SEGGER Evaluation Software for Toshiba TT M3HQ V01
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Data Sheets
Toshiba TT_M3HQ
- Toshiba TMPM3HQ microcontroller
- Flexible power supply: USB, VBUS or external source 5V
- 2.54mm pitch 3-pin jumper connector for power supply 3.3V or 5V select
- 4 extension – Arduino™ Uno connectivity, Extension headers, Motor connection header, SeeedGrove connection header, Compatible with a wide range of commercially available shields
- Power LED, 2 LEDs for DAP and 4 LEDs for user
- 2 Push-Switches: Reset and User
- 2 DIP-Switches for User
- DAP-LINK debugger and programmer with SWD connector
- USB Interfaces supported
- Built-in USB drag 'n' drop FLASH programmer
- Arm® Mbed™-Enabled
- Arm®32-bit Cortex®-M3 CPU, 80 MHz max CPU frequency
- 64KB RAM
- 512KB Flash
- SPI (5)
- I2C (4)
- UART (6)
- PWM (8)
- 12bit ADC (21)
- 8bit DAC (2)
- GPIO (129)