blocks for USB_MTP_POLL_TIMEOUT milliseconds while waiting for a command from the host. Should a command arrive during the timeout it will be processed (and the function will block for the complete duration of the command), which could potentially increase the block duration. The duration could also decrease because the function returns as soon as a command is finished.

In case of return value 2 the calling task should still call this function again, if possible recovery will be initiated.



Sends an event notification to the host.


                       USB_MTP_EVENT            Event,
                       void                   * pPara);


Parameter Description
hStorage Handle to a storage that was returned by USBD_MTP_AddStorage().
pPara Pointer to additional information. This parameter depends on the event. In case of Event = USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTADDED USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTREMOVED USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTINFOCHANGED pPara is a pointer to a filled USB_MTP_FILE_INFO structure. USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREADDED USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREREMOVED USB_MTP_EVENT_STORAGEINFOCHANGED pPara is not used and can be NULL.

Return value

= 0 Event sent out successfully.
≠ 0 Event could not be sent.

Additional information

Sending an event notification to the MTP host makes sure that the MTP host is aware of changes in the file system of the storage. This function can also be used to notify that a storage has been added or removed. The events USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREREMOVED and USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREADDED do not affect the internal object list.


static void _GetFileInfo(const char * sPath, USB_MTP_FILE_INFO * pFileInfo) {
  const char * s;
  U8 AttrFS;
  U8 AttrMTP;

  memset(pFileInfo, 0, sizeof(USB_MTP_FILE_INFO));
  s = strrchr(sPath, '\\');
  if (s) {
    s++; // Go to the next character after '\'.
  } else {
    s = sPath;
  // In case the file path starts with \ skip this.
  if (*sPath == '\\') {
  pFileInfo->pFileName = (char *)s;
  pFileInfo->pFilePath = (char *)sPath;
  FS_GetFileTimeEx(pFileInfo->pFilePath, &pFileInfo->CreationTime,
  FS_GetFileTimeEx(pFileInfo->pFilePath, &pFileInfo->LastWriteTime,
  pFileInfo->IsDirectory = 0;
  AttrFS = FS_GetFileAttributes(pFileInfo ? pFilePath);
    pFileInfo->IsDirectory = 1;
  AttrMTP = 0;
  if (AttrFS & FS_ATTR_READ_ONLY) {
  if (AttrFS & FS_ATTR_SYSTEM) {
  if (AttrFS & FS_ATTR_HIDDEN) {
  pFileInfo->Attributes = AttrMTP;

static int _WriteLogFile(const char * sLogFilePath) {
  char ac[30];
  FS_FILE * pFile;
  int r = 0;
  USB_MTP_FILE_INFO FileInfo = {0};

  if (FS_IsVolumeMounted("")) {
    // Check whether file already exists
    pFile = FS_FOpen(sLogFilePath, "r");
    if (pFile) {
    } else {
    pFile = FS_FOpen(sLogFilePath, "a+");
    if (pFile) {
      sprintf(ac, "OS_Time = %.8d\r\n", (int)OS_GetTime());
      FS_Write(pFile, ac, 20);
    } else {
      r = 0;
  _GetFileInfo(sLogFilePath, &FileInfo);
  // Send events to the host.
  USBD_MTP_SendEvent(_ahStorage[0], (USB_MTP_EVENT)r, &FileInfo);
  return r;


Allows to set a callback which is called when the object list is full and new objects can no longer be allocated. See USB_MTP_OBJECT_ALLOC_FAIL for details.


void USBD_MTP_SetObjectAllocFailCb(USB_MTP_OBJECT_ALLOC_FAIL * pf);


Allows to set a callback which is called when operations are executed by the host operating system via MTP. See USB_MTP_OPERATION_CB for details.


void USBD_MTP_SetOperationCb(USB_MTP_OPERATION_CB * pf);

Data structures



Structure which stores information about a file or directory.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char * pFilePath;
  const char * pFileName;
  U64          FileSize;
  U32          CreationTime;
  U32          LastWriteTime;
  U8           IsDirectory;
  U8           Attributes;
  U8           acId[];

Structure members

Member Description
pFilePath Full path to file.
pFileName Pointer to beginning of file/directory name in pFilePath.
FileSize Size of the file in bytes.
CreationTime The time and date when the file was created.
LastWriteTime The time and date when the file was last modified.
IsDirectory Set to 1 if the path points to a directory.
Attributes Bitmask of file attributes (MTP_FILE_ATTR_…).
acId Unique identifier which persists between MTP sessions.

Additional information

The date and time is formatted as follows:

Bit range Value range Description
0-4 0-29 2-second count
5-10 0-59 Minutes
11-15 0-23 Hours
16-20 1-31 Day of month
21-24 1-12 Month of year
25-31 0-127 Number of years since 1980

The following attributes are supported:

Bitmask Description
MTP_FILE_ATTR_WP File/directory can not be modified.
MTP_FILE_ATTR_SYSTEM File/directory is required for the correct functioning of the system.
MTP_FILE_ATTR_HIDDEN File/directory should not be shown to the user.

acId should be unique for each file and directory on the file system and it should be persistent between MTP sessions.



Structure which stores the parameters of the MTP interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8                   EPIn;
  U8                   EPOut;
  U8                   EPInt;
  void               * pObjectList;
  U32                  NumBytesObjectList;
  void               * pDataBuffer;
  U32                  NumBytesDataBuffer;
  const USB_MTP_INFO * pMTPInfo;
  U8                   InterfaceNum;
  U32                  NumBytesAllocated;
  U32                  NumObjects;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Endpoint for receiving data from host.
EPOut Endpoint for sending data to host.
EPInt Endpoint for sending events to host.
pObjectList Pointer to a memory region where the list of MTP objects is stored. Should be 4 byte aligned. Each object requires a minimum of 12 bytes + the size of the file name inside the this list. 33 more bytes are needed per object if MTP_SAVE_FILE_INFO is set to 1.
NumBytesObjectList Number of bytes allocated for the object list.
pDataBuffer Pointer to a memory region to be used as communication buffer.
NumBytesDataBuffer Number of bytes allocated for the data buffer.
pMTPInfo Pointer to a USB_MTP_INFO structure. Filling this structure is mandatory.
InterfaceNum Internal use.
NumBytesAllocated Internal use.
NumObjects Internal use.

Additional information

This structure holds the endpoints that should be used with the MTP interface. Refer to USBD_AddEP() for more information about how to add an endpoint.

The number of bytes in the pDataBuffer should be a multiple of USB maximum packet size. The number of bytes in the object list depends on the number of files/directories on the storage medium. An object is assigned to each file/directory when the USB host requests the object information for the first time.



Structure that is used when initialising the MTP module.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char * pManufacturer;
  const char * pModel;
  const char * pDeviceVersion;
  const char * pSerialNumber;

Structure members

Member Description
pManufacturer Name of the device manufacturer.
pModel Model name of the MTP device.
pDeviceVersion Version of the MTP device.
pSerialNumber Serial number of the MTP device. The serial number should contain exactly 32 hexadecimal characters. It must be unique among devices sharing the same model name and device version strings. The MTP device returns this string in the Serial Number field of the DeviceInfo dataset. For more information, refer to MTP specification.


Structure which stores the parameters of storage driver.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char                * sDescription;
  const char                * sVolumeId;

Structure members

Member Description
pAPI Pointer to a structure that holds the storage device driver API.
sDescription Human-readable string which identifies the storage. This string is displayed in Nautilus/Windows Explorer/etc.
sVolumeId Unique volume identifier This field must be up to 256 characters long but only the first 128 are significant and these must be unique for all storages of an MTP device.
DriverData Driver data that are passed to the storage driver. Refer to USB_MTP_INST_DATA_DRIVER for detailed information about how to initialize this structure.

Additional information

The MTP device returns the sDescription string in the Storage Description parameter and the sVolumeId in the Volume Identifier of the StorageInfo dataset. For more information, refer to MTP specification.



Structure which stores the parameters passed to the storage driver.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char * pRootDir;
  U8           IsRemovable;

Structure members

Member Description
pRootDir Path to directory to be used as the root of the storage.
IsRemovable Internal use.

Additional information

pRootDir can specify the root of the file system or any other subdirectory.



Structure that contains callbacks to the storage driver.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_INIT                    * pfInit;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_INFO                * pfGetInfo;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_FIND_FIRST_FILE         * pfFindFirstFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_FIND_NEXT_FILE          * pfFindNextFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_OPEN_FILE               * pfOpenFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_CREATE_FILE             * pfCreateFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_READ_FROM_FILE          * pfReadFromFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_WRITE_TO_FILE           * pfWriteToFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_CLOSE_FILE              * pfCloseFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_REMOVE_FILE             * pfRemoveFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_CREATE_DIR              * pfCreateDir;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_REMOVE_DIR              * pfRemoveDir;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_FORMAT                  * pfFormat;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_RENAME_FILE             * pfRenameFile;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_DEINIT                  * pfDeInit;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILE_ID             * pfGetFileId;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILE_SIZE           * pfGetFileSize;
  USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILE_INFO           * pfGetFileInfo;

Structure members

Member Description
pfInit Initializes the storage medium.
pfGetInfo Returns information about the storage medium such as storage capacity and the available free space.
pfFindFirstFile Returns information about the first file in a given directory.
pfFindNextFile Moves to next file and returns information about it.
pfOpenFile Opens an existing file.
pfCreateFile Creates a new file.
pfReadFromFile Reads data from the current file.
pfWriteToFile Writes data to current file.
pfCloseFile Closes the current file.
pfRemoveFile Removes a file from storage medium.
pfCreateDir Creates a new directory.
pfRemoveDir Removes a directory from storage medium.
pfFormat Formats the storage.
pfRenameFile Changes the name of a file or directory.
pfDeInit De-initializes the storage medium.
pfGetFileAttributes Reads the attributes of a file or directory.
pfModifyFileAttributes Changes the attributes of a file or directory.
pfGetFileCreationTime Returns the creation time of a file or directory.
pfGetFileLastWriteTime Returns the time of the last modification made to a file or directory.
pfGetFileId Returns the unique ID of a file or directory.
pfGetFileSize Returns the size of a file in bytes.
pfGetFileInfo [Optional] Returns information about a file.

Additional information

USB_MTP_STORAGE_API is used to retrieve information from the storage device driver or access data that needs to be read or written. Detailed information can be found in MTP Storage Driver.



Structure which stores information about a storage.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U32   NumKBytesTotal;
  U32   NumKBytesFreeSpace;
  U16   FSType;
  U8    IsWriteProtected;
  U8    IsRemovable;
  char  DirDelimiter;
  U8    BigFileSupport;

Structure members

Member Description
NumKBytesTotal Storage capacity in kBytes
NumKBytesFreeSpace Available free space on storage in kBytes
FSType Type of file system as specified by MTP
IsWriteProtected Set to 1 if the storage medium can not be modified
IsRemovable Set to 1 if the storage medium can be removed from device
DirDelimiter Character which separates the directory/file names in a path
BigFileSupport Store layer should set this to 1 if it supports files > 4GB.


Structure which provides information about a new MTP operation.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const char * pFilePath;
  U8           IsDirectory;

Structure members

Member Description
pFilePath Full path to file.
IsDirectory Set to 1 if the path points to a directory.




Enum containing the MTP event codes.

Type definition

typedef enum {

Enumeration constants

Constant Description
USB_MTP_EVENT_UNDEFINED This event code is undefined, and is not used
USB_MTP_EVENT_CANCELTRANSACTION This event is used to initiate the cancellation of a transaction over transports which do not have their own mechanism for canceling transactions. Currently not used.
USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTADDED This event informs the host about a new object that has been added to the storage.
USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTREMOVED Informs the host that an object has been removed.
USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREADDED This event indicates that a storage has been added to the device. It allows to dynamically show the available storages.
USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREREMOVED This event indicates that a storage has been removed to the device. It allows to dynamically hide the available storages.
USB_MTP_EVENT_DEVICEPROPCHANGED A property changed on the device has occurred. Currently not used.
USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTINFOCHANGED This event indicates that the information for a particular object has changed and that the host should acquire the information once again.
USB_MTP_EVENT_DEVICEINFOCHANGED This event indicates that the capabilities of the device have changed and that the DeviceInfo should be requested again. Currently not used.
USB_MTP_EVENT_REQUESTOBJECTTRANSFER This event can be used by the device to ask the host to initiate an file object transfer to him. Currently not used.
USB_MTP_EVENT_STOREFULL This event should be sent when a storage becomes full.
USB_MTP_EVENT_DEVICERESET Notifies the host about an internal reset. Currently not used
USB_MTP_EVENT_STORAGEINFOCHANGED This event is used when information of a storage changes.
USB_MTP_EVENT_CAPTURECOMPLETE Informs the host that the previously initiated capture acquire is complete. Currently not used.
USB_MTP_EVENT_UNREPORTEDSTATUS This event may be implemented for certain transports in cases where the responder unable to report events to the initiator regarding changes in its internal status. Currently not used.
USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTPROPCHANGED Informs about a change in the object property of an specific object. Currently not used.
USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTPROPDESCCHANGED This event informs that the property description of an object property has been changed and needs to be re-acquired. Currently not used.
USB_MTP_EVENT_OBJECTREFERENCESCHANGED This event is used to indicate that the references on an object have been updated. Currently not used.


Enum containing the callback operation types.

Type definition

typedef enum {

Enumeration constants

Constant Description
USB_MTP_OPERATION_OBJECT_ADDED A new object has been added.
USB_MTP_OPERATION_OBJECT_REMOVED An object is about to be removed.
USB_MTP_OPERATION_OBJECT_RENAMED_OLD_NAME An object is being renamed - old name of the object.
USB_MTP_OPERATION_OBJECT_RENAMED_NEW_NAME An object is being renamed - new name of the object.




Callback which can be set via USBD_MTP_SetObjectAllocFailCb(). This callback is called when the object list runs out of memory for new objects. It can be used to notify the user of the issue (e.g. set an error LED).

Type definition

typedef void (USB_MTP_OBJECT_ALLOC_FAIL)(      U32    NumBytesRequested,
                                               U32    NumBytesAvail,
                                         const char * pFilePath,
                                         const char * pFileName);


Parameter Description
NumBytesRequested Bytes need for a new object.
NumBytesAvail Bytes free in the object list.
pFilePath Pointer to a string containing the file path.
pFileName Pointer to a string containing the file name.

Additional information

This callback is informative only, the application must not try to free the object list. This callback is called for every object where allocation failed. The callback may not block. When this callback is set the behavior of the MTP module is changed slightly - new objects are normally allocated for each file/dir in a directory which is opened by the user in the PC’s explorer. When this callback is not set once a single allocation fails the module will return an error to the PC even if some objects inside a folder could be allocated. When this callback is set the module will return as many objects as it could fit into the object list before allocating started failing (e.g. if a folder contains 50 files and allocation starts failing after 40 files the MTP module will return the first 40 objects to the PC).



Callback which can be set via USBD_MTP_SetOperationCb(). This callback is called when operations are executed by the host operating system via MTP. This can be used to e.g. monitor new objects being created.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_MTP_OPERATION_CB)(      USB_MTP_OPERATION_CB_TYPE OperationType,
                                    const USB_MTP_OPERATION_INFO  * pOpInfo);


Parameter Description
OperationType One of the USB_MTP_OPERATION_CB_TYPE enum values.
pFileInfo Pointer to a USB_MTP_OPERATION_INFO structure containing information about the affected file.

MTP Storage Driver

This section describes the emUSB-Device MTP storage interface in detail.

General information

This release comes with USB_MTP_StorageFS driver which uses emFile to access the storage medium. If you are using emFile this chapter can be ignored. This chapter is for those who wish to write a file system interface for a third-party file system.

The storage interface is handled through an API-table, which contains all relevant functions necessary for read/write operations and initialization. Its implementation handles the details of how data is actually read from or written to memory.

Interface function list

As described above, access to a storage media is realized through an API-function table of type USB_MTP_STORAGE_API. The structure is declared in USB_MTP.h and it is described in section




Initializes the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_MTP_STORAGE_INIT)(      U8                         Unit,
                                    const USB_MTP_INST_DATA_DRIVER * pDriverData);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Pointer to a USB_MTP_INST_DATA_DRIVER structure that contains all information that is necessary for the driver initialization. For detailed information about the USB_MTP_INST_DATA_DRIVER structure, refer to USB_MTP_INST_DATA_DRIVER.

Additional information

This function is called when the storage driver is added to emUSB-Device-MTP. It is the first function of the storage driver to be called.



Returns information about storage medium such as capacity and available free space.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_INFO)(U8                     Unit,
                                        USB_MTP_STORAGE_INFO * pStorageInfo);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pStorageInfo Pointer to a USB_MTP_STORAGE_INFO structure. For detailed information about the USB_MTP_STORAGE_INFO structure, refer to USB_MTP_STORAGE_INFO.

Additional information

Typically, this function is called immediately after the device is connected to USB host when the USB host requests information about the available storage mediums.



Returns information about the first file in a specified directory.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_FIND_FIRST_FILE)(      U8                  Unit,
                                              const char              * pDirPath,
                                                    USB_MTP_FILE_INFO * pFileInfo);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pDirPath Full path to the directory to be searched.
pFileInfo  out  Information about the file/directory found.

Return value

= 0 File/directory found
= 1 No more files/directories found
< 0 An error occurred

Additional information

The “.” and “..” directory entries which are relevant only for the file system should be skipped.



Moves to next file and returns information about it.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_FIND_NEXT_FILE)(U8                  Unit,
                                             USB_MTP_FILE_INFO * pFileInfo);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFileInfo  out  Information about the file/directory found.

Return value

= 0 File/directory found
= 1 No more files/directories found
< 0 An error occurred

Additional information

The “.” and “..” directory entries which are relevant only for the file system should be skipped.



Opens a file for reading.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_OPEN_FILE)(      U8     Unit,
                                        const char * pFilePath);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath  in  Full path to file.

Return value

= 0 File opened
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

This function is called at the beginning of a file read operation. It is followed by one or more calls to USB_MTP_STORAGE_READ_FROM_FILE. At the end of data transfer the MTP module closes the file by calling USB_MTP_STORAGE_CLOSE_FILE. If the file does not exists an error should be returned. The MTP module opens only one file at a time.



Opens a file for writing.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_CREATE_FILE)(      U8                  Unit,
                                          const char              * pDirPath,
                                                USB_MTP_FILE_INFO * pFileInfo);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pDirPath  in  Full path to directory where the file should be created.
pFileInfo  in  Information about the file to be created. pFileName points to the name of the file.  out  pFilePath points to full path of created file, pFileName points to the beginning of file name in pFilePath.

Return value

= 0 File created and opened
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

This function is called at the beginning of a file write operation. The name of the file is specified in the pFileName filed of pFileInfo. If the file exists it should be truncated to zero length. When a file is created, the call to USB_MTP_STORAGE_CREATE_FILE is followed by one or more calls to USB_MTP_STORAGE_WRITE_TO_FILE. If CreationTime and LastWriteTime in pFileInfo are not zero, these should be used instead of the time stamps generated by the file system.



Reads data from the current file.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_READ_FROM_FILE)(U8     Unit,
                                             U64    Off,
                                             void * pData,
                                             U32    NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
Off Byte offset where to read from.
pData  out  Data read from file.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read from file.

Return value

= 0 Data read from file
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

The function reads data from the file opened by USB_MTP_STORAGE_OPEN_FILE.



Writes data to current file.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_WRITE_TO_FILE)(      U8     Unit,
                                                  U64    Off,
                                            const void * pData,
                                                  U32    NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
Off Byte offset where to read from.
pData  in  Data to write to file.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write to file.

Return value

= 0 Data written to file
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

The function writes data to file opened by USB_MTP_STORAGE_CREATE_FILE.



Closes the current file.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_CLOSE_FILE)(U8 Unit);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.

Return value

= 0 File closed.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

The function closes the file opened by USB_MTP_STORAGE_CREATE_FILE or USB_MTP_STORAGE_OPEN_FILE.



Removes a file/directory from the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_REMOVE_FILE)(      U8     Unit,
                                          const char * pFilePath);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Full path to file/directory to be removed

Return value

= 0 File removed.
≠ 0 An error occurred


Creates a directory on the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_CREATE_DIR)(      U8                  Unit,
                                         const char              * pDirPath,
                                               USB_MTP_FILE_INFO * pFileInfo);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pDirPath  in  Full path to directory where the directory should be created.
pFileInfo  in  Information about the directory to be created. pFileName points to the directory name.  out  pFilePath points to full path of directory, pFileName points to the beginning of directory name in pFilePath

Return value

= 0 Directory created.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

If CreationTime and LastWriteTime in pFileInfo are not available, zero should be used instead of the time stamps generated by the file system.



Removes a directory and its contents from the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_REMOVE_DIR)(      U8     Unit,
                                         const char * pDirPath);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pDirPath  in  Full path to directory to be removed.

Return value

= 0 Directory removed.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

The function should remove the directory and the entire file tree under it.



Initializes the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_FORMAT)(U8 Unit);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.

Return value

= 0 Storage medium initialized.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

The file system layer has to differentiate between two cases, one where the MTP root directory is the same as the root directory of the file system and one where it is only a subdirectory of the file system. If pRootDir which was configured in the call to USB_MTP_STORAGE_INIT, points to a subdirectory of the file system, the storage medium should not be formatted. Instead, all the files and directories underneath pRootDir should be removed.



Changes the name of a file or directory.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_RENAME_FILE)(U8                  Unit,
                                          USB_MTP_FILE_INFO * pFileInfo);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFileInfo Pointer to a USB_MTP_FILE_INFO structure.  in  Information about the file/directory to be renamed. pFilePath member points to the full path and pFileName points to the new name.  out  pFilePath member points to full path of file/directory with the new name, pFileName points to the beginning of file/directory name in pFilePath. The other structure fields should also be filled.

Return value

= 0 File/directory renamed.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

Only the name of the file/directory should be changed. The path to parent directory should remain the same.



De-initializes the storage medium.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_MTP_STORAGE_DEINIT)(U8 Unit);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.

Additional information

Typically called when the application calls USBD_Stop() to de-initialize emUSB-Device.



Returns the attributes of a file or directory.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)(      U8     Unit,
                                                  const char * pFilePath,
                                                        U8   * pMask);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Full path to file or directory (0-terminated string).
pMask  out  The bitmask of the attributes.

Return value

= 0 Information returned.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

This function is called only when the compile time switch MTP_SAVE_FILE_INFO is set to 0. For the list of supported attributes refer to USB_MTP_FILE_INFO.



Sets and clears file attributes.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_MODIFY_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)(      U8     Unit,
                                                     const char * pFilePath,
                                                           U8     SetMask,
                                                           U8     ClrMask);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Full path to file or directory (0-terminated string).
SetMask The bitmask of the attributes which should be set.
ClrMask The bitmask of the attributes which should be cleared.

Return value

= 0 Attributes modified.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

For the list of supported attributes refer to USB_MTP_FILE_INFO.



Returns the creation time of file or directory.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILE_CREATION_TIME)(      U8     Unit,
                                                     const char * pFilePath,
                                                           U32  * pTime);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Full path to file or directory (0-terminated string).
pTime  out  The creation time.

Return value

= 0 Creation time returned.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

This function is called only when the compile time switch MTP_SAVE_FILE_INFO is set to 0. For the list of supported attributes refer to USB_MTP_FILE_INFO.



Returns the time when the file or directory was last modified.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILELAST_WRITE_TIME)(      U8     Unit,
                                                      const char * pFilePath,
                                                            U32  * pTime);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Full path to file or directory (0-terminated string).
pTime  out  The modification time.

Return value

= 0 Modification time returned.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

This function is called only when the compile time switch MTP_SAVE_FILE_INFO is set to 0. For the list of supported attributes refer to USB_MTP_FILE_INFO.



Returns an ID which uniquely identifies the file or directory.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILE_ID)(      U8     Unit,
                                          const char * pFilePath,
                                                U8   * pId);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Full path to file or directory (0-terminated string).
pId  out  The unique ID of file or directory. Should point to a byte array MTP_NUM_BYTES_FILE_ID large.

Return value

= 0 ID returned.
≠ 0 An error occurred


Returns the size of a file in bytes.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILE_SIZE)(      U8     Unit,
                                            const char * pFilePath,
                                                  U64  * pFileSize);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Full path to file or directory (0-terminated string).
pFileSize  out  The size of file in bytes.

Return value

= 0 Size of file returned.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

This function is called only when the compile time switch MTP_SAVE_FILE_INFO is set to 0.



This function is optional. It is used to speed up retrieval of file information. Returns the creation time, modification time and attributes in one call.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_MTP_STORAGE_GET_FILE_INFO)(      U8     Unit,
                                            const char * pFilePath,
                                                  U32  * pCreationTime,
                                                  U32  * pLastWriteTime,
                                                  U64  * pFileSize,
                                                  U8   * pAttributes);


Parameter Description
Unit Logical unit number. Specifies for which storage medium the function is called.
pFilePath Path to file or directory.
pCreationTime  out  The creation time.
pLastWriteTime  out  The modification time.
pAttributes  out  The size of file in bytes.

Return value

= 0 Operation retrieved information successfully.
≠ 0 An error occurred

Additional information

This function is called only when the compile time switch MTP_SAVE_FILE_INFO is set to 0.

Communication Device Class (CDC)

This chapter describes how to get emUSB-Device up and running as a CDC device.


The Communication Device Class - Abstract Control Model (CDC-ACM) is an abstract USB class protocol defined by the USB Implementers Forum. For simplicity CDC-ACM is often referred to as simply CDC. This protocol covers the handling of the following communication flows:

A custom USB driver is not necessary because a kernel mode driver for USB-CDC serial communication is delivered by all major Operating Systems.


Starting in Windows 10, such a file is not necessary anymore. A generic inf is provided, handling devices/interfaces with a Device-/InterfaceClass = 0x02 or Device-/InterfaceClass = 0x02 and Device-/InterfaceSubClass = 0x02. You may need to an .inf file for older Windows versions. These are delivered with emUSB-Device. How to use and modifiy these files can be found on the SEGGER wiki pages.


Linux handles USB 2 virtual COM ports since Kernel Ver. 2.4. Further information can be found in the Linux Kernel documentation.


macOS (formely also known as OS X) supports CDC-ACM devices since the first release 10.1. The kext that is loaded is called com.apple.driver.usb.cdc.acm .


The configuration section should later be modified to match the real application. For the purpose of getting emUSB-Device up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered should not be modified.

CDC-ACM issues on Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a re-designed driver for CDC-ACM. At the time of writing (June 2019 (re-confirmed in January 2021)) Windows 10 has an issue with large IN CDC transfers. Sometimes packets seems to disappear inside the Windows 10 USB stack. The only workaround is to read in small chunks. Or to add a delay to the transfers. We have analysed this using a hardware USB analyser and a test program which reads data from the device. The device (USB high-speed) sends out data continuously in 512 bytes packets. Each packet has a unique, consecutive ID. The test application checks that the received packet always has the ID of the previous packet + 1. After a couple dozen packet the error usually appears and a packet ends up missing. When comparing the packets which are seen “on the wire” using the USB analyser with the packets which the Windows 10 program received it can be seen that sometimes packets are missing even though they were clearly successfully received by Windows 10. E.g. on the analyser one can see packets 30, 31, 32, 33 and on Windows 10 one can see 30, 31, 33. It would appear that the method through which data is read from the COM port (Windows API ReadFile, ReadFile overlapped or ReadFileEx) has no effect on the missing packets. When using the same program on Windows 7 no issues can be seen.

The example application

The start application (in the Application subfolder) is a simple echo server, which can be used to test emUSB-Device. The application receives data byte by byte and sends it back to the host.

Source code excerpt from USB_CDC_Echo.c:

*       MainTask
void MainTask(void);
void MainTask(void) {
  hInst = _AddCDC();
  while (1) {
    static char _ac[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
    int         NumBytesReceived;

    // Wait for configuration
    // Receive at maximum of 64 Bytes
    // If less data has been received,
    // this should be OK.
    NumBytesReceived = USBD_CDC_Receive(hInst, &_ac[0], sizeof(_ac), 0);
    if (NumBytesReceived > 0) {
      USBD_CDC_Write(hInst, &_ac[0], NumBytesReceived, 0);

Testing communication to the USB device

Accessing CDC on Windows

The start application is a simple echo server. This means each character that is entered and sent through the virtual serial port will be sent back by the USB device. A simple Windows sample application is available to test the start application. The application is located in Windows\USB\CDC\SampleApplication\Exe.

Alternatively any terminal program, such as PuTTY or TerraTerm or RealTerm, can be used to check the connectivity.

This section shows how to start and make the first run of the sample application.





Accessing CDC on Linux

On Linux no drivers are needed, the device should show up as /dev/ttyACM0 or similar. “sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200” can be used to access the device.

Accessing CDC on macOS

On macOS no drivers are needed, the device should show up as /dev/tty.usbmodem13245678 or similar. The “screen” terminal program can be used to access the device.

Target API

This chapter describes the functions and data structures that can be used with the target application.

Interface function list

Name Description
API functions
USBD_CDC_Add() Adds a CDC-ACM class to the stack.
USBD_CDC_CancelRead() Cancel a pending read operation.
USBD_CDC_CancelWrite() Cancel a pending write operation.
USBD_CDC_Read() Reads data from the host.
USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() Reads data from the host asynchronously.
USBD_CDC_Receive() Reads data from the host.
USBD_CDC_ReceivePoll() Reads data from the host.
USBD_CDC_ReadAsync() Reads data from the host asynchronously.
USBD_CDC_SetOnBreak() Sets a callback in order to inform the application about a break condition sent by the host.
USBD_CDC_SetOnLineCoding() Sets a user callback that shall be called when a SET_LINE_CODING request is sent to the device.
USBD_CDC_SetOnControlLineState() Sets a user callback that shall be called when a SET_LINE_STATE request is sent to the device.
USBD_CDC_SetOnRXEvent() Sets a callback function for the OUT endpoint that will be called on every RX event for that endpoint.
USBD_CDC_SetOnTXEvent() Sets a callback function for the IN endpoint that will be called on every TX event for that endpoint.
USBD_CDC_UpdateSerialState() Sets the new serial state.
USBD_CDC_Write() Writes data to the host.
USBD_CDC_WriteAsync() Sends data to the host asynchronously.
USBD_CDC_WaitForRX() This function is to be used in combination with USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() and waits for the reading data transfer from the host to complete.
USBD_CDC_PollForRX() This function is to be used in combination with USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() and waits for the reading data transfer from the host to complete.
USBD_CDC_WaitForTX() This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_CDC_Write().
USBD_CDC_PollForTX() This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_CDC_Write().
USBD_CDC_WaitForTXReady() Waits (blocking) until the TX queue can accept another data packet.
USBD_CDC_WriteSerialState() Sends the current control line serial state to the host.
USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToRead() This function is to be used in combination with USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped().
USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_CDC_Write().
USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesInBuffer() Returns the number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer.
Data structures
USB_CDC_INIT_DATA Initialization structure that is needed when adding a CDC interface to emUSB-Device.
USB_CDC_LINE_CODING Structure that contains the new line-coding information sent by the host.
USB_CDC_SERIAL_STATE Structure that contains the serial state that can be sent to the host.
USB_CDC_CONTROL_LINE_STATE Structure that contains the new control line state sent by the host.


Adds a CDC-ACM class to the stack.




Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USB_CDC_INIT_DATA structure.

Return value

Handle to a valid CDC instance. The handle of the first CDC instance is always 0.

Additional information

After the initialization of emUSB-Device, this is the first function that needs to be called when the USB-CDC interface is used with emUSB-Device. The returned value can be used with the CDC functions in order to talk to the right CDC instance.

For creating more than one CDC instance please make sure the USBD_EnableIAD() is called before, otherwise none but the first CDC instance will work correctly. The same is true for composite devices including CDC and another, different USB class.



Cancel a pending read operation.


void USBD_CDC_CancelRead(USB_CDC_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().

Additional information

This function can be called when a pending asynchronous read operation (triggered by USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped()) should be canceled. The function can be called from any task.

The function can also be used to cancel a call to one of the blocking read functions (when called from a different task or interrupt function).



Cancel a pending write operation.


void USBD_CDC_CancelWrite(USB_CDC_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().

Additional information

This function shall be called when a pending asynchronous write operation (triggered by non-blocking call to USBD_CDC_Write()) should be canceled. It can be called from any task.

The function can also be used to cancel a call to a blocking write functions (when called from a different task or interrupt function).



Reads data from the host.


                  void           * pData,
                  unsigned         NumBytes,
                  unsigned         Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout.

Return value

= NumBytes Requested data was successfully read within the given timeout.
≥ 0 && < NumBytes Timeout has occurred (Number of bytes read before timeout).
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

This function blocks the task until all data has been read or a timeout occurs. In case of a reset or a disconnect USB_STATUS_ERROR is returned.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_CDC_Receive() / USBD_CDC_Read(). See also USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).



Reads data from the host asynchronously.


int USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped(USB_CDC_HANDLE   hInst,
                            void           * pData,
                            unsigned         NumBytes);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of bytes that have been read from the internal buffer (success).
= 0 No data was found in the internal buffer (success).
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

This function will not block the calling task. The read transfer will be initiated and the function returns immediately. In order to synchronize, USBD_CDC_WaitForRX() needs to be called.

Another synchronization method would be to periodically call USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToRead() in order to see how many bytes still need to be received (this method is preferred when a non-blocking solution is necessary).

The read operation can be canceled using USBD_CDC_CancelRead().

The buffer pointed to by pData must be valid until the read operation is terminated.


See USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToRead.



Reads data from the host. The function blocks until any data have been received. In contrast to USBD_CDC_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received or after the timeout occurs. In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).


int USBD_CDC_Receive(USB_CDC_HANDLE   hInst,
                     void           * pData,
                     unsigned         NumBytes,
                     int              Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout. If Timeout is -1, the function never blocks and only reads data from the internal endpoint buffer.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0), zero packet received (not every controller supports this!), no data in buffer (if Timeout < 0) or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_CDC_Receive() will return as much data as is currently available up to the size of the buffer specified within the specified timeout. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return the number of bytes read so far. If the target was disconnected before this function was called, it returns USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_CDC_Receive() / USBD_CDC_Read(). See also USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

A call of USBD_CDC_Receive(Inst, NULL, 0, -1) can be used to trigger an asynchronous read that stores the data into the internal buffer.



Reads data from the host. The function blocks until any data have been received. In contrast to USBD_CDC_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received or after the timeout occurs. In contrast to USBD_CDC_Receive() this function will continue the read transfer asynchronously in case of a timeout.


int USBD_CDC_ReceivePoll(USB_CDC_HANDLE   hInst,
                         void           * pData,
                         unsigned         NumBytes,
                         unsigned         Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0), zero packet received (not every controller supports this!), no data in buffer (if Timeout < 0) or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_CDC_ReceivePoll() will return as much data as is currently available up to the size of the buffer specified within the specified timeout. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return the number of bytes read so far. If the target was disconnected before this function was called, it returns USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_CDC_ReceivePoll() / USBD_CDC_Read(). See also USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

If a timeout occurs, the read transfer is not affected. Data send from the host after the timeout is stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint and can be read by later calls to USBD_CDC_ReceivePoll().

If Timeout = 0, the function behaves like USBD_CDC_Receive().



Reads data from the host asynchronously. The function does not wait for the data to be received. A callback function is called after the transfer has completed successfully, an error occurred or the transfer was canceled.


void USBD_CDC_ReadAsync(USB_CDC_HANDLE         hInst,
                        USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pContext,
                        int                    ShortRead);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pContext Pointer to an I/O context containing parameters and pointer to the callback function.
ShortRead 0: The transfer is completed successfully after all bytes have been read. 1: The transfer is completed successfully after one packet has been read.


Sets a callback in order to inform the application about a break condition sent by the host.


void USBD_CDC_SetOnBreak(USB_CDC_HANDLE         hInst,
                         USB_CDC_ON_SET_BREAK * pfOnBreak);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pfOnBreak Pointer to the callback function.

Additional information

The callback is called in an ISR context, therefore it should should execute quickly.

The callback function has the following prototype:

typedef void USB_CDC_ON_SET_BREAK(unsigned BreakDuration);
Parameter Description
BreakDuration Length of the break signal in milliseconds. If BreakDuration is 0xFFFF, this is counted as a permanent break condition. A SendBreak request with BreakDuration of 0x0000 will reset the break state.


Sets a user callback that shall be called when a SET_LINE_CODING request is sent to the device.


void USBD_CDC_SetOnLineCoding(USB_CDC_HANDLE               hInst,
                              USB_CDC_ON_SET_LINE_CODING * pf);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pf Pointer to the callback function.

Additional information

This function is used to register a user callback which notifies the application that the host has changed the line coding.

The callback is called in an ISR context, therefore it should should execute quickly.

The callback function has the following prototype:

Parameter Description
pLineCoding Pointer to USB_CDC_LINE_CODING structure containing the new line coding parameters sent from the host.


Sets a user callback that shall be called when a SET_LINE_STATE request is sent to the device.


void USBD_CDC_SetOnControlLineState(USB_CDC_HANDLE                      hInst,
                                    USB_CDC_ON_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE * pf);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pf Pointer to the callback function.

Additional information

This function is used to register a user callback which notifies the application that the host has changed the control line state.

The callback is called in an ISR context, therefore it should execute quickly and must never block.

The callback function has the following prototype:

Parameter Description
pLineState Pointer to USB_CDC_CONTROL_LINE_STATE structure containing the new line state parameters sent from the host.


Sets a callback function for the OUT endpoint that will be called on every RX event for that endpoint.


void USBD_CDC_SetOnRXEvent(USB_CDC_HANDLE            hInst,
                           USB_EVENT_CALLBACK      * pEventCb,
                           USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC * pfEventCb,
                           void                    * pContext);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pEventCb Pointer to a USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure (will be initialized by this function).
pfEventCb Pointer to the callback routine that will be called on every event on the USB endpoint.
pContext A pointer which is used as parameter for the callback function.

Additional information

The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_CDC_SetOnRXEvent(). The USB stack keeps track of all event callback functions using a linked list. The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

The callback function is called only, if a read operation was started using one of the USBD_CDC_Read…() or USBD_CDC_Receive() functions.

The callback function has the following prototype:

typedef void USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC(unsigned Events, void *pContext);
Parameter Description
Events A bit mask indicating which events occurred on the endpoint.
pContext The pointer which was provided to the USBD_SetOnEvent function.

Note that the callback function will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block.

The first parameter to the callback function will contain a bit mask for all events that triggered the call:

Event Description
USB_EVENT_DATA_READ Some data was received from the host on the endpoint.
USB_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE The last read operation was completed.
USB_EVENT_READ_ABORT A read transfer was aborted.


// The callback function.
static void _OnEvent(unsigned Events, void *pContext) {
  unsigned NumBytes;

  if (Events & USB_EVENT_DATA_READ) {
    NumBytes = USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesInBuffer(hInst);
    if (NumBytes) {
      // The call to receive will read all data from
      // the internal buffer and will start a new transfer.
      // The new transfer will again generate a new event when new data arrives.
      // Note that a new transfer is only started when
      // the internal buffer is completely empty.
      // (It will be empty if you read the number of bytes
      // USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesInBuffer returns.)
      r = USBD_CDC_Receive(hInst, Buff, NumBytes, -1);
      if (r > 0) {
        <.. process data in Buff..>
// Main program.
// Register callback function.
static USB_EVENT_CALLBACK _usb_callback;
USBD_CDC_SetOnRXEvent(hInst, &_usb_callback, _OnEvent, NULL);
// Trigger first read
USBD_CDC_Receive(Inst, NULL, 0, -1);
<.. do anything else here while the data is processed in the callback ..>


Sets a callback function for the IN endpoint that will be called on every TX event for that endpoint.


void USBD_CDC_SetOnTXEvent(USB_CDC_HANDLE            hInst,
                           USB_EVENT_CALLBACK      * pEventCb,
                           USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC * pfEventCb,
                           void                    * pContext);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pEventCb Pointer to a USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure (will be initialized by this function).
pfEventCb Pointer to the callback routine that will be called on every event on the USB endpoint.
pContext A pointer which is used as parameter for the callback function.

Additional information

The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure is private to the USB stack. It will be initialized by USBD_CDC_SetOnTXEvent(). The USB stack keeps track of all event callback functions using a linked list. The USB_EVENT_CALLBACK structure will be included into this linked list and must reside in static memory.

The callback function is called only, if a write operation was started using one of the USBD_CDC_Write…() functions.

The callback function has the following prototype:

typedef void USB_EVENT_CALLBACK_FUNC(unsigned Events, void *pContext);
Parameter Description
Events A bit mask indicating which events occurred on the endpoint.
pContext The pointer which was provided to the USBD_SetOnEvent function.

Note that the callback function will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block.

The first parameter to the callback function will contain a bit mask for all events that triggered the call:

Event Description
USB_EVENT_DATA_SEND Some data was sent to the host, so that (part of) the user write buffer may be reused by the application.
USB_EVENT_DATA_ACKED Some data was acknowledged by the host.
USB_EVENT_WRITE_ABORT A write transfer was aborted.
USB_EVENT_WRITE_COMPLETE All write operations were completed.


// The callback function.

static void _OnEvent(unsigned Events, void *pContext) {
  if ((Events & USB_EVENT_DATA_SEND) != 0 &&
        // Check for last write transfer to be completed.
        USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(_hInst) == 0) {
            <.. prepare next data for writing..>
            // Send next packet of data.
            r = USBD_CDC_Write(_hInst, &ac[0], 200, -1);
            if (r < 0) {
              <.. error handling..>

// Main program.

// Register callback function.
static USB_EVENT_CALLBACK _usb_callback;
USBD_CDC_SetOnTXEvent(hInst, &_usb_callback, _OnEvent, NULL);
// Send the first packet of data using an asynchronous write operation.
r = USBD_CDC_Write(_hInst, &ac[0], 200, -1);
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
<.. do anything else here while the whole data is send..>


Sets the new serial state.


void USBD_CDC_UpdateSerialState(      USB_CDC_HANDLE         hInst,
                                const USB_CDC_SERIAL_STATE * pSerialState);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pSerialState Pointer to the USB_CDC_SERIAL_STATE structure.

Additional information

This function updates the control line state internally. In order to inform the host about the serial state change, refer to the function USBD_CDC_WriteSerialState().



Writes data to the host. Depending on the Timeout parameter, the function may block until NumBytes have been written or a timeout occurs.


int USBD_CDC_Write(      USB_CDC_HANDLE   hInst,
                   const void           * pData,
                         unsigned         NumBytes,
                         int              Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pData Pointer to data that should be sent to the host.
NumBytes Number of bytes to be written.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function returns immediately and the transfer is processed asynchronously.

Return value

= 0 Successful started an asynchronous write transfer or a timeout has occurred and no data was written.
> 0 && < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written before a timeout occurred.
= NumBytes Write transfer successful completed.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

This function also returns when the target is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurred.

The USB stack is able to queue a small number of asynchronous write transfers (Timeout = -1). If a write transfer is still in progress when this function is called and the USB stack can not accept another write transfer request, the functions returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY. A synchronous write transfer (Timeout ≥ 0) will always block until the transfer (including all pending transfers) are finished.

In order to synchronize, USBD_CDC_WaitForTX() needs to be called. Another synchronization method would be to periodically call USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() in order to see how many bytes still need to be written (this method is preferred when a non-blocking solution is necessary).

The write operation can be canceled using USBD_CDC_CancelWrite().

If pData = NULL and NumBytes = 0, a zero-length packet is sent to the host.

In case of a timeout, the write transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).

The content of the buffer pointed to by pData must not be changed until the transfer has been completed.



Sends data to the host asynchronously. The function does not wait for the data to be send. A callback function is called after the transfer has completed successfully, an error occurred or the transfer was canceled.


void USBD_CDC_WriteAsync(USB_CDC_HANDLE         hInst,
                         USB_ASYNC_IO_CONTEXT * pContext,
                         char                   Send0PacketIfRequired);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
pContext Pointer to an I/O context containing parameters and pointer to the callback function.
Send0PacketIfRequired Specifies that a zero-length packet shall be sent when the last data packet is a multiple of MaxPacketSize.


This function is to be used in combination with USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() and waits for the reading data transfer from the host to complete.


                       unsigned       Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

0 Transfer completed.
1 Timeout occurred.

Additional information

This function shall be called in order to synchronize task with the read data transfer previously initiated. The function blocks until the number of bytes specified by USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() has been read from the host. In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).


if (USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped(hInst, &ac[0], 50) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() will return immediately.
// Do something else while data may be transferred.
// Now wait until we get all 50 bytes.
// USBD_CDC_WaitForRX() will block, until total of
// 50 bytes are read or timeout occurs.
if (USBD_CDC_WaitForRX(hInst, timeout) != 0) {
  <.. timeout error handling..>
// Now we have 50 bytes of data.
// Process 50 bytes of data from ac[] here.


This function is to be used in combination with USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() and waits for the reading data transfer from the host to complete.


                       unsigned       Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

0 Transfer completed.
1 Timeout occurred.

Additional information

This function shall be called in order to synchronize task with the read data transfer previously initiated. The function blocks until the number of bytes specified by USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() has been read from the host. In case of a timeout, the current transfer is not affected. The function may be called repeatedly until it does not report a timeout any more.


if (USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped(hInst, &ac[0], 50) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped() will return immediately.
// While waiting for the data, we will blink a LED with 200 ms interval.
// USBD_CDC_PollForRX() will return, if all data were read or 100 ms expired.
while ((r = USBD_CDC_PollForRX(hInst, 100)) > 0) {
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// Now we have 50 bytes of data.
// Process 50 bytes of data from ac[] here.


This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_CDC_Write(). This function waits for the writing data transfer to the host to complete.


                       unsigned       Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

0 Transfer completed.
1 Timeout occurred.

Additional information

This function shall be called in order to synchronize task with the write data transfer previously initiated. This function blocks until the number of bytes specified by USBD_CDC_Write() has been written to the host. In case of a timeout, the write transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).



This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_CDC_Write(). This function waits for the writing data transfer to the host to complete.


                       unsigned       Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

0 Transfer completed.
1 Timeout occurred.

Additional information

This function shall be called in order to synchronize task with the write data transfer previously initiated. This function blocks until the number of bytes specified by USBD_CDC_Write() has been written to the host. In case of a timeout, the current transfer is not affected. The function may be called repeatedly until it does not report a timeout any more.


if (USBD_CDC_Write(hInst, &ac[0], 50, -1) < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// USBD_CDC_Write() will return immediately.
// While waiting for the data to be transferred, we will blink a LED with 200 ms interval.
// USBD_CDC_PollForTX() will return, if all data were send or 100 ms expired.
while ((r = USBD_CDC_PollForTX(hInst, 100)) > 0) {
if (r < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// Now all data have been send.


Waits (blocking) until the TX queue can accept another data packet. This function is used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_CDC_Write(), it waits until a new asynchronous write data transfer will be accepted by the USB stack.


                            int            Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is negative, the function will return immediately.

Return value

= 0 A new asynchronous write data transfer will be accepted.
= 1 The write queue is full, a call to USBD_CDC_Write() would return USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If Timeout is 0, the function never returns 1.

If Timeout is -1, the function will not wait, but immediately return the current state.


// Always keep the write queue full for maximum send speed.
for (;;) {
  pData = GetNextData(&NumBytes);
  // Wait until stack can accept a new write.
  USBD_CDC_WaitForTxReady(hInst, 0);
  // Put write transfer into the write queue.
  if (USBD_CDC_Write(hInst, pData, NumBytes, -1) < 0) {
    <.. error handling..>


Sends the current control line serial state to the host.


void USBD_CDC_WriteSerialState(USB_CDC_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().

Additional information

This function shall be called in order to inform the host about the control serial state of the CDC instance. The current control line serial state can be set using USBD_CDC_UpdateSerialState().



This function is to be used in combination with USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped(). It returns the number of bytes which still have to be read during the transaction.


int USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToRead(USB_CDC_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().

Return value

Number of bytes which still have to be read.

Additional information

Note that this function does not return the number of bytes that have been read, but the number of bytes which still have to be read. This function does not block.


NumBytesReceived = USBD_CDC_ReadOverlapped(hInst, &ac[0], 50);
if (NumBytesReceived < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
if (NumBytesReceived > 0) {
  // Already had some data in the internal buffer.
  // The first 'NumBytesReceived' bytes may be processed here.
} else {
  // Wait until we get all 50 bytes
  while (USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToRead(hInst) > 0) {


This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_CDC_Write(). It returns the number of bytes which still have to be written during the transaction.


int USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(USB_CDC_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().

Return value

Number of bytes which still have to be written.

Additional information

Note that this function does not return the number of bytes that have been written, but the number of bytes which still have to be written. This function does not block.


// NumBytesWritten will contain > 0 values
// if we had anything in the write buffer.
NumBytesWritten = USBD_CDC_Write(hInst, &ac[0], TRANSFER_SIZE, -1);
if (NumBytesWritten < 0) {
  <.. error handling..>
// NumBytesToWrite shows how many bytes still have to be written.
while (USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(hInst) > 0) {


Returns the number of bytes that are available in the internal BULK-OUT endpoint buffer. This function does not start a read transfer.


int USBD_CDC_GetNumBytesInBuffer(USB_CDC_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid CDC instance, returned by USBD_CDC_Add().

Return value

Number of bytes which have been stored in the internal buffer.

Additional information

The number of bytes returned by this function can be read using USBD_CDC_Read() without blocking.

Data structures



Initialization structure that is needed when adding a CDC interface to emUSB-Device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  EPIn;
  U8  EPOut;
  U8  EPInt;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Bulk IN endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Bulk OUT endpoint for receiving data from the host.
EPInt Interrupt IN endpoint for sending status information.


Structure that contains the new line-coding information sent by the host.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U32  DTERate;
  U8   CharFormat;
  U8   ParityType;
  U8   DataBits;

Structure members

Member Description
DTERate The data transfer rate for the device in bits per second.
CharFormat Number of stop bits: 0 - 1 Stop bit 1 - 1.5 Stop bits 2 - 2 Stop bits
ParityType Specifies the parity type: 0 - None 1 - Odd 2 - Even 3 - Mark 4 - Space
DataBits Specifies the bits per byte: (5, 6, 7, 8)


Structure that contains the serial state that can be sent to the host.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  DCD;
  U8  DSR;
  U8  Break;
  U8  Ring;
  U8  FramingError;
  U8  ParityError;
  U8  OverRunError;
  U8  CTS;

Structure members

Member Description
DCD Data Carrier Detect: Tells that the device is connected to the telephone line.
DSR Data Set Read: Device is ready to receive data.
Break 1 - Break condition signaled.
Ring Device indicates that it has detected a ring signal on the telephone line.
FramingError When set to 1, the device indicates a framing error.
ParityError When set to 1, the device indicates a parity error.
OverRunError When set to 1, the device indicates an over-run error.
CTS Clear to Send: Deprecated, not used with USB.

Additional information

All members of the structure may have value 0 (false) or 1 (true).



Structure that contains the new control line state sent by the host.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  DTR;
  U8  RTS;

Structure members

Member Description
DTR Data Terminal Ready.
RTS Request To Send.

Additional information

All members of the structure may have value 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Human Interface Device Class (HID)

This chapter gives a general overview of the HID class and describes how to get the HID component running on the target.


The Human Interface Device class (HID) is an abstract USB class protocol defined by the USB Implementers Forum. This protocol was defined for the handling of devices which are used by humans to control the operation of computer systems.

An installation of a custom-host USB driver is not necessary, because the USB human interface device class is standardized and every major OS already provides host drivers for it.

Further reading

The following documents define the HID class and have been used to implement and verify the HID component:


Devices which are in the HID class generally fall into one of two categories:

True HIDs and vendor specific HIDs, explained below. One or more examples for both categories are provided.

True HIDs

True HID devices are devices which communicate directly with the host operating system, this includes devices which are used by a human to enter data, but do not directly exchange data with an application program running on the host.

Typical examples

Vendor specific HIDs

These are HID devices communicating with an application program. The host OS loads the same driver it loads for any “true HID” and will automatically enumerate the device, but it cannot communicate with the device. When analyzing the report descriptor, the host finds that it cannot exchange information with the device; the device uses a protocol which is meaningless to the HID driver of the host. The host will therefore not exchange information with the device. A host recognizes a vendor specific HID by its vendor-defined usage page in the report descriptor: the numerical value of the usage page lies between 0xFF00 and 0xFFFF.

An application has the chance to communicate with the particular device using API functions offered by the host. This enables an application program to communicate with the device without having to load a driver. HID does not take advantage of the full USB bus bandwidth; bulk communication can be much faster, but requires a driver with older operating systems. Therefore it can be a good choice to select HID as a device class, especially if ease of use is important and high communication speed is not required.

Typical examples

Background information

HID descriptors

This section presents an overview of the HID class-specific descriptors. The HID descriptors are defined in the Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID) of the USB Implementers Forum. Refer to the USB Implementers Forum website, https://www.usb.org, for detailed information about the USB HID standard.


HID descriptor

A HID descriptor contains the report descriptor and optionally the physical descriptors. It specifies the number, type, and size of the report descriptor and the report’s physical descriptors.

Report descriptor

Data between host and device is exchanged in so called “reports”. The report descriptor defines the format of a report. In general, HIDs require a report descriptor as defined in the Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID). The only exception to this are very basic HIDs such as mice or keyboards. This implementation of HID always requires a report descriptor.

Using HID only transfers matching the report size are allowed, for example if a report is defined to be 64 bytes large in either direction only transfer of 64 bytes are allowed. If the application needs to transfer less data the packet must be padded by the application to match the report size. The report descriptor can define multiple reports of different sizes. In this case the first byte of the transfer must contain the report ID.

The USB Implementers Forum provides an application which helps to build and modify HID report descriptors. The HID Descriptor Tool can be downloaded from:



Physical descriptor

Physical descriptor sets are optional descriptors which provide information about the part or parts of the human body used to activate the controls on a device. Physical descriptors are currently not supported.


Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as it is delivered should not be modified. The configuration must only be modified if emUSB-Device should be used in your final product. Refer to the section emUSB-Device Configuration for detailed information about the functions which must be adapted before you can release a final product version.

Final configuration

Generating a report descriptor

This step is only required if your product is a vendor-specific human interface device. The report descriptor provided in the example application can typically be used without any modification. The vendor-defined usage page should be adapted in a final product. Vendor-defined usage pages can be in the range from 0xFF00 to 0xFFFF. The low byte can be selected by the application programmer. It needs to be identical on both target and host and should be unique (as unique as an 8-bit value can be). The examples use the value 0x12; this value is defined at the top of the application program with the macro USB_HID_DEFAULT_VENDOR_PAGE.

Example application

Example applications are supplied. These can be used for testing the correct installation and proper function of the device running emUSB-Device.

The following start application files are provided:

File Description
USB_HID_Mouse.c Simple mouse example. (“True HID” example)
USB_HID_Echo1.c Modified echo server. (“vendor specific” example)


USB_HID_Mouse.c is a typical example for a “true HID” implementation. The host identifies the device which is programmed with this example as a mouse. After the device is enumerated, it moves the mouse cursor in an endless loop to the left and after a short delay back to the right.


USB_HID_Echo1.c is a typical example for a “vendor-specific HID” implementation. The HID start application ( USB_HID_Echo1.c located in the Application subfolder) is a modified echo server; the application receives data byte by byte, increments every single byte and sends them back to the host.


To use this application, include the source code file USB_HID_Echo1.c into your project and compile and download it into your target. Run HIDEcho1.exe after the target is connected to the host and the enumeration process has been completed. The PC application is supplied as executable in the Windows\USB\HID\SampleApp\Exe directory. The source code of the PC example is also supplied. Refer to section Compiling the PC example application for more information to the PC example project.

Running the example

Example output of USB_HID_Echo1.exe:



Compiling the PC example application

Under Window you can build the sample by using the provided VisualStudio 2010 project. The source code of the example application is located in the subfolder Windows\USB\HID\SampleApp. Open the file USBHID_Start.sln and compile the source choose Build | Build SampleApp.exe (Shortcut: F7). To run the executable choose Build | Execute SampleApp.exe (Shortcut: CTRL-F5).


The Microsoft Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK) is required to compile the HID host example application. Refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/download-the-wdk for more information.

Under Linux simply generate the executable by invoking make in the Windows/USB/HID/SampleApp folder in a shell

cd Windows/USB/HID/SampleApp

Target API

This section describes the functions that can be used on the target system.

General information

To communicate with the host, the example application project includes USB-specific header and source files. These files contain API functions to communicate with the USB host.

Purpose of the USB Device API functions

To have an easy start up when writing an application on the device side, these API functions have a simple interface and handle all operations that need to be done to communicate with the host. Therefore, all operations that need to write to or read from the emUSB-Device are handled internally by the provided API functions.

Target interface function list

Function Description
API functions
USBD_HID_AddEx() Adds HID class device to the USB interface.
USBD_HID_Add() Adds HID class device to the USB interface.
USBD_HID_GetNumBytesInBuffer() Returns the number of bytes available in the internal read buffer.
USBD_HID_GetNumBytesRemToRead() Checks how many bytes still have to be read.
USBD_HID_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() Checks how many bytes still have to be written.
USBD_HID_Read() Reads data from the host with a given timeout.
USBD_HID_ReadOverlapped() Reads data from the host asynchronously.
USBD_HID_Receive() Reads data from the host.
USBD_HID_ReceivePoll() Reads data from the host.
USBD_HID_WaitForRX() This function is to be used in combination with USBD_HID_ReadOverlapped().
USBD_HID_WaitForTX() This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_HID_Write().
USBD_HID_Write() Writes data to the host.
USBD_HID_SetOnGetReportRequest() Allows to set a callback for the GET_REPORT command.
USBD_HID_SetOnSetReportRequest() Allows to set a callback for the SET_REPORT control command.
USBD_HID_ReadReport() Reads report data that was sent from the host via the control EP.
Data structures
USB_HID_INIT_DATA_EX Initialization structure that is needed when adding a HID interface to emUSB-Device.
USB_HID_INIT_DATA Initialization structure that is needed when adding a HID interface to emUSB-Device.
Type definitions
USB_HID_ON_GETREPORT_REQUEST_FUNC Callback function description which is set via USBD_HID_SetOnGetReportRequest().
USB_HID_ON_SETREPORT_REQUEST_FUNC Callback function description which is set via USBD_HID_SetOnSetReportRequest().

HID Target API functions



Adds HID class device to the USB interface.




Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USB_HID_INIT_DATA_EX structure. For detailed information refer to USB_HID_INIT_DATA_EX.

Return value

USB_HID_HANDLE: Handle to the HID instance (can be zero).

Additional information

After the initialization of general emUSB-Device, this is the first function that needs to be called when the USB-HID interface is used with emUSB-Device.



Adds HID class device to the USB interface.




Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USB_HID_INIT_DATA structure. For detailed information refer to USB_HID_INIT_DATA.

Return value

USB_HID_HANDLE: Handle to the HID instance (can be zero).

Additional information

After the initialization of general emUSB-Device, this is the first function that needs to be called when the USB-HID interface is used with emUSB-Device.



Returns the number of bytes available in the internal read buffer.


unsigned USBD_HID_GetNumBytesInBuffer(USB_HID_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID handle which is returned by USBD_HID_Add().

Return value

≥ 0 Number of bytes in the internal read buffer.


Checks how many bytes still have to be read.


unsigned USBD_HID_GetNumBytesRemToRead(USB_HID_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID instance.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of bytes which have not yet been read.

Additional information

This function is to be used in combination with USBD_HID_ReadOverlapped(). After starting the read operation this function can be used to periodically check how many bytes still have to be read. Alternatively the blocking function USBD_HID_WaitForRX() can be used.



Checks how many bytes still have to be written.


unsigned USBD_HID_GetNumBytesRemToWrite(USB_HID_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID instance.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of bytes which have not yet been written.

Additional information

This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_HID_Write(). After starting the write operation this function can be used to periodically check how many bytes still have to be written. Alternatively the blocking function USBD_HID_WaitForTX() can be used.



Reads data from the host with a given timeout.


                  void           * pData,
                  unsigned         NumBytes,
                  unsigned         Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID instance.
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout.

Return value

= NumBytes Requested data was successfully read within the given timeout.
≥ 0, < NumBytes Timeout has occurred. Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
< 0 Returns a USB_STATUS_ERROR.

Additional information

This function blocks until the timeout has been reached, it has received NumBytes or until the device is disconnected from the host. This function blocks a task until all data has been read or a timeout occurs. In case of a reset or a disconnect USB_STATUS_ERROR is returned.

The host will always send transmissions which match the report size. In most cases it makes sense to set NumBytes to the report size.

When using multiple reports the first byte will contain the report ID.



Reads data from the host asynchronously.


int USBD_HID_ReadOverlapped(USB_HID_HANDLE   hInst,
                            void           * pData,
                            unsigned         NumBytes);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a HID instance.
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read from the internal buffer (success).
= 0 No data was found in the internal buffer (success).
< 0 Error.

Additional information

This function will not block the calling task. The read transfer will be initiated and the function returns immediately. In order to synchronize, USBD_HID_WaitForRX() needs to be called. Alternatively the function USBD_HID_GetNumBytesRemToRead() can be called periodically to check whether all bytes have been written or not. The buffer pointed to by pData must be valid until the read operation is terminated.

The host will always send transmissions which match the report size. In most cases it makes sense to set NumBytes to the report size.

When using multiple reports the first byte will contain the report ID.



Reads data from the host. The function blocks until any data has been received or a timeout occurs (if Timeout ≥ 0). In contrast to USBD_HID_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received. In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted (see Timeout handling).


int USBD_HID_Receive(USB_HID_HANDLE   hInst,
                     void           * pData,
                     unsigned         NumBytes,
                     int              Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID instance.
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function never blocks and only reads data from the internal endpoint buffer.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0), zero packet received (not every controller supports this!), no data in buffer (if Timeout < 0) or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_HID_Receive() will return as much data as is currently available -- up to the size of the buffer specified. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If a read transfer was pending while the function is called, it returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_HID_Receive() / USBD_HID_Read(). See also USBD_HID_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

A call of USBD_HID_Receive(Inst, NULL, 0, -1) can be used to trigger an asynchronous read that stores the data into the internal buffer.



Reads data from the host. The function blocks until any data has been received or a timeout occurs (if Timeout ≥ 0). In contrast to USBD_BULK_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received. In contrast to USBD_BULK_Receive() this function will continue the read transfer asynchronously in case of a timeout.


int USBD_HID_ReceivePoll(USB_HID_HANDLE   hInst,
                         void           * pData,
                         unsigned         NumBytes,
                         unsigned         Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID instance.
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to read.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0), zero packet received (not every controller supports this!) or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USBD_HID_ReceivePoll() will return as much data as is currently available -- up to the size of the buffer specified. This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return USB_STATUS_ERROR.

If a read transfer was pending while the function is called, it returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_HID_Receive() / USBD_HID_Read(). See also USBD_HID_GetNumBytesInBuffer().

If a timeout occurs, the read transfer is not affected. Data send from the host after the timeout is stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint and can be read by later calls to USBD_HID_ReceivePoll().

If Timeout = 0, the function behaves like USBD_HID_Receive().



This function is to be used in combination with USBD_HID_ReadOverlapped(). After the read function has been called this function can be used to synchronize. It will block until the transfer is completed.


                       unsigned       Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a HID instance.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout.

Return value

0 Transfer completed.
1 Timeout occurred.

Additional information

In case of a timeout, a current transfer is canceled.



This function is to be used in combination with a non-blocking call to USBD_HID_Write(). After the write function has been called this function can be used to synchronise. It will block until the transfer is completed.


                       unsigned       Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a HID instance.
Timeout Timeout given in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout.

Return value

0 Transfer completed.
1 Timeout occurred.

Additional information

In case of a timeout, a current transfer is canceled.



Writes data to the host. Depending on the Timeout parameter, the function may block until NumBytes have been written or a timeout occurs.


int USBD_HID_Write(      USB_HID_HANDLE   hInst,
                   const void           * pData,
                         unsigned         NumBytes,
                         int              Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID instance.
pData Pointer to data that should be sent to the host.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write. Should match the report size.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function returns immediately and the transfer is processed asynchronously.

Return value

= 0 Successful started an asynchronous write transfer or a timeout has occurred and no data was written.
> 0 && < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written before a timeout occurred.
= NumBytes Write transfer successful completed.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function also returns when the target is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurred.

The USB stack is able to queue a small number of asynchronous write transfers (Timeout = -1). If a write transfer is still in progress when this function is called and the USB stack can not accept another write transfer request, the functions returns USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.

In order to synchronize, USBD_HID_WaitForTX() needs to be called. Another synchronization method would be to periodically call USBD_HID_GetNumBytesRemToWrite() in order to see how many bytes still need to be written (this method is preferred when a non-blocking solution is necessary).

The content of the buffer pointed to by pData must not be changed until the transfer has been completed.

A transfer which does not match the report size will not be accepted by the host.

When using multiple reports the first byte must contain the report ID.



Allows to set a callback for the GET_REPORT command. The GET_REPORT command is sent from the host to the device.


void USBD_HID_SetOnGetReportRequest
                        (USB_HID_HANDLE                      hInst,
                         USB_HID_ON_GETREPORT_REQUEST_FUNC * pfOnGetReportRequest);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID instance.
pfOnGetReportRequest Pointer to a function of type USB_HID_ON_GETREPORT_REQUEST_FUNC.

Additional information

See the description of USB_HID_ON_GETREPORT_REQUEST_FUNC for more details.



Allows to set a callback for the SET_REPORT control command. The SET_REPORT command is sent from the host to the device.


void USBD_HID_SetOnSetReportRequest
                        (USB_HID_HANDLE                      hInst,
                         USB_HID_ON_SETREPORT_REQUEST_FUNC * pfOnSetReportRequest);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to an HID instance.
pfOnSetReportRequest Pointer to a function of type USB_HID_ON_SETREPORT_REQUEST_FUNC .

Additional information

See the description of USB_HID_ON_SETREPORT_REQUEST_FUNC for more details.



Reads report data that was sent from the host via the control EP. This function returns immediately and will not wait for a report send from the host. Can be used in combination with a callback function installed with USBD_HID_SetOnSetReportRequest().


int USBD_HID_ReadReport(USB_HID_HANDLE   hInst,
                        void           * pData,
                        unsigned         NumBytes);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a HID instance.
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read.
= 0 No report was sent from the host.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

The host will always send transmissions which match the report size. In most cases it makes sense to set NumBytes to the report size.

When using multiple reports the first byte will contain the report ID.

Data structures



Initialization structure that is needed when adding a HID interface to emUSB-Device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16          Flags;
  U8           EPIn;
  U8           EPOut;
  const U8   * pReport;
  U16          NumBytesReport;
  U16          BuffSize;
  U8         * pBuff;
  const char * pInterfaceName;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Reserved, must be set to 0.
EPIn Endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Endpoint for receiving data from the host.
pReport Pointer to a report descriptor.
NumBytesReport Size of the HID report descriptor in bytes.
BuffSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuff. Must be at least the size of the output report.
pBuff Pointer to a buffer for receiving reports from the host via endpoint 0 (Set_Report request).
pInterfaceName Name of the interface. May be NULL.

Additional information

To be able to receive input reports from the host either an endpoint must be allocated (EPOut) or a buffer must be provided (BufferSize, pBuff). If both EPOut = 0 and BufferSize = 0, then USBD_HID_Read() will not work and all requests from the host will be stalled by the USB stack. To receive Set Feature Report control commands the buffer is required.

pReport points to a report descriptor. A report descriptor is a structure which is used to transmit HID control data to and from a human interface device. A report descriptor defines the format of a report and is composed of report items that define one or more top-level collections. Each collection defines one or more HID reports. Refer to Universal Serial Bus Specification, 1.0 Version and the latest version of the HID Usage Tables guide for detailed information about HID input, output and feature reports. The USB Implementers Forum provide an application that helps to build and modify HID report descriptors. The HID Descriptor Tool can be downloaded from: www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/. The report descriptor used in the supplied example application HID_Echo1.c should match to the requirements of most “vendor specific HID” applications. The report size is defined to 64 bytes. As mentioned before, interrupt endpoints are limited to at most one packet of at most 64 bytes per frame (on full speed devices).

Example 1 (configure to receive reports via separate endpoint)

static void _AddHID(void) {
 U8 Interval = 10;
 static U8 acBuffer[64];

 memset(&InitData, 0, sizeof(InitData));
                            &acBuffer[0], sizeof(acBuffer));
 InitData.pReport = _aHIDReport;
 InitData.NumBytesReport = sizeof(_aHIDReport);
 InitData.pInterfaceName = "HID interface";

Example 2 (configure to receive reports via endpoint 0)

static void _AddHID(void) {
 U8 Interval = 10;
 static U8 acBuffer[64];

 memset(&InitData, 0, sizeof(InitData));
 InitData.pBuff = &acBuffer[0];
 InitData.BufferSize = sizeof(acBuffer);
 InitData.pReport = _aHIDReport;
 InitData.NumBytesReport = sizeof(_aHIDReport);
 InitData.pInterfaceName = "HID interface";


Initialization structure that is needed when adding a HID interface to emUSB-Device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8         EPIn;
  U8         EPOut;
  const U8 * pReport;
  U16        NumBytesReport;
  U16        BuffSize;
  U8       * pBuff;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Endpoint for receiving data from the host.
pReport Pointer to a report descriptor.
NumBytesReport Size of the HID report descriptor in bytes.
BuffSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuff. Must be at least the size of the output report.
pBuff Pointer to a buffer for receiving reports from the host via endpoint 0 (Set_Report request).

Additional information

To be able to receive input reports from the host either an endpoint must be allocated (EPOut) or a buffer must be provided (BufferSize, pBuff). If both EPOut = 0 and BufferSize = 0, then USBD_HID_Read() will not work and all requests from the host will be stalled by the USB stack. To receive Set Feature Report control commands the buffer is required.

pReport points to a report descriptor. A report descriptor is a structure which is used to transmit HID control data to and from a human interface device. A report descriptor defines the format of a report and is composed of report items that define one or more top-level collections. Each collection defines one or more HID reports. Refer to Universal Serial Bus Specification, 1.0 Version and the latest version of the HID Usage Tables guide for detailed information about HID input, output and feature reports. The USB Implementers Forum provide an application that helps to build and modify HID report descriptors. The HID Descriptor Tool can be downloaded from: www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/. The report descriptor used in the supplied example application HID_Echo1.c should match to the requirements of most “vendor specific HID” applications. The report size is defined to 64 bytes. As mentioned before, interrupt endpoints are limited to at most one packet of at most 64 bytes per frame (on full speed devices).

Type definitions



Callback function description which is set via USBD_HID_SetOnGetReportRequest().

Type definition

                                                    unsigned            ReportId,
                                              const U8              * * pData,
                                                    U32               * pNumBytes);


Parameter Description
ReportId The ID of the report for which the GET_REPORT request has been sent.
pData  in  Pointer to a pointer to the data to send via GET_REPORT request.
pNumBytes IN: Number of bytes requested. Out: Number of bytes that shall be sent.

Return value

= 0 No data available. The stack will send a zero length packet as a response.
= 1 Data is available. The stack will send data to the host.
< 0 Data is handled by user application. USBD_WriteEP0FromISR() needs to be called from user context.


Callback function description which is set via USBD_HID_SetOnSetReportRequest(). The function is called after a SET_REPORT command was sent from the host via the control endpoint. The report should be read using USBD_HID_ReadReport().

Type definition

                                               unsigned            ReportId,
                                               U32                 NumBytes);


Parameter Description
ReportId The ID of the report for which the SET_REPORT request has been sent.

Additional information

In case no EP Out was used with the HID interface, and a USBD_HID_Read() or USBD_HID_ReadOverlapped() is currently executed, then this function is not called and the read function is serviced instead.

Host API

This chapter describes the functions that can be used with host side (Windows, Linux, macOS). These functions are only required if the emUSB-Device-HID component is used to design a vendor specific HID.

General information

To communicate with the target USB-HID stack, the example application project includes a USB-HID specific source and header file (USBHID.c, USBHID.h). These files contain API functions to communicate with the USB-HID target through the host HID driver.

Purpose of the USB Host API functions

To have an easy start-up when writing an application on the host side, these API functions have simple interfaces and handle all operations that need to be done to communicate with the target USB-HID stack.

Host API function list

Function Description
API functions
USBHID_Close() Close the connection to an open device.
USBHID_Open() Opens a handle to a device.
USBHID_Init() Sets the specific vendor page, initializes the USB HID User API and retrieves the information of the HID device.
USBHID_Exit() Closes the connection to all open devices and de-initializes the HID module.
USBHID_Read() Reads an input report from device via the interrupt endpoint.
USBHID_Write() Writes an output report to device.
USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices() Returns the number of available devices.
USBHID_GetProductName() Stores the name of the device into pBuffer.
USBHID_GetInputReportSize() Returns the input report size of the device.
USBHID_GetOutputReportSize() Returns the output report size of the device.
USBHID_GetProductId() Returns the USB product ID of the device.
USBHID_GetVendorId() Returns the USB vendor ID of the device.
USBHID_RefreshList() Refreshes the connection info list.
USBHID_SetVendorPage() Sets the vendor page so that all HID devices with the specified page will be found.

HID Host API functions



Close the connection to an open device.


void USBHID_Close(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Index of the HID device. This is the bit number of the mask returned by USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices().


Opens a handle to a device.


int USBHID_Open(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Index of the HID device. This is the bit number of the mask returned by USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices().

Return value

0 O.K. Opening was successful or already opened.
1 Error. Handle to the device could not opened.


Sets the specific vendor page, initializes the USB HID User API and retrieves the information of the HID device.


void USBHID_Init(U8 VendorPage);


Parameter Description
VendorPage This parameter specifies the lower 8 bits of the vendor-specific usage page number. It must be identical on both device and host.


Closes the connection to all open devices and de-initializes the HID module.


void USBHID_Exit(void);


Reads an input report from device via the interrupt endpoint.


int USBHID_Read(unsigned   Id,
                void     * pBuffer,
                unsigned   NumBytes);

Return value

On Error: -1, No valid device Id used or the report size does not match with device. On success: Number of bytes that have be written.



Writes an output report to device.


int USBHID_Write(      unsigned   Id,
                 const void     * pBuffer,
                       unsigned   NumBytes);

Return value

On Error: -1, No valid device Id used or the report size does not match with device. On success: Number of bytes that have be written.



Returns the number of available devices.


unsigned USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices(U32 * pMask);


Parameter Description
pMask Pointer to unsigned integer value which is used to store the bit mask of available devices. This parameter may be NULL.

Return value

Number of available devices.

Additional information

pMask will be filled by this routine. It shall be interpreted as a bit mask where a bit set means this device is available. For example, device 0 and device 2 are available, if pMask has the value 0x00000005.



Stores the name of the device into pBuffer.


int USBHID_GetProductName(unsigned   Id,
                          char     * pBuffer,
                          unsigned   NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Index of the HID device. This is the bit number of the mask returned by USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices().
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer for the product name.
NumBytes Size of the buffer in bytes.

Return value

0 An error occurred.
1 Success.


Returns the input report size of the device.


int USBHID_GetInputReportSize(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Index of the HID device. This is the bit number of the mask returned by USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices().

Return value

= 0 An error occurred.
≠ 0 Size of the report in bytes.


Returns the output report size of the device.


int USBHID_GetOutputReportSize(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Index of the HID device. This is the bit number of the mask returned by USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices().

Return value

= 0 An error occurred.
≠ 0 Size of the report in bytes.


Returns the USB product ID of the device.


U16 USBHID_GetProductId(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Index of the HID device. This is the bit number of the mask returned by USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices().

Return value

= 0 An error occurred.
≠ 0 Product ID.


Returns the USB vendor ID of the device.


U16 USBHID_GetVendorId(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Index of the HID device. This is the bit number of the mask returned by USBHID_GetNumAvailableDevices().

Return value

= 0 An error occurred.
≠ 0 Vendor ID.


Refreshes the connection info list.


void USBHID_RefreshList(void);

Additional information

Note that any open handles will be closed while refreshing the connection list.



Sets the vendor page so that all HID devices with the specified page will be found.


void USBHID_SetVendorPage(U8 Page);


Parameter Description
Page This parameter specifies the lower 8 bits of the vendor-specific usage page number. It must be identical on both device and host.

Printer Class

This chapter describes how to get emUSB-Device up and running as a printer device.


The Printer Class is an abstract USB class protocol defined by the USB Implementers Forum. This protocol delivers the existing printing command-sets to a printer over USB.


The configuration section will later on be modified to match the real application. For the purpose of getting emUSB-Device up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered should not be modified.

The example application

The start application (in the Application subfolder) is a simple data sink, which can be used to test emUSB-Device. The application receives data bytes from the host which it displays in the terminal I/O window of the debugger.

Part of source code of USB_Printer.c:

*       _GetDeviceIdString
static const char * _GetDeviceIdString(void) {
  const char * s = "CLASS:PRINTER;MODEL:HP LaserJet 6MP;"
                   "DESCRIPTION:Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 6MP Printer;"
  return s;
*       _GetHasNoError
static U8 _GetHasNoError(void) {
  return 1;
*       _GetIsSelected
static U8 _GetIsSelected(void) {
  return 1;
*       _GetIsPaperEmpty
static U8 _GetIsPaperEmpty(void) {
  return 0;
*       _OnDataReceived
static int _OnDataReceived(const U8 * pData, unsigned NumBytes) {
  USB_MEMCPY(_acData, pData, NumBytes);
  _acData[NumBytes] = 0;
  return 0;
*       _OnReset
static void _OnReset(void) {
static USB_PRINTER_API _PrinterAPI = {
*       Public code
static const USB_DEVICE_INFO _DeviceInfo = {
  0x8765,                      // VendorId
  0x2114,                      // ProductId, should be unique for this sample
  "Vendor",                    // VendorName
  "Printer",                   // ProductName
  "12345678901234567890"       // SerialNumber
*       MainTask
* Function description
*   USB handling task.
*   Modify to implement the desired protocol
void MainTask(void) {
  while (1) {
    // Wait for configuration
           != USB_STAT_CONFIGURED)
    // Receive and process data.

Target API

This chapter describes the functions and data structures that can be used with the target application.

Interface function list

Function Description
API functions
USB_PRINTER_Init() Initializes the printer module.
USB_PRINTER_Task() Processes the requests received from the USB Host.
USB_PRINTER_TaskEx() Processes the requests received from the USB Host.
USB_PRINTER_ConfigIRQProcessing() Configure printer class to process received data in USB interrupt.
USB_PRINTER_Read() Reads data from the host.
USB_PRINTER_ReadTimed() Reads data from the host with a given timeout.
USB_PRINTER_Receive() Reads data from host.
USB_PRINTER_ReceiveTimed() Reads data from host with a given timeout.
USB_PRINTER_Write() Writes data to the host.
USB_PRINTER_WriteTimed() Writes data to the host within a given timeout.
USB_PRINTER_SetOnVendorRequest() Sets a callback function that is called when a setup vendor request is sent from the host to the printer.
USB_PRINTER_SetClass() Sets a custom class/subclass/protocol for the printer class.
Data structures
USB_PRINTER_API Initialization structure that is needed when adding a printer interface to emUSB-Device.

API functions



Initializes the printer module.




Parameter Description
pAPI Pointer to an API table that contains all callback functions that are necessary for handling the functionality of a printer.

Additional information

After the initialization of general emUSB-Device, this is the first function that needs to be called when the printer class is used with emUSB-Device.



Processes the requests received from the USB Host.


void USB_PRINTER_Task(void);

Additional information

This function blocks as long as the USB device is connected to USB host. It handles the requests by calling the functions registered in the call to USB_PRINTER_Init(). Do not call this function if you used USB_PRINTER_ConfigIRQProcessing().



Processes the requests received from the USB Host. Uses overlapped read operation for higher performance.


void USB_PRINTER_TaskEx(void);

Additional information

This function blocks as long as the USB device is connected to USB host. It handles the requests by calling the function registered in the call to USB_PRINTER_Init().



Configure printer class to process received data in USB interrupt. Must be called after USB_PRINTER_Init() and before USBD_Start(). After calling this function, USB_PRINTER_Task() should never be called.


void USB_PRINTER_ConfigIRQProcessing(void);

Additional information

The printer API function USB_PRINTER_API -> pfOnDataReceived is called within the USB interrupt context and must not block.



Reads data from the host.


int USB_PRINTER_Read(void     * pData,
                     unsigned   NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.

Return value

= NumBytes Success.
< NumBytes Error occurred.

Additional information

This function blocks a task until all data has been read. In case of a reset or a disconnect USB_STATUS_ERROR is returned.



Reads data from the host with a given timeout.


int USB_PRINTER_ReadTimed(void     * pData,
                          unsigned   NumBytes,
                          unsigned   ms);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.
ms Timeout in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout.

Return value

= NumBytes Success.
≥ 0, < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

This function blocks a task until all data has been read or a timeout occurs. In case of a reset or a disconnect USB_STATUS_ERROR is returned.



Reads data from host. The function blocks until any data has been received. In contrast to USB_PRINTER_Read() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received.


int USB_PRINTER_Receive(void     * pData,
                        unsigned   NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read.
= 0 Zero packet received (not every controller supports this!) or the target was disconnected during the function call.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USB_PRINTER_Receive() will return as much data as is currently available up to the size of the buffer specified. This function also returns when target is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurred, it will then return the number of bytes read.



Reads data from host with a given timeout. The function blocks until any data has been received. In contrast to USB_PRINTER_ReadTimed() this function does not wait for all of NumBytes to be received, but returns after the first packet has been received or after the timeout has been reached.


int USB_PRINTER_ReceiveTimed(void     * pData,
                             unsigned   NumBytes,
                             unsigned   ms);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer where the received data will be stored.
NumBytes Number of bytes to read.
ms Timeout in milliseconds.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been read within the given timeout.
= 0 Zero packet received (not every controller supports this!) or the target was disconnected during the function call.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

If no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. Calling USB_PRINTER_ReceiveTimed() will return as much data as is currently available up to the size of the buffer specified within the specified timeout. This function also returns when target is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurred, it will then return the number of bytes read.



Writes data to the host.


int USB_PRINTER_Write(const void     * pData,
                            unsigned   NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer that contains the data to be sent.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of bytes that have been written.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

This function is blocking.



Writes data to the host within a given timeout.


int USB_PRINTER_WriteTimed(const void     * pData,
                                 unsigned   NumBytes,
                                 int        ms);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer that contains the data to be sent.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write.
ms Timeout in milliseconds. A zero value results in an infinite timeout. If ms is < 0, the function does not block and may return USB_STATUS_EP_BUSY.

Return value

> 0 Number of bytes that have been written before timeout.
= 0 Timeout occurred.
< 0 Error.

Additional information

If ms ≥ 0, this function blocks the task until all data has been written or a timeout occurred. In case of a reset or a disconnect USB_STATUS_ERROR is returned.



Sets a callback function that is called when a setup vendor request is sent from the host to the printer. The callback must return “0” if it handled the request and “1” if it did not.


void USB_PRINTER_SetOnVendorRequest(USB_ON_CLASS_REQUEST * pfOnVendorRequest);


Parameter Description
pfOnVendorRequest Pointer to the callback function.

Additional information

Note that the callback will be called within an ISR, therefore it should never block. If it is necessary to send data from the callback function through endpoint 0, use the function USBD_WriteEP0FromISR().

USB_ON_CLASS_REQUEST is defined as follows:

typedef  int  USB_ON_CLASS_REQUEST(const  USB_SETUP_PACKET  *  pSetupPacket);


Sets a custom class/subclass/protocol for the printer class. Can be used to interface with proprietary manufacturer drivers.


void USB_PRINTER_SetClass(U8 Class,
                          U8 SubClass,
                          U8 Protocol);


Parameter Description
Class USB class ID overwrite (printer class default is 0x07)
SubClass USB sub-class ID overwrite (printer class default is 0x01)
Protocol USB protocol ID overwrite (emUSB-Device printer class default is 0x02)

Additional information

This function must be called after USB_PRINTER_Init() and before USBD_Start().



Initialization structure that is needed when adding a printer interface to emUSB-Device. It holds pointers to callback functions the interface invokes when it processes a request from the USB host.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  USB_PRINTER_ON_DATA_RECEIVED     * pfOnDataReceived;
  USB_PRINTER_GET_IS_SELECTED      * pfGetIsSelected;
  USB_PRINTER_ON_RESET             * pfOnReset;

Structure members

Member Description
pfGetDeviceIdString The library calls this function when the USB host requests the printer’s identification string.
pfOnDataReceived This function is called when data arrives from the USB host.
pfGetHasNoError This function should return a non-zero value if the printer has no error.
pfGetIsSelected This function should return a non-zero value if the printer is selected
pfGetIsPaperEmpty This function should return a non-zero value if the printer is out of paper.
pfOnReset The library calls this function if the USB host sends a soft reset command.

Additional information

Detailed information can be found in USB_PRINTER_API in detail.

Printer API

This section describes the emUSB-Device Printer API in detail.

General information

The interface includes multiple callback functions which have to be set by the user application. These functions are called by the emUSB-Device stack when the host makes the corresponding enquiries.




The library calls this function when the USB host requests the printer’s identification string. This string shall confirm to the IEEE 1284 Device ID Syntax.

Type definition

typedef const char * USB_PRINTER_GET_DEVICE_ID_STRING(void);

Return value

Pointer to the ID string.

Additional information

The return string shall confirm to the IEEE 1284 Device ID.


MODEL:HP LaserJet 6MP;
DESCRIPTION:Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 6MP Printer;


This function is called when data arrives from USB host.

Type definition

typedef int USB_PRINTER_ON_DATA_RECEIVED(const U8     * pData,
                                               unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to the data.
NumBytes Data length.

Return value

= 0 More data can be accepted
≠ 0 No more data can be accepted, in this case a stall will be sent back to the host.


This function should return a non-zero value if the printer has no error.

Type definition


Return value

= 0 Error condition present.
≠ 0 No error.


This function should return a non-zero value if the printer is selected.

Type definition


Return value

= 0 Not selected.
≠ 0 Selected.


This function should return a non-zero value if the printer is out of paper.

Type definition


Return value

= 0 Has paper.
≠ 0 Out of paper.


The library calls this function if the USB host sends a soft reset command.

Type definition

typedef void USB_PRINTER_ON_RESET(void);

IP-over-USB (IP)

This chapter gives a general overview of the IP component and describes how to get the IP component running on the target.


The IP component is a very convenient package when you need to use IP-based protocols over USB with different host operating systems. It consist of two different components - RNDIS and CDC-ECM Combined with the smart capabilities of emUSB-Device-IP to form a cross-platform USB to Ethernet device that works on every common Host OS that can handle USB devices.

Using only RNDIS or CDC-ECM

Main problem between different Host OSes is that either one IP-over-USB class is supported which is then not supported on the other Host OS.

Host OS/Protocol RNDIS CDC-ECM
Windows x -
Linux x x
macOS - x
Free/Net/OpenBSD x x

Linux and all BSD distribution work with any IP-over-USB interface and therefore can be used with either RNDIS or CDC-ECM. macOS does not support RNDIS, third party tools may work but are not fully compatible and using a new version of macOS the driver or package may no longer work properly. Windows cannot handle CDC-ECM out-of-the-box. There are third-party drivers which can handle this but the driver package has to be licensed. Furthermore a new inf-file needs to be written for your device and as a consequence of that the driver package itself needs to be certified which involves further costs. Adding new CDC-ECM devices to the inf-file forces to resign that package once again.

SEGGER’s IP-over-USB solution eliminates these limitations.

Working with emUSB-Device-IP

A IP-over-USB device connected to a PC running the Windows operating system is listed as a separate network interface in the “Network Connections” window as shown in this screenshot:


The ping command line utility can be used to test the connection to target as shown below. If the connection is correctly established the number of the lost packets should be 0.


On macOS IP-over-USB is similarly available:


And on Ubuntu:



Initial Configuration

To get emUSB-Device-IP up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered should not be modified.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified when emUSB-Device-IP is used in your final product. Refer to section emUSB-Device Configuration to get detailed information about the general emUSB-Device configuration functions which have to be adapted.


Due to an issue in Windows when using IP-over-USB within a multi-interface device the IP-over-USB interface must be added first. Otherwise it will not be recognized.


Due to an issue with Windows 7 USB 3.0 drivers USBD_EnableIAD() must be used, even if the device containing the IP-over-USB interface is not a multi-interface device. Otherwise the device will not be recognized on USB 3.0 ports of a PC running Windows 7.

Class specific configuration

emUSB-Device-IP specific device information must be provided by the application via the function USBD_IP_Add(). A sample how to use this function can be found in the IP_Config_IP_over_USB.c. The file is located in the Sample\IP directory of the emUSB-Device shipment. The IP_Config_IP_over_USB.c provides a ready to use layer and configuration file to be used with embOS and emNet.

Running the sample application

The sample application can be found in the Sample\IP\IP_Config_IP_over_USB.c file of the emUSB-Device shipment. In order to use the sample application the SEGGER emNet middleware component is required. To test the emUSB-Device-IP component any of the emNet sample applications can be used in combination with IP_Config_IP_over_USB.c . After the sample application is started the USB cable should be connected to the PC and the chosen emNet sample can be tested by using the URL “usb.local”. The given IP_Config_IP_over_USB.c contains furhter information how the interfaces between emNet and Host PC are connected. In most cases a DHCP-Server for the PC is necessary. In order to recognize the emNet interface a dedicated name service is used to fascilate the handling. Please refer to the sample for further details.

emUSB-Device-IP + emNet as a "USB Webserver"

This method of using emUSB-Device-IP provides a unique customer experience where a USB device can provide a custom web page or any other service through which a customer can interact with the device.


Initially the PC recognizes an RNDIS device. In case of Windows XP and Vista a driver will be necessary (the corresponding inf-file can be found in the Windows\USB\RNDIS\WinXP_Vista folder), Windows 7 and above as well as Linux recognize RNDIS automatically. RNDIS from the viewpoint of the PC is a normal Network Interface Controller (NIC) and the PC handles it as such. The default behaviour is to request an IP address from a DHCP server. The PC retrieves an IP address from the DHCP-Server in the device. In our standard sample code the device has the local IP 100.127.<USBAddr>.1 and the PC will get 100.127.<USBAddr>.2 from the DHCP server. With this the configuration is complete and the user can access the web-interface located on the USB device via the DNS entry - “usb.local”.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_IP_Add() Adds support for the IP component to USB stack.
USBD_IP_Task() Obsolete.
Data structures
USB_IP_INIT_DATA Structure which stores the parameters of the IP component.

API functions



Adds support for the IP component to USB stack. Internally CDC-ECM and RNDIS is initialized. The IP component switches automatically between the two.


void USBD_IP_Add(const USB_IP_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a filled USB_IP_INIT_DATA structure data.


Obsolete. Returns when USB is disconnected.


void USBD_IP_Task(void);

Data structures



Structure which stores the parameters of the IP component.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8                            EPIn;
  U8                            EPOut;
  U8                            EPInt;
  const USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API  * pDriverAPI;
  USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA         DriverData;
  const USB_RNDIS_DEVICE_INFO * pRndisDevInfo;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Bulk IN endpoint to send data packets to the USB host.
EPOut Bulk OUT endpoint to receive data packets from the USB host.
EPInt Interrupt IN endpoint to send notifications to the USB host.
pDriverAPI Network interface driver API.
DriverData Data passed at initialization to low-level driver.
pRndisDevInfo Pointer to a filled USB_RNDIS_DEVICE_INFO structure.

Additional information

This structure holds the endpoints that should be used with the IP component. Refer to USBD_AddEP() for more information about how to add an endpoint.


This chapter gives a general overview of the Remote Network Driver Interface Specification class and describes how to get the RNDIS component running on the target.


The Remote Network Driver Interface Specification (RNDIS) is a Microsoft proprietary USB class protocol which can be used to create a virtual Ethernet connection between a USB device and a host PC. A TCP/IP stack like emNet is required on the USB device side to handle the actual IP communication. Any available IP protocol (UDP, TPC, FTP, HTTP, etc.) can be used to exchange data. On a typical Cortex-M CPU running at 120 MHz, a transfer speed of about 5 MB/s can be achieved when using a high-speed USB connection.

USB RNDIS is supported by all Windows operating systems starting with Windows XP, as well as by Linux with kernel versions newer than 2.6.34. An .inf file is required for the installation on Microsoft Windows systems older than Windows 7. The emUSB-Device-RNDIS package includes .inf files for Windows versions older than Windows 7. macOS will require a third-party driver to work with RNDIS, which can be downloaded from here: https://joshuawise.com/horndis which will only work for certain macOS versions.

emUSB-Device-RNDIS contains the following components:

Working with RNDIS

Any USB RNDIS device connected to a PC running the Windows operating system is listed as a separate network interface in the “Network Connections” window as shown in this screenshot:


The ping command line utility can be used to test the connection to target as shown below. If the connection is correctly established the number of the lost packets should be 0.


Additional information

More technical details about RNDIS can be found here:



Initial Configuration

To get emUSB-Device-RNDIS up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered should not be modified.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified when emUSB-Device is used in your final product. Refer to section emUSB-Device Configuration to get detailed information about the general emUSB-Device configuration functions which have to be adapted.


Due to an issue in Windows when using RNDIS within a multi-interface device the RNDIS interface must be added first. Otherwise it will not be recognized.


Due to an issue with Windows 7 USB 3.0 drivers USBD_EnableIAD() must be used, even if the device containing the RNDIS interface is not a multi-interface device. Otherwise the device will not be recognized on USB 3.0 ports of a PC running Windows 7.

Class specific configuration

RNDIS specific device information must be provided by the application via the function USBD_RNDIS_SetDeviceInfo() before the USB stack is started using USBD_Start(). A sample how to use this function can be found in the IP_Config_RNDIS.c. The file is located in the Sample\RNDIS directory of the emUSB-Device shipment. The IP_Config_RNDIS.c provides a ready to use layer and configuration file to be used with embOS and emNet.

Running the sample application

The sample application can be found in the Sample\RNDIS\IP_Config_RNDIS.c file of the emUSB-Device shipment. In order to use the sample application the SEGGER emNet middleware component is required. To test the emUSB-Device-RNDIS component any of the emNet sample applications can be used in combination with IP_Config_RNDIS.c . After the sample application is started the USB cable should be connected to the PC and the chosen emNet sample can be tested using the appropriate methods.

IP_Config_RNDIS.c in detail

The main part of the sample application is implemented in the function MainTask() which runs as an independent task.

// _Connect() - excerpt from IP_Config_RNDIS.c
static int _Connect(unsigned IFaceId) {
  U32 ServerIpAddr;
  U32 SubnetMask;

  ServerIpAddr = IP_BYTES2ADDR(10, 0, 0, 10);
  SubnetMask = IP_BYTES2ADDR(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xf8);
  IP_SetAddrMaskEx(IFaceId, ServerIpAddr, SubnetMask);
  IP_DHCPS_ConfigPool(IFaceId, ServerIpAddr + 1, SubnetMask, 4);  // Setup IP pool to distribute.
  IP_DHCPS_ConfigDNSAddr(IFaceId, &ServerIpAddr, 1);
  IP_NETBIOS_Init(IFaceId, _aNetNames, 0);                             // Init NetBIOS.
  IP_NETBIOS_Start(IFaceId);                                           // Start NetBIOS.
  // Although we do not have a composite device, we enable IAD as a workaround
  // for the buggy Intel USB driver on Windows 7
  return 0;                   // Successfully connected.

The first step is to initialize the DHCP server component which assigns the IP address to the PC side. The target is configured with the IP address The DHCP server is configured to distribute IP addresses starting from, therefore the PC will receive the IP address Then the USB stack is initialized and the RNDIS interface is added to it. The function _AddRNDIS() configures all required endpoints.

// _AddRNDIS() - excerpt from IP_Config_RNDIS.c
static U8 _abReceiveBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
static void _AddRNDIS(void) {

  memset(&InitData, 0, sizeof(InitData));
  InitData.EPOut      = USBD_AddEP(USB_DIR_OUT,
                                   _abReceiveBuffer, sizeof(_abReceiveBuffer));
                                   0, NULL, 0);
                                   5, NULL, 0);
  InitData.pDriverAPI = &USB_Driver_IP_NI;
  InitData.DriverData.pDriverData = (void *)_IFaceId;

The size of _acReceiveBuffer buffer must be a multiple of USB max packet size. USB_Driver_IP_NI is the network interface driver which implements the connection to the IP stack. Optionally a HW address may be configured here, which is assigned to the PC network interface. If not set (pHWAddr = NULL), the HW address is generated automatically later while setting the interface up.

The IP stack is configured to use the network interface driver of emUSB-Device-RNDIS. For more information about the configuration of the IP stack refer to emNet manual.

// IP_X_Config() - excerpt from IP_Config.c
#include "USB_Driver_IP_NI.h"
void IP_X_Config(void) {
  // Add and configure the RNDIS driver.
  // The local IP address is
  IFaceId = IP_AddEtherInterface(&USB_IP_Driver);
  IP_SetIFaceConnectHook(IFaceId, _Connect);
  IP_SetIFaceDisconnectHook(IFaceId, _Disconnect);
  _IFaceId = IFaceId;

RNDIS + emNet as a "USB Webserver"

This method of using RNDIS provides a unique customer experience where a USB device can provide a custom web page or any other service through which a customer can interact with the device.


Initially the PC recognizes an RNDIS device. In case of Windows XP and Vista a driver will be necessary, Windows 7 and above as well as Linux recognize RNDIS automatically. RNDIS from the viewpoint of the PC is a normal Network Interface Controller (NIC) and the PC handles it as such. The default behaviour is to request an IP address from a DHCP server. The PC retrieves an IP address from the DHCP-Server in the device. In our standard sample code the device has the local IP and the PC will get from the DHCP server. With this the configuration is complete and the user can access the web-interface located on the USB device via To improve the ease-of-use NetBIOS can be used to give the device an easily readable name.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_RNDIS_Add() Adds an RNDIS-class interface to the USB stack.
USBD_RNDIS_Task() Obsolete.
USBD_RNDIS_SetDeviceInfo() Provides device information used during USB enumeration to the stack.
Data structures
USB_RNDIS_INIT_DATA Structure which stores the parameters of the RNDIS interface.
USB_RNDIS_DEVICE_INFO Device information that must be provided by the application via the function USBD_RNDIS_SetDeviceInfo() before the USB stack is started using USBD_Start().
USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API This structure contains the callback functions for the network interface driver.
USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA Configuration data passed to network interface driver at initialization.

API functions



Adds an RNDIS-class interface to the USB stack.


void USBD_RNDIS_Add(const USB_RNDIS_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to initialization data.

Additional information

This function should be called after the initialization of the USB core to add an RNDIS interface to emUSB-Device. The initialization data is passed to the function in the structure pointed to by pInitData. Refer to USB_RNDIS_INIT_DATA for more information.



Obsolete. Returns when USB is disconnected.


void USBD_RNDIS_Task(void);


Provides device information used during USB enumeration to the stack.


void USBD_RNDIS_SetDeviceInfo(const USB_RNDIS_DEVICE_INFO * pDeviceInfo);


Parameter Description
pDeviceInfo Pointer to a USB_RNDIS_DEVICE_INFO structure containing the device information. Must point to static data that is not changed while the stack is running.

Data structures



Structure which stores the parameters of the RNDIS interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8                           EPIn;
  U8                           EPOut;
  U8                           EPInt;
  const USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API * pDriverAPI;
  USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA        DriverData;
  unsigned                     DataInterfaceNo;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Bulk IN endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Bulk OUT endpoint for receiving data from the host.
EPInt Interrupt IN endpoint for sending status information.
pDriverAPI Pointer to the Network interface driver API.
DriverData Configuration data for the network interface driver.
DataInterfaceNo Internal use.

Additional information

This structure holds the endpoints that should be used by the RNDIS interface (EPin, EPOut and EPInt). Refer to USBD_AddEP() for more information about how to add an endpoint.



Device information that must be provided by the application via the function USBD_RNDIS_SetDeviceInfo() before the USB stack is started using USBD_Start().

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U32    VendorId;
  char * sDescription;
  U16    DriverVersion;

Structure members

Member Description
VendorId A 24-bit Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) of the vendor. This is the same value as the one stored in the first 3 bytes of a HW (MAC) address. Only the least significant 24 bits of the returned value are used.
sDescription 0-terminated ASCII string describing the device. The string is then sent to the host system.
DriverVersion 16-bit value representing the firmware version. The high-order byte specifies the major version and the low-order byte the minor version.

Driver interface



This structure contains the callback functions for the network interface driver.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  USB_IP_NI_INIT                      * pfInit;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER         * pfGetPacketBuffer;
  USB_IP_NI_WRITE_PACKET              * pfWritePacket;
  USB_IP_NI_SET_PACKET_FILTER         * pfSetPacketFilter;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_STATUS           * pfGetLinkStatus;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_SPEED            * pfGetLinkSpeed;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_HWADDR                * pfGetHWAddr;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_STATS                 * pfGetStats;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_MTU                   * pfGetMTU;
  USB_IP_NI_RESET                     * pfReset;
  USB_IP_NI_SET_WRITE_PACKET_FUNC     * pfSetWritePacketFunc;

Structure members

Member Description
pfInit Initializes the driver.
pfGetPacketBuffer Returns a buffer for a data packet.
pfWritePacket Delivers a data packet to target IP stack.
pfSetPacketFilter Configures the type of accepted data packets.
pfGetLinkStatus Returns the status of the connection to target IP stack.
pfGetLinkSpeed Returns the connection speed.
pfGetHWAddr Returns the HW address of the PC.
pfGetStats Returns statistical counters.
pfGetMTU Returns the size of the largest data packet which can be transferred.
pfReset Resets the driver.
pfSetWritePacketFunc Allows to change the WritePacket callback which was set by pfInit.
pfSetReportLinkstateFunc Allows to set the report link state change.

Additional information

The emUSB-Device-RNDIS/emUSB-Device-CDC-ECM component calls the functions of this API to exchange data and status information with the IP stack running on the target.



Configuration data passed to network interface driver at initialization.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const U8 * pHWAddr;
  unsigned   NumBytesHWAddr;
  void     * pDriverData;

Structure members

Member Description
pHWAddr Optional pointer to a HW address (or MAC address) of the host network interface.
NumBytesHWAddr Number of bytes in the HW address. Typically 6 bytes.
pDriverData Pointer to a user context.

Additional information

When pHWAddr is NULL the MAC is automatically generated.


This section describes the emUSB-Device RNDIS IP stack interface in detail.

General information

This release comes with IP NI driver which uses emNet as the IP stack. If you are using emNet this chapter can be ignored. This chapter is for those who wish to write their own IP stack interface for a third-party IP stack.

The IP interface is handled through an API-table, which contains all relevant functions necessary for read/write operations and initialization.

Interface function list

As described above, access to network functions is realized through an API-function table of type USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API. The structure is declared in USB_Driver_IP_NI.h and it is described in section Data structures




Initializes the driver.

Type definition

typedef unsigned (USB_IP_NI_INIT)(const USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA * pDriverData,
                                        USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET   * pfWritePacket);


Parameter Description
pDriverData  in  Pointer to driver configuration data.
pfWritePacket Callback function called by the IP stack to transmit a packet that should be sent to the USB host.

Return value

IP NI driver instance ID.

Additional information

This function is called when the RNDIS/ECM interface is added to the USB stack. Typically the function makes a local copy of the HW address passed in the pDriverData structure. For more information this structure refer to USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA.



Returns a buffer for a data packet.

Type definition

typedef void * (USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER)(unsigned Id,
                                             unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
NumBytes Size of the requested buffer in bytes.

Return value

NULL Pointer to allocated buffer
= NULL No buffer available

Additional information

The function should allocate a buffer of the requested size. If the buffer can not be allocated a NULL pointer should be returned. The function is called when a data packet is received from PC. The packet data is stored in the returned buffer.



Delivers a data packet to target IP stack.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_WRITE_PACKET)(      unsigned Id,
                                      const void   * pData,
                                            unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pData  in  Data of the received packet.
NumBytes Number of bytes stored in the buffer.

Additional information

The function is called after a data packet has been received from USB. pData points to the buffer returned by the USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER function.



Configures the type of accepted data packets.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_SET_PACKET_FILTER)(unsigned Id,
                                           U32      Mask);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
Mask Type of accepted data packets.

Additional information

The Mask parameter should be interpreted as a boolean value. A value different than 0 indicates that the connection to target IP stack should be established. When the function is called with the Mask parameter set to 0 the connection to target IP stack should be interrupted.


Returns the status of the connection to target IP stack.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_STATUS)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

USB_IP_NI_LINK_STATUS_DISCONNECTED Not connected to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_LINK_STATUS_CONNECTED Connected to target IP stack.


Returns the connection speed.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_SPEED)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

≠ 0 The connection speed in units of 100 bits/sec (between the USB_IP_NI module and the target IP stack).
= 0 Not connected to the target IP stack.

Additional information

In this implementation the return value is 0 when the instance Id was not found or 1000000 (100 Mbit/s).



Returns the HW address (MAC address) of the host network interface (PC).

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_GET_HWADDR)(unsigned Id,
                                    U8     * pAddr,
                                    unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pAddr  out  The HW address.
NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to store into pAddr.

Additional information

The returned HW address is the one passed to the driver in the call to USB_IP_NI_INIT. Typically the HW address is 6 bytes long.



Returns statistical counters.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_STATS)(unsigned Id,
                                  int      Type);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
Type The type of information requested. See table below.

Return value

Value of the requested statistical counter.

Additional information

The counters should be set to 0 when the USB_IP_NI_RESET function is called.

Permitted values for parameter Type
USB_IP_NI_STATS_CLEAR_ALL_STATS Special type which will instruct the module to reset all statistical counters to zero.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_PACKET_OK Number of packets sent without errors to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_PACKET_ERROR Number of packets sent with errors to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_PACKET_OK Number of packets received without errors from target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_PACKET_ERROR Number of packets received with errors from target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_NO_BUFFER Number of packets received from target IP stack but dropped.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_ALIGN_ERROR Number of packets received from target IP stack with alignment errors.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_ONE_COLLISION Number of packets which were not sent to target IP stack due to the occurrence of one collision.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_MORE_COLLISIONS Number of packets which were not sent to target IP stack due to the occurrence of one or more collisions.


Returns the maximum transmission unit, the size of the largest data packet which can be transferred.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_MTU)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

The MTU size in bytes. Typically 1500 bytes.



Resets the driver.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_RESET)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.


Changes the USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET callback which was added via USB_IP_NI_INIT to a different callback function. This function is only called by the stack when IP-over-USB is used. It is not called when RNDIS or ECM is used standalone.

Type definition

                                             (unsigned              Id,
                                              USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET * pfWritePacket);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pfWritePacket Callback function called by the IP stack to transmit a packet that should be sent to the USB host.


Changes the USB_IP_REPORT_LINKSTATE callback. Normally this is called only once per initialization in order to allow to send notification to the host that the link state has been changed.

Type definition

                                     (unsigned                  Id,
                                      USB_IP_REPORT_LINKSTATE * pfReportLinkState);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pfReportLinkState Callback function called by the IP stack to notify the host that the link state has been changed.


This chapter gives a general overview of the Communications Device Class / Ethernet Control Model class and describes how to get the ECM component running on the target.


The Communications Device Class / Ethernet Control Model is a USB class protocol of the USB Implementers Forum which can be used to create a virtual Ethernet connection between a USB device and a host PC. A TCP/IP stack like emNet is required on the USB device side to handle the actual IP communication. Any available IP protocol (UDP, TPC, FTP, HTTP, etc.) can be used to exchange data.

USB ECM is supported by the Linux operating system. To use it on Windows, a third party driver (not contained in emUSB-Device-ECM) has to be installed on the Windows system.

emUSB-Device-ECM contains the following components:

Working with CDC-ECM

Any USB ECM device connected to a PC running the Windows operating system (with a third-party CDC-ECM driver installed) is listed as a separate network interface in the “Network Connections” window as shown in this screenshot:


The ping command line utility can be used to test the connection to target as shown below. If the connection is correctly established the number of the lost packets should be 0. The following screenshot shows a manual configuration and ping on Linux.


Additional information

More technical details about CDC-ECM can be found on https://www.usb.org in the Class definitions for Communication Devices 1.2 package: CDC Subclass for Ethernet Control Model Devices.


Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device-ECM up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered should not be modified. When using on Windows with a third party driver, the vendor id and product id must match the ids configured in the .inf file of the driver.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified when emUSB-Device is used in your final product. Refer to section emUSB-Device Configuration to get detailed information about the general emUSB-Device configuration functions which have to be adapted.

Running the sample application

The sample application can be found in the Sample\ECM\IP_Config_ECM.c file of the emUSB-Device shipment. In order to use the sample application the SEGGER emNet middleware component is required. To test the emUSB-Device-ECM component any of the emNet sample applications can be used in combination with IP_Config_ECM.c. After the sample application is started the USB cable should be connected to the PC and the chosen emNet sample can be tested using the appropriate methods.

IP_Config_ECM.c in detail

The main part of the sample application is implemented in the function MainTask() which runs as an independent task.

// _Connect() - excerpt from IP_Config_ECM.c
static int _Connect(unsigned IFaceId) {
  U32 Server = IP_BYTES2ADDR(10, 0, 0, 10);
  IP_DHCPS_ConfigPool(IFaceId, IP_BYTES2ADDR(10, 0, 0, 11), 0xFF000000, 20);
  IP_DHCPS_ConfigDNSAddr(IFaceId, &Server, 1);
  return 0;                   // Successfully connected.

The first step is to initialize the DHCP server component which assigns the IP address for the PC side. The target is configured with the IP address The DHCP server is configured to distribute IP addresses starting from, therefore the PC will receive the IP address Then the USB stack is initialized and the ECM interface is added to it. The function _AddECM() configures all required endpoints and configures the HW address of the PC network interface.

// _AddECM() - excerpt from IP_Config_ECM.c
static U8 _abReceiveBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
static void _AddECM(void) {
  InitData.EPOut      = USBD_AddEP(USB_DIR_OUT,
                                   _abReceiveBuffer, sizeof(_abReceiveBuffer));
                                   0, NULL, 0);
                                   32, NULL, 0);
  InitData.pDriverAPI = &USB_Driver_IP_NI;
  InitData.DriverData.pDriverData    = (void *)_IFaceId;
#if 0
  InitData.DriverData.pHWAddr        = "\x00\x22\xC7\xFF\xFF\xF3";
  InitData.DriverData.NumBytesHWAddr = 6;

The size of _acReceiveBuffer buffer must be a multiple of USB max packet size. USB_Driver_IP_NI is the network interface driver which implements the connection to the IP stack. Optionally a HW address may be configured here, which is assigned to the PC network interface. If not set (pHWAddr = NULL), the HW address is generated automatically later while setting the interface up.

The IP stack is configured to use the network interface driver of emUSB-Device-ECM. For more information about the configuration of the IP stack refer to emNet manual.

// IP_X_Config() - excerpt from IP_Config.c
#include "USB_Driver_IP_NI.h"
void IP_X_Config(void) {
  // Add and configure the ECM driver.
  // The local IP address is
  IFaceId = IP_AddEtherInterface(&USB_IP_Driver);
  IP_SetAddrMask(0x0A00000A, 0xFF000000);
  IP_SetIFaceConnectHook(IFaceId, _Connect);
  IP_SetIFaceDisconnectHook(IFaceId, _Disconnect);
  _IFaceId = IFaceId;

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_ECM_Add() Adds an ECM-class interface to the USB stack.
USBD_ECM_Task() Obsolete.
Data structures
USB_ECM_INIT_DATA Initialization data for ECM interface.
USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API This structure contains the callback functions for the network interface driver.
USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA Configuration data passed to network interface driver at initialization.

API functions



Adds an ECM-class interface to the USB stack.


void USBD_ECM_Add(const USB_ECM_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USB_ECM_INIT_DATA structure.

Additional information

This function should be called after the initialization of the USB core to add an ECM interface to emUSB-Device. The initialization data is passed to the function in the structure pointed to by pInitData. Refer to USB_ECM_INIT_DATA for more information.



Obsolete. Returns when USB is disconnected.


void USBD_ECM_Task(void);

Data structures



Initialization data for ECM interface.

Type definition

typedef xxx {
  U8                           EPIn;
  U8                           EPOut;
  U8                           EPInt;
  const USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API * pDriverAPI;
  USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA        DriverData;
  unsigned                     DataInterfaceNo;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Bulk IN endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Bulk OUT endpoint for receiving data from the host. The buffer associated to this endpoint must be big enough to hold a complete IP packet.
EPInt Interrupt IN endpoint for sending status information.
pDriverAPI Pointer to the Network interface driver API. See USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API.
DriverData Configuration data for the network interface driver.
DataInterfaceNo Internal use.

Additional information

This structure holds the endpoints that should be used by the ECM interface (EPIn, EPOut and EPInt). Refer to USBD_AddEP() for more information about how to add an endpoint.

Driver interface



This structure contains the callback functions for the network interface driver.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  USB_IP_NI_INIT                      * pfInit;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER         * pfGetPacketBuffer;
  USB_IP_NI_WRITE_PACKET              * pfWritePacket;
  USB_IP_NI_SET_PACKET_FILTER         * pfSetPacketFilter;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_STATUS           * pfGetLinkStatus;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_SPEED            * pfGetLinkSpeed;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_HWADDR                * pfGetHWAddr;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_STATS                 * pfGetStats;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_MTU                   * pfGetMTU;
  USB_IP_NI_RESET                     * pfReset;
  USB_IP_NI_SET_WRITE_PACKET_FUNC     * pfSetWritePacketFunc;

Structure members

Member Description
pfInit Initializes the driver.
pfGetPacketBuffer Returns a buffer for a data packet.
pfWritePacket Delivers a data packet to target IP stack.
pfSetPacketFilter Configures the type of accepted data packets.
pfGetLinkStatus Returns the status of the connection to target IP stack.
pfGetLinkSpeed Returns the connection speed.
pfGetHWAddr Returns the HW address of the PC.
pfGetStats Returns statistical counters.
pfGetMTU Returns the size of the largest data packet which can be transferred.
pfReset Resets the driver.
pfSetWritePacketFunc Allows to change the WritePacket callback which was set by pfInit.
pfSetReportLinkstateFunc Allows to set the report link state change.

Additional information

The emUSB-Device-RNDIS/emUSB-Device-CDC-ECM component calls the functions of this API to exchange data and status information with the IP stack running on the target.



Configuration data passed to network interface driver at initialization.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const U8 * pHWAddr;
  unsigned   NumBytesHWAddr;
  void     * pDriverData;

Structure members

Member Description
pHWAddr Optional pointer to a HW address (or MAC address) of the host network interface.
NumBytesHWAddr Number of bytes in the HW address. Typically 6 bytes.
pDriverData Pointer to a user context.

Additional information

When pHWAddr is NULL the MAC is automatically generated.


This section describes the emUSB-Device CDC-ECM IP stack interface in detail.

General information

This release comes with IP NI driver which uses emNet as the IP stack. If you are using emNet this chapter can be ignored. This chapter is for those who wish to write their own IP stack interface for a third-party IP stack.

The IP interface is handled through an API-table, which contains all relevant functions necessary for read/write operations and initialization.

Interface function list

As described above, access to network functions is realized through an API-function table of type USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API. The structure is declared in USB_Driver_IP_NI.h and it is described in section Data structures




Initializes the driver.

Type definition

typedef unsigned (USB_IP_NI_INIT)(const USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA * pDriverData,
                                        USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET   * pfWritePacket);


Parameter Description
pDriverData  in  Pointer to driver configuration data.
pfWritePacket Callback function called by the IP stack to transmit a packet that should be sent to the USB host.

Return value

IP NI driver instance ID.

Additional information

This function is called when the RNDIS/ECM interface is added to the USB stack. Typically the function makes a local copy of the HW address passed in the pDriverData structure. For more information this structure refer to USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA.



Returns a buffer for a data packet.

Type definition

typedef void * (USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER)(unsigned Id,
                                             unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
NumBytes Size of the requested buffer in bytes.

Return value

NULL Pointer to allocated buffer
= NULL No buffer available

Additional information

The function should allocate a buffer of the requested size. If the buffer can not be allocated a NULL pointer should be returned. The function is called when a data packet is received from PC. The packet data is stored in the returned buffer.



Delivers a data packet to target IP stack.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_WRITE_PACKET)(      unsigned Id,
                                      const void   * pData,
                                            unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pData  in  Data of the received packet.
NumBytes Number of bytes stored in the buffer.

Additional information

The function is called after a data packet has been received from USB. pData points to the buffer returned by the USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER function.



Configures the type of accepted data packets.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_SET_PACKET_FILTER)(unsigned Id,
                                           U32      Mask);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
Mask Type of accepted data packets.

Additional information

The Mask parameter should be interpreted as a boolean value. A value different than 0 indicates that the connection to target IP stack should be established. When the function is called with the Mask parameter set to 0 the connection to target IP stack should be interrupted.



Returns the status of the connection to target IP stack.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_STATUS)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

USB_IP_NI_LINK_STATUS_DISCONNECTED Not connected to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_LINK_STATUS_CONNECTED Connected to target IP stack.


Returns the connection speed.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_SPEED)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

≠ 0 The connection speed in units of 100 bits/sec (between the USB_IP_NI module and the target IP stack).
= 0 Not connected to the target IP stack.

Additional information

In this implementation the return value is 0 when the instance Id was not found or 1000000 (100 Mbit/s).



Returns the HW address (MAC address) of the host network interface (PC).

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_GET_HWADDR)(unsigned Id,
                                    U8     * pAddr,
                                    unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pAddr  out  The HW address.
NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to store into pAddr.

Additional information

The returned HW address is the one passed to the driver in the call to USB_IP_NI_INIT. Typically the HW address is 6 bytes long.



Returns statistical counters.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_STATS)(unsigned Id,
                                  int      Type);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
Type The type of information requested. See table below.

Return value

Value of the requested statistical counter.

Additional information

The counters should be set to 0 when the USB_IP_NI_RESET function is called.

Permitted values for parameter Type
USB_IP_NI_STATS_CLEAR_ALL_STATS Special type which will instruct the module to reset all statistical counters to zero.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_PACKET_OK Number of packets sent without errors to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_PACKET_ERROR Number of packets sent with errors to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_PACKET_OK Number of packets received without errors from target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_PACKET_ERROR Number of packets received with errors from target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_NO_BUFFER Number of packets received from target IP stack but dropped.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_ALIGN_ERROR Number of packets received from target IP stack with alignment errors.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_ONE_COLLISION Number of packets which were not sent to target IP stack due to the occurrence of one collision.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_MORE_COLLISIONS Number of packets which were not sent to target IP stack due to the occurrence of one or more collisions.


Returns the maximum transmission unit, the size of the largest data packet which can be transferred.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_MTU)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

The MTU size in bytes. Typically 1500 bytes.



Resets the driver.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_RESET)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.


Changes the USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET callback which was added via USB_IP_NI_INIT to a different callback function. This function is only called by the stack when IP-over-USB is used. It is not called when RNDIS or ECM is used standalone.

Type definition

                                             (unsigned              Id,
                                              USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET * pfWritePacket);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pfWritePacket Callback function called by the IP stack to transmit a packet that should be sent to the USB host.


Changes the USB_IP_REPORT_LINKSTATE callback. Normally this is called only once per initialization in order to allow to send notification to the host that the link state has been changed.

Type definition

                                     (unsigned                  Id,
                                      USB_IP_REPORT_LINKSTATE * pfReportLinkState);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pfReportLinkState Callback function called by the IP stack to notify the host that the link state has been changed.


This chapter gives a general overview of the Communications Device Class / Network Control Model class and describes how to get the NCM component running on the target.


The Communications Device Class / Network Control Model is a USB class protocol of the USB Implementers Forum which can be used to create a virtual Ethernet connection between a USB device and a host PC. A TCP/IP stack like emNet is required on the USB device side to handle the actual IP communication. Any available IP protocol (UDP, TPC, FTP, HTTP, etc.) can be used to exchange data.

USB CDC-NCM is supported by the Linux (kernel > 2.6.38), macOS and Windows 10 (starting with build 18362 from May 2019) operating systems out of the box. To use it on old Windows versions, a third party driver (not contained in emUSB-Device-NCM) has to be installed on the Windows system.

emUSB-Device-NCM contains the following components:

Working with CDC-NCM

The ping command line utility can be used to test the connection to target. If the connection is correctly established the number of the lost packets should be 0.

Additional information

More technical details about CDC-NCM can be found on https://www.usb.org in the Network Control Model Devices Specification v1.0 and errata and Adopters Agreement package.


Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device-NCM up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered should not be modified. When using on old versions of Windows with a third party driver, the vendor id and product id must match the ids configured in the .inf file of the driver.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified when emUSB-Device is used in your final product. Refer to section emUSB-Device Configuration to get detailed information about the general emUSB-Device configuration functions which have to be adapted.

Running the sample application

The sample application can be found in the Sample\NCM\IP_Config_NCM.c file of the emUSB-Device shipment. In order to use the sample application the SEGGER emNet middleware component is required. To test the emUSB-Device-NCM component any of the emNet sample applications can be used in combination with IP_Config_NCM.c. After the sample application is started the USB cable should be connected to the PC and the chosen emNet sample can be tested using the appropriate methods.

IP_Config_NCM.c in detail

The main part of the sample application is implemented in the function MainTask() which runs as an independent task.

// _Connect() - excerpt from IP_Config_NCM.c
static int _Connect(unsigned IFaceId) {
  U32 Server = IP_BYTES2ADDR(10, 0, 0, 10);
  IP_DHCPS_ConfigPool(IFaceId, IP_BYTES2ADDR(10, 0, 0, 11), 0xFF000000, 20);
  IP_DHCPS_ConfigDNSAddr(IFaceId, &Server, 1);
  return 0;                   // Successfully connected.

The first step is to initialize the DHCP server component which assigns the IP address for the PC side. The target is configured with the IP address The DHCP server is configured to distribute IP addresses starting from, therefore the PC will receive the IP address Then the USB stack is initialized and the NCM interface is added to it. The function _AddNCM() configures all required endpoints and configures the HW address of the PC network interface.

// _AddNCM() - excerpt from IP_Config_NCM.c
static U8 _abReceiveBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
static void _AddNCM(void) {
  InitData.EPOut      = USBD_AddEP(USB_DIR_OUT,
                                   _abReceiveBuffer, sizeof(_abReceiveBuffer));
                                   0, NULL, 0);
                                   32, NULL, 0);
  InitData.pDriverAPI = &USB_Driver_IP_NI;
  InitData.DriverData.pDriverData    = (void *)_IFaceId;

The size of _acReceiveBuffer buffer must be a multiple of USB max packet size. USB_Driver_IP_NI is the network interface driver which implements the connection to the IP stack. Optionally a HW address may be configured here, which is assigned to the PC network interface. If not set (pHWAddr = NULL), the HW address is generated automatically later while setting the interface up.

The IP stack is configured to use the network interface driver of emUSB-Device-NCM. For more information about the configuration of the IP stack refer to emNet manual.

// IP_X_Config() - excerpt from IP_Config.c
#include "USB_Driver_IP_NI.h"
void IP_X_Config(void) {
  // Add and configure the NCM driver.
  // The local IP address is
  IFaceId = IP_AddEtherInterface(&USB_IP_Driver);
IP_SetAddrMask(0x0A00000A, 0xFF000000);
  IP_SetIFaceConnectHook(IFaceId, _Connect);
  IP_SetIFaceDisconnectHook(IFaceId, _Disconnect);
  _IFaceId = IFaceId;

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_NCM_Add() Adds an NCM-class interface to the USB stack.
Data structures
USB_NCM_INIT_DATA Initialization data for NCM interface.
USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API This structure contains the callback functions for the network interface driver.
USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA Configuration data passed to network interface driver at initialization.

API functions



Adds an NCM-class interface to the USB stack.


void USBD_NCM_Add(const USB_NCM_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USB_NCM_INIT_DATA structure.

Additional information

This function should be called after the initialization of the USB core to add an NCM interface to emUSB-Device. The initialization data is passed to the function in the structure pointed to by pInitData. Refer to USB_NCM_INIT_DATA for more information.

Data structures



Initialization data for NCM interface.

Type definition

typedef xxx {
  U8                           EPIn;
  U8                           EPOut;
  U8                           EPInt;
  const USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API * pDriverAPI;
  USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA        DriverData;
  unsigned                     DataInterfaceNo;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Bulk IN endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Bulk OUT endpoint for receiving data from the host. The buffer associated to this endpoint must be big enough to hold a complete IP packet.
EPInt Interrupt IN endpoint for sending status information.
pDriverAPI Pointer to the Network interface driver API. See USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API.
DriverData Configuration data for the network interface driver.
DataInterfaceNo Internal use.

Additional information

This structure holds the endpoints that should be used by the NCM interface (EPIn, EPOut and EPInt). Refer to USBD_AddEP() for more information about how to add an endpoint.

Driver interface



This structure contains the callback functions for the network interface driver.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  USB_IP_NI_INIT                      * pfInit;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER         * pfGetPacketBuffer;
  USB_IP_NI_WRITE_PACKET              * pfWritePacket;
  USB_IP_NI_SET_PACKET_FILTER         * pfSetPacketFilter;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_STATUS           * pfGetLinkStatus;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_SPEED            * pfGetLinkSpeed;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_HWADDR                * pfGetHWAddr;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_STATS                 * pfGetStats;
  USB_IP_NI_GET_MTU                   * pfGetMTU;
  USB_IP_NI_RESET                     * pfReset;
  USB_IP_NI_SET_WRITE_PACKET_FUNC     * pfSetWritePacketFunc;

Structure members

Member Description
pfInit Initializes the driver.
pfGetPacketBuffer Returns a buffer for a data packet.
pfWritePacket Delivers a data packet to target IP stack.
pfSetPacketFilter Configures the type of accepted data packets.
pfGetLinkStatus Returns the status of the connection to target IP stack.
pfGetLinkSpeed Returns the connection speed.
pfGetHWAddr Returns the HW address of the PC.
pfGetStats Returns statistical counters.
pfGetMTU Returns the size of the largest data packet which can be transferred.
pfReset Resets the driver.
pfSetWritePacketFunc Allows to change the WritePacket callback which was set by pfInit.
pfSetReportLinkstateFunc Allows to set the report link state change.

Additional information

The emUSB-Device-RNDIS/emUSB-Device-CDC-ECM component calls the functions of this API to exchange data and status information with the IP stack running on the target.



Configuration data passed to network interface driver at initialization.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const U8 * pHWAddr;
  unsigned   NumBytesHWAddr;
  void     * pDriverData;

Structure members

Member Description
pHWAddr Optional pointer to a HW address (or MAC address) of the host network interface.
NumBytesHWAddr Number of bytes in the HW address. Typically 6 bytes.
pDriverData Pointer to a user context.

Additional information

When pHWAddr is NULL the MAC is automatically generated.


This section describes the emUSB-Device CDC-NCM IP stack interface in detail.

General information

This release comes with IP NI driver which uses emNet as the IP stack. If you are using emNet this chapter can be ignored. This chapter is for those who wish to write their own IP stack interface for a third-party IP stack.

The IP interface is handled through an API-table, which contains all relevant functions necessary for read/write operations and initialization.

Interface function list

As described above, access to network functions is realized through an API-function table of type USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_API. The structure is declared in USB_Driver_IP_NI.h and it is described in section Data structures




Initializes the driver.

Type definition

typedef unsigned (USB_IP_NI_INIT)(const USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA * pDriverData,
                                        USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET   * pfWritePacket);


Parameter Description
pDriverData  in  Pointer to driver configuration data.
pfWritePacket Callback function called by the IP stack to transmit a packet that should be sent to the USB host.

Return value

IP NI driver instance ID.

Additional information

This function is called when the RNDIS/ECM interface is added to the USB stack. Typically the function makes a local copy of the HW address passed in the pDriverData structure. For more information this structure refer to USB_IP_NI_DRIVER_DATA.



Returns a buffer for a data packet.

Type definition

typedef void * (USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER)(unsigned Id,
                                             unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
NumBytes Size of the requested buffer in bytes.

Return value

NULL Pointer to allocated buffer
= NULL No buffer available

Additional information

The function should allocate a buffer of the requested size. If the buffer can not be allocated a NULL pointer should be returned. The function is called when a data packet is received from PC. The packet data is stored in the returned buffer.



Delivers a data packet to target IP stack.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_WRITE_PACKET)(      unsigned Id,
                                      const void   * pData,
                                            unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pData  in  Data of the received packet.
NumBytes Number of bytes stored in the buffer.

Additional information

The function is called after a data packet has been received from USB. pData points to the buffer returned by the USB_IP_NI_GET_PACKET_BUFFER function.



Configures the type of accepted data packets.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_SET_PACKET_FILTER)(unsigned Id,
                                           U32      Mask);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
Mask Type of accepted data packets.

Additional information

The Mask parameter should be interpreted as a boolean value. A value different than 0 indicates that the connection to target IP stack should be established. When the function is called with the Mask parameter set to 0 the connection to target IP stack should be interrupted.



Returns the status of the connection to target IP stack.

Type definition

typedef int (USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_STATUS)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

USB_IP_NI_LINK_STATUS_DISCONNECTED Not connected to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_LINK_STATUS_CONNECTED Connected to target IP stack.


Returns the connection speed.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_LINK_SPEED)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

≠ 0 The connection speed in units of 100 bits/sec (between the USB_IP_NI module and the target IP stack).
= 0 Not connected to the target IP stack.

Additional information

In this implementation the return value is 0 when the instance Id was not found or 1000000 (100 Mbit/s).



Returns the HW address (MAC address) of the host network interface (PC).

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_GET_HWADDR)(unsigned Id,
                                    U8     * pAddr,
                                    unsigned NumBytes);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pAddr  out  The HW address.
NumBytes Maximum number of bytes to store into pAddr.

Additional information

The returned HW address is the one passed to the driver in the call to USB_IP_NI_INIT. Typically the HW address is 6 bytes long.



Returns statistical counters.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_STATS)(unsigned Id,
                                  int      Type);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
Type The type of information requested. See table below.

Return value

Value of the requested statistical counter.

Additional information

The counters should be set to 0 when the USB_IP_NI_RESET function is called.

Permitted values for parameter Type
USB_IP_NI_STATS_CLEAR_ALL_STATS Special type which will instruct the module to reset all statistical counters to zero.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_PACKET_OK Number of packets sent without errors to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_PACKET_ERROR Number of packets sent with errors to target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_PACKET_OK Number of packets received without errors from target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_PACKET_ERROR Number of packets received with errors from target IP stack.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_NO_BUFFER Number of packets received from target IP stack but dropped.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_READ_ALIGN_ERROR Number of packets received from target IP stack with alignment errors.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_ONE_COLLISION Number of packets which were not sent to target IP stack due to the occurrence of one collision.
USB_IP_NI_STATS_WRITE_MORE_COLLISIONS Number of packets which were not sent to target IP stack due to the occurrence of one or more collisions.


Returns the maximum transmission unit, the size of the largest data packet which can be transferred.

Type definition

typedef U32 (USB_IP_NI_GET_MTU)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.

Return value

The MTU size in bytes. Typically 1500 bytes.



Resets the driver.

Type definition

typedef void (USB_IP_NI_RESET)(unsigned Id);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.


Changes the USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET callback which was added via USB_IP_NI_INIT to a different callback function. This function is only called by the stack when IP-over-USB is used. It is not called when RNDIS or ECM is used standalone.

Type definition

                                             (unsigned              Id,
                                              USB_IP_WRITE_PACKET * pfWritePacket);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pfWritePacket Callback function called by the IP stack to transmit a packet that should be sent to the USB host.


Changes the USB_IP_REPORT_LINKSTATE callback. Normally this is called only once per initialization in order to allow to send notification to the host that the link state has been changed.

Type definition

                                     (unsigned                  Id,
                                      USB_IP_REPORT_LINKSTATE * pfReportLinkState);


Parameter Description
Id Instance ID returned from USB_IP_NI_INIT.
pfReportLinkState Callback function called by the IP stack to notify the host that the link state has been changed.


This chapter gives a general overview of the Audio class and describes how to get the Audio component running on the target.


The USB Audio device class is a USB class protocol which can be used to transfer sound data from a device to a host and vice versa.

Audio is supported by most operating systems out of the box and the installation of additional drivers is not required.

emUSB-Device Audio provides the following features:

emUSB-Device implementation of the Audio class is designed with minimal resource usage in mind, especially targeted to embedded devices. emUSB-Device-Audio supports the transparent transport of audio data to and from a USB host, but does not care about the format of the audio data (number of channels, bit resolution, encoding). Generation and processing of correct formatted audio data is up to the application. The application also has to consider how the stream of audio samples must be split into USB packets.


Audio 2.0 is designed for high-speed USB devices and should not be used on full-speed devices. It may work on full-speed devices with modified configurations, but there is no official support in emUSB-Device.

Creation of an audio device application

A USB audio device is a collection of audio control units, audio streaming interfaces and alternate interface settings. To build an audio device, the design of this device must be defined by creating an “USB audio design” file (extension .uad). This file specifies all characteristics of the device and is converted by the USBAudioDeviceGenerator.exe tool into a C source file and a C header file, that should be used to build the audio application.

Building an audio device application

emUSB-Device contains a couple of sample USB audio design files and sample application code that can be used as a starting point to develop your own audio application.

The USB Audio Device Generator tool is a command line tool that can be invoked from a command shell:

USBAudioDeviceGenerator.exe [-s] [-o=<output-file>] <USB-audio-design-file>

  -s    Silent execution (except for errors).
  -o=   Base name for the generated .c and .h files.
        If not specified, the name of the USB audio design file is used.

To register an audio class at the USB stack, the application has to create a USBD_AC_INIT_DATA structure and call the function USBD_AC_Add(). The structures has to contain a pointer to the configuration data created by the generator and three callback function, that must be provided by the application: The function pfSetAlternate is called every time, when the host selects a new alternate setting for any of the audio interfaces. The other two functions must handle audio control get/set requests send by the host.

For audio 2.0 devices, it is required to call USBD_EnableIAD() before USBD_AC_Add().

Configuration requirements

In order to the audio class, isochronous transfer support must be enabled in the USB stack by setting USB_SUPPORT_TRANSFER_ISO to 1. Additionally it may be necessary to increase the values of the following compile-time configuration options:

Design of audio interfaces

An audio 1.0 interface usually has multiple alternate settings, one for each supported sample frequency. Alternate setting 0 does not contain any endpoints and is selected by the host to switch off the interface. Selecting an alternate setting by the host (other than 0) implies selecting a particular sample frequency.

An audio 2.0 interface usually has only alternate settings ’0’ and ’1’, which are used by the host to switch the interface on and off. Different sample frequencies are handled using audio control requests send to a clock unit. Audio 2.0 interfaces may have more alternate settings as well to provide a variable bit resolution or a variable number of channels.

While audio 1.0 devices transfer one packet of audio data every millisecond, audio 2.0 devices may transfer 1, 2, 4 or 8 packets every millisecond (one packet every 1ms, 500µs, 250µs, 125µs respectively). Choosing a smaller interval for an interface leads to smaller packet sizes but may required a more strict response time by the application to handle data packets.

For each alternate setting of an interface containing an endpoint, a maximum packet size (in bytes) must be configured. It must be large enough to hold all audio samples for the given interval.


16-bit stereo               --> Sample size 4 bytes
Sample frequency 48000 Hz
Interval 1ms                --> 48 samples per packet
                            --> maximum packet size: 4 * 48 = 192 bytes

For configurations where not all packets contain the same number of audio samples, the maximum packet size need to be rounded up.


16-bit stereo               --> Sample size 4 bytes
Sample frequency 44100 Hz
Interval 1ms                --> packets contain 44 or 45 samples
                            --> maximum packet size: 4 * 45 = 180 bytes

If explicit synchronization is used (asynchronous OUT or adaptive IN) the packet must be able to hold at least one more audio sample to allow proper feedback response.


24-bit stereo               --> Sample size 6 bytes
Sample frequency 96000 Hz
Interval 250us              --> 24 samples per packet
Asynchronous OUT            --> maximum packet size: 6 * (24+1) = 150 bytes


During enumeration of a device all alternate settings with endpoint configurations that are not compatible with the enumerated speed are dropped from the configuration descriptor. This will happen for example for alternate settings with an endpoint size > 1023 or an interval < 1ms when enumerated in full-speed. As a result, the audio device may not be usable when enumerated in a lower speed.

Handling of audio control requests

If an audio control request is received from the host, one of the callback function registered with the USBD_AC_INIT_DATA structure is called. In this functions the application must handle all controls that where configured in the USB audio description file with any “Controls:” statement.

Receiving audio data

If the host wants to send audio data to the device, it will select an appropriate alternate setting on an OUT interface. The application is notified via the pfSetAlternate callback function. In order to receive audio data from the host, the application then has to create and initialize a data structure of type USBD_AC_RX_CTX. This contains pointer to a function of the application (pfCallback) that is called by the audio class every time audio data was received from the host. Additionally the USBD_AC_RX_DATA structure (contained in USBD_AC_RX_CTX) must be initialized: The application has to provide a buffer where the audio data is stored and can configure the audio class to read a single or multiple packets into this buffer before the callback function is called.

Then the application has to call USBD_AC_OpenRXStream() which starts reading data. The contents of the USBD_AC_RX_CTX structure (memory area) must be valid and must not be modified while the stream is open.

Every time the requested amount of audio data was received, the callback function of the application (pfCallback) is called. The received audio data must not be processed within this function, because it is called from an interrupt context. Instead the function must reinitialize the USBD_AC_RX_DATA structure (to enable reading of the next data) and return immediately. Audio data should be processed in an application task, therefore at least double buffering is recommended: The callback function should modify the USBD_AC_RX_DATA structure to use a different buffer to not overwrite the data received before while it is processed by the application.

Using explicit feedback

If explicit feedback is used for a RX audio stream, the application has to compute periodically the number of audio samples that are processed within the data transfer interval defined by the USB host controller and provide this information to the host using the function USBD_AC_SetFeedbackDataRate(). In order to synchronize with the USB clock of the host the application may register a callback function that is called in regular intervals (related to the USB clock) using the members pfSOFCallback and FeedbackInterval of the USBD_AC_RX_CTX structure. In this function the application can measure the number of samples processed (using the clock source of the audio hardware) and calculate the feedback value.

Sending audio data

If the host wants to read audio data from the device, it will select an appropriate alternate setting on an IN interface. The application is notified via the pfSetAlternate callback function. In order to send audio data to the host, the application then has to create and initialize a data structure of type USBD_AC_TX_CTX and call the function USBD_AC_OpenTXStream(). The contents of the USBD_AC_TX_CTX structure (memory area) must be valid and must not be modified while the stream is open.

After successful open, the application can start to send audio data with USBD_AC_Send(). This function returns immediately performing the data transfer asynchronously. A maximum of two calls to USBD_AC_Send() can be queued by the audio class. Every time the data from a USBD_AC_Send() was transferred to the host, a callback function provided by the application (member pfCallback in USBD_AC_TX_CTX) is executed in order to signal that new audio data can be accepted to be send. This function must not generate new audio data itself, because it is called from an interrupt context. Instead it may trigger an application task to create more audio data and call another USBD_AC_Send().

The send queue is used to support a double buffering of audio data: While a data packet is send to the host, another data packet can be created by the application and queued with USBD_AC_Send().

Using explicit feedback

If explicit feedback is used for a TX audio stream, the application has to fetch the feedback information from the host using USBD_AC_GetFeedbackDataRate() periodically and adjust the number of audio samples that are send accordingly.

Physical controls

If the audio device has any kind of physical controls, like a volume control button, there are two different ways to handle these buttons by the application:

Physical button is a HID Control

In this case, the physical button is completely separate from the audio function and is implemented within a separate HID interface. The audio function is not even aware of the button’s existence. Any change of state for the button is communicated to the Host software via HID reports. It is then up to the host software to interpret the button state change and send an appropriate control request to the audio function.

Physical button is Integral Part of the Audio Control

In this case, the physical button directly interacts with the actual audio control, causing the state of an audio control unit to change directly. The application should inform the host through the audio control interrupt mechanism by calling the function USBD_AC_SendInterruptMessage(). The host then can retrieve the current setting of the audio control unit using a control get request.

In order to use the audio control interrupt mechanism, an interrupt endpoint must be configured in the audio control interface, see member IntEP in USBD_AC_INIT_DATA.

Syntax definition of the USB audio design file

The USB audio design file is an ASCII file containing the design description of a USB audio device given in a syntax described within this section. To create such file, knowledge of concepts and terms of USB audio devices are required, see document “Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Audio Devices” from www.usb.org.

The file can contain C++-like comments at any location which start with // and include the rest of the current line. Any number of spaces or new lines can be present between keywords. The following terms are used in the syntax definition in this section:

'<ID>'          := Identifier. <ID> must begin with a letter and only consist
                   of letters (A-z, a-z), digits (0-9) or underline characters

"<string>"      := Arbitrary text description containing a maximum
                   of 255 characters

0int            := An integer number, either in decimal or
                   in hexadecimal (preceded with "0x")

#placeholder#   := Placeholder for an element described below in the section.

#item# ...      := A list of one or more #item# elements

#item# ,...     := A comma separated list of one or more #item# elements

An identifier uniquely identifies a control unit or streaming interface and can be used to define connections between these entities. When used before a { it is defined and assigned to the current unit. It then can be used as a reference in other units. Example:

CLOCK_SOURCE 'Clock1' {      // Gives this unit the name "Clock1"

INPUT_TERMINAL 'Term1' {     // Gives this unit the name "Term1"
  ClockSource: 'Clock1';     // References the Clock Source unit above
                             // as clock input

Overall syntax of the design file

AudioDevice '<ID>' #version# {

  Category:     #category#;
  Description:  "<string>";
  Controls:     #MainControl# ,... ;

  #ControlUnit# ...

  #Interface#   ...


The description must contain at least one #ControlUnit# and one #Interface#, other elements are optional.

#ControlUnit# is one of the elements described in the section Control units description.

#Interface# is an interface description defined in the section Streaming interface description.

#version# is either 1.0 or 2.0

#category# is one of the following:

#MainControl# is one of the following:
Compiler Macros

The #CompilerMacros# statement can be used to create user defined preprocessor defines stored into the generated header file. These have no affect on the generated audio configuration and can be arbitrarily used by the audio application.


CompilerMacros {
  'XXX_VALUE'     "4711";
  'XXX_SIZE'      "(sizeof(XXX) + 3)";
  'XXX_NAME'      "\''Mega_XXX\''";

will create the following defines in the header file:

#define XXX_VALUE     4711
#define XXX_SIZE      (sizeof(XXX) + 3)
#define XXX_NAME      "Mega_XXX"

Control units description

#ControlUnit# is one of the elements described below.

Input Terminal
  TerminalType:   0int;
  ClockSource:    '<ID>';
  ChannelCluster: #ChannelLocation# ,... ;
  Controls:       #InputTerminalControl# ,... ;
  AssocTerminal:  '<ID>';
  Description:    "<string>";

All items of this unit are optional, except ChannelCluster and ClockSource (for audio version 2.0 devices only). Valid numbers for TerminalType can be found in the document “Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Terminal Types” from www.usb.org. [{Controls} is valid for audio 2.0 devices only.

#ChannelLocation# is one of the following:

NoLocation       // Unspecified non-standard Channel Cluster location
"<string>"       // Non-standard Channel Cluster location described by <string>
#InputTerminalControl# is one of the following:

// All of these may optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword
Output Terminal
  TerminalType:   0int;
  ClockSource:    '<ID>';
  Input:          '<ID>' ,... ;
  Controls:       #OutputTerminalControl# ,... ;
  AssocTerminal:  '<ID>';
  Description:    "<string>";

All items of this unit are optional, except Input and ClockSource (for audio version 2.0 devices only). Valid numbers for TerminalType can be found in the document “Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Terminal Types” from www.usb.org. [{Controls} is valid for audio 2.0 devices only.

#OutputTerminalControl# is one of the following:

// All of these may optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword
Feature unit
  Input:          '<ID>' ,... ;
  Controls:       #FeatureControl# ,... ;
  Description:    "<string>";

All items of this unit are optional, except Input.

#FeatureControl# is one of the following:

InputGainControl          // Audio 2.0 only
InputGainPadControl       // Audio 2.0 only
PhaseInverterControl      // Audio 2.0 only
UnderflowControl          // Audio 2.0 only
OverflowControl           // Audio 2.0 only
// For audio version 2.0 devices all of these may
// optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword
Mixer unit
  Input:          '<ID>' ,... ;
  Controls:       #MixerControl# ,... ;
  ChannelCluster: #ChannelLocation# ,... ;
  MixerControls:  #MixerMatrix#;
  Description:    "<string>";

All items of this unit are required, except Controls and Description.

#MixerControl# is one of the following:

// For audio version 2.0 devices all of these may
// optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword

#MixerMatrix# is a two-dimensional bit array that has a row for each logical input channel and a column for each logical output channel. If a bit at position [x,y] is set, this means that the Mixer Unit contains a programmable mixing Control that connects input channel x to output channel y. If bit [x,y] is clear, this indicates that the connection between input channel x and output channel y is non-programmable. The number of input channels are defined by Input, the number of output channels are specified by ChannelCluster.

#MixerMatrix# is a comma separated a list of rows. Each row is a list of bits (’0’ and ’1’ characters) enclosed in square brackets. Example:

MIXER_UNIT 'Mixer' {
  Input: 'LineIN', 'MicIN';
  ChannelCluster: FrontLeft, FrontRight, "Floor Vibration";
  //                                                  Input channels (rows):
  MixerControls: [ 1          1           1                ],  // Line Left
                 [ 1          1           1                ],  // Line Right
                 [ 1          1           0                ],  // Mic Left
                 [ 1          1           0                ];  // Mic Right
  // Out channels: FrontLeft  FrontRight  Floor Vibration
  Description: "Line / Mic mixer";
Selector unit
  Input:          '<ID>' ,... ;
  Controls:       #SelectorControl# ,... ;
  Description:    "<string>";

All items of this unit are optional, except Input. Controls is valid for audio 2.0 devices only.

#SelectorControl# is one of the following:

// All of these may optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword
Clock source

This unit is allowed for audio 2.0 devices only.

  Type:           #ClockType# ;
  AssocTerminal:  '<ID>';
  Controls:       #ClockSourceControl# ,... ;
  Description:    "<string>";

All items of this unit are optional.

#ClockType# is one of the following:

Internal fixed
Internal fixed SynchonizedToSOF
Internal variable
Internal variable SynchonizedToSOF
Internal programmable
Internal programmable SynchonizedToSOF
#ClockSourceControl# is one of the following:

// All of these may optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword
Clock selector

This unit is allowed for audio 2.0 devices only.

  Input:          '<ID>' ,... ;
  Controls:       #ClockSelectorControl# ,... ;
  Description:    "<string>";

All items of this unit are optional, except Input.

#ClockSelectorControl# is one of the following:

// All of these may optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword
Clock multiplier

This unit is allowed for audio 2.0 devices only.

  Input:          '<ID>' ,... ;
  Controls:       #ClockMultiplierControl# ,... ;
  Description:    "<string>";

All items of this unit are optional, except Input.

#ClockMultiplierControl# is one of the following:

// All of these may optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword

Streaming interface description

The overall syntax of an interface description #Interface# is:

StreamingInterface '<ID>' {
  #AlternateConfig# ...

#CompilerMacros# are defined in Compiler Macros.

#AlternateConfig# is defied as:

Alternate {
    Description:      "<string>";
    Terminal:         '<ID>';           // Reference to an Input- or
                                        // Output Terminal control unit
    // The following items are valid for USB audio 1.0 devices only
    FormatTag:        0int;
    Delay:            0int;
    // The following items are valid for USB audio 2.0 devices only
    ChannelCluster:   #ChannelLocation# ,... ;
    FormatType:       #FormatType#;
    Formats:          0int;
    Controls:         #StreamControl# ,... ;

    Direction:        #Direction#;
    MaxPacketSize:    0int;
    Interval:         0int;
    FeedbackInterval: 0int;
    Sync:             #Synchronisation#;
    Attributes:       #EndpointAttribute# ,... ;
    Controls:         #EndpointControl# ,... ;
    LockDelay:        0int 0int;

  #StreamUnit# ...

The AUDIO_STREAM section is mandatory and must contain at least the Terminal and ChannelCluster entries.

The ENDPOINT section is optional but must contain at least the Direction and MaxPacketSize entries if present.

#StreamUnit# is one of the elements described in the section Stream units description.


FormatTag describes the Audio Data Format that should be used when exchanging data with this endpoint. A complete list of supported Audio Data Formats is provided in the document “Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Audio Data Formats 1.0” from www.usb.org.

Delay specifies the delay (δ) introduced by the data path expressed in number of frames.

#ChannelLocation# is defined in section Input Terminal.

#FormatType# is one of the following:

Extended 1
Extended 2
Extended 3

Formats specifies an integer containing a bitmap that lists the Audio Data Format(s) that can be used to communicate with this interface. See the document “Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Audio Data Formats 2.0” from www.usb.org for further details.

#StreamControl# is one of the following:

ENDPOINT section

#Direction# is either IN (data transfer from the device to the host) or OUT (data transfer from the host to the device).

MaxPacketSize specifies maximum number of bytes transferred within one packet. Up to 1023 bytes are allowed for full-speed devices and up to 3072 bytes for high-speed devices. More information about the maximum packet size can be found in section Design of audio interfaces.

Interval defines the time between sending two audio packets. For audio 1.0 devices it must be given in milliseconds (default is 1ms). For audio 2.0 devices it must be specified in units of 125µs. A value of 1, 2, 4 or 8 defines an interval of 125µs, 250µs, 500µs or 1ms respectively. The value must always be a power of 2.

FeedbackInterval defines the interval the feedback endpoint should be polled. It must be specified only if a feedback endpoint is used for this interface.

#Synchronisation# is one of the following:

Asynchronous Implicit
Adaptive Implicit

#EndpointAttribute# is one of the following:

SamplingFrequencyControl    // audio 1.0 only
PitchControl                // audio 1.0 only

#EndpointControl# is valid for audio 2.0 only and is one of the following:

// All of these may optionally followed by the "ReadOnly" keyword

LockDelay specifies values for the bLockDelayUnits and wLockDelay parameters. These are used to indicate to the Host how long it takes for the clock recovery circuitry of this endpoint to lock and reliably produce or consume the audio data stream.

Stream units description

#StreamUnit# is one of the elements described below.

Format I section
  SubframeSize:           0int;     // Audio 1.0
  SubslotSize:            0int;     // Audio 2.0
  BitResolution:          0int;
  // The following items are valid for USB audio 1.0 devices only
  NrChannels:             0int;
  SamplingFrequency:      0int ...;
  SamplingFrequencyRange: 0intMin 0intMax;

SubframeSize / SubslotSize defines the number of bytes occupied by one audio sample for a single channel. Can be 1, 2, 3 or 4.

BitResolution specifies the number of effectively used bits from the available bits in an audio subframe / subslot. The value must be ≤ 8 * SubframeSize or SubslotSize.

NrChannels indicate the number of physical channels in the audio data stream.

Supported sample frequencies can be specified either with a list of discrete frequencies (SamplingFrequency) or by a frequency range with minimum and maximum values (SamplingFrequencyRange). All frequency values must be given in Hz.

Format II section

This format is used to transfer encoded audio data.

  MaxBitRate:             0int;
  SamplesPerFrame:        0int;     // Audio 1.0
  SlotsPerFrame:          0int;     // Audio 2.0
  // The following items are valid for USB audio 1.0 devices only
  SamplingFrequency:      0int ...;
  SamplingFrequencyRange: 0intMin 0intMax;

MaxBitRate specifies the maximum number of bits per second this interface can handle. It is a measure for the buffer size available in the interface.

SamplesPerFrame indicates the number of PCM audio samples contained in one encoded audio frame.

SlotsPerFrame contains the number of PCM audio slots contained within a single encoded audio frame.

Supported sample frequencies can be specified either with a list of discrete frequencies (SamplingFrequency) or by a frequency range with minimum and maximum values (SamplingFrequencyRange). All frequency values must be given in Hz.

Format III section

This format is used to transfer 16-bit stereo data (two channels).

  BitResolution:          0int;
  // The following items are valid for USB audio 1.0 devices only
  SamplingFrequency:      0int ...;
  SamplingFrequencyRange: 0intMin 0intMax;

BitResolution specifies the number of effectively used bits from the available bits in an audio subframe / subslot. The value must be ≤ 16.

Supported sample frequencies can be specified either with a list of discrete frequencies (SamplingFrequency) or by a frequency range with minimum and maximum values (SamplingFrequencyRange). All frequency values must be given in Hz.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_AC_Add() Adds an Audio interface to the USB stack.
USBD_AC_GetCurrentAltSetting() Returns the current alternate setting of an interface, that was set by the host.
USBD_AC_GetStreamInfo() Returns information about a streaming interface for a given alternate setting or for the current alternate setting, that was set by the host.
USBD_AC_OpenRXStream() Opens an interface and starts reading audio data, depending of the current alternate setting, that was set by the host.
USBD_AC_CloseRXStream() Stops data transfers of an audio receive stream and closes the stream.
USBD_AC_OpenTXStream() Opens an interface and prepare for sending audio data with USBD_AC_Send(), depending of the current alternate setting, that was set by the host.
USBD_AC_Send() Provide audio data to be send to the host.
USBD_AC_CloseTXStream() Stops data transfers of an audio send stream and closes the stream.
USBD_AC_SetFeedbackDataRate() Provides sample rate feedback for an OUT endpoint using explicit asynchronous synchronization.
USBD_AC_GetFeedbackDataRate() Gets the sample rate feedback that was send by the host for an IN endpoint using explicit adaptive synchronization.
USBD_AC_SendInterruptMessage() Writes an interrupt message via the optional interrupt IN endpoint to the host.
Data structures
USBD_AC_INIT_DATA Initialization data for the Audio class instance.
USBD_AC_STREAM_INTF_INFO This structure contains information about an audio streaming interface.
USBD_AC_RX_CTX Contains all information about an active interface receiving audio data.
USBD_AC_RX_DATA This structure is used to forward audio data to the application.
USBD_AC_TX_CTX Contains all information about an active interface for sending audio data.
USBD_AC_CONTROL_INFO This structure contains information about the type of a control request.
USBD_AC_EVENT Event types for RX / TX callback functions.
Function definitions
USBD_AC_SET_ALT_INTERFACE Definition of the callback which is called when the hosts sets an alternate setting on an audio interface.
USBD_AC_CONTROL_GET_FUNC Definition of the callback which is called when an audio control get requests is received.
USBD_AC_CONTROL_SET_FUNC Definition of the callback which is called when an audio control set requests is received.
USBD_AC_RX_CALLBACK Definition of the callback which is called when audio data was received from the host.
USBD_AC_TX_CALLBACK Definition of the callback which is called when audio data was send to the host.

API functions



Adds an Audio interface to the USB stack.


int USBD_AC_Add(const USBD_AC_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USBD_AC_INIT_DATA structure containing values for the initialization.

Return value

≥ 0 on success.
< 0 on error.

Additional information

This function registers Audio interface class with the USB stack. It must be called after USBD_Init() and before USBD_Start(). The structure USBD_AC_INIT_DATA has to be initialized before USBD_AC_Add() is called. Refer to USBD_AC_INIT_DATA for more information.



Returns the current alternate setting of an interface, that was set by the host.


unsigned USBD_AC_GetCurrentAltSetting(unsigned Interface);


Parameter Description
Interface Index of the audio interface, see generated USBD_AC_INTERFACE_… defines.

Return value

Current alternate setting.



Returns information about a streaming interface for a given alternate setting or for the current alternate setting, that was set by the host.


USBD_AC_STREAM_INTF_INFO *USBD_AC_GetStreamInfo(unsigned Interface,
                                                int      AltSetting);


Parameter Description
Interface Index of the audio interface, see generated USBD_AC_INTERFACE_… defines.
AltSetting Number of the alternate setting for which the information should be returned. Can be set to -1, then the current alternate setting selected by the host is used.

Return value

Pointer to a USBD_AC_STREAM_INTF_INFO structure containing the information.



Opens an interface and starts reading audio data, depending of the current alternate setting, that was set by the host.


int USBD_AC_OpenRXStream(USBD_AC_RX_CTX * pCtx);


Parameter Description
pCtx Receive stream context. The public part of the structure must be initialized before calling USBD_AC_OpenRXStream(). After the stream was opened successfully, the data (memory area) must remain valid and must not be changed by the application.

Return value

= 0 Stream was successfully opened and receiving data has started.
≠ 0 Error.


Stops data transfers of an audio receive stream and closes the stream.


void USBD_AC_CloseRXStream(USBD_AC_RX_CTX * pCtx);


Parameter Description
pCtx Receive context of a RX stream, that was successfully opened using USBD_AC_OpenRXStream(). After the function returns, the context is not used any more and can be destroyed.


Opens an interface and prepare for sending audio data with USBD_AC_Send(), depending of the current alternate setting, that was set by the host.


int USBD_AC_OpenTXStream(USBD_AC_TX_CTX * pCtx);


Parameter Description
pCtx Send stream context. The public part of the structure must be initialized before calling USBD_AC_OpenTXStream(). After the stream was opened successfully, data can be send with the function USBD_AC_Send().

Return value

= 0 Stream was successfully opened.
≠ 0 Error.


Provide audio data to be send to the host. The caller need to know the current sample rate and how the audio samples have to be distributed over the USB frames / micro frames.

This function returns immediately performing the data transfer asynchronously. After successful transfer of the data, the callback function provided in the USBD_AC_TX_CTX structure is called to indicate that new audio data can be accepted to be send.

A maximum of two calls to USBD_AC_Send() can be queued. The send queue is used to support a double buffering of audio data: While a data packet is send to the host, another data packet can be created by the application and queued with USBD_AC_Send().


int USBD_AC_Send(      USBD_AC_TX_CTX * pCtx,
                       U16              NumFrames,
                       U32              NumBytes,
                 const void           * pData);


Parameter Description
pCtx Send context of a TX stream, that was successfully opened using USBD_AC_OpenTXStream().
NumFrames Number of frames (full-speed) or micro frames (high-speed) the provided data is used for. The data is equally distributed over this number of frames / micro frames. Must be ≤ 1024.
NumBytes Number of bytes of the audio data. Must be ≤ NumFrames * MaxPacketSize. If NumFrames > 1, then NumBytes must be a multiple of USBD_AC_TX_CTX.SampleSize.
pData Pointer to the audio data. To achieve best performance the data should be word aligned or cache aligned if the system is using a data cache.

Return value

= 0 Success.
≠ 0 Error.


Stops data transfers of an audio send stream and closes the stream.


void USBD_AC_CloseTXStream(USBD_AC_TX_CTX * pCtx);


Parameter Description
pCtx Send context of a TX stream, that was successfully opened using USBD_AC_OpenTXStream(). After the function returns, the context is not used any more and can be destroyed.


Provides sample rate feedback for an OUT endpoint using explicit asynchronous synchronization.


void USBD_AC_SetFeedbackDataRate(USBD_AC_RX_CTX * pCtx,
                                 U32              DataRate);


Parameter Description
pCtx Receive context of a RX stream, that was successfully opened using USBD_AC_OpenRXStream().
DataRate Number of samples that are processed by the device within one interval (endpoint configuration) multiplied by 2^16. As the actual sample rate per interval may not be an integer, the multiplication with 2^16 results in a fixed point number, where the upper 16 bits are the integer part and and the lower 16 bits contain the fractional part. Example: A data rate of 44.25 samples per interval is coded as DataRate = 0x002C4000.


Gets the sample rate feedback that was send by the host for an IN endpoint using explicit adaptive synchronization.


U32 USBD_AC_GetFeedbackDataRate(USBD_AC_TX_CTX * pCtx);


Parameter Description
pCtx Send context of a TX stream, that was successfully opened using USBD_AC_OpenTXStream().

Return value

DataRate: Number of samples that are processed by the device within one interval (endpoint configuration) multiplied by 2^16. As the actual sample rate per interval may not be an integer, the multiplication with 2^16 results in a fixed point number, where the upper 16 bits are the integer part and and the lower 16 bits contain the fractional part. Example: A data rate of 44.25 samples per interval is coded as DataRate = 0x002C4000. The functions returns 0, if there was no feedback from the host so far.



Writes an interrupt message via the optional interrupt IN endpoint to the host.


int USBD_AC_SendInterruptMessage(unsigned Interface,
                                 U32      ID,
                                 U8       ChannelNumber,
                                 int      ms);


Parameter Description
Interface Index of the audio interface, use one of the generated USBD_AC_INTERFACE_… macros.
ID Interrupt source: Unit / terminal / entity ID and audio control selector. Use one of the generated USBD_AC_ID_… macros added with one of the USB_AC_xx__CONTROL macros.
ChannelNumber Channel number of the control unit or 0 if not used. Ignored for audio 1.0 devices.
ms Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function returns immediately and the transfer is processed asynchronously.

Return value

= 0 Successful started an asynchronous write transfer (Timeout = -1) or a timeout has occurred and no data was written.
> 0 Write transfer successful completed.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

Endpoint related interrupt messages are not (yet) supported.

Data structures



Initialization data for the Audio class instance.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  const USBD_AC_CONFIG      * pACConfig;
  USBD_AC_GET_ALT_INTERFACE * pfGetInterfaceInfo;
  U8                          IntEP;

Structure members

Member Description
pACConfig Pointer to configuration data created by the generator.
pfControlGet Callback function to handle audio control get requests.
pfControlSet Callback function to handle audio control set requests.
pfSetAlternate Callback to inform the application about Set Interface control requests.
pfGetInterfaceInfo Callback to inform the application about Get Interface control requests.
IntEP Optional interrupt EP. If used, it must be allocated by calling USBD_AddEP(1, USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INT, Interval, NULL, PacketSize), where PacketSize must be 2 for audio 1.0 devices and 6 for audio 2.0 devices.


This structure contains information about an audio streaming interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16  MaxPacketSize;
  U8   IntervalExp;
  U8   NrChannels;
  U8   SubframeSize;
  U8   BitResolution;

Structure members

Member Description
MaxPacketSize Maximum packet size of the endpoint.
IntervalExp Specifies the interval of the endpoint in micro frames (125us): Interval = 2^IntervalExp
NrChannels Number of audio channels. If not specified in the audio description file, contains 0.
SubframeSize Number of byte for a single audio sample (one channel). If not specified in the audio description file, contains 0.
BitResolution Number of relevant bits in a single audio sample. If not specified in the audio description file, contains 0.


Contains all information about an active interface receiving audio data. The public part of this structure must be initialized by the application before passed to the function USBD_AC_OpenRXStream(). The data must remain valid and must not be modified by the application while the stream is open and used.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16                   Interface;
  U16                   Flags;
  typedef void (      * pfSOFCallback((void * pCtx);
  U16                   FeedbackInterval;
  USBD_AC_RX_CALLBACK * pfCallback;
  USBD_AC_RX_DATA       RxData;

Structure members

Member Description
Interface Index of the audio interface, see generated USBD_AC_INTERFACE_… defines.
Flags Reserved for future extensions, must be set to 0.
pfSOFCallback Internal use.
FeedbackInterval Interval (Number of SOFs) used for calling pfSOFCallback. Measured in units of 1ms for full-speed / 125us in high-speed.
pfCallback Function that is called when data was received from the host or a ’close’ event or timeout has occurred on the stream.
RxData Data transfer information.


This structure is used to forward audio data to the application.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  void * pBuffer;
  U32    NumBytes;
  U16    NumPackets;
  U16    Timeout;
  void * pUserContext;

Structure members

Member Description
pBuffer Pointer to the buffer which is used to receive audio data. The buffer must be provided by the application and must have a size of at least the maximum packet size of the currently selected audio stream endpoint. To achieve best performance the buffer should be word aligned or cache aligned if the system is using a data cache. Must be initialized before calling USBD_AC_OpenRXStream() (within USBD_AC_RX_CTX) and in the pfCallback function before it returns.
NumBytes Must be initialized by the application to the size of the buffer ’pBuffer’. When the function pfCallback is called, it contains the number of bytes actually received.
NumPackets Must be initialized by the application to the maximum number of audio packets that are read into the buffer before the application is notified via the callback function. When the function pfCallback is called, it contains the number of packets actually received.
Timeout Timeout in units of SOFs (1ms for full-speed / 125us in high-speed). If no packets were received within the specified time, the application is notified with a USBD_AC_EVENT_TIMOUT event. A value of 0 means no timeout.
pUserContext Can be arbitrarily used by the application.


Contains all information about an active interface for sending audio data. The public part of this structure must be initialized by the application before passed to the function USBD_AC_OpenTXStream(). The data must remain valid and must not be modified by the application while the stream is open and used.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16                   Interface;
  U16                   Flags;
  U16                   SampleSize;
  U16                   Timeout;
  USBD_AC_TX_CALLBACK * pfCallback;
  void                * pUserContext;

Structure members

Member Description
Interface Index of the audio interface, see generated USBD_AC_INTERFACE_… defines.
Flags Reserved for future extensions, must be set to 0.
SampleSize Number of bytes for a single audio sample (all channels). The value is not required (and is ignored) if only single audio packets is send via USBD_AD_Send().
Timeout Timeout in units of SOFs (1ms for full-speed / 125us in high-speed). If no packets were send within the specified time, the application is notified with a USBD_AC_EVENT_TIMOUT event. A value of 0 means no timeout.
pfCallback Function that is called when data was send to the host or a ’close’ event or timeout has occurred on the stream.
pUserContext Can be arbitrarily used by the application.


This structure contains information about the type of a control request.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U32  ID;
  U8   bRequest;
  U8   ChannelNumber;

Structure members

Member Description
ID Request ID: Bits 20..16 contain the interface index (0 = control interface, 1,… = streaming interfaces) Bits 15..8 contain the unit / terminal / entity ID. Is set to 0xFF if recipient is the endpoint. Bits 7..0 contain the control selector.
bRequest Audio Class-Specific Request Code, see USB_AC_REQ… defines.
ChannelNumber Internal use.


Event types for RX / TX callback functions.

Type definition

typedef enum {

Enumeration constants

Constant Description
USBD_AC_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED Data was read from the host.
USBD_AC_EVENT_DATA_SEND Data was send to the host.
USBD_AC_EVENT_TIMOUT Timeout on read or write.
USBD_AC_EVENT_CLOSED Interface was closed by the host.

Function definitions



Definition of the callback which is called when the hosts sets an alternate setting on an audio interface. This callback is called in interrupt context and must not block.

Type definition

typedef void USBD_AC_SET_ALT_INTERFACE(unsigned InterfaceNo,
                                       unsigned NewAltSetting);


Parameter Description
InterfaceNo Number of the audio streaming interface. Corresponds to the USBD_AC_INTERFACE_… defines.
NewAltSetting Alternate setting selected by the host.


Definition of the callback which is called when an audio control get requests is received. This callback is called in interrupt context and must not block.

Type definition

                                           U8                   * pBuffer);


Parameter Description
pReqInfo Contains information about the type of the control request.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer into which the callback should write the reply (max. 64 bytes).

Return value

≥ 0 Audio control request was handled by the callback and response data was put into pBuffer. The callback function must return the length of the response data which will be send to the host.
< 0 Audio control request was not handled by the callback (i.e. illegal request or parameters). The stack will STALL the request.


Definition of the callback which is called when an audio control set requests is received. This callback is called in interrupt context and must not block.

Type definition

                                           U32                    NumBytes,
                                     const U8                   * pBuffer);


Parameter Description
pReqInfo Contains information about the type of the control request.
NumBytes Number of bytes in pBuffer.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer containing the request data.

Return value

= 0 Audio control request was handled by the callback.
≠ 0 Audio control request was not handled by the callback (i.e. illegal request or parameters). The stack will STALL the request.


Definition of the callback which is called when audio data was received from the host. pRxData->Numbytes bytes of data were received into pRxData->pBuffer. The function must reinitialize the members pBuffer, NumBytes and MaxPackets before it returns. This callback is called in interrupt context and must not block. The audio data must not be processed inside this function, instead a task should be triggered that does the audio processing and this function should return as fast as possible. After this function has returned, the next USB transfer is started immediately. Therefore the member ’pBuffer’ should be initialized to point to a different buffer to avoid overwriting the data just received (double buffering mechanism is recommended).

Type definition

typedef void USBD_AC_RX_CALLBACK(USBD_AC_EVENT     Event,
                                 USBD_AC_RX_DATA * pRxData);


Parameter Description
Event Event occurred on the audio stream.
pRxData Pointer to a USBD_AC_RX_DATA structure. The contents is valid only, if Event = USBD_AC_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED.


Definition of the callback which is called when audio data was send to the host. The function should initiate to send more data.

Type definition

typedef void USBD_AC_TX_CALLBACK(      USBD_AC_EVENT Event,
                                 const void        * pData,
                                       void        * pUserContext);


Parameter Description
Event Event occurred on the audio stream.
pData Pointer to the data send, that was provided to the USBD_AC_Send() function.
pContext Pointer from the USBD_AC_RX_CTX structure.

Legacy Audio 1.0

This chapter gives a general overview of the legacy Audio class and describes how to get the Audio component running on the target. If designing new audio applications, it’s recommended to use the new Audio class.



For new audio applications the new Audio class should be used, even for Audio 1.0, see Audio.

The USB Audio device class is a USB class protocol which can be used to transfer sound data from a device to a host and vice versa.

Audio is supported by most operating systems out of the box and the installation of additional drivers is not required.

emUSB-Device-Audio comes as a complete package and contains the following:


SEGGER’s implementation of the Audio class V1.0 is designed with minimal resource usage in mind, especially targeted to embedded devices. The implementation supports the usage of a “speaker” (input/output audio terminal with a feature terminal for controls) and a “microphone” (input/output audio terminal).

The speaker and microphone can be used independently of each other, both can be enabled at the same time allowing audio transfer in either direction (headset-like operation).

The Audio class supports adaptive synchronization for OUT endpoints and asynchronous synchronization for IN endpoints, synchronous synchronization type for both directions, commands SET_CUR, GET_CUR, SET_MIN, GET_MIN, SET_MAX, GET_MAX, SET_RES, GET_RES, for the speaker interface feature unit controls are supported (volume, mute, etc.).


emUSB-Device-Audio does not provide drivers/codecs for any audio peripherals, writing a driver to interface with the audio hardware is the responsibility of the customer.

With emUSB-Device-Audio Audio data is transferred in the PCM encoding. The Audio class transfers multiple audio samples in a single packet. In the following sample the audio class is configured with 2 channels (stereo) and 16 bit data per channel:

USB audio packet structure

The length of a complete audio packet is equal to the bits per sample rounded up to bytes, multiplied by the number of channels and the sample rate, then divided by 1000 as a packet is sent every millisecond. For a sample rate of 48000, 16 bits per sample, 2 channels the calculation is as follows:

48000 * 16/8 * 2 / 1000 = 192 bytes

For a sample rate of 44100, 16 bits per sample, 2 channels the calculation is as follows:

44100 * 16/8 * 2 / 1000 = 176.4 bytes

Since we can not transfer 0.4 bytes the audio packets need to be 176 bytes (44 samples) and each 10th packet (sample size divided by the remainder: 4 / 0.4) should contain 45 samples (180 bytes) to make sure the sample rate remains at 44100.


On macOS (tested with Big Sur) when a device is using USB high-speed for an audio device the speaker interface will not be shown, unless the ISO endpoint type of the out endpoint is “USB_ISO_SYNC_TYPE_ASYNCHRONOUS”. Microphone interfaces are not affected.


Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device-Audio up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered with the sample application should not be modified.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified when emUSB-Device is integrated in your final product. Refer to section emUSB-Device Configuration for detailed information about the generic information functions which have to be adapted.


Windows systems save the audio settings for each USB Audio device inside the Windows registry (interfaces, number of channels, sub-frame-size, bit resolution and sample frequency). These values are saved for the USB Vendor ID and the USB Product ID. When a device with the same USB Vendor ID and USB Product ID enumerates a second time the audio settings are checked against the saved values inside the Windows registry. If the settings do not match the device will not function (Windows will not request any audio data from it).

It is not known why Windows behaves this way, other operating systems are not affected.

When developing a USB Audio device and experimenting with different sample rates, bit resolutions, etc. it is advised to remove the device from the registry after each change to the audio settings or to use a different USB product ID after every change.

Using the microphone interface

When using the microphone sample applications with a PC it is not immediately clear whether they work as the PC only receives the audio data. To listen to the data being sent from the target running emUSB-Device-Audio to your PC it is necessary to enable a loopback mode which will transfer the audio data from the microphone interface to the physical speakers connected to your PC.


This guide assumes you are using pulse audio.


emUSB-Device Audio under Windows 7


At the time of writing no built-in way of looping back audio is known. But there are a couple of third party applications out there which can enable loopback mode for macOS.

Using the speaker interface

When using the speaker sample applications the PC merely needs to be configured to use the device running emUSB-Device-Audio as the default output sound device.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_AUDIO_Add() Adds an Audio interface to the USB stack.
USBD_AUDIO_Read_Task() Task function of the Audio component which processes data received from host.
USBD_AUDIO_Write_Task() Task function of the Audio component which processes data sent to the host.
USBD_AUDIO_Start_Play() Starts providing audio data to the host using the microphone terminal of the audio class.
USBD_AUDIO_Stop_Play() Stops providing audio data to the host.
USBD_AUDIO_Start_Listen() Starts receiving audio data from the host using the speaker terminal of the audio class.
USBD_AUDIO_Stop_Listen() Stops receiving audio data from the host.
USBD_AUDIO_Set_Timeouts() Sets the timeouts used by the USBD_AUDIO_Read_Task() and USBD_AUDIO_Write_Task() when listen/play is active.
Data structures
USBD_AUDIO_INIT_DATA Initialization data for the Audio class instance.
USBD_AUDIO_IF_CONF Initialization structure for an audio microphone/speaker interface.
USBD_AUDIO_FORMAT Initialization data for a single audio format.
USBD_AUDIO_UNITS This structure contains IDs used for a particular audio interface.
Function definitions
USBD_AUDIO_TX_FUNC Definition of the callback which is called when audio data is sent.
USBD_AUDIO_RX_FUNC Definition of the callback which is called when audio data is received.
USBD_AUDIO_CONTROL_FUNC Definition of the callback which is called when audio commands are received.

API functions



Adds an Audio interface to the USB stack.




Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USBD_AUDIO_INIT_DATA structure containing values for the initialization. This structure’s memory must remain available while the audio class is being used. The application should not put this structure on the stack.

Return value

USBD_AUDIO_HANDLE - Handle for the added Audio instance.

Additional information

After the initialization of USB core, this is the first function that needs to be called when an Audio interface is used with emUSB-Device. The structure USBD_AUDIO_INIT_DATA has to be initialized before USBD_AUDIO_Add() is called. Refer to USBD_AUDIO_INIT_DATA for more information.

For the Audio component to be functional one or both of the following functions have to be created as a task: USBD_AUDIO_Read_Task(), USBD_AUDIO_Write_Task().



Task function of the Audio component which processes data received from host. Handles operations of the speaker interface. Has to be created as a separate task.


void USBD_AUDIO_Read_Task(void);

Additional information

Only necessary if the speaker interface is used. The function returns only when USBD_DeInit() is called.



Task function of the Audio component which processes data sent to the host. Handles operations of the microphone interface. Has to be created as a separate task.


void USBD_AUDIO_Write_Task(void);

Additional information

Only necessary if the microphone interface is used. The function returns only when USBD_DeInit() is called.



Starts providing audio data to the host using the microphone terminal of the audio class.


int USBD_AUDIO_Start_Play(      USBD_AUDIO_HANDLE   hInst,
                          const U8                * pBufIn);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid Audio instance, returned by USBD_AUDIO_Add().
pBufIn Buffer initially used with IN transfers (microphone interface). Can be changed inside the USBD_AUDIO_TX_FUNC callback.

Return value

= 0 Success.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

This function enables the registered TX user function ( USBD_AUDIO_TX_FUNC ). The callback is called after every successful transfer and should move the buffer pointer to the next audio packet accordingly or fill the same buffer with new data. The callback is called in an interrupt context. The execution of the callback together with the internal routines must never take longer than 1 millisecond because the audio class must send one packet every millisecond.



Stops providing audio data to the host.




Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid Audio instance, returned by USBD_AUDIO_Add().


Starts receiving audio data from the host using the speaker terminal of the audio class.


int USBD_AUDIO_Start_Listen(USBD_AUDIO_HANDLE   hInst,
                            U8                * pBufOut);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid Audio instance, returned by USBD_AUDIO_Add().
pBufOut Buffer initially used with OUT transfers (speaker interface). Can be changed inside the USBD_AUDIO_RX_FUNC callback.

Return value

= 0 Success.
< 0 An error occurred.

Additional information

This function enables the registered user callback function ( USBD_AUDIO_RX_FUNC ) which is called before the host sends data to the target. Inside the callback you may read the received data. The callback is called in an interrupt context. The execution of the callback together with the internal routines must never take longer than 1 millisecond because the audio class must send one packet every millisecond.



Stops receiving audio data from the host.




Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid Audio instance, returned by USBD_AUDIO_Add().


Sets the timeouts used by the USBD_AUDIO_Read_Task() and USBD_AUDIO_Write_Task() when listen/play is active.


                             unsigned          ReadTimeout,
                             unsigned          WriteTimeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid Audio instance, returned by USBD_AUDIO_Add().
ReadTimeout Read (OUT) timeout in milliseconds.
WriteTimeout Write (IN) timeout in milliseconds.

Data structures



Initialization data for the Audio class instance.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8                         EPIn;
  U8                         EPOut;
  unsigned                   OutPacketSize;
  USBD_AUDIO_RX_FUNC       * pfOnOut;
  USBD_AUDIO_TX_FUNC       * pfOnIn;
  void                     * pControlUserContext;
  U8                         NumInterfaces;
  const USBD_AUDIO_IF_CONF * paInterfaces;
  void                     * pOutUserContext;
  void                     * pInUserContext;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Isochronous IN endpoint for sending data to the host. If microphone functionality is not desired set this to 0.
EPOut Isochronous OUT endpoint for receiving data from the host. If speaker functionality is not desired set this to 0.
OutPacketSize Size of a single audio OUT packet. Must be calculated as follows: (highest used) SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample / 8 / 1000
pfOnOut Pointer to a function of type USBD_AUDIO_RX_FUNC which handles incoming audio data. Needs to be set when the speaker interface is used.
pfOnIn Pointer to a function of type USBD_AUDIO_TX_FUNC which handles outgoing audio data. Needs to be set when the microphone interface is used.
pfOnControl Pointer to a function of type USBD_AUDIO_CONTROL_FUNC which handles audio commands. Always needs to be set.
pControlUserContext Pointer to a user context which is passed to the pfOnControl function. Optional, can be NULL.
NumInterfaces Number of elements in the paInterfaces array.
paInterfaces Pointer to an array of structures of type USBD_AUDIO_IF_CONF which contain configuration data for the audio interfaces.
pOutUserContext Pointer to a user context which is passed to the pfOnOut function. Optional, can be NULL.
pInUserContext Pointer to a user context which is passed to the pfOnIn function. Optional, can be NULL.


Initialization structure for an audio microphone/speaker interface. Only one speaker and one microphone is supported.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8                        Flags;
  U8                        Controls;
  U8                        TotalNrChannels;
  U8                        NumFormats;
  const USBD_AUDIO_FORMAT * paFormats;
  U16                       bmChannelConfig;
  U16                       TerminalType;
  USBD_AUDIO_UNITS        * pUnits;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Reserved. Set to zero.
Controls Bitmask, a bit set to 1 indicates that the mentioned Control is supported: b0: Mute b1: Volume b2: Bass b3: Mid b4: Treble b5: Graphic Equalizer b6: Automatic Gain b7: Delay
TotalNrChannels Number of audio channels for this interface.
NumFormats Number of elements inside the paFormats array.
paFormats Pointer to any array of USBD_AUDIO_FORMAT structures.
bmChannelConfig Bit map indicating the spatial locations of channels. Important: this value should not be left at 0 to avoid an issue with Windows. The bits correspond to the following locations: b0: Left Front (L) b1: Right Front (R) b2: Center Front (C) b3: Low Frequency Enhancement (LFE) b4: Left Surround (LS) b5: Right Surround (RS) b6: Left of Center (LC) b7: Right of Center (RC) b8: Surround (S) b9: Side Left (SL) b10: Side Right (SR) b11: Top (T) b15..12: Reserved Channels are assigned to locations in ascending oder. E.g. if b6 and b11 are set and the other bits are zero channel 0 will be “LC” and channel 1 will be “T”. Having more channels than bits set in this bit map is valid, the channels which do not have a bit set will be considered to have a non-predefined spatial position.
pUnits Pointer to a structure of type USBD_AUDIO_UNITS. This structure is filled by the emUSB-Device Audio class during initialization.


Initialization data for a single audio format.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8   Flags;
  U8   NrChannels;
  U8   SubFrameSize;
  U8   BitResolution;
  U32  SamFreq;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Reserved. Set to zero.
NrChannels Number of channels in this format. Muster never be greater than USBD_AUDIO_IF_CONF->TotalNrChannels While it is possible to configure less then the total number of channels for a format most host operating systems do not support such configurations.
SubFrameSize Size of an audio frame in bytes. Must be able to hold BitResolution bits.
BitResolution Number of bits inside the audio frame dedicated to audio data. (Any remaining bits are padding.)
SamFreq Supported sample frequency in Hz.


This structure contains IDs used for a particular audio interface. The application should leave those values at zero, they are set by the stack after USBD_AUDIO_Add() has been called.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  Flags;
  U8  InterfaceNo;
  U8  AltInterfaceNo;
  U8  InputTerminalID;
  U8  OutputTerminalID;
  U8  FeatureUnitID;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Reserved. Set to zero.
InterfaceNo USB Interface number of the audio interface. Set by the emUSB-Device stack.
AltInterfaceNo Alternate setting number of the USB interface. Set by the emUSB-Device stack.
InputTerminalID ID of the input terminal. Set by the emUSB-Device stack.
OutputTerminalID ID of the output terminal. Set by the emUSB-Device stack.
FeatureUnitID ID of the feature unit. Set by the emUSB-Device stack.

Function definitions



Definition of the callback which is called when audio data is sent. This callback is called in the context of USBD_AUDIO_Write_Task()

Type definition

typedef void USBD_AUDIO_TX_FUNC(      void * pUserContext,
                                const U8 * * ppNextBuffer,
                                      U32  * pNextPacketSize);


Parameter Description
pUserContext User context which is passed to the callback.
ppNextBuffer Buffer containing audio samples which should match the configuration from microphone USBD_AUDIO_IF_CONF. Initially this points to the pBufIn from the call to USBD_AUDIO_Start_Play function. The user can change this pointer to a different buffer which will be used in the next transaction or fill the same buffer with new data.
pNextBufferSize Size of the next buffer.


static void _cbOnIn(void * pUserContext,
                    const U8 ** ppNextBuffer,
                    U32 * pNextPacketSize) {
  USB_MEMCPY(_pBufMic, _pDataSource, PACKET_SIZE_IN);
  *ppNextBuffer    = _pBufMic;
  *pNextPacketSize = PACKET_SIZE_IN;


Definition of the callback which is called when audio data is received. This callback is called in the context of USBD_AUDIO_Read_Task(). The default timeout is 50 milliseconds.

Type definition

typedef void USBD_AUDIO_RX_FUNC(void * pUserContext,
                                int    NumBytesReceived,
                                U8 * * ppNextBuffer,
                                U32  * pNextBufferSize);


Parameter Description
pUserContext User context which is passed to the callback.
NumBytesReceived The number of bytes which have been read in this transaction.
ppNextBuffer Buffer containing audio samples which should match the configuration from speaker USBD_AUDIO_IF_CONF. Initially this points to the pBufOut from the USBD_AUDIO_INIT_DATA structure. The user can change this pointer to a different buffer which will be used in the next transaction or leave it as it is and copy the data from this buffer elsewhere.
pNextBufferSize Size of the next buffer.


static U8   _acBuf1[BUFFER_SIZE];
static U8   _acBuf2[BUFFER_SIZE];
static U8 * _pBuf;
static U8 * _pBufComplete;
static U32  _NumBytesInFullBuffer;
static U32  _NumBytesInBuffer;

// Receive callback function.
static void _cbOnOut(void * pUserContext,
                     int NumBytesReceived,
                     U8 ** ppNextBuffer,
                     U32 * pNextBufferSize) {
  char MBEvent;

  // Check if the _next_ transfer would still fit into the buffer.
  // If not - switch the buffer.
  if ((_NumBytesInBuffer + NumBytesReceived + PACKET_SIZE_OUT) >  BUFFER_SIZE) {
    // Switch buffers.
    if (_CurrentBuffer == 1) {
      _CurrentBuffer = 2;
      _pBuf = _acBuf2;
    } else {
      _CurrentBuffer = 1;
      _pBuf = _acBuf1;
    _NumBytesInFullBuffer = _NumBytesInBuffer + NumBytesReceived;
    _NumBytesInBuffer = 0;
    MBEvent = BUFFER_FULL;
    // Notify the task that a buffer is full.
    if (OS_PutMailCond1(&_MailBox, &MBEvent) != 0) {
      printf("Missed packet.");
  } else {
    _pBuf += NumBytesReceived;
    _NumBytesInBuffer += NumBytesReceived;
  *ppNextBuffer = _pBuf;


Definition of the callback which is called when audio commands are received. This callback is called in an interrupt context.

Type definition

typedef int USBD_AUDIO_CONTROL_FUNC(void * pUserContext,
                                    U8     Event,
                                    U8     Unit,
                                    U8     ControlSelector,
                                    U8   * pBuffer,
                                    U32    NumBytes,
                                    U8     InterfaceNo,
                                    U8     AltSetting);


Parameter Description
pUserContext User context which is passed to the callback.
Event Audio event ID.
Unit ID of the feature unit. In case of USB_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_* and USB_AUDIO_RECORD_*: 0.
ControlSelector ID of the control. In case of USB_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_* and USB_AUDIO_RECORD_*: 0.
pBuffer In case of GET events: pointer to a buffer into which the callback should write the reply. In case of SET events: pointer to a buffer containing the command value. In case of USB_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_* and USB_AUDIO_RECORD_*: NULL.
NumBytes In case of GET events: requested size of the reply in bytes. In case of SET events: number of bytes in pBuffer. In case of USB_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_* and USB_AUDIO_RECORD_*: 0.
InterfaceNo The number of the USB interface for which the event was issued.
AltSetting The alternative setting number of the USB interface for which the event was issued.

Return value

= 0 Audio command was handled by the callback. The stack will send the reply.
≠ 0 Audio command was not handled by the callback. The stack will STALL the request.

Additional information

USB_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_* & USB_AUDIO_RECORD_* events are sent upon receiving a Set Interface USB request for Alternate Setting 1 for the respective interface (microphone or speaker). By default an Audio interface is set to Alternative Setting 0 in which it can not send or receive anything. The host switches the Alternative Setting to 1 when it has to send data to the device, this can be e.g. triggered by pressing “play” in your music player. Normally the host should switch the device back to Alternative Interface 0 when it has stopped sending audio data. This works well on Linux and OS X, but does not work reliably on Windows. When using Windows as a host it seems to depend on the application whether these events are generated or not. E.g. with some applications you will receive USB_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_START when “play” is pressed, but USB_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_STOP will not be sent when “pause” or “stop” is pressed. Relying on these events to check when the host has stopped sending data is not advised, instead set timeouts via USBD_AUDIO_Set_Timeouts and check for timeouts inside your USBD_AUDIO_RX_FUNC and USBD_AUDIO_TX_FUNC .


// Control callback function.
static int _cbOnControl(void * pUserContext,
                        U8 Event,
                        U8 Unit,
                        U8 ControlSelector,
                        U8 * pBuffer,
                        U32 NumBytes) {
  int r;

  r = 0;
  switch (Event) {
    switch (ControlSelector) {
        if (*pBuffer == 1) {
        } else {
        r = 1;
  <handle other commands>
  return r;

USB Video device Class (UVC)

This chapter gives a general overview of the UVC class and describes how to get the UVC component running on the target.


The USB video device class (UVC) is a USB class protocol which can be used to transfer video data from a device to a host.

UVC is supported by most operating systems out of the box and the installation of additional drivers is not required.

emUSB-Device-UVC comes as a complete package and contains the following:


Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device-UVC up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered with the sample application should not be modified.

Uncompressed video format

Video data is transmitted using emUSB-Device Video in the uncompressed format. YUYV422 is the specific format used by the USB video device class. The format uses luminance (the brightness) and chrominance (the coloration) to display pictures. This is best explained by taking a look at the actual data, the first 8 bytes of a YUYV422 frame are defined as follows:

Using 1 byte for the chrominance of two pixels allows this format to save a byte per pixel when compared to the common RGB format (2 pixels YUYV422 - 4 bytes, 2 pixels RGB888 - 6 bytes).

Data must be provided in the YUYV422 format when using USBD_UVC_Write() or USBD_UVC_WriteEx().

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified when emUSB-Device is integrated in your final product. Refer to section emUSB-Device Configuration for detailed information about the generic information functions which have to be adapted.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_UVC_Add() Adds a UVC interface to the USB stack.
USBD_UVC_Write() Writes frame data to the host.
USBD_UVC_WriteEx() Writes frame data to the host using single packets.
USBD_UVC_SetOnResolutionChange() Allows to set a callback which is called when the host changes the resolution of the UVC frame.
Data structures
USBD_UVC_INIT_DATA Initialization data for UVC interface.
USBD_UVC_BUFFER Structure which contains information about the UVC ring buffer.
USBD_UVC_DATA_BUFFER Structure which contains values for a single buffer.
USBD_UVC_RESOLUTION Structure describing a valid image resolution.
Function prototypes
USB_UVC_ON_RESOLUTION_CHANGE Callback function description which is set via USBD_UVC_SetOnResolutionChange().

API functions



Adds a UVC interface to the USB stack.


int USBD_UVC_Add(const USBD_UVC_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USBD_UVC_INIT_DATA structure containing values for the initialization of the UVC module.

Return value

0 - Successfully added. 1 - An error occurred.

Additional information

After the initialization of USB core, this is the first function that needs to be called when a UVC interface is used with emUSB-Device. The structure USBD_UVC_INIT_DATA has to be initialized before USBD_UVC_Add() is called. Refer to USBD_UVC_INIT_DATA for more information.



Writes frame data to the host.


int USBD_UVC_Write(const U8       * pData,
                         unsigned   NumBytes,
                         U8         UserFlags);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer containing the frame data.
NumBytes Number of bytes in the buffer.
UserFlags Flags to be added to the frame. Following flags are currently supported: USBD_UVC_END_OF_FRAME - Should be set with the last USBD_UVC_Write() call for a single frame.

Return value

0 - All data written to the buffer. -1 - An error occurred (device disconnected).

Additional information

It is up to the application how much data it provides through this function, but providing a buffer containing a whole video frame will cause the least overhead. The application has to set the flag USBD_UVC_END_OF_FRAME when the last data part of a frame was written via USBD_UVC_Write(). Internally this function will write data into the buffers which have been initialized by the call to USBD_UVC_Add(). This allows for the buffers to be filled with video data before data is requested by the host application. The data transmission itself happens inside an interrupt triggered event callback inside the UVC module.

With every transmission the UVC module must add a payload header to the transfer. Therefore if the application needs to achieve maximum throughput the application should write MaxPacketSize - USBD_UVC_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE chunks.

Do not mix usage of USBD_UVC_Write() and USBD_UVC_WriteEx().


Sample describing a write operation where a frame is entirely available in a single buffer:

USBD_UVC_Write(h, WholeFrame, sizeof(WholeFrame), USBD_UVC_END_OF_FRAME);

Sample describing a write operation where a frame is only available in chunks:

U32 NumBytesAtOnce;
U32 NumBytesTotal;
U8 Flags;

NumBytesTotal = 153600; // Fixed frame size.
NumBytesAtOnce = SEGGER_MIN(sizeof(SmallBuffer), NumBytesTotal);
Flags = 0;
while (NumBytesTotal) {
 USBD_UVC_Write(h, SmallBuffer, NumBytesAtOnce, Flags);
 NumBytesTotal -= NumBytesAtOnce;
 NumBytesAtOnce = SEGGER_MIN(sizeof(SmallBuffer), NumBytesTotal);
 if (NumBytesTotal <= sizeof(SmallBuffer)) {
   Flags = USBD_UVC_END_OF_FRAME; // This will be the last write for this frame.


Writes frame data to the host using single packets.


int USBD_UVC_WriteEx(U8       * pData,
                     unsigned   NumBytes,
                     U8         UserFlags);


Parameter Description
pData Pointer to a buffer containing the frame data. The buffer must provide USBD_UVC_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE bytes space at the start of the buffer.
NumBytes Size of the buffer. Must only contain one packet, up to a maximum size of USB_HS_ISO_HB_MAX_PACKET_SIZE.
UserFlags Flags to be added to the frame. Following flags are currently supported: USBD_UVC_END_OF_FRAME - Should be set with the last USBD_UVC_Write() call for a single frame.

Return value

0 - All data written to the buffer. -1 - An error occurred (device disconnected).

Additional information

This version of the write routine is optimized to be used with DMA capable targets. But can also speed up transfers with regular drivers. This write routine does not copy the UVC packet data internally, but sends it from the user buffer directly. When using DMA and cache the buffer should be aligned to a cache line boundary. The buffer must provide space (USBD_UVC_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE bytes) at the start of the buffer for the UVC module to insert the UVC packet header. The application must insert the video data after the header. The UVC module will automatically insert the correct header information and send the whole buffer to the host.



Allows to set a callback which is called when the host changes the resolution of the UVC frame. The callback receives a frame index, which is a direct mapping of the aResolutions array in USBD_UVC_INIT_DATA.


void USBD_UVC_SetOnResolutionChange(USB_UVC_ON_RESOLUTION_CHANGE * pfOnResChange);


Parameter Description
pfOnResChange User callback of type USB_UVC_ON_RESOLUTION_CHANGE .

Data structures



Initialization data for UVC interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8                          EPIn;
  USBD_UVC_BUFFER           * pBuf;
  const USBD_UVC_RESOLUTION * aResolutions;
  U8                          NumResolutions;
  U8                          StillCaptureMethod;
  U8                          Flags;
  USBD_UVC_CONTROLS         * Controls;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Isochronous IN endpoint for sending data to the host.
pBuf Pointer to a USBD_UVC_BUFFER structure.
aResolutions Pointer to an array of USBD_UVC_RESOLUTION structures.
NumResolutions Number of elements inside the aResolutions array.
StillCaptureMethod Method of “still image capture” to use. Valid values: 1 - The host software will extract the next available video frame. (default) 2 - When the host requests a still image a callback will be called which has to provide a new (still) image frame. It only makes sense to use this method if your data source is able to provide better quality still images than the default quality of the video stream.
Flags Various flags. Valid bits: USBD_UVC_USE_BULK_MODE - In this mode UVC uses bulk endpoints instead of isochronous endpoints.
Controls Pointer to a structure of type USBD_UVC_CONTROLS. The structure memory must remain available to the UVC class.

Additional information

This structure holds the endpoint that should be used by the UVC interface (EPIn). Refer to USBD_AddEPEx() for more information about how to add an endpoint.



Structure which contains information about the UVC ring buffer.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  volatile U8           NumBlocksIn;
  U8                    RdPos;
  U8                    WrPos;
  U8                    Flags;

Structure members

Member Description
Buf Array of USBD_UVC_DATA_BUFFER elements.
NumBlocksIn Number of currently used buffers.
RdPos Buffer read position.
WrPos Buffer write position.
Flags Used by the UVC module automatically. Do not modify. 1 - WriteEx used.

Additional information

The number of buffers can be set with the USBD_UVC_NUM_BUFFERS define. Generally the user does not have to interact with this structure, but he has to provide the memory for it. When USBD_UVC_USE_BULK_MODE is used USBD_UVC_NUM_BUFFERS can be reduced to 1.



Structure which contains values for a single buffer.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8      * pData;
  unsigned  NumBytesIn;
  U8        Flags;
  U8        FrameID;

Structure members

Member Description
pData Pointer to a data buffer. When USBD_UVC_Write() is used the user must set this pointer to a valid buffer of size USBD_UVC_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE. When USBD_UVC_WriteEx() is used the user must not modify this value.
NumBytesIn Size of the packet.
Flags Flags which will be sent with the packet.
FrameID ID of the frame.

Additional information

The size of the buffers can be set with the USBD_UVC_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE define. Ideally it should match the MaxPacketSize for the isochronous endpoint.



Structure describing a valid image resolution.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  unsigned  Width;
  unsigned  Height;

Structure members

Member Description
Width Width in pixels.
Height Height in pixels.

Function prototypes



Callback function description which is set via USBD_UVC_SetOnResolutionChange().

Type definition

typedef void USB_UVC_ON_RESOLUTION_CHANGE(unsigned FrameIndex);


Parameter Description
FrameIndex 1-based index of the frame resolution.

Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU)

This chapter gives a general overview of the DFU class and describes how to get the DFU component running on the target.


The Device Firmware Upgrade class (DFU) is a USB class protocol which can be used to download and upload firmware images to and from a device.

emUSB-Device-DFU comes as a complete package and contains the following:

DFU is supported on most operating systems by common tools like dfu-util, see dfu-util.sourceforge.net.

Using DFU on Windows

In order to get emUSB DFU running with the WinUSB driver the function USBD_DFU_SetMSDescInfo() must be called in the target application.

Microsoft’s Windows operating systems (Starting with XP Service Pack 2) contains a generic driver called WinUSB.sys that is used to handle all communication to a emUSB-Device running a DFU interface. If such device is connected to a Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 PC for the first time, Windows will install the WinUSB driver automatically. For Windows versions less than Windows 8, Microsoft provides a driver for Windows Vista and Windows 7 but this needs to be installed manually. A driver installation tool including the mentioned driver is available in the Windows\USB\Bulk\WinUSBInstall. Windows XP user can use the driver package located under Windows\USB\Bulk\WinUSB_USBBulk_XP.

Additionally the correct driver may not be loaded on Windows 7 systems because of an issue in the USB 3.0 stack of Windows 7, see Issues on Windows 7.


Dual configuration mode

Typically a device that supports DFU has to provide two different configurations. It starts up in runtime mode with the DFU interface and other interfaces used for normal operation of the device. In this configuration the device does not allow download or upload of firmware files.

If the host sends a DFU detach request, the device has to reconfigure to DFU mode, usually providing only a single DFU interface. DFU mode may for example be implemented by running a bootloader build into the device. In order to switch to DFU mode after receiving the detach request from the host, the device has to shutdown and de-initialize the USB stack and start-up it again using the DFU configuration. Then firmware files can be downloaded.

This procedure is compliant to the USB Device Firmware Upgrade class specification. See sample application USB_DFU_Start.c.

Single configuration

However, some DFU capable devices do not offer two configurations. Instead they are always in runtime mode, but allow up- and download of firmware files without changing the configuration. emUSB-Device DFU class also supports this behavior which is called ’Mixed Mode’, see sample application USB_DFU_MixedMode_Start.c.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_DFU_Add() Adds a DFU class interface.
USBD_DFU_Add_RunTime() Adds a DFU class interface for runtime mode only.
USBD_DFU_AddAlternateInterface() Adds an alternative interface to the DFU configuration.
USBD_DFU_SetMSDescInfo() Enables use of Microsoft OS Descriptors.
USBD_DFU_SetPollTimeout() Set the poll timeout to be reported to the host on the next GET_STATUS setup request.
USBD_DFU_Ack() Acknowledge download data received via the USBD_DFU_DOWNLOAD function.
USBD_DFU_SetError() Signal an error to the host.
USBD_DFU_ManifestComplt() Must be called by the application after the new firmware was installed successfully.
USBD_DFU_GetStatusReqCnt() Return the number of times, the host has requested a status after calling one of the functions USBD_DFU_Ack(), USBD_DFU_ManifestComplt() or USBD_DFU_GetStatusReqCnt().
USBD_DFU_GetAlternateSetting() Returns the alternate interface setting that was set by the host.
Data structures
USB_DFU_INIT_DATA Initialization data for the DFU interface.
Function prototypes
USBD_DFU_DETACH_REQUEST Callback function is called when the host requests a DETACH, prompting the device to enter DFU mode.
USBD_DFU_DOWNLOAD Callback function to handle download data to the application that was received from the host.
USBD_DFU_UPLOAD Callback function to get upload data to be transferred to the host.

API functions



Adds a DFU class interface.


void USBD_DFU_Add(const USB_DFU_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to USB_DFU_INIT_DATA structure.


Adds a DFU class interface for runtime mode only. Using this function results in a smaller footprint than USBD_DFU_Add().


void USBD_DFU_Add_RunTime(const USB_DFU_INIT_DATA * pInitData);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to USB_DFU_INIT_DATA structure. The field ’Mode’ must be set to USB_DFU_MODE_RUNTIME.


Adds an alternative interface to the DFU configuration. Must be called after USBD_DFU_Add() and before USBD_Start(). This function must not be called in runtime only mode.


void USBD_DFU_AddAlternateInterface(const char * pInterfaceName);


Parameter Description
pInterfaceName Pointer to a string containing the name of the alternate interface. The pointer must remain valid during all USB operations (until USBD_DeInit() is called).


Enables use of Microsoft OS Descriptors. A USB DFU device providing these descriptors is detected by Windows to be handled by the generic WinUSB driver.


void USBD_DFU_SetMSDescInfo(void);

Additional information

This function must be called after the call to the function USBD_DFU_Add() and before USBD_Start().



Set the poll timeout to be reported to the host on the next GET_STATUS setup request.


void USBD_DFU_SetPollTimeout(U32 PollTimeout);


Parameter Description
PollTimeout Poll timeout in milliseconds.


Acknowledge download data received via the USBD_DFU_DOWNLOAD function.


void USBD_DFU_Ack(void);


Signal an error to the host. Can be called by the application at any time. The device will respond with that error on the next ’Get Status’ request from the host.




Parameter Description
Err Error code.


Must be called by the application after the new firmware was installed successfully.


void USBD_DFU_ManifestComplt(void);


Return the number of times, the host has requested a status after calling one of the functions USBD_DFU_Ack(), USBD_DFU_ManifestComplt() or USBD_DFU_GetStatusReqCnt().


unsigned USBD_DFU_GetStatusReqCnt(void);


Returns the alternate interface setting that was set by the host.


unsigned USBD_DFU_GetAlternateSetting(void);

Return value

Data structures



Initialization data for the DFU interface.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  I8                        Mode;
  U8                        Attributes;
  U16                       DetachTimeout;
  U16                       TransferSize;
  U16                       Flags;
  const char              * pInterfaceName;
  USBD_DFU_DETACH_REQUEST * pfDetachRequest;
  USBD_DFU_DOWNLOAD       * pfDownload;
  U8                      * pBuffer;
  USBD_DFU_UPLOAD         * pfUpload;

Structure members

Member Description
Mode Operation mode of the DFU interface: USB_DFU_MODE_RUNTIME: The interface is in runtime mode only. Download of firmware data is not supported. USB_DFU_MODE_DFU: The interface is in DFU mode. USB_DFU_MODE_MIXED: The interface is in runtime mode but allows download of firmware data in this mode.
Attributes Bit mask containing the DFU attributes. Combination of the USB_DFU_ATTR_… flags.
DetachTimeout Time, in milliseconds, that the device will wait after receipt of the DFU_DETACH request.
TransferSize Maximum number of bytes that the device can accept per control-write transaction.
Flags RFU. Must be 0.
pInterfaceName Name of the interface. Optional, may be NULL.
pfDetachRequest Pointer to the callback function to request a detach. Used for Mode = USB_DFU_MODE_RUNTIME only.
pfDownload Pointer to the callback function to receive download data. Used for ModeUSB_DFU_MODE_RUNTIME only.
pBuffer Pointer to a buffer to store download data. The size of the buffer must be ’TransferSize’ bytes.
pfUpload Pointer to the callback function to get upload data. Optional. Used for ModeUSB_DFU_MODE_RUNTIME only.

Function prototypes



Callback function is called when the host requests a DETACH, prompting the device to enter DFU mode. This function is executed in interrupt context. The detach and/or reinitialization must not be performed inside this function. Instead this function should only trigger a task to perform the required operation.

Type definition

typedef void USBD_DFU_DETACH_REQUEST(U16 Timeout);


Parameter Description
Timeout Timeout provided by the host.


Callback function to handle download data to the application that was received from the host. The function is called in interrupt context and should return as fast as possible. Especially flash programming must not be done within this function. If NumBytes ≥ 0, the application must respond either with a call to USBD_DFU_Ack() if the data could be processed successfully or by calling USBD_DFU_SetError() if an error occurred. These functions need not to be called from the USBD_DFU_DOWNLOAD function, but may be called later after processing the data. The host will wait for either USBD_DFU_Ack() or USBD_DFU_SetError() before starting another download.

Type definition

typedef void USBD_DFU_DOWNLOAD(int NumBytes,
                               U16 BlockNum);


Parameter Description
NumBytes Number of bytes received from the host. The data is stored in the buffer provided by USB_DFU_INIT_DATA.pBuffer. A value of 0 indicates the end of the data to be downloaded. A negative value means that the host has aborted the download.
BlockNum Block sequence number provided by the host.


Callback function to get upload data to be transferred to the host. The function is called in interrupt context and should return as fast as possible.

Type definition

typedef int USBD_DFU_UPLOAD(      int   bStart,
                                  U16   BlockNum,
                                  U16   NumBytes,
                            const U8 ** ppData);


Parameter Description
bStart 1 = Start upload, 0 = continue upload.
BlockNum Block sequence number provided by the host.
NumBytes Number of bytes requested by the host.
ppData  out  Pointer to the data to be transfered to the host.

Return value

Size of the data provided by the function (in bytes). A value < NumBytes (including 0) indicate the last part of the data. A negative value indicates an error. In case of an error, the function should also call USBD_DFU_SetError().

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

This chapter gives a general overview of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface class and describes how to get the MIDI component running on the target.


The USB MIDI device class is a subclass of the USB audio class. Despite being a subclass of the audio class the protocol is almost entirely different. The MIDI class is able to transfer MIDI commands and MIDI data from a device to a host and vice versa.

MIDI is supported by most operating systems out of the box and the installation of additional drivers is not required.

emUSB-Device-MIDI comes as a complete package and contains the following:


SEGGER’s implementation of the MIDI class V1.0 is designed with minimal resource usage in mind, especially targeted to embedded devices. The implementation supports an arbitrary jack configuration as well as writing USB MIDI packets from a MIDI stream and receiving USB MIDI from a host.

The following graphic describes the basic structure of a USB MIDI packet.


Below the MIDI commands “note ON” and “note OFF” can be seen in their decoded form.



Initial configuration

To get emUSB-Device-MIDI up and running as well as doing an initial test, the configuration as delivered with the sample application should not be modified.

Final configuration

The configuration must only be modified when emUSB-Device is integrated in your final product. Refer to section emUSB-Device Configuration for detailed information about the generic information functions which have to be adapted.

Testing MIDI on different operating systems


Install the third-party amidi command-line utility.

Dir Device    Name
IO  hw:2,0,0  MIDI device MIDI 1


amidi -p hw:2,0,0 -S '90 4E 30 80 4E 30'  // 90 - Note on
                                          // 4E - Note "F#5"
                                          // 30 - Velocity value
                                          // 80 - Note off
                                          // 4E - Note "F#5"
                                          // 30 - Velocity value


amidi -p hw:2,0,0 -d


On Windows a third-party utility such as MIDI-OX can be used to monitor MIDI events.


On macOS a third-party utility such as Snoize MIDI Monitor can be used to monitor MIDI events.

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_MIDI_Init() Initialize the MIDI component.
USBD_MIDI_Add() Adds a MIDI class interface to the USB stack.
USBD_MIDI_ReceivePackets() Receives USB MIDI packets from the host.
USBD_MIDI_GetNumPacketsInBuffer() Returns the number of MIDI packets that are available in the internal OUT endpoint buffer.
USBD_MIDI_ConvertPackets() Converts USB MIDI packets to pure MIDI commands by stripping the USB header.
USBD_MIDI_WritePackets() Writes USB MIDI packets to the host.
USBD_MIDI_WriteStream() Sends MIDI data to the USB host.
Data structures
USBD_MIDI_INIT_DATA Initialization structure that is needed when adding a MIDI interface to emUSB-Device.
USBD_MIDI_JACK Structure describing a MIDI IN or OUT jack.
USBD_MIDI_PACKET Structure describing a MIDI packet.

API functions



Initialize the MIDI component.


void USBD_MIDI_Init(void);


Adds a MIDI class interface to the USB stack.




Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to USBD_MIDI_INIT_DATA structure.

Return value

Handle to a valid MIDI instance. The handle of the first MIDI instance is always 0.



Receives USB MIDI packets from the host. The function blocks until any data has been received or a timeout occurs (if Timeout ≥ 0). In case of a timeout, the read transfer is aborted.


int USBD_MIDI_ReceivePackets(USBD_MIDI_HANDLE   hInst,
                             USBD_MIDI_PACKET * paPacket,
                             unsigned           NumPackets,
                             int                Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid MIDI instance, returned by USBD_MIDI_Add().
paPacket Pointer to an array of USBD_MIDI_PACKET structures.
NumPackets Number of packets inside the paPacket array.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite. If Timeout is -1, the function never blocks and only reads data from the internal endpoint buffer.

Return value

> 0 Number of MIDI packets read.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0), no data in buffer (if Timeout < 0) or the target was disconnected during the function call and no data was read so far.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return USB_STATUS_ERROR.

Periodically calling this function with timeout = -1 can be used to poll for data.

If the USB stack receives a data packet from the host containing more bytes than requested, the remaining bytes are stored into the internal buffer of the endpoint, that was provided via USBD_AddEP(). This data can be retrieved by a later call to USBD_MIDI_ReceivePackets(). See also USBD_MIDI_GetNumPacketsInBuffer().



Returns the number of MIDI packets that are available in the internal OUT endpoint buffer.


unsigned USBD_MIDI_GetNumPacketsInBuffer(USBD_MIDI_HANDLE hInst);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid MIDI instance, returned by USBD_MIDI_Add().

Return value

Number of packets that are available in the internal OUT endpoint buffer.

Additional information

If the host is sending more data than your target application has requested, the remaining data will be stored in an internal buffer. This function shows how many bytes are available in this buffer.

The number of packets returned by this function can be read using USBD_MIDI_ReceivePackets().



Converts USB MIDI packets to pure MIDI commands by stripping the USB header. USB MIDI packets are usually provided through the use of the USBD_MIDI_ReceivePackets() function.


int USBD_MIDI_ConvertPackets(const USBD_MIDI_PACKET * paPacket,
                                   unsigned           NumPackets,
                                   U8               * pBuf);


Parameter Description
paPacket Pointer to an array of USBD_MIDI_PACKET structures.
NumPackets Number of packets inside the paPacket array.
pBuf Buffer to write the MIDI commands into. The buffer must be 3 * NumPackets bytes large.

Return value

≥ 0 Number of MIDI packets converted.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

The jack ID is lost in this conversion. When using multiple jacks the user should take care not to mix packets addressed to different jacks.



Writes USB MIDI packets to the host. Unlike with USBD_MIDI_WriteStream() the user must set the correct values for the USB MIDI header (CIN and jack ID) as these are not automatically filled in.


int USBD_MIDI_WritePackets(      USBD_MIDI_HANDLE   hInst,
                           const USBD_MIDI_PACKET * paPacket,
                                 unsigned           NumPackets,
                                 int                Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid MIDI instance, returned by USBD_MIDI_Add().
paPacket Pointer to an array of USBD_MIDI_PACKET structures. The user must fill all fields. For MIDI events which do not use all 3 MIDI bytes the user must fill the unused bytes with zeroes.
NumPackets Number of packets inside the paPacket array.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

> 0 Number of written USB MIDI packets.
= 0 A timeout occurred (if Timeout > 0).
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function also returns when the target is disconnected from the host or when a USB reset occurred during the function call, it will then return USB_STATUS_ERROR.



Sends MIDI data to the USB host. This function accepts a stream of MIDI commands and automatically adds the necessary USB MIDI header byte. Depending on the Timeout parameter, the function may block until NumBytes have been written or a timeout occurs.


int USBD_MIDI_WriteStream(      USBD_MIDI_HANDLE   hInst,
                                U8                 JackID,
                          const U8               * pData,
                                unsigned           NumBytes,
                                int                Timeout);


Parameter Description
hInst Handle to a valid MIDI instance, returned by USBD_MIDI_Add().
JackID Jack ID to use.
pData Data that should be written.
NumBytes Number of bytes to write.
Timeout Timeout in milliseconds. 0 means infinite.

Return value

= 0 Timeout has occurred and no data was written.
> 0 && < NumBytes Number of bytes that have been written before a timeout occurred.
= NumBytes Write transfer successful completed.
< 0 Error occurred.

Additional information

This function also returns when the target is disconnected from host or when a USB reset occurred.

Data structures



Initialization structure that is needed when adding a MIDI interface to emUSB-Device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16                    Flags;
  U8                     EPIn;
  U8                     EPOut;
  const USBD_MIDI_JACK * paJackList;
  unsigned               NumJacks;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Reserved for future use, must be 0.
EPIn Bulk IN endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Bulk OUT endpoint for receiving data from the host.
paJackList Pointer to an array containing all jacks for the MIDI interface.
NumJacks Number of elements inside the paJackList array.


Structure describing a MIDI IN or OUT jack.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8           JackType;
  U8           JackID;
  U8           JackDir;
  U8           NrInputPins;
  U8         * paSourceID;
  U8         * paSourcePin;
  const char * pJackName;

Structure members

Member Description
JackID Unique ID for the jack. Must not be zero.
NrInputPins For IN jacks - set to zero. For OUT jacks - number of input pins for this MIDI OUT jack.
paSourceID Only for OUT jacks. Pointer to an array containing the IDs of the entities to which the pin of this MIDI OUT Jack is connected.
paSourcePin Only for OUT jacks. Pointer to an array containing the output pin numbers of the entities to which the input pins of this MIDI OUT Jack are connected.
pJackName String describing the jack. Can be NULL.


Structure describing a MIDI packet.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  CableNumber_and_CIN;
  U8  MIDI_0;
  U8  MIDI_1;
  U8  MIDI_2;

Structure members

Member Description
CableNumber_and_CIN b0-b3 - Code Index Number (CIN). b4-b7 - Cable Number (embedded MIDI Jack ID).
MIDI_0 First MIDI byte: b0-b3 - For CIN < 0xF: MIDI channel number. b4-b7 - Code Index Number (same as in b0-b3 of CableNumber_and_CIN).
MIDI_1 Second MIDI byte - Content depends on CIN.
MIDI_2 Third MIDI byte - Content depends on CIN.

Smart Card Device Class (CCID)

This chapter gives a general overview of the CCID class.


The Smart Card Device Class (CCID) allows the implementation of CCID compatible smart card readers. The Integrated Circuit(s) Cards Interface is an abstract USB class protocol defined by the USB Implementers Forum.

The emUSBD CCID class only handles the transport of CCID commands via USB. Processing of the smart card commands, including physical access to a smart card (if any) has to be done by the application.

A typical application will contain a loop, that

emUSB-Device CCID comes as a complete package and contains the following:

Target API

Function Description
API functions
USBD_CCID_Init() Initialize the CCID component.
USBD_CCID_Add() Adds interface for USB-CCID communication to emUSB-Device.
USBD_CCID_ReceiveCmd() Receive a CCID command from the host.
USBD_CCID_SendDataBlock() Send a response to a CCID command with message types USB_CCID_MSG_XFR_BLOCK, USB_CCID_MSG_ICC_POWER_ON, or USB_CCID_MSG_SECURE.
USBD_CCID_SendEscape() Send a response to a CCID command with message type USB_CCID_MSG_ESCAPE_CMD.
USBD_CCID_SendParameters() Send a response to a CCID command with message type USB_CCID_MSG_SET_RATE_AND_CLOCK.
USBD_CCID_SendDataRateAndClockFrequency() Send a response to a CCID command with message type USB_CCID_MSG_SET_RATE_AND_CLOCK.
USBD_CCID_NotifySlotState() Send a notification about a new slot state to the host (via interrupt EP).
USBD_CCID_NotifyHwError() Send a notification about a hardware error to the host (via interrupt EP).
Data structures
USB_CCID_INIT_DATA Initialization structure that is needed when adding a CCID interface to emUSB-Device.
USB_CCID_PROPERTIES Declares all properties of a CCID device.
USB_CCID_CMD Contains information about a CCID command send from the host.
USB_CCID_PROTOCOL_DATA_T0 Protocol parameters for T=0 protocol.
USB_CCID_PROTOCOL_DATA_T1 Protocol parameters for T=1 protocol.
Function prototypes
USBD_CCID_ABORT_CB Callback function to forward a CCID abort request from the host to the application.

API functions



Initialize the CCID component.


void USBD_CCID_Init(void);


Adds interface for USB-CCID communication to emUSB-Device.


void USBD_CCID_Add(const USB_CCID_INIT_DATA  * pInitData,
                   const USB_CCID_PROPERTIES * pProperties);


Parameter Description
pInitData Pointer to a USB_CCID_INIT_DATA structure.
pProperties Pointer to a USB_CCID_PROPERTIES containing all properties of the CCID device. The pointer must remain valid during all CCID operations.


Receive a CCID command from the host.


int USBD_CCID_ReceiveCmd(USB_CCID_CMD * pCmd,
                         unsigned       BuffSize,
                         U8           * pBuff,
                         unsigned       Timeout);


Parameter Description
pCmd Pointer to a USB_CCID_CMD structure that will be filled by the function with information about the CCID command received.
BuffSize Size of the buffer pointed to by pBuff. If a CCID command contains more data bytes than ’BuffSize’, then only ’BuffSize’ bytes are copied to the buffer and the remaining bytes are discarded.
pBuff Buffer to receive the command data (abData).
Timeout Timeout in ms to wait for a CCID command from the host.

Return value

> 0 Success.
= 0 A timeout has occurred.
< 0 An error occurred.




int USBD_CCID_SendStatus(const USB_CCID_CMD * pCmd,
                               U8             Status,
                               U8             Error,
                               U8             ClockStatus);


Parameter Description
pCmd Pointer to a USB_CCID_CMD structure returned from a call to USBD_CCID_ReceiveCmd().
Status Status code. One of the USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_.. macros or’ed together with one of the USB_CCID_STATUS_ICC_.. macros.
Error Error code, if Status bit USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_FAIL is set.
ClockStatus 0: Clock running. 1: Clock stopped in state L. 2: Clock stopped in state H. 3: Clock stopped in an unknown state.

Return value

> 0 Success.
= 0 A timeout has occurred.
< 0 An error occurred.


Send a response to a CCID command with message types USB_CCID_MSG_XFR_BLOCK, USB_CCID_MSG_ICC_POWER_ON, or USB_CCID_MSG_SECURE.


int USBD_CCID_SendDataBlock(const USB_CCID_CMD * pCmd,
                                  U8             Status,
                                  U8             Error,
                                  U8             ChainParameter,
                                  unsigned       DataLen,
                            const U8           * pData);


Parameter Description
pCmd Pointer to a USB_CCID_CMD structure returned from a call to USBD_CCID_ReceiveCmd().
Status Status code. One of the USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_.. macros or’ed together with one of the USB_CCID_STATUS_ICC_.. macros.
Error Error code, if Status bit USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_FAIL is set.
ChainParameter For extended APDU level, indicates if the response is complete, to be continued or if the command APDU can continue.
DataLen Number of data bytes to be returned to the host.
pData Pointer to the data to be returned to the host (abData).

Return value

> 0 Success.
= 0 A timeout has occurred.
< 0 An error occurred.


Send a response to a CCID command with message type USB_CCID_MSG_ESCAPE_CMD.


int USBD_CCID_SendEscape(const USB_CCID_CMD * pCmd,
                               U8             Status,
                               U8             Error,
                               unsigned       DataLen,
                         const U8           * pData);


Parameter Description
pCmd Pointer to a USB_CCID_CMD structure returned from a call to USBD_CCID_ReceiveCmd().
Status Status code. One of the USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_.. macros or’ed together with one of the USB_CCID_STATUS_ICC_.. macros.
Error Error code, if Status bit USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_FAIL is set.
DataLen Number of data bytes to be returned to the host.
pData Pointer to the data to be returned to the host (abData).

Return value

> 0 Success.
= 0 A timeout has occurred.
< 0 An error occurred.


Send a response to a CCID command with message type USB_CCID_MSG_SET_RATE_AND_CLOCK.


int USBD_CCID_SendParameters(const USB_CCID_CMD * pCmd,
                                   U8             Status,
                                   U8             Error,
                                   U8             ProtocolNum,
                             const void         * pProtocolData);


Parameter Description
pCmd Pointer to a USB_CCID_CMD structure returned from a call to USBD_CCID_ReceiveCmd().
Status Status code. One of the USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_.. macros or’ed together with one of the USB_CCID_STATUS_ICC_.. macros.
Error Error code, if Status bit USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_FAIL is set.
ProtocolNum 0: Protocol data for T=0 1: Protocol data for T=1
pProtocolData Pointer to the protocol data structure (USB_CCID_PROTOCOL_DATA_T0 or USB_CCID_PROTOCOL_DATA_T1)

Return value

> 0 Success.
= 0 A timeout has occurred.
< 0 An error occurred.


Send a response to a CCID command with message type USB_CCID_MSG_SET_RATE_AND_CLOCK.


int USBD_CCID_SendDataRateAndClockFrequency(const USB_CCID_CMD * pCmd,
                                                  U8             Status,
                                                  U8             Error,
                                                  U32            ClockFrequency,
                                                  U32            DataRate);


Parameter Description
pCmd Pointer to a USB_CCID_CMD structure returned from a call to USBD_CCID_ReceiveCmd().
Status Status code. One of the USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_.. macros or’ed together with one of the USB_CCID_STATUS_ICC_.. macros.
Error Error code, if Status bit USB_CCID_STATUS_CMD_FAIL is set.
ClockFrequency Current setting of the ICC clock frequency in KHz.
DataRate Current setting of the ICC data rate in bps.

Return value

> 0 Success.
= 0 A timeout has occurred.
< 0 An error occurred.


Send a notification about a new slot state to the host (via interrupt EP).


void USBD_CCID_NotifySlotState(unsigned Slot,
                               unsigned State);


Parameter Description
Slot Slot index (counting from 0).
State New slot state. 0: No ICC present. 1: ICC Present.


Send a notification about a hardware error to the host (via interrupt EP).


void USBD_CCID_NotifyHwError(unsigned Slot,
                             U8       SeqNum,
                             U8       ErrorCode);


Parameter Description
Slot Slot index (counting from 0).
SeqNum Sequence number of bulk out command when the hardware error occurred.
ErrorCode Error code.

Data structures



Initialization structure that is needed when adding a CCID interface to emUSB-Device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8                   EPIn;
  U8                   EPOut;
  U8                   EPInt;
  U8                 * pBuff;

Structure members

Member Description
EPIn Endpoint for sending data to the host.
EPOut Endpoint for receiving data from the host.
EPInt Endpoint for sending notification to the host. Optional, may be 0.
pBuff Pointer to endpoint buffer for EPIn. Buffer should be able to hold one USB packet.
pfAbort Callback function to signal an abort by the host. Optional, may be NULL.


Declares all properties of a CCID device.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U16          Flags;
  U8           NumSlots;
  U8           VoltageSupport;
  U8           Protocols;
  U8           NumClocks;
  U8           DefaultClockIdx;
  U8           NumDataRates;
  U8           DefaultDataRateIdx;
  const U32  * pClocks;
  const U32  * pDataRates;
  U32          MaxIFSD;
  U32          Features;
  U32          MaxMessageLength;
  U8           ClassGetResponse;
  U8           ClassEnvelope;
  U8           LCDLines;
  U8           LCDColumns;
  U8           PINSupport;
  const char * pInterfaceName;

Structure members

Member Description
Flags Reserved for future use, must be 0.
NumSlots Number of card slots supported by the device (max. 4).
VoltageSupport Supported voltages, see USB_CCID_VOLTAGE… macros.
Protocols Supported protocols (T=0, T=1), see USB_CCID_PROTOCOL… macros.
NumClocks Number of supported clock rates (number of entries in the table pointed to by pClocks). Must be ≥ 1.
DefaultClockIdx Index of the default clock within the table pClocks.
NumDataRates Number of supported data rates (number of entries in the table pointed to by pDataRates). May be 0 to indicate a range. In this case pDataRates must contain 2 entries (min, max) and DefaultDataRateIdx must be 0.
DefaultDataRateIdx Index of the default data rate within the table pDataRates.
pClocks Table of all supported clock rates in KHz in increasing order.
pDataRates Table of all supported data rates in bps in increasing order.
MaxIFSD Indicates the maximum IFSD supported by CCID for protocol T=1.
Features This value indicates what intelligent features the CCID has. The value is a bitwise OR operation performed on the macros USB_CCID_FEATURE
MaxMessageLength Maximum CCID message length.
ClassGetResponse Significant only for CCID that offers an APDU level for exchanges. Indicates the default class value used by the CCID when it sends a Get Response command to perform the transportation of an APDU by T=0 protocol. Value 0xFF indicates that the CCID echoes the class of the APDU.
ClassEnvelope Significant only for CCID that offers an extended APDU level for exchanges. Indicates the default class value used by the CCID when it sends an Envelope command to perform the transportation of an extended APDU by T=0 protocol. Value 0xFF indicates that the CCID echoes the class of the APDU.
LCDLines Number of lines of the LCD display. 0 if no display supported.
LCDColumns Number of characters per line of the LCD display. 0 if no display supported.
PINSupport This value indicates what PIN support features the CCID has.
pInterfaceName Name of the interface.


Contains information about a CCID command send from the host.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8        MessageType;
  U8        Slot;
  U8        SeqNum;
  U8        PowerSelect;
  U8        BWI;
  U8        LevelParameter;
  U8        ProtocolNumber;
  U8        ClockCommand;
  U8        ClassValid;
  U8        ClassGetResponse;
  U8        ClassEnvelope;
  U8        Function;
  unsigned  DataLen;

Structure members

Member Description
MessageType Message type, see USB_CCID_MSG_… macros.
Slot Card slot index (counting from 0).
SeqNum Command sequence number.
PowerSelect Only valid for message type USB_CCID_MSG_ICC_POWER_ON. Contains voltage that is applied to the ICC: 0 - Automatic Voltage Selection 1 - 5.0 volts 2 - 3.0 volts 3 - 1.8 volts.
BWI Only valid for message types USB_CCID_MSG_XFR_BLOCK and USB_CCID_MSG_SECURE. Used to extend the CCIDs Block Waiting Timeout for this current transfer. The CCID shall timeout the block after “this number multiplied by the Block Waiting Time” has expired.
LevelParameter Only valid for message types USB_CCID_MSG_XFR_BLOCK and USB_CCID_MSG_SECURE. Use changes depending on the exchange level reported by the class descriptor in dwFeatures field: Character level: Size of expected data to be returned by the bulk-IN endpoint. Extended APDU level: Indicates if APDU begins or ends in this command.
ProtocolNumber Only valid for message types USB_CCID_MSG_SET_PARAMETERS. 0: Structure for protocol T=0. 1: Structure for protocol T=1.
ClockCommand Only valid for message types USB_CCID_MSG_ICC_CLOCK. 0: restarts Clock. 1: Stops Clock.
ClassValid Only valid for message types USB_CCID_MSG_T0APDU. Bit 0 = 1 indicates, that the field ClassGetResponse is valid. Bit 1 = 1 indicates, that the field ClassEnvelope is valid.
ClassGetResponse Only valid for message types USB_CCID_MSG_T0APDU. Value to force the class byte of the header in a Get Response command. Value = 0xFF indicates that the class byte of the Get Response command echoes the class byte of the APDU.
ClassEnvelope Only valid for message types USB_CCID_MSG_T0APDU. Value to force the class byte of the header in a Envelope command. Value = 0xFF indicates that the class byte of the Envelope command echoes the class byte of the APDU.
Function Only valid for message types USB_CCID_MSG_MECHANICAL. This value corresponds to the mechanical function being requested: 1 - Accept Card. 2 - Eject Card. 3 - Capture Card. 4 - Lock Card. 5 - Unlock Card.
DataLen Size of data send with this command.


Protocol parameters for T=0 protocol.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  FindexDindex;
  U8  TCCKST0;
  U8  GuardTimeT0;
  U8  WaitingIntegerT0;
  U8  ClockStop;

Structure members

Member Description
FindexDindex see USB CCID specification.
TCCKST0 see USB CCID specification.
GuardTimeT0 see USB CCID specification.
WaitingIntegerT0 see USB CCID specification.
ClockStop see USB CCID specification.


Protocol parameters for T=1 protocol.

Type definition

typedef struct {
  U8  FindexDindex;
  U8  TCCKST1;
  U8  GuardTimeT1;
  U8  WaitingIntegerT1;
  U8  ClockStop;
  U8  IFSC;
  U8  NadValue;

Structure members

Member Description
FindexDindex see USB CCID specification.
TCCKST1 see USB CCID specification.
GuardTimeT1 see USB CCID specification.
WaitingIntegerT1 see USB CCID specification.
ClockStop see USB CCID specification.
IFSC see USB CCID specification.
NadValue see USB CCID specification.

Function prototypes



Callback function to forward a CCID abort request from the host to the application. The function is called in interrupt context and should return as fast as possible.

Type definition

typedef void USBD_CCID_ABORT_CB(U8 Slot,
                                U8 SeqNum);


Parameter Description
Slot Card slot index (counting from 0).
SeqNum Sequence number of the command to abort.

emUSB-Web add-on

This chapter gives a general overview of the emUSB-Web add-on and describes how to get the emUSB-Web add-on running on the target.


The emUSB-Web add-on allows users to easily facilitate web-server access via USB.

emUSB-Web uses a PC tool to receive communication requests from a browser application and forward those via USB to an embedded device without using a TCP/IP stack.

emUSB-Web comes as a complete package and contains the following:


In order to use emUSB-Web the emUSB BULK component as well as the emWeb web-server are required.

The emUSB-Web PC application is required:



Initial configuration

The emUSB-Web PC application should be started, it will open the default browser and show a page instructing the user to connect a device running the emUSB-Web embedded counterpart.

The target device should be programmed with the emUSB-Web embedded application and connected to the PC.

As soon as a device running emUSB-Web is connected the content of the web page is automatically substituted for the content provided by the embedded device.

emUSB-Web diagram


emUSB-Web operation in detail

The following chapter describes emUSB-Web internals and is relevant for users who wish to write their own PC application

The USB web server consists of two parts: a PC application and an embedded application.

The PC application is responsible for opening a socket that a browser can connect to and forwarding any requests the browser sends to the embedded application via USB.

The embedded application receives HTTP requests and processes them using the integrated web server. The response is sent back via USB, received by the PC application, and forwarded to the browser.

Device recognition

In order for the PC application to communicate with the embedded application, it must be able to identify which USB device it can communicate with. The embedded application must therefore provide a USB interface with the following characteristics:

emUSB-Web protocol

Communication between the PC application and the embedded application works via USB Bulk. The USB interface should contain one USB bulk IN endpoint and one USB bulk OUT endpoint.

After enumeration, the embedded application should start listening to commands from the PC application.

Commands from the PC application are preceded by an 8-byte-long header containing the following value:

After reading the header, the embedded application should pass all following data to the embedded web server.

The reply from the web server must be sent back to the PC application. The reply must be preceded by an 8-byte-long header containing the following values:

Combining USB components (Multi-Interface)

In some cases, it is necessary to combine different USB components in one device. This chapter will describe how to do this and which steps are necessary.


The USB specification allows implementation of more than one component (function) in a single device. This is achieved by combining two or more components. These devices will be recognized by the USB host as composite device and each component will be recognized as an independent device.

One device, for example a data logger, can have two components: This device can show log data files that were stored on a NAND flash through the MSD component. And the configuration of the data logger can be changed by using a BULK component, CDC component or even HID component.


Single interface device classes

Components can be combined because most USB device classes are based on one interface. This means that those components describe themselves at the interface descriptor level and thus makes it easy to combine different or even the same device classes into one device. Such devices classes are MSD, HID and generic bulk.


Multiple interface device classes

In contrast to the single interfaces classes there are classes with multiple interfaces such as CDC and AUDIO or VIDEO class. These classes define their class identifier in the device descriptor. All interface descriptors are recognized as part of the component that is defined in the device descriptor. This normally would prevent the combination of multiple interface device classes (for example, CDC) with any other component, but this can be avoided by using IAD.

IAD class

To remove the limitation described above the USB protocol defines a descriptor type that allows the combination of single interface device classes with multiple interface device classes. This descriptor is called an Interface Association Descriptor (IAD). It decouples the multi-interface class from other interfaces.


Since IAD is an extension to the original USB specification, it is not supported by all hosts, especially older host software. If IAD is not supported, the device may not be enumerated correctly.

Supported hosts

At the time of writing, IAD is supported by:


In general, no configuration is required. By default, emUSB-Device supports up to four interfaces. If more interfaces are needed the following macros must be modified:

Type Macro Default Description
Numeric USB_MAX_NUM_IF 4 Defines the maximum number of interfaces emUSB-Device shall handle.
Numeric USB_MAX_NUM_IAD 3 Defines the maximum number of Interface Association Descriptors emUSB-Device shall handle.

How to combine

Combining different single interface emUSB-Device components (Bulk, HID, MSD) is an easy step, all that needs to be done is calling the appropriate USBD_xxx_Add() function. For adding the CDC component additional steps need to be taken. For detailed information refer to emUSB-Device component specific modification and check the following sample.


Sample application

The following sample application uses embOS as the RTOS. This listing is taken from USB_CompositeDevice_CDC_MSD.c.

*                   (c) SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                  *
*                        The Embedded Experts                        *
*                           www.segger.com                           *

-------------------------- END-OF-HEADER -----------------------------

File    : USB_CompositeDevice_CDC_MSD.c
Purpose : Sample showing a USB device with multiple interfaces (CDC+MSD).
          This sample combines the functionality of USB_CDC_Echo.c
          and USB_MSD_FS_Start.c samples.

Additional information:
    For CDC:
    On Windows 8.1 and below the "usbser" driver is not automatically
    assigned to the CDC-ACM device. To install the "usbser" driver
    see \Windows\USB\CDC . The device can be accessed via COM port
    emulation programs e.g. PuTTY.

    On Linux no drivers are needed, the device should show up as
    /dev/ttyACM0 or similar. "sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200"
    can be used to access the device.

    On macOS no drivers are needed, the device should show up as
    /dev/tty.usbmodem13245678 or similar. The "screen" terminal
    program can be used to access the device.

    For MSD:
    The correct emFile configuration file has
    to be included in the project. Depending on the hardware
    it can be one of the following:
    * FS_ConfigRAMDisk_23k.c
    * FS_ConfigNAND_*.c
    * FS_ConfigMMC_CardMode_*.c
    * FS_ConfigNAND_*.c

  Expected behavior:
    For CDC:
    After connecting the USB cable the PC registers a new COM port appears.
    Terminal programs are able to open the COM port.
    Any data sent should be received back from the target.

    For MSD:
    A new MSD volume is recognized by the PC.

  Sample output:
    The target side does not produce terminal output.

*       #include section
#include "USB.h"
#include "USB_CDC.h"
#include "BSP.h"
#include "USB_MSD.h"
#include "FS.h"
#include "RTOS.h"

*       Static const data
//  Information that is used during enumeration.
static const USB_DEVICE_INFO _DeviceInfo = {
  0x8765,         // VendorId
  0x1256,         // ProductId
  "Vendor",       // VendorName
  "MSD/CDC Composite device",  // ProductName
  "1234567890ABCDEF"           // SerialNumber
// String information used when inquiring the volume 0.
static const USB_MSD_LUN_INFO _Lun0Info = {
  "Vendor",     // MSD VendorName
  "MSD Volume", // MSD ProductName
  "1.00",       // MSD ProductVer
  "134657890"   // MSD SerialNo

*       Static data
// Data for MSD Task
static OS_STACKPTR int _aMSDStack[512]; /* Task stacks */
static OS_TASK _MSDTCB;               /* Task-control-blocks */

*       Static code

*       _AddMSD
*  Function description
*    Add mass storage device to USB stack
static void _AddMSD(void) {
  static U8 _abOutBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
  USB_MSD_INIT_DATA     InitData;
  USB_MSD_INST_DATA     InstData;

  InitData.EPOut = USBD_AddEP(0, USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK, 0, _abOutBuffer, sizeof(_abOutBuffer));
  // Add logical unit 0: RAM drive, using SDRAM
  memset(&InstData, 0,  sizeof(InstData));
  InstData.pAPI                    = &USB_MSD_StorageByName;
  InstData.DriverData.pStart       = (void *)"";
  InstData.pLunInfo = &_Lun0Info;
*       _MSDTask
*  Function description
*    Add mass storage device to USB stack
static void _MSDTask(void) {
  while (1) {

*       _OnLineCoding
*  Function description
*    Called whenever a "SetLineCoding" Packet has been received
*  Notes
*    (1) Context
*        This function is called directly from an ISR in most cases.
static void _OnLineCoding(USB_CDC_LINE_CODING * pLineCoding) {
#if 0
  USBD_Logf_Application("DTERate=%u, CharFormat=%u, ParityType=%u, DataBits=%u\n",

*       _AddCDC
*  Function description
*    Add communication device class to USB stack
static USB_CDC_HANDLE _AddCDC(void) {
  static U8 _abOutBuffer[USB_HS_BULK_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
  USB_CDC_INIT_DATA     InitData;
  USB_CDC_HANDLE        hInst;

  hInst = USBD_CDC_Add(&InitData);
  USBD_CDC_SetOnLineCoding(hInst, _OnLineCoding);
  return hInst;
*       Public code

*       MainTask
* USB handling task.
*   Modify to implement the desired protocol
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {     /* Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs */
void MainTask(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
void MainTask(void) {

  hInstCDC = _AddCDC();
  OS_CREATETASK(&_MSDTCB,  "MSDTask",  _MSDTask, 200, _aMSDStack);

  while (1) {
    char ac[64];
    int  NumBytesReceived;

    // Wait for configuration
    NumBytesReceived = USBD_CDC_Receive(hInstCDC, &ac[0], sizeof(ac), 0);
    if (NumBytesReceived > 0) {
      USBD_CDC_Write(hInstCDC, &ac[0], NumBytesReceived, 0);

/**************************** end of file ***************************/

emUSB-Device component specific modification

There are different steps for each emUSB-Device component. The next section shows what needs to be done on both sides: device and host-side.

CDC component

Device side

In order to combine the CDC component with other components, the function USBD_EnableIAD() needs to be called, otherwise the device will not enumerate correctly. Refer to section How to combine on page 390 and check the listing of the sample application.

Host side

Due to a limitation of the internal CDC serial driver of Windows, a composite device with CDC component and another device component(s) is only properly recognized by Windows XP SP3 and above. Linux kernel supports IAD with version 2.6.22. For Windows before Windows 10 the .inf file needs to be modified. The provided .inf file:

;   Device installation file for
;   USB 2 COM port emulation
Signature="$Windows NT$"


DefaultDestDir = 12





AddService=usbser, 0x00000002, DriverServiceInst


MFGNAME = "Manufacturer"
DESCRIPTION = "USB CDC serial port emulation"
SERVICE = "USB CDC serial port emulation"

red - required modifications

Please add the red colored text to your .inf file and change xx with the interface number of the CDC component.

The interface number is a zero based index and is assigned by the emUSB-Device stack when calling USBD_CDC_Add() function.

Issues on Windows 7

When connecting a Multi-interface device to Windows 7, sometimes a wrong driver is installed causing the device not to work.

The device needs to be handled as a composite device whereas Windows/Third party USB host software installs the driver of the first interface only.

This problem can be fixed manually using SEGGER’s USB Composite Device Driver Fixer tool: https://www.segger.com/downloads/free-utilities/CompositeDeviceFixer.

Detailed description

The cause why the driver was wrongly selected is that some USB 3.0 controller drivers which also include their own USB 3.0 stack since the native USB host stack of Windows 7 cannot handle USB 3.0 devices (Microsoft introduced a native USB 3.0 stack only on Windows 8 and higher).

Normally the third-party USB 3.0 stacks handle the enumeration and data transfers correctly. Unless it comes to the MS OS descriptor handling. Almost all third-party stacks handle them incorrectly. Especially when it comes to devices which have multiple interfaces such as RNDIS+MSD or MTP+Bulk or RNDIS+WinuSB etc. or RNDIS+CDC. Even when IAD is used it is wrongly passed. In normal cases Windows would initially report that a composite device is detected. Afterwards the single interfaces are enumerated and the driver for each interface will be loaded. When MS OS Descriptors are used the information is passed to the dedicated interfaces. Those third-party USB 3.0 stack are NOT doing this. They pass this information to the device instead of the interface, which is wrong. Microsoft says in the MS OS Descriptor 2.0 Specification that the MS OS Descriptor information needs to be passed to the interfaces: [Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptors Specification /April 2017 - Chapter Overview] “Scoping of MS OS descriptors With MS OS version 1.0 descriptors, Windows USB driver stack does not query for any MS OS descriptors if the device is a composite device, instead defers such queries to the USB Generic Parent Driver (Usbccgp.sys). The effect is that all MS OS descriptors are applied to specific composite functions, and none can be applied to the entire device itself.”

Neither do those third-party USB host stacks implement a proper handling of the MS OS Desriptors nor do they pass the information properly to other drivers/stacks.

Target OS Interface

This chapter describes the functions of the operating system abstraction layer.

General information

emUSB-Device includes an OS abstraction layer which should make it possible to use an arbitrary operating system together with emUSB-Device. To adapt emUSB-Device to a new OS one only has to map the functions listed below in section Interface function list to the native OS functions.

SEGGER took great care when designing this abstraction layer, to make it easy to understand and to adapt to different operating systems.

Operating system support supplied with this release

emUSB-Device packages contain an abstraction layer for embOS (USB_OS_embOSv5.c). A kernel abstraction layer for using emUSB-Device without any RTOS (superloop) is also supplied (USB_OS_None.c).

Abstraction layers for the following operating systems are readily available:

Abstraction layers for other operating systems can be written upon request.

Interface function list

Name Description
API functions
USB_OS_DeInit() Frees all resources used by the OS layer.
USB_OS_Delay() Delays for a given number of ms.
USB_OS_DecRI() Leave a critical region for the USB stack: Decrements interrupt disable count and enable interrupts if counter reaches 0.
USB_OS_GetTickCnt() Returns the current system time in milliseconds or system ticks.
USB_OS_IncDI() Enter a critical region for the USB stack: Increments interrupt disable count and disables interrupts.
USB_OS_Init() This function initializes all OS objects that are necessary.
USB_OS_Panic() Is called if the stack encounters a fatal error.
USB_OS_Signal() Wakes the task waiting for signal.
USB_OS_Wait() Blocks the task until USB_OS_Signal() is called for a given transaction.
USB_OS_WaitTimed() Blocks the task until USB_OS_Signal() is called for a given transaction or a timeout occurs.
USB_OS_MutexAlloc() Allocates a new mutex to be used by USB_OS_MutexLock() / USB_OS_MutexUnlock() calls.
USB_OS_MutexFree() Releases all mutexes allocated by USB_OS_MutexAlloc().
USB_OS_MutexLock() This function locks a mutex object that was allocated by USB_OS_MutexAlloc().
USB_OS_MutexUnlock() This function unlocks a mutex object that was allocated by USB_OS_MutexAlloc().



Frees all resources used by the OS layer.


void USB_OS_DeInit(void);



Delays for a given number of ms.


void USB_OS_Delay(int ms);


Parameter Description
ms Number of ms.



Leave a critical region for the USB stack: Decrements interrupt disable count and enable interrupts if counter reaches 0.


void USB_OS_DecRI(void);

Additional information

The USB stack will perform nested calls to USB_OS_IncDI() and USB_OS_DecRI(). This function may be called from a task context or from within an interrupt. If called from an interrupt, it need not do anything.

An alternate implementation would be to

if the disable count reaches 0.

This may be more efficient, because interrupts of other peripherals can be serviced while inside a critical section of the USB stack.



Returns the current system time in milliseconds or system ticks.


U32 USB_OS_GetTickCnt(void);

Return value

Current system time.



Enter a critical region for the USB stack: Increments interrupt disable count and disables interrupts.


void USB_OS_IncDI(void);

Additional information

The USB stack will perform nested calls to USB_OS_IncDI() and USB_OS_DecRI(). This function may be called from a task context or from within an interrupt. If called from an interrupt, it need not do anything.

An alternate implementation would be to

This may be more efficient, because interrupts of other peripherals can be serviced while inside a critical section of the USB stack.



This function initializes all OS objects that are necessary.


void USB_OS_Init(void);



Wakes the task waiting for signal.


void USB_OS_Signal(unsigned EPIndex,
                   unsigned TransactCnt);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Endpoint index. Signaling must be independent for all endpoints.
TransactCnt Transaction counter. Specifies which transaction has been finished.

Additional information

This routine is typically called from within an interrupt service routine.



Blocks the task until USB_OS_Signal() is called for a given transaction.


void USB_OS_Wait(unsigned EPIndex,
                 unsigned TransactCnt);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Endpoint index. Signaling must be independent for all endpoints.
TransactCnt Transaction counter. Specifies the transaction to wait for.

Additional information

The function must ignore signaling transactions other than given in TransactCnt. If this transaction was signaled before this function was called, it must return immediately.

This routine is called from a task.



Blocks the task until USB_OS_Signal() is called for a given transaction or a timeout occurs.


int USB_OS_WaitTimed(unsigned EPIndex,
                     unsigned ms,
                     unsigned TransactCnt);


Parameter Description
EPIndex Endpoint index. Signaling must be independent for all endpoints.
ms Timeout time given in ms.
TransactCnt Transaction counter. Specifies the transaction to wait for.

Return value

0 Task was signaled within the given timeout.
1 Timeout occurred.

Additional information

The function must ignore signaling transactions other than given in TransactCnt. If this transaction was signaled before this function was called, it must return immediately.

USB_OS_WaitTimed() is called from a task. This function is used by all available timed routines.

Alternatively this function may take the given timeout in units of system ticks of the underlying operating system instead of milliseconds. In this case all API functions that support a timeout parameter should also use system ticks for the timeout.



Allocates a new mutex to be used by USB_OS_MutexLock() / USB_OS_MutexUnlock() calls.


int USB_OS_MutexAlloc(void);

Return value

≥ 0 Valid index to be used for USB_OS_MutexLock() / USB_OS_MutexUnlock().
< 0 Error: No mutex available.



Releases all mutexes allocated by USB_OS_MutexAlloc()


void USB_OS_MutexFree(void);



This function locks a mutex object that was allocated by USB_OS_MutexAlloc().


void USB_OS_MutexLock(int Idx);


Parameter Description
Idx Index of the mutex to be locked (from USB_OS_MutexAlloc()).



This function unlocks a mutex object that was allocated by USB_OS_MutexAlloc().


void USB_OS_MutexUnlock(int Idx);


Parameter Description
Idx Index of the mutex to be unlocked (from USB_OS_MutexAlloc()).

Target USB Driver

This chapter describes how to configure a USB driver for emUSB-Device in detail.

General information

Purpose of the USB hardware interface

emUSB-Device does not contain any hardware dependencies. These are encapsulated through a hardware abstraction layer, which consists of the interface functions described in this chapter. All of these functions for a particular USB controller are typically located in a single file, the USB driver. Drivers for hardware which have already been tested with emUSB-Device are available.

Range of supported USB hardware

The interface has been designed in such a way that it should be possible to use the most common USB device controllers. This includes USB 1.1, USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 controllers.

Available USB drivers

An always up to date list can be found at:


Adding a driver to emUSB-Device

USBD_Init() initializes the internals of the USB stack and is always the first function which the USB application has to call. USBD_Init() will then call USBD_X_Config(). This function should be used to perform the following tasks:

You have to specify the USB device driver which should be used with emUSB-Device. For this, USBD_AddDriver() should be called in USBD_X_Config() with the identifier of the driver which is compatible to your hardware as parameter. Refer to the header file USB.h for a list of all supported devices and their valid identifiers.

The _HWAttach() function should be used to perform hardware-specific actions which are not part of the USB controller logic (for example, enabling the peripheral clock for USB port). This function is called from every device driver, but may not be present if your hardware does not need to perform such actions. A _HWAttach() function may be registered to the stack by calling USBD_SetAttachFunc() within USBD_X_Config().

Additionally a function to enable the USB interrupt must be installed using the function USBD_SetISREnableFunc().

Modify USBD_X_Config(), _EnableISR() and if required, _HWAttach().



Configure the USB stack.


void USBD_X_Config(void)

Additional information

This function is always called from USBD_Init().


/* Example excerpt from USB_Config_SAM7A3.c */
#define PID_USB          (27) //  USB Identifier
#define _AT91C_PIOA_BASE  (0xFFFFF400)
#define _AT91C_PIOB_BASE  (0xFFFFF600)
#define _AT91C_PMC_BASE   (0xFFFFFC00)
#define _PIO_PER_OFFS     (0x00)
#define _PIO_OER_OFFS     (0x10)
#define _PIO_CODR_OFFS    (0x34)    /* Clear output data register   */
#define _PMC         (*(volatile unsigned int*) _AT91C_PMC_BASE)
#define _USB_ID      (_PIOB_ID)
#define _USB_OER     (*(volatile unsigned int*) (_AT91C_PIOB_BASE + _PIO_OER_OFFS))
#define _USB_CODR    (*(volatile unsigned int*) (_AT91C_PIOB_BASE + _PIO_CODR_OFFS))
#define _USB_DP_PUP_BIT (1)

static void _HWAttach(void) {
  _PMC      = (1 << _USB_ID);          /* Enable peripheral clock for USB-Port */
  _USB_OER  = (1 << _USB_DP_PUP_BIT);  /* set USB_DP_PUP to output */
  _USB_CODR = (1 << _USB_DP_PUP_BIT);  /* set _USB_DP_PUP_BIT to low state */

static void _EnableISR(USB_ISR_HANDLER * pfISRHandler) {
  *(U32*)(0xFFFFF080 + 4 * PID_USB) = (U32)pfISRHandler; // Set interrupt vector
  *(U32*)(0xFFFFF128)               = (1 << PID_USB);   // Clear pending interrupt
  *(U32*)(0xFFFFF120)               = (1 << PID_USB);    // Enable Interrupt

void USBD_X_Config(void) {



This function is called by the stack in cases where the stack must perform a critical operation which can not be interrupted by a new incoming USB interrupt event.


void USBD_X_DisableInterrupt(void);

Additional information

This function is MCU/USB controller specific. Normally it is defined in the hardware specific USB_Config_*.c file.

This function is only called by the stack if the define USBD_OS_USE_USBD_X_INTERRUPT is set to 1 in USB_Conf.h. If this is not the case interrupts are disabled/enabled globally.


/* Example excerpt from USB_Config_SEGGER_emPower.c */
void USBD_X_DisableInterrupt(void) {

/* Example excerpt from USB_Config_Renesas_RSKRX71M.c */
void USBD_X_DisableInterrupt(void) {
  USB0_IER_USB0   &= ~(1uL << USB0_IER_USB0_BIT);
  USB0_IER_USBR0  &= ~(1uL << USB0_IER_USBR0_BIT);



This function is called by the stack to enable USB interrupt(s) after they have been disabled by USBD_X_DisableInterrupt().


void USBD_X_EnableInterrupt(void);

Additional information

This function is MCU/USB controller specific. Normally it is defined in the hardware specific USB_Config_*.c file.

This function is only called by the stack if the define USBD_OS_USE_USBD_X_INTERRUPT is set to 1 in USB_Conf.h. If this is not the case interrupts are disabled/enabled globally.


/* Example excerpt from USB_Config_SEGGER_emPower.c */
void USBD_X_EnableInterrupt(void) {

/* Example excerpt from USB_Config_Renesas_RSKRX71M.c */
void USBD_X_EnableInterrupt(void) {
  USB0_IER_USB0   |= (1uL << USB0_IER_USB0_BIT);
  USB0_IER_USBR0  |= (1uL << USB0_IER_USBR0_BIT);

Device driver specifics

For emUSB-Device different USB controller drivers are provided. Normally, the drivers are ready and do not need to be configured at all. Some drivers may need to be configured in a special manner, due to some limitation of the controller.

This section lists the drivers which require special configuration and describes how to configure those drivers.

Restrictions caused by the USB controller hardware are also listed in this section.

LPC54/55xxx full-speed driver

This driver is used for the MCUs:


This driver needs a memory area to store the endpoint table and endpoint transfer buffers. By default the dedicated USB RAM attached to the high-speed controller is used. If the full-speed and high-speed controllers are used simultaneously, then a different memory area must be assigned to the driver by calling the function USBD_AssignMemory() in USBD_X_Config().

Minimum required memory: 256 bytes + ’maximum packet size’ for each used non-control endpoint.

The memory area must be aligned to a 256-byte boundary.

LPC54/55xxx high-speed driver

This driver is used for the MCUs:


In some versions of the LPC54xxx MCUs, the high-speed device controller contains a serious bug: Under some circumstances the first byte of a data packet transferred to the host is changed to 0x00 (See LPC546xx errata sheet, Rev. 2.1, 23 October 2018, USB.15). Although the workaround suggested by NXP is implemented in the driver, data packets may still get corrupted if IN and OUT endpoints are active at the same time. This can’t be avoided in many applications. This problem is known for the LPC54608 and some early samples of the LPC54018/LPC54S018. We recommend not to use the high-speed device controller on devices with this issue. When in doubt, check with NXP for a specific device.

The high-speed device controller is not able to send ISO packets of size 1024 to the host. Only packet sizes up to 1023 bytes will work.

EHCI driver

This driver is used for the MCUs:


This driver needs a memory area to store the DMA descriptors and endpoint transfer buffers. The memory must be provided by the application and must be passed to the USB stack using the function USBD_AssignMemory().


  USBD_AssignMemory(_MemPool, sizeof(_MemPool));

Minimum required memory (for systems without cached memory):

Minimum required memory (for systems using cached memory):


The memory area must be valid for DMA access by the USB controller.

The memory area should be aligned to a 2048-byte boundary to avoid wasting of memory.

For some targets there also exists a variant of the driver, that uses a memory area declared inside the driver code. When selecting this kind of driver (without the “_DynMem” suffix in the driver name), USBD_AssignMemory() must not be called. Instead the size of the memory area can be configured by setting the preprocessor symbol USB_ENDPOINT_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE in USB_Conf.h.

Cache support

If the driver is installed on a system using cached (data) memory, cache functions for cleaning and invalidating cache lines must be provided and set with USBD_SetCacheConfig().

nRF52xxx, nRF53xx driver


A data transfer from the device to the host can’t be canceled any more after the data packet was passed to the USB controller. Due to a restriction of the USB controller of the nRFxxxx MCUs, the packet remains in the hardware buffer until it can be transferred to the host. This even applies if the host is disconnected from the device.

This means that timeouts given to any of the USB Write functions do not work as expected. In case of a timeout, the function is terminated, but the data to be written is still pending.

Synopsys DWC2 driver (slave mode)

This driver does not use DMA and is applicable for the MCUs:


This driver needs a memory area for endpoint transfer buffers. By default a memory area declared inside the driver code is used. The size of this area can be configured by setting the preprocessor symbol USB_ENDPOINT_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE in USB_Conf.h.

For the STM32F7xx and STM32H7xx drivers the memory may be provided by the application instead. In this case the dynamic memory variant of the driver must be added to the USB stack and the function USBD_AssignMemory() must be called.


  USBD_AssignMemory(_MemPool, sizeof(_MemPool));

Minimum required memory:


High bandwidth ISO transactions are not supported, therefore a maximum of 1024 bytes can be transferred per micro frame in high-speed.

Synopsys DWC2 driver (DMA mode)

This driver can be used for the high-speed controllers of the MCUs:


This driver needs a memory area for endpoint transfer buffers, which must be provided by the application by calling the function USBD_AssignMemory() after USBD_AddDriver().

Minimum required memory:

All sizes must be rounded up to a multiple of 4 bytes or the cache line size, if the system uses a cache.


The memory area must be valid for DMA access by the USB controller.

Cache support

If the driver is installed on a system using cached (data) memory, cache functions for cleaning and invalidating cache lines must be provided and set with USBD_SetCacheConfig().

Some devices only use a data cache for specific memory areas (e.g. the STM32U5A9 for external memory). On such devices a driver version without cache management can be used, if the cached area is not used (or not used for USB).


For ISO OUT endpoints the maximum packets size must meet the following requirements:

Large packet sizes require large FIFO buffers which are usually not available in STM32 devices.

XHCI driver


The function USBD_EnableSuperSpeed() must be called within USBD_X_Config(), if the device shall be able to operate at SuperSpeed. If the function is not called, the USB controller will enumerate in high-speed only.

This driver needs a memory area for endpoint transfer buffers which must be provided by the application using the USBD_AssignMemory() function.

Typical required memory (on a system with a data cache line size of 64 bytes):

For optimal and reproducible memory allocation behavior the memory area provided to USBD_AssignMemory() should be cache aligned and should not span a 64KB boundary.

Cache support

Cache functions for cleaning and invalidating cache lines must be provided and set with USBD_SetCacheConfig().

Renesas RX driver

This driver is used for the MCUs:


Due to a hardware limitation the maximum packet size of isochronous endpoints is limited to 256 bytes (instead of the normally possible 1023 bytes).

AT91RM9200 driver


SETUP OUT transfers with more than 8 bytes can cause the controller to lock-up. A setup OUT transfer consists of a SETUP stage, an optional DATA OUT stage and a STATUS IN stage. The usage of status IN with preceding data is relatively rare, certain HID commands can trigger this, e.g. “SetFeature”, in most other protocols setup transfers are rarely done in the OUT direction with a data stage. Usage of common protocols (MSD, CDC, etc.) should not be affected. The USB controller in this MCU appears to have a critical bug with status IN transactions which results in a complete lock-up of the controller until power cycle. The issue occurs during the status stage of setup transfers consisting of more than one data packet:


Does not work:

Giga Device GD32F4xx driver (full-speed controller)

The driver was tested on the GD32F450, GD32F470 and GD32F407.


Due to a hardware issue of the USB controller on the GD32F407, concurrent data transfers over multiple endpoints may result in data corruption. Therefore using multiple independent USB classes in a device is not recommended.

For ISO transactions the maximum packet size is 512 bytes.

Giga Device GD32F4xx driver (high-speed controller)

The driver was tested on the GD32F450, GD32F470 and GD32F407.


The driver needs a memory area for endpoint transfer buffers, which must be provided by the application by calling the function USBD_AssignMemory() after USBD_AddDriver().

Minimum required memory:

All sizes must be rounded up to a multiple of 4 bytes.


Due to a hardware issue of the USB controller, concurrent data transfers over multiple endpoints may result in data corruption or may cause an endpoint getting stuck. Therefore using multiple independent USB classes in a device is not recommended.

On the GD32F407 the USB controller doesn’t work reliable. Sporadic corruption of data packets may happen.

ISO IN transactions only work with interval 125us.

For ISO transactions the maximum packet size is 800 bytes.

Atmel ATSAMV7x driver

This driver can be used for MCUs:


Due to a controller limitation USBD_Write* functions can return before data was actually sent out. E.g. If the application calls USBD_BULK_Write(hInst, pBuff, 50, 0) and there is space in the endpoints’s memory banks the function will immediately return 50 even if the host is not currently reading on the IN endpoint.

Normally this is not an issue, as the data can still be read normally by the host later on. But this can lead to confusion or can cause problems if a protocol is used which depends on knowing whether the host really received the packet.

PSoC6 driver


Because the USB controller of the PSoC6 is not able to signal a suspend state of the USB bus via interrupt, the application has to call a driver function every millisecond in order to get suspend events handled, see USB_DRIVER_Cypress_PSoC6_SysTick().

ISO transfer is supported by this driver but however this is somehow limited by the FIFO RAM of the controller. Only 512 bytes are available and is shared for all non-control endpoints. ISO endpoints therefore can only have a maximum packet size of 192 bytes which is sufficient for eg. Audio applications. So please note that the sum of all endpoints’ maximum packet size must be less than 512 bytes otherwise the driver will raise a USB_OS_PANIC in debug builds.



The USB controller of the PSoC6 is not able to automatic detect a suspend issued by the host. In order to allow the driver to detect the suspend state, this function has to be called by the application every millisecond.

If this function is not used, the USB stack works well, only suspend is not handled.


void USB_DRIVER_Cypress_PSoC6_SysTick(void);


If the device was set into deep sleep mode while USB was active, some registers of the USB controller are reset. This function can be called after the device has left deep sleep mode to restore the state of the USB controller.


void USB_DRIVER_Cypress_PSoC6_Resume(void);

ST full-speed driver

This driver can be used for MCUs:

This driver needs a memory area used as endpoint transfer buffer which must be provided by the application using the USBD_AssignMemory() function.

The memory area must be word (32-bit) aligned and it’s size must be the maximum packet size of the largest OUT (RX) endpoint used in the USB configuration. So usually 64 bytes are sufficient, except if any ISO OUT endpoint is used.


The maximum packet size of an interrupt endpoint must be even. The maximum packet size of an isochronous endpoint must be a multiple of 32 bytes and must not exceed 992 bytes.


Contacting support

Before contacting support please make sure that you are using the latest version of the emUSB-Device package. Also please check the chapter Configuring debugging output and run your application with enabled debug support.

If you are a registered emUSB-Device user there are different ways to contact the emUSB-Device support:

  1. You can create a support ticket via email to ticket_emusb@segger.com
    By sending us an email your (personal) data will automatically be processed. For further information please refer to our privacy policy which is available at https://www.segger.com/legal/privacy-policy/.
  2. You can create a support ticket at {segger.com/ticket}.

Please include the following information in the email or ticket:

Please also take a few moments to help us improve our services by providing a short feedback once your support case has been solved.

Where can I find the license number?

The license number is part of the shipped zip file name. For example emUSBD_BASE_STM32F2F4F7_V3.60.0_USBD-01234_308746BB_230530.zip where USBD-01234 is the license number. The license number is also part of every *.c- and *.h-file header. For example, if you open USB.h you should find the license number as with the example below:

*                                                                    *
*       emUSB-Device version: V3.60.0                                *
*                                                                    *
Licensing information
Licensor:                 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH
Licensed to:              Customer name
Licensed SEGGER software: emUSB-Device
License number:           USBD-01234
License model:            SSL
Licensed product:         -
Licensed platform:        Cortex-M, GCC
Licensed number of seats: 1
Support and Update Agreement (SUA)
SUA period:               2023-05-30 - 2023-11-30
Contact to extend SUA:    sales@segger.com
Purpose : USB stack API

Profiling with SystemView

This chapter describes how to configure and enable profiling of emUSB-Device using SystemView.

Profiling overview

emUSB-Device is instrumented to generate profiling information of API functions and driver-level functions.

These profiling information expose the run-time behavior of emUSB-Device in an application, recording which API functions have been called, how long the execution took, and revealing which driver-level functions have been called by API functions or events like interrupts.

The profiling information is recorded using SystemView.

SystemView is a real-time recording and visualization tool for profiling data. It exposes the true run-time behavior of a system, going far deeper than the insight provided by debuggers. This is particularly effective when developing and working with complex systems comprising an OS with multiple threads and interrupts, and one or more middleware components.

SystemView can ensure a system performs as designed, can track down inefficiencies, and show unintended interactions and resource conflicts.

The recording of profiling information with SystemView is minimally intrusive to the system and can be done on virtually any system. With SEGGER’s Real Time Technology (RTT) and a J-Link, SystemView can record data in real-time and analyze the data live, while the system is running.

The emUSB-Device profiling instrumentation can be easily configured and set up.

Additional files for profiling

Additional files are required on target and PC side for full functionality of SystemView.

Additional files on target side

The SystemView module needs to be added to the application to enable profiling. If not already part of the project, download the sources from https://www.segger.com/systemview.html and add them to the project.

Also make sure that USB_SYSVIEW.c from the /USB/ directory is included in the project.

Additional files on PC side

For fully functional and readable outputs in the SystemView PC application, a description file for the corresponding middleware is required. This description file extends the values sent from the target to fully readable text outputs.

While SystemView already comes with the most recent description files at the time the SystemView release has been built, these files might not be the latest available. The latest SystemView description files can be found in the emUSB-Device shipment in the folder /Shared/SystemView/Description/. You can copy these files over to the Description folder that comes with the SystemView package.

The version at the end of the SystemView description file does not have to match the exact version of the middleware it is used with. They are valid from this version onwards until a description file for a newer version is required.

Enable profiling

Profiling can be included or excluded at compile-time and enabled at run-time. When profiling is excluded, no additional overhead in performance or memory usage is generated. Even when profiling is enabled the overhead is minimal, due to the efficient implementation of SystemView.

To include profiling, define USBD_SUPPORT_PROFILE as 1 in the emUSB-Device configuration (USB_Conf.h) or in the project preprocessor defines.

Per default profiling is included when the global define SUPPORT_PROFILE is set.

    #define USBD_SUPPORT_PROFILE           1

To enable profiling at run-time, USBD_SYSVIEW_Init() needs to be called. Profiling can be enabled at any time, it is recommended to do this in the user-provided configuration USBD_X_Config():

*       USBD_X_Config
void USBD_X_Config(void) {

Recording and analyzing profiling information

When profiling is included and enabled emUSB-Device generates profiling events. On a system which supports RTT (i.e. ARM Cortex-M and Renesas RX) the data can be read and analyzed with SystemView and a J-Link. Connect the J-Link to the target system using the default debug interface and start the SystemView host application. If the system does not support RTT, SystemView can be configured for single-shot or postmortem mode. Please refer to the SystemView User Manual for more information.



emUSB-Device comes with various debugging options. These includes optional warning and log outputs, as well as other run-time options which perform checks at run time as well as options to drop incoming or outgoing packets to test stability of the implementation on the target system.

Message output

The debug builds of emUSB-Device include a fine grained debug system which helps to analyze the correct implementation of the stack in your application. All modules of the USB stack can output logging and warning messages via terminal I/O, if the specific message type identifier is added to the log and/or warn filter mask. This approach provides the opportunity to get and interpret only the logging and warning messages which are relevant for the part of the stack that you want to debug.

By default, all of the warning messages and none of the logging messages are activated. All activated messages are forwarded to the functions USB_X_Log() and USB_X_Warn(). These functions are located in the source file USB_ConfigIO.c and may be customized or replaced if necessary.

API functions

Function Description
Filter functions
USBD_AddLogFilter() Adds one or more message types to the logging filter.
USBD_AddWarnFilter() Adds one or more message types to the warning filter.
USBD_SetLogFilter() Sets the message type(s) for the logging filter.
USBD_SetWarnFilter() Sets the message type(s) for the warning filter.
General debug functions/macros
USB_PANIC Called if the stack encounters a critical situation.
General helper prototypes
USB_X_Log() This function is called by the stack in debug builds with log output.
USB_X_Warn() This function is called by the stack in debug builds with warning output.
USB_OS_Panic() Is called if the stack encounters a fatal error.



Adds one or more message types to the logging filter.


void USBD_AddLogFilter(U32 FilterMask);


Parameter Description
FilterMask Specifies which logging messages should be added to the filter mask. Refer to Message types for a list of valid values for parameter FilterMask.

Additional information

USBD_AddLogFilter() can also be used to remove a filter condition which was set before. It adds the specified filter to the filter mask via a disjunction.


void Application (void) {
  USBD_AddLogFilter(USB_MTYPE_DRIVER); // Activate driver logging messages
   * Do something



Adds one or more message types to the warning filter.


void USBD_AddWarnFilter(U32 FilterMask);


Parameter Description
FilterMask Specifies which warning messages should be added to the filter mask. Refer to Message types for a list of valid values for parameter FilterMask.

Additional information

USBD_AddWarnFilter() can also be used to remove a filter condition which was set before. It adds the specified filter to the filter mask via a disjunction.


void Application (void) {
  USBD_AddWarnFilter(USB_MTYPE_DRIVER); // Activate driver warning messages
   * Do something



Sets the message type(s) for the logging filter.


void USBD_SetLogFilter(U32 FilterMask);


Parameter Description
FilterMask Specifies which logging messages should be set to the filter mask. Refer to Message types for a list of valid values for parameter FilterMask.

Additional information

This function can be called before USBD_Init(). By default, none of filter conditions are set. The sample application contain a simple implementation which can be easily modified.



Sets the message type(s) for the warning filter.


void USBD_SetWarnFilter(U32 FilterMask);


Parameter Description
FilterMask Specifies which warning messages should be set to the filter mask. Refer to Message types for a list of valid values for parameter FilterMask.

Additional information

This function can be called before USBD_Init(). By default, none of filter conditions are set. The sample application contain a simple implementation which can be easily modified.



This macro is called by the stack code when it detects a situation that should not be occurring and the stack can not continue. The intention for the USB_PANIC() macro is to invoke whatever debugger may be in use by the programmer. In this way, it acts like an embedded breakpoint. This macro is mostly used in cases where emUSB-Device was configured improperly.


USB_PANIC (const char * sError);

Additional information

This macro maps to a function in debug builds only. If USB_DEBUG > 0, the macro maps to the stack internal function USB_OS_Panic(). It disables all interrupts to avoid further task switches, outputs sError via terminal I/O and loops forever. When using an emulator, you should set a breakpoint at the beginning of this routine or simply stop the program after a failure. The error message is passed to the function as parameter. In a release build, this macro is defined empty, so that no additional code will be included by the linker.



This function is called by the stack in debug builds with log output. In a release build, this function is not be linked in.


void USB_X_Log(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to a string holding the log message.



This function is called by the stack in debug builds with warning output. In a release build, this function is not be linked in.


void USB_X_Warn(const char * s);


Parameter Description
s Pointer to a string holding the warning message.



Is called if the stack encounters a fatal error.


void USB_OS_Panic(const char * pErrMsg);


Parameter Description
pErrMsg Pointer to a string holding the error message.

Additional information

In a release build this function is not linked in. The default implementation of this function disables all interrupts to avoid further task switches, outputs the error string via terminal I/O and loops forever. When using an emulator, you should set a break-point at the beginning of this routine or simply stop the program after a failure.

Message types


The same message types are used for log and warning messages. Separate filters can be used for both log and warnings. For details, refer to USBD_SetLogFilter() and USBD_SetWarnFilter() as wells as USBD_AddLogFilter() and USBD_AddWarnFilter() for more information about using the message types.


#define USB_MTYPE_INIT           (1UL <<  0)
#define USB_MTYPE_CORE           (1UL <<  1)
#define USB_MTYPE_CONFIG         (1UL <<  2)
#define USB_MTYPE_DRIVER         (1UL <<  3)
#define USB_MTYPE_ENUMERATION    (1UL <<  4)
#define USB_MTYPE_CDC            (1UL <<  7)
#define USB_MTYPE_HID            (1UL <<  8)
#define USB_MTYPE_MSD            (1UL <<  9)
#define USB_MTYPE_MSD_CDROM      (1UL << 10)
#define USB_MTYPE_MSD_PHY        (1UL << 11)
#define USB_MTYPE_MTP            (1UL << 12)
#define USB_MTYPE_PRINTER        (1UL << 13)
#define USB_MTYPE_RNDIS          (1UL << 14)
#define USB_MTYPE_VIRTUAL_MSD    (1UL << 16)
#define USB_MTYPE_UVC            (1UL << 17)
#define USB_MTYPE_ECM            (1UL << 18)
#define USB_MTYPE_AUDIO          (1UL << 19)
#define USB_MTYPE_NCM            (1UL << 20)
#define USB_MTYPE_MIDI           (1UL << 21)
#define USB_MTYPE_INFO           (1UL << 31)


Definition Description
USB_MTYPE_INIT Activates output of messages from the initialization of the stack that should be logged.
USB_MTYPE_CORE Activates output of messages from the core of the stack that should be logged.
USB_MTYPE_CONFIG Activates output of messages from the configuration of the stack.
USB_MTYPE_DRIVER Activates output of messages from the driver that should be logged.
USB_MTYPE_ENUMERATION Activates output of messages from enumeration that should be logged. Note: Since enumeration is handled in an ISR, use this with care as the timing will be changed greatly.
USB_MTYPE_CDC Activates output of messages from CDC module that should be logged when a CDC connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_HID Activates output of messages from HID module that should be logged when a HID connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_MSD Activates output of messages from MSD module that should be logged when a MSD connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_MSD_CDROM Activates output of messages from MSD CDROM module that should be logged.
USB_MTYPE_MSD_PHY Activates output of messages from MSD Physical layer that should be logged.
USB_MTYPE_MTP Activates output of messages from MTP module that should be logged when a MTP connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_PRINTER Activates output of messages from Printer module that should be logged when Printer connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_RNDIS Activates output of messages from RNDIS module that should be logged when a RNIDS connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_VIRTUAL_MSD Activates output of messages from VirtualMSD module that should be logged when a VirtualMSD connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_UVC Activates output of messages from UVC module that should be logged when a UVC connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_ECM Activates output of messages from ECM module that should be logged when a ECM connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_AUDIO Activates output of messages from Audio module that should be logged when an audio connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_NCM Activates output of messages from NCM module that should be logged when a NCM connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_MIDI Activates output of messages from MIDI module that should be logged when a MIDI connection is used.
USB_MTYPE_INFO Non-maskable info messages

Performance & resource usage

This chapter covers the performance and resource usage of emUSB-Device. It contains information about the memory requirements in typical systems which can be used to obtain sufficient estimates for most target systems.

Memory footprint

emUSB-Device is designed to fit many kinds of embedded design requirements. Several features can be excluded from a build to get a minimal system. The code size depends on the API functions called by the application. The code was compiled for a Cortex-M4 CPU with the SEGGER compiler and size optimization. Note that the values are only valid for an average configuration.

The following table shows the approximate RAM and ROM requirement of emUSB-Device in bytes:

Component ISO ROM RAM Note
USB core no 5400 1000
USB core yes 5600 1000
Bulk no 2000 200
CDC no 1200 100
HID no 1600 200
MSD no 4900 500 + size of file system + configurable sector buffer of minimum 512 bytes (RAM)
MTP no 15900 1500 + size of file system + configurable file data buffer of minimum 512 bytes RAM) + configurable object buffer (typically 4 kBytes RAM)
Printer no 900 2100
RNDIS no 5700 1600 + size of the IP stack
ECM no 3000 300 + size of the IP stack
NCM no 3500 2900 + size of the IP stack
IP-Over-USB no 7800 1700 + size of the IP stack
VirtualMSD no 8300 1000 + heap of minimum 1700 bytes RAM
DFU no 900 0
AUDIO yes 3600 200 + static configuration data
MIDI no 1700 0
CCID no 1100 0
Driver Atmel SAM3U no 2000 600
Driver Atmel SAM3U yes 2000 1100
Driver Atmel SAM3X no 1900 500
Driver Atmel SAM3S no 2100 100
Driver Atmel SAM7S no 2100 100
Driver Atmel SAM9X25 no 1900 600
Driver Atmel SAM9X25 yes 1900 1100
Driver Atmel SAMA5D2x no 2200 600
Driver Atmel SAMA5D2x yes 2200 1200
Driver Atmel SAMV7 no 1700 600
Driver EM EFM32GG990 no 2900 700
Driver EM EFM32GG990 yes 3400 1800
Driver Freescale KHCI no 2100 400
Driver Freescale KinetisEHCI no 2700 2600
Driver Freescale KinetisEHCI yes 2800 3700
Driver Infineon XMC45xx no 2900 700
Driver Infineon XMC45xx yes 3400 1800
Driver NXP LPC17xx no 1600 100
Driver NXP LPC18xx no 2700 4200
Driver NXP LPC18xx yes 2800 5200
Driver NXP LPC23xx no 1400 100
Driver NXP LPC43xx no 2700 4200
Driver NXP LPC43xx yes 2800 5200
Driver Renesas RZ no 2500 7900
Driver Renesas RZ yes 2700 7900
Driver Renesas RX no 2300 700
Driver Renesas RX yes 2400 700
Driver Renesas SynergyS1 no 2200 600
Driver Renesas SynergyS1 yes 2300 600
Driver Renesas SynergyFS no 2300 700
Driver Renesas SynergyFS yes 2500 700
Driver Renesas SynergyHS no 2600 4800
Driver Renesas SynergyHS yes 2700 4800
Driver ST STM32x32 no 1600 300
Driver ST STM32x32 yes 1900 1200
Driver ST STM32F107 no 2900 400
Driver ST STM32F107 yes 3400 1500
Driver ST STM32F4xxFS no 2900 400
Driver ST STM32F4xxFS yes 3400 1500
Driver ST STM32F4xxHS no 3100 2900
Driver ST STM32F4xxHS yes 3500 3900
Driver ST STM32F7xxFS DynMem no 3100 200 + endpoint buffer RAM
Driver ST STM32F7xxFS DynMem yes 3600 300 + endpoint buffer RAM
Driver ST STM32F7xxHS DMA no 3100 300 + endpoint buffer RAM
Driver ST STM32F7xxHS DMA yes 3800 400 + endpoint buffer RAM
Driver ST STM32L4xx no 3000 600
Driver ST STM32L4xx yes 3500 1700
Driver ST STR91x no 1300 0
Driver TI AM335x no 1300 500
Driver TI OMAP L138 no 1400 500
Driver TI OMAP L138 yes 1400 500
Driver Xilinx Ultrascale0 no 3700 200 + endpoint buffer RAM
Driver Xilinx Ultrascale0 yes 4700 300 + endpoint buffer RAM

Additionally 64 or 512 bytes of RAM (64 for full-speed and 512 for high-speed devices) are necessary for each OUT-endpoint as a data buffer. This buffer is assigned within the application.


The tests were run on a LPC4357 CPU running at 180 MHz using the USB Bulk component connected to a Linux host.

The following table shows the transfer speed of emUSB-Device:

Description Speed
USB high-Speed controller (device to host) 44.1 MB/s
USB high-Speed controller (host to device) 41.8 MB/s
USB full-Speed controller 1200 kB/s


This chapter answers some frequently asked questions.