emFile Downloads

emFile is a file system for embedded applications which can be used on any media, for which you can provide basic hardware access functions. emFile is a high performance C library that has been optimized for embedded device, minimum memory consumption in RAM and ROM, high speed and versatility. It is written in ANSI C and can be used on any CPU.

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VersionDateFile size
emFile BigFAT Specification
Digital signature:  Download emSecure Digital Signature
MD5 checksum: 12f132a5bc87d0d3c6c92c7b2907264b
[2022-08-12]95 KB  DOWNLOAD
emFile User Manual (UM02001)
Digital signature:  Download emSecure Digital Signature
MD5 checksum: ba04926afdf13dafcdecc5c6f378cadc
[2024-11-25]8,625 KB  DOWNLOAD
VersionDateFile size
emFile BigFAT Converter
Utility for converting BigFAT files on Windows, Linux and macOS
Digital signature:  Download emSecure Digital Signature
MD5 checksum: 7d07d56c55e41cf282a3b89a564ddc2c
[2024-11-25]202 KB  DOWNLOAD
emFile Trial Software for Windows and Linux
Digital signature:  Download emSecure Digital Signature
MD5 checksum: f9ec8c681e8287b481581ba85df32f24
[2024-11-25]8,363 KB  DOWNLOAD
emFile NAND Flash Evaluator software for Embedded Studio
Digital signature:  Download emSecure Digital Signature
MD5 checksum: 0ff9a1354bad56e680480f79a6278068
[2023-05-25]182,886 KB  DOWNLOAD